Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                          HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                 Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009

                         REGULATION IMPACT STATEMENT

              (Circulated by the authority of the Minister for
        Climate Change and Water, Senator the Honourable Penny Wong)

Table of contents

Regulation Impact Statement  1
1)    Background 1
2)    Medium Term Target Range and Indicative Short Term Trajectory 11
3)    Coverage   41
4)    Reporting and compliance    81
5)    Linking the scheme to international markets  91
6)    Auctioning of Carbon Pollution Permits 105
7)    Setting scheme caps    121
8)    Carbon market    133
9)    Taxation issues  151
10)   Transitional issues    165
11)   Governance arrangements and implementation   175
Attachment A: Small Business Impact Statement      191
Attachment B: Attachment B: Compliance cost assessment   195
Attachment C: Existing measures   231
Wilkenfeld review            235


Regulation impact statement

1)    Background

         Throughout 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
         (IPCC) released three Working Group Reports and a Synthesis Report
         as part of its Fourth Assessment Report, the latest of its six-
         yearly major reviews and updates of the science of climate change.

         The science of climate change presented in the IPCC's Fourth
         Assessment Report in 2007 paints a clear picture: warming of the
         climate system is unequivocal, as evident from a wide range of
         measurements. Numerous other changes in climate have been observed
         in wind patterns, precipitation, sea ice, ice sheets, and in
         aspects of extreme weather. It is very likely that greenhouse gas
         increases related to human activity have caused most of the rise in
         global mean temperature since the mid-twentieth century.[1]

         New data and scientific understanding, unavailable in time for last
         year's IPCC report, are starting to paint an even more worrying
         picture of climate change.

         The Garnaut Review's Report of September 2008 suggests that
         emissions are tracking at the upper bounds of the scenarios
         modelled by the IPCC. Recent research suggests that the rate and
         magnitude of climate change over the next century may be at the
         high end of the range estimated by the IPCC. Global mean
         temperature and sea-level rise are tracking at the upper end of the
         range of projections.[2] There is also increasing concern about the
         stability of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets, with
         implications for sea-level rise.[3]

         If emissions continue to increase at the current rate, the
         concentration or stock of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will
         be around 1000 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide equivalent
         (CO2-e) in the second half of the century compared to 384 ppm in
         2005 and 280 ppm in pre-industrial times.[4] Such a concentration
         is expected to have severe impacts on our environment (as discussed
         in chapter 2).

An emissions trading scheme

         In recognition of the challenges posed by climate change, the
         Government has agreed to implement a 'cap and trade' emissions
         trading scheme (the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme) in 2010.

         An emissions trading scheme is a way of limiting greenhouse gas
         emissions. By setting a limit on total emissions and allowing
         businesses to buy and sell permits to emit carbon, the trading
         scheme will put a price on carbon in a systematic way throughout
         the economy.

         It is important to note that the costs to the community arise not
         from the Scheme itself but from the Government's prior commitment
         to reduce national emissions. Regulatory approaches to reducing
         emissions would impose higher costs on the community because they
         would not make use of the incentives created by the market
         mechanism to draw out all low-cost opportunities to reduce
         emissions (see box 1.1). While a Carbon tax would put a direct
         price on carbon, there are other considerations which make a
         trading scheme the preferred approach (see box 1.2).

         As well as driving actual emissions reductions, the introduction of
         a carbon price provides a financial incentive for investment in low-
         emissions technology research, development and commercialisation.
         It will also create an incentive for consumers to reduce the use
         consumption of carbon intensive products (as these become
         relatively more expensive).

