(1) If the waste manager proposes to issue a licence subject to a condition requiring a financial assurance, the waste manager must give written notice of the waste manager's intention to impose the condition to the person who applies for the licence (the applicant ).
(2) A notice under subsection (1) must—
(a) state the grounds on which the condition is proposed; and
(b) state the amount and form of the financial assurance proposed; and
(c) invite the applicant to show cause why the condition should not be imposed; and
(d) state the date, not earlier than 20 working days after the date of the notice, by which any representations under paragraph (c) must be made.
(3) Within 20 working days after the end of the period allowed under subsection (2) (d) for representations, the waste manager must—
(a) tell the applicant whether or not the condition will be imposed; and
(b) if it will be imposed—state in the notice the date, not earlier than 10 working days after the date of the notice, by which the financial assurance must be provided.