(1) The Executive may make regulations for this Act.
Note A regulation must be notified, and presented to the Legislative Assembly, under the Legislation Act
(2) A regulation may impose conditions, including restrictions, on the practice of veterinary surgery to protect the public or the public interest.
(3) A regulation may prescribe offences for contraventions of a regulation and prescribe maximum penalties of not more than 30 penalty units for offences against a regulation.
(4) A regulation may prescribe—
(a) what an application for registration may require and how it must be made; and
(b) when someone who is not required to be registered under section 14 (1) may be registered conditionally; and
(c) when (in addition to the circumstances already prescribed under this Act) the board may apply for—
(i) the suspension or cancellation of registration; or
(ii) a declaration under section 62 (2) (f) (which is about a person who is not registered); and
(d) when a veterinary surgeon's registration may be renewed, including when it may be renewed retrospectively.
(5) Also, a regulation may apply, adopt or
incorporate (with or without change) an instrument as in force at a particular
time or from time to time.