Australian Capital Territory Repealed Acts

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This legislation has been repealed.


Schedule     District boundaries

(see s 5)

Canberra Central District

        All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at Crace Trigonometrical Station; and bounded thence on the northwest by a line which bears 62° 16' 5" for 663.02m to the northernmost corner of block 401 of deposited plan 866; thence on the northeast, southwest and northeast by lines bearing 99º 22' 40" for 137.64m, 358º 20" for 4.49m and 129º 52' 10" for 86.51m to the northernmost corner of block 402 of deposited plan 866 and its southeasterly prolongation generally southeasterly, northwesterly and southeasterly to the intersection with the middle thread of the Federal Highway; thence on the northwest by the middle thread of the Federal Highway northeasterly to its intersection with the northwesterly prolongation of a northeastern boundary of block 1 section 64 of deposited plan 986; thence on the northeast and north by northeastern and northern boundaries of that block 1 southeasterly and easterly to the easternmost corner of that block 1; thence on the northeast by a line southeasterly to Majura Trigonometrical Station; thence on the southeast by a line southwesterly to the northernmost northeastern corner of block 99 of deposited plan 269; thence on the northeast, southeast and southwest by northeastern, southeastern and southwestern boundaries of that block 99 southeasterly, southwesterly and northwesterly and by a northwesterly prolongation of the last mentioned boundary to its intersection with the middle thread of Monash Drive; thence generally on the east by the middle thread of Monash Drive generally southerly to its intersection with the middle thread of Fairbairn Avenue; thence on the northeast by the middle thread of Fairbairn Avenue southeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Morshead Drive; thence on the southeast by the middle thread of Morshead Drive southwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Dairy Road; thence on the southeast by the middle thread of Dairy Road southwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of the Molonglo River; thence generally on the northeast by the middle thread of the Molonglo River upstream to its intersection with a line bearing 45º from the intersection of the middle thread of Canberra Avenue with the middle thread of a road 30.48m wide to the southeast of block 11 of deposited plan 126; thence on the southeast by that line southwesterly to the middle thread of Canberra Avenue; thence on the southwest by the middle thread of Canberra Avenue northwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Hindmarsh Drive; thence generally on the southeast by the middle thread of Hindmarsh Drive generally southwesterly to its intersection with a line joining Mugga Trigonometrical Station and Davidson Trigonometrical Station; thence on the southwest by that line from its intersection with the middle thread of Hindmarsh Drive to Davidson Trigonometrical Station; thence on the west by a line northerly to the southernmost point of the middle thread of Red Hill Drive; thence on the southwest and south by the middle thread of the western carriageway and the middle thread of Red Hill Drive northwesterly and westerly to its intersection with the middle thread of Gowrie Drive; thence on the east, southeast and southwest by the middle thread of Gowrie Drive southerly, southwesterly and northwesterly to its intersection with the easterly prolongation of the middle thread of Carruthers Street; thence on the southwest by that prolongation and the middle thread of Carruthers Street northwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Yarra Glen; thence on the northwest by the middle thread of Yarra Glen and its prolongation northerly to its intersection with the middle thread of Dudley Street; thence on the south and southeast by the middle thread of Dudley Street westerly and southwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Lady Denman Drive; thence on the southwest and northwest by the middle thread of Lady Denman Drive northwesterly and northeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Caswell Drive; thence generally on the west by the middle thread of Caswell Drive generally northerly to its intersection with the middle thread of Belconnen Way; thence generally on the north by the middle thread of Belconnen Way generally easterly to its intersection with the southwesterly prolongation of a southeastern boundary of block 184 of deposited plan 635; thence on the northwest by that prolongation, that boundary and southeastern boundaries of that block 184 northeasterly to the southernmost corner of block 396 of deposited plan 738; thence on the northwest by southeastern boundaries of that block 396 northeasterly to the easternmost corner of that block 396; thence on the northwest by the northeasterly prolongation of the last of the southeastern boundaries of that block 396 northeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of the Barton Highway; thence on the southwest by the middle thread of the Barton Highway northwesterly to a point which bears 250º 43' 1" from Crace Trigonometrical Station; thence on the northwest by a line which bears 70º 43' 1" to the point of commencement.

