24. (1) The Director may grant leave of absence from a detention period to any detainee for health reasons or on compassionate grounds or for such other reason as the Director considers sufficient.
(2) Leave of absence may be granted in the prescribed manner either before or after the detention period to which it relates.
(3) The Magistrates Court may, on the application of a detainee whose request for leave of absence for 1 or more detention periods has been refused, direct that leave of absence be granted in respect of all or any of those detention periods.
(4) An application under subsection (3) shall be made within 21 days after the date on which the request to which it relates was refused.
(5) Subject to any order of the court to the contrary, the making of an application does not stay the operation of section 25 with respect to any detention period to which the application relates.
(6) Leave of absence shall be taken to have been granted for each detention period in respect of which a direction under this section is made.
( 7) A detainee who is granted leave of absence from a period of detention shall not be taken to be serving that period of detention for the purposes of his or her sentence.