(1) The designated tribunal for the Co-operatives National Law (ACT) is—
(a) for part 7.3 (Appeals and review) of the Law—the ACAT; or
(b) for any other provision of the Law—the Magistrates Court.
(2) In a proceeding under this Act in which the Magistrates Court is the designated tribunal, the Magistrates Court may, on its own initiative or on application by a party to the proceeding—
(a) transfer the proceeding to the Supreme Court on the ground that the proceeding raises a complex question or matter of general importance; or
(b) reserve a question of law for determination by the Supreme Court.
(3) If a proceeding has been transferred to the Supreme Court under subsection (2) (a), the proceeding may be continued and completed as if steps taken in the proceeding prior to the transfer had been taken in the Supreme Court.