SCHEDULE 6 Subsection 24 (6)
Omit “FOURTH SCHEDULE”, substitute “ SCHEDULE 4 ”.
Clause 1—
(a) Omit “his”, substitute “the employer's”.
(b) Omit “exist”, substitute “exists”.
Clause 9—
(a) After “his” (first occurring), insert “or her”.
(b) Omit “under this Act” (first occurring).
Paragraph 9 (a)—
Omit “seven”, substitute “7”.
Paragraph 9 (b)—
(a) Omit “between his employer and himself”, substitute “made with his or her employer”.
(b) Omit “under this Act”.
(c) After “he”, insert “or she”.
Paragraph 9 (d)—
(a) Omit “he”, (wherever occurring), substitute “the Clerk”.
(b) Omit “his”, substitute “the worker's”.
(c) After “him”, insert “or her”.
Clause 10—
(a) Omit “he”, substitute “the person”.
(b) Omit “his”, substitute “the person's”.
Clause 12—
Omit “paragraph 11 of the First Schedule to this Ordinance”, substitute “clause 11 of Schedule 1”.
Clause 13—
(a) Omit “under this Act”.
(b) Omit “him”, substitute “the person”.
(c) Omit “his”, substitute “the person's”.
Clause 15—
(a) After “he”, insert “or she”.
(b) Omit “his”, substitute “the employer's”.
(c) Omit “provisos (d) and (e) of paragraph 9 of this Schedule”, substitute “paragraphs 9 (d) and (e)”.