5. Section 12 of the Principal Act is repealed and the following section substituted:
“12. (1) The Court may grant administration of an intestate estate to any of the following persons, subject to this section:
(a) the spouse of the intestate;
(b) 1 or more of the next of kin of the intestate;
(c) if the intestate is survived by 2 spouses—either spouse, or both spouses conjointly;
(d) a spouse or spouses of the intestate conjointly with 1 or more of the next of kin of the intestate;
(e) such other person (whether or not a creditor of the intestate) as the Court thinks fit.
“(2) The Court shall only grant administration of an intestate estate to a person who has attained the age of 18 years.
“(3) The Court shall not grant administration of an intestate estate to a person referred to in paragraph (1) (e) if there is any other person to whom administration may be granted under this section—
(a) who is fit to be trusted, in the opinion of the Court; and
(b) who appears and prays for administration after being duly cited.
“(4) In this section—