Australian Capital Territory Numbered Regulations

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- made under the Dangerous Substances Act 2004




   1.      Name of regulations  
   2.       Commencement  
   3.      Dictionary  
   4.      Notes  
   5.      Incorporated documents  
   6.      Offences against regulations—application of Criminal Code etc  


           Division 1.2.1--Explosives and dangerous substances

   7.      Meaning of explosive—Act, s 73  
   8.      Meaning of dangerous substance—Act, s 10 (1) (h)  
   9.      Unstable explosives  

           Division 1.2.2--Classification of explosives

   10.     Hazard divisions  
   11.     Compatibility group  
   12.     Classification code  
   13.     Method of classification of explosives  
   14.     Default classification of explosives  
   15.     Detonators, classification 1.4  
   16.     Collective hazard divisions—explosives stored or carried  
   17.     Hazard division 1.6  
   18.     Classification of articles  

           Division 1.2.3--Other concepts

   19.     Licensing—meaning of application and issue  
   20.     Meaning of ensure  
   21.     References to quantities of explosives  
   22.     Reports to fire commissioner and chief fire control officer  



   23.     Misuse of explosives  
   24.     Explosives incidents—reporting damage or injury  
   25.     Loss or theft of explosives—reporting  


           Division 2.2.1--Preliminary

   26.     Authorised explosives—Act, s 73  
   27.     Prohibited explosives—Act, s 73  
   28.     Meaning of Queen's birthday supply  

           Division 2.2.2--Ministerial declarations—Act, s 314 (3) (a)

   29.     Authorisation—Ministerial declarations  

           Division 2.2.3--Chief executive declarations—Act, s 314 (3) (a)

   30.     Authorisation requests  
   31.     Authorisation—chief executive declarations  
   32.     Authorisation decision-making  
   33.     AAT review of decision to refuse authorisation  
   34.     Register of authorised explosives  
   35.     End of authorisation  
   36.     Disposal of explosives after authorisation revoked  

           Division 2.2.4--Registration of consumer fireworks for Queen's birthday supply—Act, s 314 (3) (a)

   37.     Queen's birthday supply registration requests  
   38.     Queen's birthday supply registration  
   39.     Queen's birthday supply registration—decision-making  
   40.     End of registration for Queen's birthday supply  


   41.     Application of pt 2.3  
   42.     Interpretation for pt 2.3  
   43.     Correct packing, labelling and placarding—Act, s 14  
   44.     Correct packing for supply—Act, s 14  
   45.     Exceptions—labelling and placarding  


           Division 2.4.1--Definitions about manufacturing explosives

   46.     Manufacturing definitions  
   47.     Meaning of explosive for pt 2.4  

           Division 2.4.2--Manufacturing licences

   48.     Authority to manufacture explosives  
   49.     Person in control of manufacture—Act, s 17 (1) (e)  
   50.     Reasonable steps for manufacture—Act, s 16 (2) (e)  
   51.     Manufacturing licence applications for Act, s 50 (2)—general  
   52.     Manufacturing licence applications for Act, s 50 (2)—factory  
   53.     Manufacturing licence applications for Act, s 50 (2)—central mixing points and mobile  
   54.     Manufacturing licence applications for Act, s 50 (2)—safety  
   55.     Manufacturing licence conditions—Act, s 53 (2) (b)  
   56.     Manufacture records  

           Division 2.4.3--Safety management system

   57.     Safety management system requirements  
   58.     Information about safety management systems  

           Division 2.4.4--Factory manufacture

   59.     Application of div 2.4.4—factory manufacture  
   60.     Factory manufacture—notice to fire authorities  
   61.     Separation distances for factories  
   62.     Factory modifications  

