(1) An insurer rejects a claim for compensation under this Act by written notice given to the worker and, unless the insurer is a licensed self-insurer, the employer.
(2) The claim is taken to be rejected when the notice is received by the worker and, unless the insurer is a licensed self-insurer, the employer.
(3) If the worker and employer do not receive the notice on the same day, the notice is taken to have been given on the day the notice is received by the last of them.
(4) The notice must include the reason the insurer is rejecting the claim.
(5) If the insurer rejects the claim 28 days or later after the claim is given to the insurer, the notice must include a statement explaining why the insurer is rejecting the claim.
Note It is an offence to make a false or misleading statement, give false or misleading information or produce a false or misleading document (see Criminal Code
, pt 3.4).
(6) For this section, a notice is taken not to contain the reason the insurer is rejecting the claim if it simply says the claim is being rejected for medical reasons without including the medical reasons.