(1) Unless the court orders otherwise, the registrar may decide to return to the addressee any document or thing produced in the proceeding in response to the subpoena to the addressee if—
(a) the addressee has declared that they want the document or thing returned to them; and
(b) either—
(i) it is more than 28 days after the day the proceeding ended; or
(ii) it is less than 28 days after the day the proceeding ended and—
(A) the registrar has given the issuing party, in writing, at least 14 days notice of the registrar's intention to return the document or thing; and
(B) the 14-day period has ended.
Note Pt 6.2 (Applications in proceedings) applies to an application for an order otherwise ordering under this rule.
(2) If the registrar decides to return a document or thing under subrule (1), the registrar must give the addressee written notice stating that—
(a) the document or thing can be collected from the registry; and
(b) the addressee may tell the registrar in writing that the addressee no longer wants the document or thing returned to them; and
(c) if the document or thing is not collected from the registry within 28 days after the day the notice is given to the addressee, the registrar may dispose of the document or thing.
(3) The registrar may dispose of the document or thing in a way the registrar considers appropriate if—
(a) the addressee declared that they do not want the document or thing returned to them; or
(b) the registrar has given the addressee a notice under subrule (2) and the addressee does not collect the document or thing within the 28-day period.