           Division 2.4.5--Central mixing points

   63.     Application of div 2.4.5  
   64.     Meaning of explosive mixture controller for div 2.4.5  
   65.     General restrictions  
   66.     Premises and equipment requirements  
   67.     Components to be kept in marked containers  
   68.     Warning notice  
   69.     Other people to keep clear  
   70.     Other explosives to be kept away  
   71.     Fire sources to be kept away  
   72.     Fire precautions at central mixing point  
   73.     Disposal of spills and packaging  
   74.     Cleaning of equipment—general  
   75.     Cleaning of equipment before repairs  
   76.     Storage of unused explosive mixtures  
   77.     Separation distances for central mixing points  

           Division 2.4.6--ANFO manufacture

   78.     Application of div 2.4.6  
   79.     Compliance with AS 2187.2  
   80.     Separation distances for ammonium nitrate stores  

           Division 2.4.7--Mobile manufacturing units

   81.     Application of div 2.4.7  
   82.     Requirements for mobile manufacturing units  
   83.     Operator to stop system  

           Division 2.4.8--Filling or capping safety cartridges other than at a factory—commercial purposes

   84.     Application of div 2.4.8  
   85.     Commercial filling or capping  

           Division 2.4.9--Filling or capping safety cartridges—non-commercial purposes

   86.     Application of div 2.4.9  
   87.     Only authorised explosives to be used  
   88.     Application of commercial filling or capping requirements  


           Division 2.5.1--Interpretation

   89.     Meaning of import licence  

           Division 2.5.2--Import licences

   90.     Authority to import explosives  
   91.     Explosives for which no import licence required  
   92.     Person in control of import—Act, s 17 (1) (e)  
   93.     Reasonable steps for import—Act, s 16 (2) (e)  
   94.     Import licence applications—Act, s 50 (2)  
   95.     Import licence conditions—Act, s 53 (2) (b)  

           Division 2.5.3--Import conditions

   96.     Notice of import  
   97.     Import records  


           Division 2.6.1--Preliminary

   98.     Application of pt 2.6  
   99.     Carrying explosives—definitions  

           Division 2.6.2--Carrying licences

   100.    Authority to carry explosives by road  
   101.    Authority for carrying explosives by rail  
   102.    Engaging someone else to carry explosives  
   103.    Person in control of carrying explosive—Act, s 17 (1)  
   104.    Reasonable steps for carrying explosives—Act,  
   105.    Carrying licence applications—Act, s 50 (2)  
   106.    Carrying licence conditions—Act, s 53 (2) (b)  

           Division 2.6.3--Explosives driving licences

   107.    Authority for driving vehicle carrying explosives  
   108.    Engaging someone else to drive a vehicle carrying explosives  
   109.    Person in control of driving vehicle carrying explosives—Act,  
   110.    Reasonable steps for driving vehicle carrying an explosive—Act,  
   111.    Explosives driving licence applications—Act, s 50 (2)  
   112.    Suitable people to hold explosives driving licences—Act, s 49 (1)  
   113.    Explosives driving licence conditions—Act, s 53 (2) (b)  
   114.    Production of driving authority on request  

           Division 2.6.4--Australian Explosives Code—carrying and consignment

   115.    Australian Explosives Code—carrying explosives  
   116.    Australian Explosives Code—consigning explosives  

           Division 2.6.5--Road carrying conditions

   117.    Route and time restrictions  

           Division 2.6.6--Rail carrying conditions

   118.    Explosives held in rail yards or sidings  
   119.    Separation distances for explosives in rail yards or sidings  
   120.    Sources of ignition  


           Division 2.7.1--Preliminary

   121.    Application of pt 2.7  
   122.    Storage definitions  
   123.    Meaning of blasting and fireworks storage  
   124.    Meaning of exempt storage  

           Division 2.7.2--Storage licences

   125.    Authority to store explosives  
   126.    Person in control of storing explosives—Act, s 17 (1)  
   127.    Reasonable steps for storage—Act, s 16 (2) (e)  
   128.    Storage licence applications—Act, s 50 (2)  
   129.    Storage licence conditions—Act, s 53 (2) (b)  
   130.    Storage records  