Woden Valley District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at Stanley Trigonometrical Station; and bounded thence on the southeast by a line southwesterly from Stanley Trigonometrical Station to a point on the middle thread of Long Gully Road being the southeastern corner of the Division of Farrer; thence generally on the south by generally southern boundaries of the Division of Farrer and the Division of Torrens generally westerly to the southwestern corner of the Division of Torrens; thence generally on the west by generally western boundaries of the Division of Torrens and the Division of Pearce northerly to a point bearing 90º from the southeastern corner of the Division of Fisher; thence on the south by a line bearing 270º to its intersection with the middle thread of Tuggeranong Parkway; thence on the west by the middle thread of Tuggeranong Parkway northerly to the intersection with the middle thread of Cotter Road; thence on the northwest by the middle thread of Cotter Road northeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Dudley Street; thence on the northwest by the middle thread of Dudley Street northeasterly to its intersection with the northeasterly prolongation of the middle thread of Yarra Glen; thence on the southeast by the middle thread of Yarra Glen southwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Carruthers Street; thence on the northeast by the middle thread of Carruthers Street and its prolongation southeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Gowrie Drive; thence on the northeast, northwest and west by the middle thread of Gowrie Drive southeasterly, northeasterly and northerly to its intersection with the middle thread of Red Hill Drive; thence on the north and northeast by the middle thread of Red Hill Drive and its western carriageway easterly and southeasterly to the southernmost point on the middle thread of Red Hill Drive; thence on the east by a line from that point southerly to Davidson Trigonometrical Station; thence on the northeast by a line from Davidson Trigonometrical Station southeasterly to Mugga Trigonometrical Station; thence on the southeast by a line from Mugga Trigonometrical Station southwesterly to Sheaffe Trigonometrical Station; thence on the northeast by a line from Sheaffe Trigonometrical Station southeasterly to the point of commencement.

Belconnen District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at the intersection of the boundary of the Territory with the middle thread of Wallaroo Road; and bounded thence on the northeast by the middle thread of Wallaroo Road southeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Gladstone Street; thence on the northwest by the middle thread of Gladstone Street northeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of the Barton Highway; thence on the northeast by the middle thread of the Barton Highway southeasterly to its intersection with the northeasterly prolongation of a southeastern boundary of block 396 of deposited plan 738; thence on the southeast by that prolongation and southeastern boundaries of that block 396 southwesterly to the southernmost corner of that block 396; thence on the southeast by southeastern boundaries of block 184 of deposited plan 635 together with the prolongation of the last of those boundaries southwesterly to the intersection with the middle thread of Belconnen Way; thence generally on the south by the middle thread of Belconnen Way generally westerly to its intersection with the middle thread of Caswell Drive; thence generally on the east by the middle thread of Caswell Drive generally southerly to its intersection with the middle thread of Lady Denman Drive; thence generally on the southeast by the middle thread of Lady Denman Drive generally southwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of the Molonglo River; thence generally on the southwest by the middle thread of the Molonglo River downstream to its intersection with the middle thread of Coppins Crossing Road; thence on the southeast by the middle thread of Coppins Crossing Road southwesterly to a point which bears 90º from the southernmost corner of block 49 of deposited plan 673; thence on the south by a line which bears 270º to that corner of that block 49; thence generally on the south by generally southern boundaries of that block 49 and a prolongation westerly to the middle thread of the Molonglo River, thence generally on the southwest by the middle thread of the Molonglo River downstream to its intersection with the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River; thence generally on the southwest by the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River downstream to its intersection with the boundary of the Territory; thence on the northwest by that boundary northeasterly to the point of commencement.

Jerrabomberra District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at the intersection of the middle thread of the Queanbeyan River with the boundary of the Territory; and bounded thence generally on the southeast by part of that boundary generally southwesterly to its intersection with a northeastern boundary of block 13 of deposited plan 577; thence on the southwest, southeast and southwest by northeastern, northwestern and northeastern boundaries and a prolongation of the last mentioned boundary of that block 13 northwesterly, southwesterly and northwesterly to the intersection with the middle thread of the Monaro Highway; thence on the northwest by part of the middle thread of the Monaro Highway northeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Mugga Road; thence generally on the southwest by the middle thread of Mugga Road northwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Long Gully Road; thence again generally on the southwest by the middle thread of Long Gully Road generally northwesterly to the southeastern corner of the Division of Farrer; thence on the northwest by a line northeasterly to Stanley Trigonometrical Station; thence on the southwest by a line northwesterly to Sheaffe Trigonometrical Station; thence on the northwest by a line northeasterly to Mugga Trigonometrical Station; thence on the southwest by a line joining Mugga Trigonometrical Station to Davidson Trigonometrical Station northwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Hindmarsh Drive; thence generally on the northwest by the middle thread of Hindmarsh Drive generally northeasterly to the middle thread of Canberra Avenue; thence on the northeast by the middle thread of Canberra Avenue southeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of a road 30.48m wide adjacent to the southeastern boundary of block 11 of deposited plan 126; thence on the northeast by a line from that intersection bearing 45º to its intersection with the middle thread of the Molonglo River; thence generally on the north by the middle thread of the Molonglo River upstream to its intersection with the middle thread of the Queanbeyan River; thence generally on the east by the middle thread of the Queanbeyan River upstream to the point of commencement.

