32. (1) The Electoral Commission shall cause Redistribution Committees to be formed for the purposes of this Part.
(2) The Electoral Commission shall cause notice of the formation of a Redistribution Committee to be published in the Gazette .
(3) A Redistribution Committee shall consist of—
(a) the Electoral Commissioner;
(b) the Chief Planner for the Australian Capital Territory;
(c) the Chief Surveyor; and
(d) a person appointed by the Electoral Commission whose qualifications or experience would, in the opinion of the Electoral Commission, enable the person to assist the Committee, particularly in relation to the factors set out in section 30.
(4) The member referred to in paragraph (3) (d) holds office on such terms and conditions as are determined by the Electoral Commission in consultation with the Chief Minister and specified in the instrument of appointment.
(5) The appointment of the member referred to in paragraph (3) (d) is not invalid because of any defect or irregularity in connection with the appointment.
(6) The performance or exercise of the Committee's functions or powers is not affected because of any vacancy in the membership of the Committee.