(1) The chief executive may exclude from a corrections policy or operating procedure notified or available for inspection in accordance with section 14 any matter that the chief executive believes, on reasonable grounds, would be likely to disclose—
(a) information that may endanger public safety or undermine justice, security or good order at a correctional centre; or
(b) anything prescribed by regulation.
(2) If subsection (1) applies to a corrections policy or operating procedure—
(a) the policy or procedure must contain a statement about the effect of this section; and
(b) the excluded matter must be available for inspection, on request, by any of the following:
(i) a judge or magistrate;
(ii) a member of the Legislative Assembly;
(iii) an official visitor;
(iv) the human rights commissioner;
(v) the public advocate;
(vi) the ombudsman;
(vii) anyone else prescribed by regulation.
Note Territory laws apply to a delegate of a person in the exercise of a delegation as if the delegate were the person who appointed the delegate (see Legislation Act, s 239 (2)).