Majura District

All that part of the Australia Capital Territory commencing at the intersection of the middle thread of the Federal Highway and the boundary of the Territory; and bounded thence generally on the northeast by part of that boundary generally southeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Sutton Road; thence generally on the east by the middle thread of Sutton Road generally southerly to its intersection with the boundary of the Territory; thence on the southeast by part of that boundary southwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of the Queanbeyan River; thence generally on the southwest by the middle thread of the Queanbeyan River downstream to its intersection with the middle thread of the Molonglo River; thence generally on the south and southwest by the middle thread of the Molonglo River downstream to its intersection with the middle thread of Dairy Road; thence on the northwest by middle thread of Dairy Road northeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Morshead Drive; thence on the northwest by the middle thread of Morshead Drive northeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Fairbairn Avenue; thence on the southwest by the middle thread of Fairbairn Avenue northwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Monash Drive; thence generally on the west by the middle thread of Monash Drive generally northerly to its intersection with the northwesterly prolongation of a southwestern boundary of block 99 of deposited plan 269; thence on the northeast, northwest and southwest by southwestern, southeastern and northeastern boundaries of that block 99 southeasterly, northeasterly and northwesterly to the northernmost northeastern corner of that block 99; thence on the northwest by a line from that corner of that block 99 northeasterly to Majura Trigonometrical Station; thence on the southwest by a line northwesterly to the easternmost corner of block 1 section 64 of deposited plan 986; thence on the south and southwest by northern and northeastern boundaries and the northwesterly prolongation of the last mentioned boundary of that block 1 westerly and northwesterly to the middle thread of the Federal Highway; thence on the northwest by the middle thread of the Federal Highway northeasterly to the point of commencement.

Tuggeranong District

All that p     art of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at Neighbour Trigonometrical Station; and bounded thence on the southwest by a line northwesterly to the southwestern corner of block 1 section 39 Division of Chapman; thence generally on the northeast by generally southwestern boundaries of the Division of Chapman generally southeasterly to the intersection with the middle thread of Namatjira Drive; thence on the northeast by the middle thread of Namatjira Drive southeasterly to its intersection with a southern boundary of the Division of Fisher, thence generally on the north by generally southern boundaries of the Division of Fisher generally easterly to the southeastern corner of that Division; thence on the north by a line easterly to the southwestern boundary of the Division of Pearce; thence on the northeast by southwestern boundaries of the Division of Pearce and the Division of Torrens to the southwestern corner of the Division of Torrens; thence generally on the north by generally southern boundaries of the Division of Torrens and the Division of Farrer generally easterly to the intersection with the middle thread of Long Gully Road; thence generally on the northeast by the middle thread of Long Gully Road generally southeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Mugga Road; thence generally on the northeast by the middle thread of Mugga Road generally southeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of the Monaro Highway; thence on the southeast by the middle thread of the Monaro Highway southwesterly to its intersection with the northwesterly prolongation of the northeastern boundary of block 13 of deposited plan 577; thence on the northeast, northwest and northeast by northeastern, northwestern and northeastern boundaries of that block 13 southeasterly, northeasterly and southeasterly to the intersection with a generally southeastern part of the boundary of the Territory; thence generally on the east and south by generally eastern and southern parts of that boundary southerly and westerly to the right bank of the Murrumbidgee River; thence generally on the south by that bank of the Murrumbidgee River and part of that boundary generally westerly to the intersection with the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River; thence generally on the southwest by the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River downstream to its intersection with the southwesterly prolongation of a line joining Neighbour Trigonometrical Station to Forster Trigonometrical Station; thence on the northwest by that prolongation and that line northeasterly to the point of commencement.

