If the accused person is committed for sentence, the court may, on the appearance date—
(a) ask the accused person about the person's representation, including legal aid; and
(b) if the accused person pleaded guilty in the Magistrates Court—confirm the accused person's plea of guilty; and
(c) direct the director of public prosecutions to file in the court a statement of the facts (the case statement ) on which the prosecution relies; and
(d) direct the director of public prosecutions to give a copy of the case statement to the accused person or, if the accused person is represented by a solicitor, the solicitor by the date set by the court; and
(e) ask the parties if the matter is urgent; and
(f) make orders in relation to pre-sentence reports; and
(g) ask if any variation of bail is sought; and
(h) give any other directions that the court considers appropriate.