(1) This division applies if—
(a) a person wants to appeal to the Supreme Court from an order of a court or tribunal; and
(b) the relevant law requires the Supreme Court's leave to appeal.
(2) The person must make an application for leave to appeal under this division.
Note Leave to appeal is required for orders of the following courts and tribunals:
• the ACAT (for applications to appeal mentioned in the href="http://www.legislation.act.gov.au/a/2008-35" title="A2008-35">ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2008
, s 86 (Appeals to Supreme Court))
• the Magistrates Court (for appeals mentioned in the href="http://www.legislation.act.gov.au/a/1930-21" title="A1930-21">Magistrates Court Act 1930
, s 274 (1) (Cases in which appeal may be brought)).