Weston Creek District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at Narrabundah Trigonometrical Station; and bounded thence by a line which bears 14º 3' 24" to its intersection with the middle thread of Cotter Road; thence on the northeast by the middle thread of Cotter Road southeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Uriarra Road; thence on the west and southwest by the middle thread of Uriarra Road northerly and northwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Coppins Crossing Road; thence generally on the west by the middle thread of Coppins Crossing Road generally northerly to its intersection with the middle thread of the Molonglo River; thence generally on the northeast, southeast, northeast and northwest by the middle thread of the Molonglo River upstream to its intersection with the middle thread of Lady Denman Drive; thence generally on the northeast by the middle thread of Lady Denman Drive generally southeasterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Cotter Road; thence on the southeast by the middle thread of Cotter Road southwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Tuggeranong Parkway; thence on the east by the middle thread of Tuggeranong Parkway southerly to a point bearing 90º from the southeastern corner of the Division of Fisher; thence on the south by a line bearing 270º to the southeastern corner of the Division of Fisher; thence generally on the south by generally southern boundaries of the Division of Fisher generally westerly to the intersection with the middle thread of Namatjira Drive; thence on the southwest by the middle thread of Namatjira Drive northwesterly to its intersection with a southeastern boundary of the Division of Chapman; thence generally on the southwest and west by generally southwestern and western boundaries of the Division of Chapman northwesterly and northerly to the intersection of a northwestern boundary of the Division of Chapman with a line joining Neighbour and Narrabundah Trigonometrical Stations; thence on the southwest by that line northwesterly to the point of commencement.

Gungahlin District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at the intersection of the boundary of the Territory with the middle thread of the Barton Highway; and bounded thence generally on the northwest and northeast by generally northwestern and northeastern boundaries of the Territory generally northeasterly and southeasterly to the intersection of that boundary with the middle thread of the Federal Highway; thence generally on the southeast by the middle thread of the Federal Highway generally southwesterly to its intersection with the southeasterly prolongation of the northeastern boundary of block 402 of deposited plan 866; thence on the southwest generally by that prolongation and that boundary northwesterly to a southeastern side of Flemington Road; thence on the southwest, northeast and southwest by lines bearing 309º 52' 10" for 86.51m, 178º 20" for 4.49m and 279º 22' 40" for 137.64m to the northernmost corner of block 401 of deposited plan 866; thence on the southeast by a line which bears 242º 16' 5" for 663.02m to Crace Trigonometrical Station; thence on the southeast by a line which bears 250º 43' 1" to its intersection with the middle thread of the Barton Highway; thence generally on the southwest by the middle thread of the Barton Highway generally northwesterly to its intersection with a southwesterly prolongation of a northwestern boundary of block 11 of deposited plan 113; thence on the northwest, southwest and northwest by northwestern, southwestern and northwestern boundaries of that block 11 northeasterly, northwesterly and northeasterly to a southwestern boundary of block 8 of deposited plan 702; thence on the southwest by that boundary and its prolongation northwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of the Barton Highway; thence on the southwest by the middle thread of the Barton Highway northwesterly to the point of commencement.

Stromlo District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at Narrabundah Trigonometrical Station; and bounded thence on the northeast by a line joining Narrabundah Trigonometrical Station to Neighbour Trigonometrical Station southeasterly to a northwestern boundary of the Division of Chapman; thence generally on the southeast and northeast by generally northwestern and southwestern boundaries of the Division of Chapman southwesterly and southeasterly to the southwestern corner of block 1 section 39 of the Division of Chapman; thence on the northeast by a line from that corner of that block 1 southeasterly to Neighbour Trigonometrical Station; thence on the southeast by a line to Forster Trigonometrical Station and its prolongation southwesterly to the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River; thence generally on the southwest by the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River downstream to its intersection with the middle thread of the Molonglo River; thence generally on the northeast by the middle thread of the Molonglo River upstream to its intersection with the westerly prolongation of a southern boundary of block 49 of deposited plan 673; thence generally on the north by that prolongation and generally southern boundaries of that block 49 generally easterly to the southernmost corner of that block 49; thence on the north by a line which bears 90º to a point on the middle thread of Coppins Crossing Road; thence generally on the east by the middle thread of Coppins Crossing Road generally southerly to its intersection with the middle thread of Uriarra Road; thence on the northeast and east by the middle thread of Uriarra Road southeasterly and southerly to its intersection with the middle thread of Cotter Road; thence on the southwest by the middle thread of Cotter Road northwesterly to a point which bears 14º 3' 24" from Narrabundah Trigonometrical Station; thence on the southeast by a line which bears 194º 3' 24" to the point of commencement.

