(1) The Legislation Act
does not apply to the Co-operatives National Law (ACT).
(2) However, the Legislation Act
, chapter 7 (Presentation, amendment and disallowance of subordinate laws and disallowable instruments) applies to the Co-operatives National Regulation (ACT) as if—
(a) a reference to a subordinate law were a reference to the Co-operatives National Regulations ; and
(b) a reference to ‘notification day' in the Legislation Act
, section 64 (Presentation of subordinate laws and disallowable instruments) were a reference to ‘published' as mentioned in the Co-operatives National Law (ACT) , section 614 (1) ( Publication and commencement of National Regulations); and
(c) any other necessary changes were made.
(3) This section does not limit the application of the Legislation Act
the local application provisions of this Act.