The objects of this Act are—
(a) to provide for a driver licensing system in the ACT that is part of a uniform national approach to driver licensing (including uniform driver licence classes and licence eligibility criteria); and
(b) to define the responsibilities of people in relation to driver licensing; and
(c) to provide a way of authorising the driving of motor vehicles on roads and road related areas and of identifying people as licensed drivers of motor vehicles; and
(d) to facilitate the regulation of drivers of motor vehicles in the interests of road safety and transport efficiency and law enforcement generally; and
(e) to provide a way of enforcing safety standards relating to the driving of motor vehicles on roads and road related areas; and
(f) to facilitate—
(i) the recovery of expenses of administering the driver licensing system; and
(ii) the collection of fees determined for this Act under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
; and
(g) to provide for other matters relating to learner, probationary, provisional, public vehicle and restricted licences; and
(h) to improve road safety and transport efficiency, and reduce the costs of administering road transport.
Note This Act establishes a driver licensing system, including a demerit points system, and provides for the classes of driver licences and for the issue, suspension, cancellation and renewal of driver licences.