Kowen District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at the intersection of the middle thread of Sutton Road with the generally northeastern boundary of the Territory; and bounded thence by generally northeastern, eastern and southern boundaries of the Territory generally southeasterly, southerly and westerly, respectively, to the middle thread of Sutton Road; thence by part of the middle thread of Sutton Road generally northerly to the point of commencement.

Hall District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at the intersection of the boundary of the Territory with the middle thread of the Barton Highway; and bounded thence on the northeast by the middle thread of the Barton Highway southeasterly to its intersection with a northwesterly prolongation of a southwestern boundary of block 8 of deposited plan 702; thence on the northeast by that prolongation and that boundary of that block 8 southeasterly to a northwestern boundary of block 11 of deposited plan 113; thence on the southeast, southwest and southeast by northwestern, southwestern and northwestern boundaries of that block 11 southwesterly, southeasterly and southwesterly together with the southwesterly prolongation of the last of the abovementioned boundaries to the intersection with the middle thread of the Barton Highway; thence on the southwest by the middle thread of the Barton Highway northwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Gladstone Street; thence on the southeast by the middle thread of Gladstone Street southwesterly to its intersection with the middle thread of Wallaroo Road; thence generally on the southwest by the middle thread of Wallaroo Road generally northwesterly to its intersection with the boundary of the Territory; thence on the northwest by that boundary northeasterly to the point of commencement.

Coree District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at the intersection of the northwestern boundary of the Territory with the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River; and bounded thence by part of the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River upstream to the middle thread of the Cotter River; thence by part of the middle thread of the Cotter River upstream to the middle thread of Coree Creek; thence by part of the middle thread of Coree Creek upstream to the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of Commonwealth land formerly portions 12, 14 and 15, Parish of Tidbinbilla, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by that prolongation and that boundary westerly to the northwestern corner of that Commonwealth land; thence by a line southwesterly to Coree Trigonometrical Station; thence by part of the northwestern boundary of the Territory northeasterly to the point of commencement.

Paddys River District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at the intersection of the middle thread of the Cotter River with the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River; and bounded thence by part of the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River upstream to the middle thread of the Gudgenby River; then by part of the middle thread of the Gudgenby River upstream to the easterly prolongation of the southern boundary of land formerly portion 8, Parish of Tharwa, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by that prolongation, that boundary and a line westerly to a middle thread of a road 20.12m wide; thence by part of the middle thread of that road northerly to the easterly prolongation of a northern boundary of block 1 of deposited plan 203; thence by that prolongation, that boundary, as eastern boundary of that block 1 and a line westerly and northerly to the middle thread of a road 20.12m wide; thence by part of the middle thread of that road westerly to an eastern boundary of block 16 of deposited plan 203; thence by part of that boundary and the southern and southwestern boundaries of that block 16 southerly, westerly and generally northwesterly to the southern boundary of land formerly portion 133 of that Parish of Tharwa; thence by part of that boundary westerly to the eastern boundary of land formerly portion 46 of that Parish of Tharwa; thence by part of that boundary and its prolongation southerly to the middle thread of a road 20.12m wide; thence by part of the middle thread of that road westerly to the northerly prolongation of the eastern boundary of land formerly portion 77 of that Parish of Tharwa; thence by that prolongation, that boundary and the southern boundary of that lastmentioned land southerly and westerly to a northeastern boundary of block 50 of deposited plan 203; thence by northeastern, northern, western, northern, eastern, northern and western boundaries of that block 50 northwesterly, westerly, southerly, westerly, northerly, westerly and southerly, respectively, to the southeastern corner of land formerly portions 155 and 156 of that Parish of Tharwa; thence by part of the southern boundary of that lastmentioned land westerly to the northerly prolongation of the eastern boundary of land formerly portion 10, Parish of Gibraltar, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by that prolongation, that boundary, the southern boundary of that lastmentioned land and a line southerly and westerly to the middle thread of a road 20.12m wide; thence by the middle thread of that road northerly to the middle thread of a road separating land formerly portion 156 of that Parish of Tharwa, from land formerly portion 4 of that Parish of Gibraltar; thence by part of the middle thread of that road westerly and northerly to the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of that lastmentioned land; thence by that prolongation, that boundary and part of the western boundary of that lastmentioned land westerly and southerly to the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of land formerly portion 6 of that Parish of Gibraltar; thence by part of that prolongation westerly to the middle thread of a road 20.12m wide; thence by the middle thread of that road southerly to the easterly prolongation of the southern boundary of land formerly portion 5 of that Parish of Gibraltar; thence by that prolongation, that boundary and a line westerly to the divide between the watersheds of the Cotter River on the west and Paddys River on the east; thence by part of that divide and a line generally northerly to the middle thread of the Cotter River; thence by part of the middle thread of the Cotter River downstream to the point of commencement.

