"bicycle" means a vehicle with 2 or more wheels that is built to be propelled by human power through a belt, chain or gears (whether or not it has an auxiliary motor) and—
(a) includes a pedicab, penny-farthing and tricycle; and
(b) includes a power-assisted pedal cycle within the meaning of vehicle standards determined under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989
(Cwlth), section 7; but
(c) does not include a wheelchair, wheeled recreational device, wheeled toy, or any vehicle (other than a vehicle mentioned in paragraph (b)) with an auxiliary motor capable of generating a power output over 200 watts (whether or not the motor is operating).
Note 1 Power-assisted pedal cycle is defined in the Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule–Definitions and Vehicle Categories) 2005
which are vehicle standards determined under the Motor Vehicles Standards Act 1989
(Cwlth), s 7. The definition includes a vehicle referred to as a pedalec.
Note 2 Wheelchair , wheeled recreational device "and "wheeled toy— see the Australian Road Rules
, dictionary.