           Division 2.7.3--Licensable storage—magazines

   131.    Application of div 2.7.3  
   132.    Meaning of magazine area  
   133.    Requirement for storage in magazine  
   134.    Licensable storage—notice to fire authorities  
   135.    Separation distances for magazines  
   136.    Construction of magazines  
   137.    Mounding for above-ground magazines  
   138.    Lightning protection  
   139.    Security fencing for above-ground magazines  
   140.    Magazine markings  
   141.    Storage of explosives and essential articles only  
   142.    Storage of more than single compatibility group  
   143.    General operational requirements  
   144.    Packaging of explosives  
   145.    Defective explosives or packages  
   146.    Requirement for materials handling equipment  
   147.    Emergency management  
   148.    Additional fire precautions for magazine areas  
   149.    Security  
   150.    Notices to be posted in magazines  
   151.    Number of persons present at a magazine  
   152.    Night work at magazines  
   153.    Storage in portable magazines—general requirements  
   154.    Maintenance on rooms or buildings where explosives are stored  

           Division 2.7.4--Special portable magazine storage

   155.    Application of div 2.7.4  
   156.    Meaning of licensed premises for div 2.7.4  
   157.    Meaning of special portable magazine storage  
   158.    Special portable magazine storage—separation distance  
   159.    Special portable magazine storage—signs for premises  
   160.    Special portable magazine storage—fire precautions  

           Division 2.7.5--Exempt storage

   161.    Application of div 2.7.5  
   162.    Exempt storage—fire precautions  
   163.    Exempt storage requirements—general  
   164.    Storage of safety fuse  


           Division 2.8.1--Interpretation

   165.    Meaning of supply licence  

           Division 2.8.2--Supply licences

   166.    Authority to supply explosives  
   167.    Person in control of supply—Act, s 17 (1) (e)  
   168.    Reasonable steps for supply—Act, s 16 (2) (e)  
   169.    Supply licence applications—Act, s 50 (2)  
   170.    Supply licence conditions—Act, s 53 (2) (b)  

           Division 2.8.3--Explosives—supply requirements

   171.    Application of div 2.8.3—fireworks  
   172.    Place of supply  
   173.    Display prohibited  
   174.    Supply only to authorised people  
   175.    Supply of defective explosives or packages  
   176.    Supply records  

           Division 2.8.4--Advertising—supply of explosives

   177.    False or misleading statements about authority to supply  


           Division 2.9.1--Preliminary

   178.    Application of pt 2.9  
   179.    Using explosives—definitions  

           Division 2.9.2--Using explosives—general

   180.    Authority to use explosives  
   181.    Licence or permit to be produced  
   182.    Use of explosives—occupier's responsibilities  
   183.    Person in control of using explosives—Act, s 17 (1) (e)  
   184.    Reasonable steps for handling explosives for blasting operations—Act, s 16 (2)  

           Division 2.9.3--Shotfirer licences

   185.    Shotfirer licence applications—Act, s 50 (2)  
   186.    Suitable people to hold shotfirer licences—Act,  
   187.    Prescribed shotfirer licence conditions—Act, s 53 (2) (b)  

           Division 2.9.4--Blasting permits

   188.    Blasting permit applications—Act, s 50 (2)  
   189.    Blast plans  
   190.    Suitable people to hold blasting permits—Act, s 49 (1) (h)  
   191.    Prescribed blasting permit conditions—Act, s 53 (2) (b)  
   192.    Evaluation of blasting operations  

           Division 2.9.5--Purchase of additional explosives for blasting operations

   193.    Application for special purchase authority  
   194.    Issue of special purchase authority  

           Division 2.9.6--On-site storage by shotfirers

   195.    Method of storing explosives at a blasting site  
   196.    Temporary on-site storage  
   197.    Ignition sources at blasting sites  
   198.    Defective explosives  

