(1) The DI fund manager may pay out of the fund—
(a) amounts required by this Act to be paid in settlement of a claim made under this Act; and
(b) the amount of any costs or fees payable under this Act to the liquidator of a licensed insurer; and
(c) costs and expenses incurred by a DI fund claims manager in the settlement of claims made under this Act; and
(d) repayments of, and interest on, any amount borrowed for, or contributed by the Territory to, the fund; and
(e) the amount of any fees, costs and expenses incurred in, or in relation to, the administration of the fund; and
(f) any other amount that may be paid out of the fund under a territory law.
(2) The DI fund manager must pay out of the fund any amount the Minister directs be transferred to the terrorism cover temporary reinsurance fund under part 8.3 (Acts of terrorism).