66. (1) The Minister may enter into an arrangement with the Minister responsible for the administration of a corresponding law providing for—
(a) the exercise by the Registrar-General of powers and functions of the registering authority under the corresponding law;
(b) the exercise by the registering authority under the corresponding law of powers and functions of the Registrar-General under this Act; or
(c) a matter referred to in subsection (3).
(2) Where an arrangement is in force under this section—
(a) the Registrar-General may exercise, to the extent authorised by the arrangement, but subject to any conditions of the arrangement, the powers and functions of the registering authority under the corresponding law; and
(b) the registering authority under the corresponding law may exercise, to the extent authorised by the arrangement, but subject to any conditions of the arrangement, the powers and functions of the Registrar-General under this Act.
(3) An arrangement under this section may—
(a) provide for the establishment of a data base in which information is recorded for the benefit of all the participants in the arrangement;
(b) provide for access to information contained in the data base; or
(c) provide for payments by or to participants in the arrangement for services provided under the arrangement.