70. (1) The Coroner holding an inquest into a death in custody shall, if requested to do so by a member of the immediate family of the deceased or a representative of that member, authorise—
(a) the viewing of the body of the deceased by the member or a representative of that member;
(b) an inspection of the scene of the death by the member or a representative of that member;
(c) the member or a representative of that member to be present at any post-mortem examination conducted on the body; or
(d) the same or another medical practitioner to conduct a further post-mortem examination on the body;
unless the Coroner believes, on reasonable grounds, that it would not be in the interests of justice to do so.
(2) If a Coroner does not give an authorisation under subsection (1) the Coroner shall give written notice of his or her decision and the reasons on which the decision was based—
(a) to the person by whom the request was made; and
(b) if the deceased was an Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander—to an appropriate local aboriginal legal service.