"responsible person" means—
(a) in relation to an excess ART embryo—
(i) each person who provided the egg or sperm from which the embryo was created; and
(ii) the woman for whom the embryo was created, for the purpose of achieving her pregnancy; and
(iii) anyone who was the domestic partner of a person mentioned in subparagraph (i) when the egg or sperm mentioned in that subparagraph was provided; and
(iv) anyone who was the domestic partner of the woman mentioned in subparagraph (ii) when the embryo was created; or
Note For the meaning of domestic partner , see the Legislation Act, s 169.
(b) in relation to an embryo other than an excess ART embryo—each person whose reproductive material, genetic material or cell was used, or is proposed to be used, in the creation or use of the embryo; or
(c) in relation to a human egg—the woman who was the biological donor of the egg.