This legislation has been repealed.
TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title 1. Short title 3. Definitions for Act 4. Medical referees 5. Licence to operate crematorium 6. Transfer of licences 7. Application to cremate a body 8. Cremation authority to approve application 9. Procedure in relation to certain cremations 10. Minister and others may prohibit cremations 11. Restrictions on cremations 12. Certificate of delivery of body to cremation authority 13. Notice of cremation to be given to registrar-general 14. Disposal of ashes 15. Registers 16. Power to destroy applications after 20 years 17. Minister may revoke licence 18. Cremation authority may cease to cremate on giving notice 19. Noninterference with ceremonies 20. Condition of crematorium 21. Inspectors 22. Person in charge of crematorium to assist inspectors 23. Offences 24. Persons not to cremate otherwise than at a crematorium 25. Offence 26. Offences 28. Approved forms 29. Regulation-making power ENDNOTES