Cotter River District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at Coree Trigonometrical Station; and bounded thence by a line northeasterly to the northwestern corner of Commonwealth land formerly portions 12, 14 and 15, Parish of Tidbinbilla, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by the northern boundary of that Commonwealth land and its easterly prolongation easterly to the middle thread of Coree Creek; thence by part of the middle thread of Coree Creek downstream to the middle thread of the Cotter River; thence by part of the middle thread of the Cotter River downstream to the northerly prolongation of the divide between the watershed of the Cotter River on the west and the watersheds of Paddys River and the Gudgenby River on the east; thence by that prolongation and that divide generally southerly to Mount Kelly Trigonometrical Station; thence by a southeastern boundary and part of a western boundary of the Territory generally southwesterly and northerly to the point of commencement.

Tennent District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at the intersection of the middle thread of the Gudgenby River with the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River; and bounded thence by part of the middle thread of the Murrumbidgee River upstream to a southern boundary of the Territory; thence by parts of southern and eastern boundaries of the Territory westerly and southerly to the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of land formerly portion 84, Parish of Cuppacumbalong, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by that prolongation, that boundary of that lastmentioned land and its prolongation westerly to the middle thread of the Gudgenby River; thence by part of the middle thread of the Gudgenby River upstream to the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of land formerly portion 23, Parish of Naas, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by that prolongation and the northern boundary of land formerly portions 3 and 23 of that Parish of Naas, to the northwestern corner of that lastmentioned land; thence by a line northwesterly to the northeastern corner of land formerly portion 3, Parish of Orroral, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by the northern boundary of that lastmentioned land, its westerly prolongation and northern and western boundaries of land formerly portions 29, 7 and 6 of that Parish of Orroral, westerly and southerly to a southwestern corner of that lastmentioned land; thence by a line southwesterly to Orroral Trigonometrical Station; thence by part of the divide between the watersheds of Rendezvous Creek and the Orroral River generally northwesterly to the divide between the watershed of the Cotter River on the west and the watersheds of Paddys River and the Gudgenby River on the east; thence by part of that divide generally northerly to the westerly prolongation of the southern boundary of land formerly portion 5, Parish of Gibraltar, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by that prolongation, that boundary and a line easterly to the middle thread of a road 20.12m wide; thence by the middle thread of that road northerly to the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of land formerly portion 6 of that Parish of Gibraltar; thence by part of that prolongation easterly to the western boundary of land formerly portion 4 of that Parish of Gibraltar; thence by part of that boundary, a northern boundary of that lastmentioned land and a line northerly and easterly to the middle thread of a road 20.12m wide; thence by part of the middle thread of that road southerly and easterly to the middle thread of a road separating land formerly portion 4 of that Parish of Gibraltar, from land formerly portion 10 of that Parish of Gibraltar; thence by the middle thread of that road southerly to the westerly prolongation of the southern boundary of that lastmentioned land; thence by that prolongation, that boundary, the eastern boundary of the lastmentioned land and its prolongation easterly and northerly to the southern boundary of land formerly portions 155 and 156, Parish of Tharwa, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by part of that boundary of that lastmentioned land easterly to its southeastern corner; thence by western, northern, eastern, northern, western, northern and northeastern boundaries of block 50 of deposited plan 203 northerly, easterly, southerly, easterly, northerly, easterly and southeasterly, respectively, to the westernmost corner of land formerly portion 189 of that Parish of Tharwa; thence by southern and eastern boundaries of land formerly portion 77 of that Parish of Tharwa and a line easterly and northerly to the middle thread of a road 20.12m wide; thence by part of the middle thread of that road easterly to a western boundary of land formerly portion 78 of the Parish of Tharwa; thence by that boundary and a northern boundary of that lastmentioned land northerly and easterly to the westernmost corner of block 16 of deposited plan 203; thence by southwestern and southern boundaries and part of the eastern boundary of that block 16 generally southeasterly, easterly and northerly to the middle thread of a road 20.12m wide; thence by part of the middle thread of that road easterly to the northerly prolongation of an eastern boundary of block 1 of deposited plan 203; thence by that prolongation, that boundary, a northern boundary of that block 1 and its prolongation southerly and easterly to the middle of a road 20.12m wide; thence by part of the middle thread of that road southerly to the westerly prolongation of the southern boundary of land formerly portion 8 of that Parish of Tharwa; thence by that prolongation, that boundary and its prolongation easterly to the middle thread of the Gudgenby River; thence by part of the middle thread of the Gudgenby River downstream to the point of commencement.

