SCHEDULE Section 11
Omit “(1)” (first occurring).
Omit “his”.
Insert “or she” after “he”.
(a) Omit “his”.
(b) Insert “or her” after “him”.
(a) Insert “or her” after “his” (first and second occurring).
(b) Omit “his” (last occurring), substitute “the person's”.
Insert “or her” after “his”.
(a) Omit “he resigns his”, substitute “the person resigns his or her”.
(b) Insert “or her” after “him”.
Omit “he”, substitute “the person”.
(a) Insert “or her” after “his” (wherever occurring).
(b) Omit “him”, substitute “the person”.
Insert “or she” after “he”.
(a) Insert “or she” after “he” (wherever occurring).
(b) Insert “or her” after “him”.
Insert “or she” after “he” (first occurring).
Insert “or she” after “he”.
Insert “or her” after “his”.
Insert “or she” after “he”.
(a) Insert “or she” after “he”.
(b) Insert “or her” after “his”.
(a) Insert “or she” after “he” (wherever occurring).
(b) Insert “or her” after “his”.
(c) Omit “him”, substitute “the Authority or inspector”.
(a) Insert “or she” after “he” (first and second occurring).
(b) Insert “or her” after “his”.
Omit “he”, substitute “the Authority or inspector”.
(a) Insert “or she” after “he” (wherever occurring).
(b) Insert “or her” after “him”.
(a) Insert “or she” after “he”.
(b) Omit “his”.
Insert “or she” after “he” (first occurring).
Omit the paragraphs, substitute the following paragraphs:
“(a) of the fact that the person has been informed that he or she may refuse to give consent;
(b) of the fact that the person has voluntarily given consent; and
(c) of the date on which, and the time at which, the person gave consent.”.
Insert “or her” after “his”.
Insert “or she” after “he”.
Insert “or her” after “him”.
Insert “or her” after “his”.
Omit “him at his”, substitute “the person at his or her”.