5 Annual report of director-general
(1) The director-general of an administrative unit must, for a reporting year, prepare a report about the operation of the administrative unit in the reporting year (a director-general annual report ).
(2) The report must include a statement describing the measures taken by the administrative unit during the reporting year to respect, protect and promote human rights.
6 Annual report of public authority
(1) A public authority must, for a reporting year, prepare a report about the operation of the authority in the reporting year (a public authority annual report ).
(2) The report of the following public authorities must include an account of the management of the entity's office during the reporting year:
(a) the Office of the Legislative Assembly;
(b) an officer of the Assembly.
Note The auditor-general is a public authority (see dict, def public authority ). However, the auditor-general is not required to comply with this Act in certain circumstances (see Auditor-General Act 1996
, s 7A).
7 Annual report of commissioner for public administration
(1) The commissioner for public administration must, for a reporting year, prepare a report about the operation of the public service in the reporting year (a state of the service report ).
(2) The report must include an account of the management of the public service as a whole in the reporting year.
8 Annual report direction
(1) The Minister must make a direction about annual reports (an "annual report direction").
Note Power to make a statutory instrument includes power to make different provision in relation to different matters or different classes of matters (see Legislation Act
, s 48).
(2) An annual report, other than an annual report of the following entities, must comply with the annual report direction:
(a) the Office of the Legislative Assembly;
(b) an officer of the Assembly.
(3) The annual report direction may require the following:
(a) an annual report to include stated information;
(b) an annual report to be in a stated form or published in a stated place;
(c) all or part of an annual report to be included in another annual report (as an attachment or otherwise);
(d) an annual report or part of an annual report to be prepared for a stated period;
(e) a director-general annual report to include stated matters if a public authority does not comply with section 6 (Annual report of public authority) or the annual report direction;
(f) an annual report to be given by a stated person or stated public authority to the responsible Minister by a stated day;
(g) for a public authority annual report—the report to include a statement describing the measures taken by the public authority during the reporting year to respect, protect and promote human rights.
(4) An annual report direction is a notifiable instrument.
Note A notifiable instrument must be notified under the Legislation Act
(5) The Minister must present a copy of an annual report direction to the Legislative Assembly within 6 sitting days after the day it is notified under the Legislation Act
9 Consultation about annual report direction
(1) Before making an annual report direction under section 8, the Minister must—
(a) give the standing committee of the Legislative Assembly responsible for the scrutiny of public accounts (the committee ) a copy of the proposed annual report direction; and
(b) ask the committee, in writing, for any recommendation about the proposed annual report direction; and
(c) consider any recommendation made, in writing, by the committee.
(2) The Minister must not make the annual report direction until the earlier of—
(a) the committee giving the Minister any recommendation; or
(b) 30 days after asking the committee for a recommendation.