Rendezvous Creek District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at the northwestern corner of land formerly portion 3, Parish of Naas, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; and bounded thence by the generally southwestern boundary of that land and land formerly portions 24, 4 and 29 of that Parish of Naas and a line generally southeasterly to the middle thread of the Orroral River; thence by part of the middle thread of the Orroral River downstream to the middle thread of the Gudgenby River; thence by part of the middle thread of the Gudgenby River upstream to the northern boundary of land formerly portions 12 and 14, Parish of Greenfield, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by part of that boundary, the eastern boundary and part of the southern boundary of that lastmentioned land easterly, southerly and westerly to the northerly prolongation of an eastern boundary of land formerly portions 8, 9, 1, 11 and 4 of that Parish of Greenfield; thence by that prolongation and eastern, southern, eastern, southern and eastern boundaries and part of a southern boundary of that lastmentioned land southerly, westerly, southerly, westerly, southerly and westerly to a point 965.6m westerly from the southeastern corner of that lastmentioned land; thence by a line southerly to the divide between the watersheds of Bogong Creek and Naas Creek; thence by part of that divide generally westerly and northwesterly to a southwestern boundary of the Territory; thence by part of that boundary generally northwesterly to Mount Kelly Trigonometrical Station; thence by part of the divide between the watersheds of the Cotter River and the Gudgenby River generally northerly to the divide between the watersheds of the Orroral River and Rendezvous Creek; thence by part of that divide generally southeasterly to Orroral Trigonometrical Station; thence by a line northeasterly to a southwestern corner of land formerly portion 6, Parish of Orroral, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by the western boundaries of that lastmentioned land and land formerly portions 7 and 29 of that Parish of Orroral to the northwestern corner of that lastmentioned land; thence by the northern boundary of that lastmentioned land and its prolongation easterly to the northwestern corner of land formerly portion 3 of that Parish of Orroral; thence by the northern boundary of that lastmentioned land easterly to its northeastern corner; thence by a line southeasterly to the point of commencement.

