(1) A person may apply to the commissioner to vary an amount of financial assistance received by the person (an earlier assistance payment ) only if, the person's circumstances have changed, or are likely to change, since the earlier assistance payment.
(2) An application under subsection (1) must—
(a) be made within 7 years after the day the commissioner first gives financial assistance to the person; and
(b) state particulars about—
(i) the earlier assistance payment; and
(ii) the variation sought to the earlier assistance payment; and
(iii) the act of violence to which the earlier assistance payment relates; and
(iv) how the person's circumstances have changed or are likely to change; and
(c) include any other information prescribed by regulation.
Note If a form is approved under s 100 for an application, the form must be used.
(3) Only 1 application may be made under this section in a year unless the commissioner is reasonably satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist to allow more than 1 application to be made in the year.