in division 3.4, insert
35A Certificates of occupancy—fitness for occupation and use—Act, s 69 (4)
For the Act
, section 69 (4) the following are prescribed:
(a) for plumbing, sewerage and drainage work carried out in, or in relation to, building work—
(i) for work that must be inspected under the Water and Sewerage Act 2000
—that the work has been inspected and passed in accordance with that Act; or
(ii) for all other work—a certificate under the Water and Sewerage Act 2000
that the plumbing, sewerage and drainage work complies with that Act; and
(b) for electrical wiring work carried out in, or in relation to, building work—
(i) for work that must be inspected under the Electricity Safety Act 1971
—that the work has been inspected and passed in accordance with that Act; or
(ii) for all other work—a certificate under the Electricity Safety Act 1971
that the electrical wiring work complies with that Act; and
(c) for gas fitting work carried out in, or in relation to, building work—
(i) for work that must be inspected under the Gas Safety Act 2000
—that the work has been inspected and passed in accordance with that Act; or
(ii) for all other work—a certificate under the Gas Safety Act 2000
that the gas fitting work complies with that Act.
Note A reference to an Act includes a reference to the statutory instruments made or in force under the Act, including any regulation (see Legislation Act
, s 104).