           Division 2.9.7--Equipment for blasting operations

   199.    Requirement to provide equipment  
   200.    Condition of blasting equipment  
   201.    Equipment used to initiate explosives  
   202.    Labelling, identification and testing of exploders  
   203.    Firing switches, short-circuit switches and switchboxes  

           Division 2.9.8--Before and after blasting

   204.    Shotfirer to take due precautions  
   205.    Blasting warnings—general  
   206.    Audible warning system—general blasting  
   207.    Audible warning system—mines and quarries  
   208.    Control of blasting operations  
   209.    Total fire ban days  
   210.    Firing explosives at night  
   211.    Capping fuses and preparing primers  
   212.    Lowering primers into blast holes  
   213.    Approach of a storm  
   214.    Site preparation  
   215.    Blasting equipment precautions  
   216.    Blasting preparation  
   217.    Obstruction in blast hole  
   218.    Charging blast holes using pumpable or free-flowing explosives  
   219.    Precautions after blast  
   220.    Inspection of site at end of shift  

           Division 2.9.9--Electrical firing

   221.    Use of exploders  
   222.    Use of mains firing  
   223.    Electrical firing—testing of components  
   224.    Electrical firing—safe location of firing position  
   225.    Electrical firing—precautions during charging  
   226.    Electric firing near source of electric power  
   227.    Electric detonators near radiation source  
   228.    Electronic detonator firing  

           Division 2.9.10--Other blasting procedures

   229.    Safety fuse firing  
   230.    Use of detonating cord  
   231.    Signal tube firing  
   232.    Use of ANFO  
   233.    Dealing with butts  
   234.    Bulling charges  
   235.    Charging and firing charges  

           Division 2.9.11--Misfire precautions

   236.    Meaning of misfire  
   237.    Immediate action after a misfire  
   238.    Misfire not to be left unattended  
   239.    Location of misfire  
   240.    Electrical tests for misfire  
   241.    No removal of cartridged explosive  
   242.    Blasting strategy to deal with misfire  
   243.    Misfire when electric detonator used  
   244.    Misfire when signal tube detonator used  
   245.    Work not to restart until safe  
   246.    Misfires that cannot be treated according to requirements  

           Division 2.9.12--Special blasting operations

   247.    Blasting underwater  
   248.    Hot-material and high-temperature blasting  
   249.    Demolition of buildings and other structures  


   250.    Meaning of dispose  
   251.    Application of pt 2.10  
   252.    Authority to dispose of explosives  
   253.    Conditions for disposal of explosives—Act, s 53 (2) (b)  
   254.    Discarding explosives  
   255.    Safe disposal of explosives—AS 2187.2  
   256.    Safe disposal of explosives—general rules  
   257.     Safe disposal of explosives—inspector's instructions  
   258.    Disposal records  



   259.    General use fireworks  
   260.    Consumer fireworks  
   261.    Prohibited fireworks  


   262.    General use fireworks—ch 3 does not apply  
   263.    Use in accordance with instructions  


           Division 3.3.1--Preliminary

   264.    Consumer fireworks definitions  
   265.    Meaning of supply for pt 3.3  
   266.    Application of pt 3.3  

           Division 3.3.2--Consumer fireworks supply and storage—general

   267.    Authority to supply and store consumer fireworks  
   268.    Reasonable steps for supplying and storing consumer fireworks—Act,  
   269.    Person in control of supplying and storing consumer fireworks—Act,  

           Division 3.3.3--Consumer fireworks licences

   270.    Consumer fireworks licence applications—Act, s 50 (2)  
   271.    Consumer fireworks licence conditions—s 53 (2) (b)  
   272.    Term of consumer fireworks licence—Act, s 54 (2)  

