(1) The board chairperson presides at meetings of the architects board.
(2) However, if the chairperson is absent from a meeting, the deputy chairperson presides at the meeting.
(3) Business may be carried on at a board meeting only if—
(a) at least 3 board members are present, including at least 2 architects; and
(b) the board chairperson or deputy chairperson is present.
(4) A question arising at a meeting may be decided by a majority of the votes of members present and voting.
(5) If the votes of the architects board on a question are equally divided, the decision of the member presiding is the decision of the board on the question.
(6) The board may decide its own procedure in relation to anything for which a procedure is not provided under this Act.
(7) The board must keep minutes of its meetings.