Booth District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at the intersection of the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of land formerly portion 84, Parish of Cuppacumbalong, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales, with an eastern boundary of the Territory; and bounded thence by part of that boundary of the Territory generally southerly to the southeastern corner of land formerly portion 46, Parish of Bumbalong, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by the southern boundary of that lastmentioned land and its westerly prolongation westerly to the middle thread of Naas Creek; thence by part of the middle thread of Naas Creek upstream to the northerly prolongation of the western boundary of land formerly portion 2 of that Parish of Bumbalong; thence by that prolongation, that boundary and part of the southern boundary of that lastmentioned land southerly and easterly to the eastern side of a driftway 60.35m wide; thence by the generally eastern sides of that driftway generally southerly to the northern boundary of land formerly portion 32 of that Parish of Bumbalong; thence by part of that boundary and its westerly prolongation westerly to the middle thread of Naas Creek; thence by part of the middle thread of Naas Creek upstream to a northeastern boundary of block 10 of deposited plan 254; thence by northeastern boundaries of that block 10 northwesterly to the northeastern corner of land formerly portion 2, Parish of Brayshaw, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by part of the northeastern boundary of that lastmentioned land northwesterly to the generally eastern boundary of that block 10; thence by that boundary of that block 10 generally northerly to the southeastern boundary of land formerly portion 9 of that Parish of Brayshaw; thence by part of that boundary and the southeastern boundary of land formerly portion 8 of that Parish of Brayshaw northeasterly to the northeastern corner of that lastmentioned land; thence by a southeastern, generally northeastern and western boundaries of that block 10 northeasterly, northwesterly and southerly to a northeastern boundary of block 9 of deposited plan 254; thence by generally northeastern boundaries of that block 9 generally northwesterly to the northwestern corner of that block 9, thence by lines bearing approximately 299º 10' for 412m, 281º 20' for 644m and 277º for 1,237m to the intersection of the divide between the watersheds of Bogong Creek and Naas Creek with a line bearing southerly from a point on the southwestern boundary of land formerly portion 4, Parish of Greenfield, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales, and distant 965.6m from the southeastern corner of that lastmentioned land; thence by that line northeasterly to that point on that boundary of that lastmentioned land; thence by part of that southwestern boundary of that portion 965.6m southeasterly to the southeastern corner of that lastmentioned land; thence by boundaries and parts of boundaries of that lastmentioned land and land formerly portions 11, 1, 9, 8, 12 and 14 of that parish of Greenfield northeasterly, southeasterly, northeasterly, southeasterly, northeasterly, southeasterly, northeasterly and northwesterly to the middle thread of the Gudgenby River; thence by part of the middle thread of the Gudgenby River downstream to the middle thread of the Orroral River; thence by part of the middle thread of the Orroral River upstream to the southeasterly prolongation of a southwestern boundary of land formerly portion 29, Parish of Naas, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by that prolongation and that boundary of that lastmentioned land and land formerly portions 4, 24 and 3 of that Parish of Naas generally northerly to the northwestern corner of that lastmentioned land; thence by the northeastern boundaries of that lastmentioned land and land formerly portion 23 of that Parish of Naas and the prolongation of that boundary of that lastmentioned land southeasterly to the middle thread of the Gudgenby River; thence by part of the middle thread of the Gudgenby River downstream to the westerly prolongation of the northern boundary of land formerly portion 84 of that Parish of Cuppacumbalong; thence by that prolongation, that boundary and its easterly prolongation easterly to the point of commencement.

Mount Clear District

All that part of the Australian Capital Territory commencing at the southeastern corner of land formerly portion 46, Parish of Bumbalong, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; and bounded thence by part of an eastern, a southern and part of a southwestern boundary of the Territory generally southerly, westerly and northwesterly to the divide between the watersheds of Bogong Creek and Naas Creek; thence by part of that divide generally southeasterly and easterly to its intersection with a line southerly from a point on the southern boundary of land formerly portion 4, Parish of Greenfield, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales, and distant 965.6m westerly from the southeastern corner of that lastmentioned land; thence by lines bearing approximately 97º for 1,237m, 101º 20' for 644m and 119º 10' for 412m to the northwestern corner of block 9 of deposited plan 254; thence by generally northeastern boundaries of that block 9 generally southeasterly to the generally western boundary of block 10 of deposited plan 254; thence by generally western and northeastern boundaries and a southeastern boundary of that block 10 generally northerly, southeasterly and southwesterly to the northeastern corner of land formerly portion 8, Parish of Brayshaw, County of Cowley, in the State of New South Wales; thence by the southeastern boundary of that lastmentioned land and part of the southeastern boundary of land formerly portion 9 of that Parish of Brayshaw southwesterly to the generally eastern boundary of that block 10; thence by that boundary of that block 10 generally southerly to the northeastern boundary of land formerly portion 2 of that Parish of Brayshaw; thence by part of that boundary of that lastmentioned land southeasterly to its northeastern corner; thence by northeastern boundaries of that block 10 southeasterly to the middle thread of Naas Creek; thence by part of the middle thread of Naas Creek downstream to the westerly prolongation of the northern boundary of land formerly portion 32 of that Parish of Bumbalong; thence by that prolongation and part of that boundary easterly to the generally eastern side of a driftway 60.35m wide; thence by that side of that driftway generally northerly to the southern boundary of land formerly portion 2 of that Parish of Bumbalong; thence by part of that boundary, the western boundary of that lastmentioned land and its northerly prolongation westerly and northerly to the middle thread of Naas Creek; thence by part of the middle thread of Naas Creek downstream to the westerly prolongation of the southern boundary of land formerly portion 46 of that Parish of Bumbalong; thence by that prolongation and that boundary easterly to the point of commencement.

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