(1) The following Acts are repealed:
(a) Chiropractors and Osteopaths Act 1983 A1983-28
(b) Dental Technicians and Dental Prosthetists Registration Act 1988 A1988-85
(c) Dentists Act 1931 A1931-8
(d) Health Professions Boards (Elections) Act 1980 A1980-45
(e) Health Professions Boards (Procedures) Act 1981 A1981-46
(f) Medical Practitioners Act 1930 A1930-13
(g) Nurses Act 1988 A1988-61
(h) Optometrists Act 1956 A1956-4
(i) Pharmacy Act 1931 A1931-10
(j) Physiotherapists Act 1977 A1977-60
(k) Podiatrists Act 1994 A1994-82
(l) Psychologists Act 1994 A1994-87.
(2) Despite section 2 (Commencement), subsection (1) does not repeal an Act mentioned in subsection (1) (a), (b), (c), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k) or (l) unless a schedule of the regulations deals with the health profession that is regulated by the Act.