(1) The Minister may give a written direction to the architects board about the exercise of the board's functions if satisfied that it is in the public interest to do so.
Examples of directions
1 direct the board to report on a particular issue within a particular time
2 direct the board to follow a policy, standard or other instrument applying to an administrative unit
3 direct the board to give the Minister a proposed professional conduct code, or an amendment of a professional conduct code, relating to particular behaviour (see s 88)
Note An example is part of the Act, is not exhaustive and may extend, but does not limit, the meaning of the provision in which it appears (see Legislation Act, s 126 and s 132).
(2) However, the Minister must not direct the board about any of the following:
(a) whether to register or refuse to register a person;
(b) whether to renew or refuse to renew a person's registration;
(c) whether or not to cancel someone's registration or take other disciplinary action in relation them.
Example of direction not prevented by s (2)
the Minister may have received complaints about a particular architect and may direct the architects board to give the Minister information about any action being taken in relation to the architect
(3) Before giving a direction, the Minister must—
(a) tell the architects board about the proposed direction; and
(b) give the board reasonable opportunity to comment on the proposed direction; and
(c) consider any comment made by the board.
(4) A direction is a notifiable instrument.
Note A notifiable instrument must be notified under the Legislation Act.