This legislation has been repealed.
(1) The council consists of not less than 3, nor more than 10, members appointed by the Minister from the community.
Note 1 For the making of appointments (including acting appointments), see Legislation Act, pt 19.3.
Note 2 In particular, an appointment may be made by naming a person or nominating the occupant of a position (see Legislation Act, s 207).
Note 3 Certain Ministerial appointments require consultation with an Assembly committee and are disallowable (see Legislation Act, div 19.3.3).
(2) The Minister must ensure that there is always—
(a) at least 1 member who represents the interests of carers; and
(b) at least 1 member who represents the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
(3) The Minister may appoint a person to the council only if satisfied that the person—
(a) has expertise in relation to services for children or young people; or
(b) represents the interests of carers.
(4) A person is a member of the council for the term, and on the terms and conditions, stated in the appointment.