(1) This section applies if—
(a) an individual has made an administration decision; and
(b) if the individual has a self-administration decision in effect—a contact person appointment is in effect for the individual; and
(c) if the individual has a practitioner administration decision in effect—the individual has an administering practitioner; and
(d) the individual's coordinating practitioner has given the individual any information prescribed by regulation.
(2) The coordinating practitioner may prescribe 1 or more approved substances that, either alone or in combination, are of a sufficient dose to cause the death of the individual.
(3) A prescription must include any information prescribed by regulation.
(4) Within 4 business days after the day they prescribe an approved substance under subsection (2), the individual's coordinating practitioner must give the board written notice of the prescription.
Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.
(5) An offence against this section is a strict liability offence.