This legislation has been repealed.
(1) If a credit provider receives a written request for a copy of a document that the credit provider is required by this section to provide from a debtor under a credit sale contract or a loan contract or from a guarantor who has entered into a contract of guarantee with the credit provider in relation to the obligations of the debtor under a credit sale contract or a loan contract, the credit provider shall, within 14 days after receiving the request, give to the debtor or guarantor who made the request—
(a) a copy of the contract or of the offer or other document signed by the debtor or guarantor relating to the contract and to which the request relates; or
(b) if the request relates to a contract of insurance in relation to which an amount is included in the amount financed—
(i) a copy of the contract of insurance; or
(ii) a statement of the terms and conditions of the contract of insurance that affect or concern the rights of the debtor.
Note A fee may be determined under s 255 (Determination of fees) for a request under this subsection.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), a credit provider that fails to comply with subsection (1) commits an offence.
Maximum penalty:
(a) for an individual—$1 000; and
(b) for a corporation—$5 000.
(3) A credit provider is not required to comply with a request under subsection (1) from a debtor or a guarantor if, within 3 months immediately before the receipt of the request, he or she has complied with an earlier request from that debtor or guarantor in relation to the relevant credit sale contract, loan contract or contract of guarantee.