           Division 3.3.4--Supply of consumer fireworks

   273.    Training for suppliers of consumer fireworks  
   274.    Supply during Queen's birthday supply period  
   275.    Advertising—Queen's birthday supply period etc  
   276.    Display of consumer fireworks for supply  
   277.    Supply to children and non-ACT residents of consumer fireworks  
   278.    Consumer fireworks authorised receipts  
   279.    Misrepresentation about fireworks  

           Division 3.3.5--Labelling—consumer fireworks

   280.    Requirement to obtain wholesaler's assurance for consumer fireworks  
   281.    Where consumer fireworks labels must be fixed  
   282.    Information on consumer fireworks labels  

           Division 3.3.6--Packaging and safety instructions—consumer fireworks

   283.    Sealed packaging for consumer fireworks  
   284.    Safety instructions for consumer fireworks  

           Division 3.3.7--Storage of consumer fireworks

   285.    Application of div 3.3.7  
   286.    Consumer fireworks storage—place, time and quantity  
   287.    Consumer fireworks storage—premises  
   288.    Consumer fireworks—storage and packaging  
   289.    Consumer fireworks—place of storage  

           Division 3.3.8--Consumer fireworks records

   290.    Delivery receipts—consumer fireworks  
   291.    Delivery records—consumer fireworks  
   292.    Supply records—consumer fireworks  

           Division 3.3.9--Use of consumer fireworks

   293.    Application of div 3.3.9  
   294.    Authority for using consumer fireworks  
   295.    Consumer fireworks use on Queen's birthday weekend  
   296.    User storage of consumer fireworks  
   297.    How to use consumer fireworks  


           Division 3.4.1--Preliminary

   298.    Application of pt 3.4  
   299.    Fireworks display definitions  

           Division 3.4.2--Using fireworks for fireworks displays—general

   300.    Authority to use fireworks for fireworks displays  
   301.    Operator licence or display permit to be produced  
   302.    Reasonable steps for supplying and storing consumer fireworks—Act,  
   303.    Person in control of fireworks displays—Act, s 17 (1)  

           Division 3.4.3--Display operator licences

   304.    Display operator licence applications—Act, s 50 (2)  
   305.    Suitable people to hold display operator licences—Act, s 49 (1)  
   306.    Display operator licence conditions—Act, s 53 (2) (b)  

           Division 3.4.4--Fireworks display permits

   307.    Fireworks display permit applications—Act, s 50 (2)  
   308.    Suitable people to hold fireworks display permits—Act, s 49 (1)  
   309.    Fireworks display permits—prescribed conditions for Act, s 53 (2)  
   310.    Insurance requirements  
   311.    Multiple fireworks displays—general  
   312.    Multiple fireworks displays—theatrical events etc  
   313.    Time and place restrictions for outdoor displays  
   314.    Chief executive approval of fireworks displays—special  

           Division 3.4.5--Notification of outdoor fireworks displays

   315.    Application of div 3.4.5  
   316.    Public notice for outdoor displays  
   317.    Notification of police, fire and emergency services about outdoor  

           Division 3.4.6--Management of fireworks displays—general

   318.    Application of div 3.4.6  
   319.    Supervision—fireworks displays  
   320.    Fire protection—fireworks displays  
   321.    Sources of ignition—fireworks displays  
   322.    Keys for electrical firing—fireworks displays  
   323.    Clean up—fireworks displays  
   324.    Malfunctions—fireworks displays  
   325.    Reporting on displays  

           Division 3.4.7--Management of outdoor displays

   326.    Application of div 3.4.7  
   327.    Separation distances—outdoor displays  
   328.    Barriers—outdoor displays  
   329.    On-site storage—outdoor displays  
   330.    Firing aerial shells—outdoor displays  
   331.    Mortar requirements—outdoor displays  
   332.    Supporting structures—outdoor displays  
   333.    Prevention of cross ignition—outdoor displays  

           Division 3.4.8--Miscellaneous

   334.    Use of theatrical fireworks  
   335.    Use of flash powder for fireworks displays  
   336.    Use of Chinese firecrackers  
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2

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