Australian Capital Territory Repealed Acts

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This legislation has been repealed.


Duties of radiation safety officer

    (1)     A radiation safety officer shall—

        (a)     as soon as practicable after having been appointed to be the radiation safety officer by a licensee, investigate and record all radioactive sources on the licensed premises; and

        (b)     record each radioactive source that comes onto or leaves the licensed premises; and

        (c)     assess and record any matters in relation to the licensed premises that in his or her opinion may result in an accident or an emergency involving ionising radiation; and

        (d)     prepare and record appropriate procedures for dealing with an accident or an emergency on the licensed premises involving ionising radiation and take all reasonable steps to ensure that any apparatus, instruments, devices or accessories required for the purpose of carrying out those procedures are readily available for that purpose; and

        (e)     from time to time assess and record the reasonable likelihood of any person being exposed to ionising radiation in excess of the relevant effective dose limit or equivalent dose limit from any radioactive material or irradiating apparatus on the licensed premises or from the use of that material or apparatus; and

        (f)     prepare, within 28 days of appointment, and thereafter at intervals not exceeding 12 months, a report—

              (i)     recommending the safe working procedures that should be adopted for work on the licensed premises in connection with radioactive material or irradiating apparatus; and

              (ii)     recommending, if necessary, the installation or use of facilities for the purpose of minimising the absorbed dose that each person may receive; and

        (g)     provide a copy of each report made under paragraph (f) to the employer of each person working in the place to which the report relates who may be subjected to ionising radiation and, where the employer and the licensee are different persons, to the licensee; and

        (h)     take reasonable steps to ensure that all persons likely to be subjected to ionising radiation on the licensed premises are adequately instructed in the use of all safeguards and safety procedures and are supplied with the apparatus, clothing, instruments, shields, devices or accessories that are necessary for the protection of those persons from ionising radiation; and

              (i)     take reasonable steps to ensure that persons on the licensed premises not engaged in work involving the use or handling of irradiating apparatus or radioactive material are not subject to ionising radiation (other than that naturally occurring) exceeding 100μSv per week; and

        (j)     take reasonable steps to ensure that no radioactive material is removed from the licensed premises in contravention of this Act; and

        (k)     if he or she becomes aware of the existence on the licensed premises of any ionising radiation from a source not under his or her control—report the matter in writing immediately to the licensee and to the chairperson; and

        (l)     take reasonable steps to ensure that all persons employed on the licensed premises carry out all the procedures and do all the acts that will ensure the safe performance of their work; and

        (m)     take reasonable steps to ensure that each radioactive source on the licensed premises is held in a safe and secure place when not in use; and

        (n)     at least once in each calendar month, check all radioactive sources on the licensed premises against the records kept under paragraphs (a) and (b) and, if there is a discrepancy, report the matter immediately to the licensee and to the chairperson; and

        (o)     take reasonable steps to ensure that all apparatus, instruments, devices, clothing, shields and accessories used for the protection of persons from ionising radiation or for the detection and measurement of ionising radiation, absorbed doses, effective doses and equivalent doses and of radioactive contamination are maintained in good working condition and are properly used; and

        (p)     if he or she becomes aware that any person has been, or may have been exposed to ionising radiation in excess of the relevant effective dose limit or equivalent dose limit—report the matter immediately to the licensee and to the chairperson.

    (2)     If a radiation safety officer is required to make a record of any matter under subsection (1), that officer shall keep that record on the licensed premises.

    (3)     A radiation safety officer who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) commits an offence.

Maximum penalty:

        (a)     for subsection (1)—20 penalty units; or

        (b)     for subsection (2)—5 penalty units.

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