(1) The commissioner may give protected information to any of the following if satisfied on reasonable grounds that the information is relevant to preventing harm or risk of harm to a vulnerable person or class of vulnerable people:
(a) the director-general responsible for the Education Act 2004
(b) the director-general responsible for the Education and Care Services National Law (ACT)
(c) the director-general responsible for the Health Act 1993
(d) the director-general responsible for the Children and Young People Act 2008
, other than chapter 20 of that Act;
(e) the ombudsman;
(f) the chief executive officer of the ACT Teacher Quality Institute;
(g) the chief police officer or a chief police officer (however described) of another jurisdiction;
(h) the senior practitioner;
(i) the registrar-general;
(j) the regulator under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011
(k) the road transport authority;
(l) the work safety commissioner;
(m) the NDIS quality and safeguards commissioner;
(n) an entity administering a corresponding law;
(o) any other entity prescribed by regulation.