(1) A party must not take any step to enforce a registered NZ judgment, in the period mentioned in the href="http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Series/C2010A00035" title="Trans-Tasman Proceedings Act 2010">Trans-Tasman Proceedings Act
, section 74 (2), unless the party has filed an affidavit stating that notice of the registration of the NZ judgment has been given, in accordance with the href="http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Series/C2010A00035" title="Trans-Tasman Proceedings Act 2010">Trans-Tasman Proceedings Act
, section 73 and any regulations made under that Act.
(2) If a party against whom the registered NZ judgment is enforceable is out of Australia, the documents mentioned in subrule (1) may be served without leave of the court.
Note Div 6.8.9 otherwise provides for service of documents out of Australia.
(3) The party must file an affidavit proving service of the documents mentioned in subrule (1) before any step is taken to enforce the registered NZ judgment.