(1) If—
(a) there are in force in any country or place 2 or more systems of internal law relating to the formal validity of wills; and
(b) the internal law of that country or place is to be applied for a will;
the system to be applied in that case shall be ascertained as follows:
(c) if there is in force throughout the country or place a rule indicating which of those systems should apply—that rule shall be followed;
(d) if there is no such rule—the system shall be that with which the testator was most closely connected at the relevant time.
(2) For subsection (1) (d), the relevant time is—
(a) if the matter is to be determined by reference to circumstances prevailing at the time of the testator's death—the time of that death; or
(b) in any other case—the time of the making of the will.