|Box 1.1:  Market efficiency                         |
|Consider a stylised example in which there are 10   |
|entities, each emitting one tonne of emissions      |
|before the introduction of an emissions trading     |
|scheme. The different costs of abatement (that is,  |
|the costs associated with reducing emissions) of    |
|these entities, from highest to lowest ($10 to $1), |
|are illustrated below.                              |
|The Government implements an emissions trading      |
|scheme with a cap that limits emissions to eight    |
|units across the 10 entities. In this example, this |
|means that eight entities will be able to purchase  |
|and surrender permits in order to emit and two      |
|entities will be required to abate.                 |
|In the chart, the darker bars represent the eight   |
|entities that will emit (and surrender permits) and |
|the lighter bars represent the two entities that    |
|will abate. The objective of the emissions trading  |
|scheme is to ensure that the two entities with the  |
|lowest costs of abatement abate.                    |
|An efficient market  An inefficient market          |
|                                                    |
|                                                    |
|                                                    |
|                                                    |
|In an efficient market, the entities that abate are |
|those with the lowest costs of abatement. The eight |
|entities with the higher abatement costs will       |
|purchase permits for surrender following emission;  |
|the two firms with lower abatement costs will abate.|
|                                                    |
|In this situation, the unit price will be $2 (equal |
|to the marginal firm's cost of abatement). Those    |
|firms with a cost of abatement that is less than or |
|equal to the price are better off or unaffected,    |
|respectively, if they abate. Those entities with a  |
|cost of abatement higher than the price are better  |
|off paying for the unit so that they can emit. The  |
|direct cost of abatement in the economy is the sum  |
|of the two abating entities' costs; that is, $1 + $2|
|= $3.                                               |
|The market is said to be inefficient if any of the  |
|eight entities with higher cost of abatement are    |
|forced to abate rather than purchase and surrender  |
|permits. An inefficient market will mean that the   |
|over-all cost of the same level of abatement will be|
|greater than where the market is efficient.         |
|Research undertaken as part of the report of the    |
|task group on emissions trading indicated that      |
|'regulatory' approaches to addressing climate change|
|were less efficient and more expensive than market  |
|based mechanisms. Analysis undertaken as part of the|
|report suggested that use of regulatory measures to |
|reduce costs were roughly twice as expensive as a   |
|broad based emissions trading scheme.[5]            |
|Box 1.2:  Why not a tax                             |
|Both an emissions trading scheme and a carbon tax   |
|are ways of putting a price on carbon. An emissions |
|trading scheme restricts the quantity of emissions  |
|and allows the market to set the price of carbon    |
|pollution permits-the carbon price.                 |
|A carbon tax increases the cost of emissions by a   |
|set amount and allows the market to determine how   |
|much abatement to undertake in response - that is,  |
|whether it is more cost effective to pay the carbon |
|tax or to undertake abatement.                      |
|Where the Government has full information, a carbon |
|tax and an emissions trading scheme can deliver     |
|similar economic and environmental outcomes.        |
|However, it is rare that the necessary information  |
|conditions can be met for a carbon tax and an       |
|emissions trading scheme to be equivalent policy    |
|instruments.                                        |
|The key benefit of a tax over a trading scheme is   |
|that it fixes the costs of compliance, at least in  |
|the short term. In the longer term, the Government  |
|is likely to amend the tax to in order to generate  |
|an emissions outcome that meets Australia's         |
|international obligations (or is consistent with the|
|chosen trajectory). The other benefit is that, in   |
|the absence of international linking, a carbon tax  |
|is easier to implement (with reduced transaction    |
|costs).                                             |
|The key benefit of an emissions trading scheme over |
|a tax is that it secures the environmental objective|
|by controlling the quantity of emissions directly.  |
|Emissions trading may provide greater long-term     |
|policy credibility as the community can see the     |
|direct link between the policy instrument and the   |
|environmental objective.                            |
|Australia's international commitments are likely to |
|continue to be defined as quantitative targets so   |
|this approach allows international obligations to be|
|managed more effectively.                           |
|Emissions trading has emerged as the preferred      |
|approach in many other developed countries. In part,|
|this is because domestic emissions trading schemes  |
|can easily be linked, giving firms the capacity to  |
|access least cost abatement opportunities           |
|internationally. As this occurs, carbon prices will |
|equalise across countries, creating a global carbon |
|price, without the need for centralised decision    |
|making. Carbon taxes could also be harmonised but   |
|this would involve multi-party agreement and would  |
|therefore be difficult to achieve in practice.      |
|Emissions trading also allows for mechanisms to help|
|entities manage the uncertainty around future carbon|
|prices. For example, emissions trading allows for   |
|derivative financial products to be developed. It is|
|difficult for a carbon tax approach to provide      |
|similar means to manage uncertainty around future   |
|carbon prices.                                      |

This Regulation Impact Statement

         As noted above, the Government has already committed to introducing
         an emissions trading scheme. Out of a concern to begin addressing
         the challenge of climate change as soon as possible, this decision
         was taken shortly after the election of the Labor government. A
         Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) could not be developed in time
         for this decision. Recognising this, the Prime Minister decided
         that exceptional circumstances existed and a RIS was not required.
         A post-implementation review of this decision will be undertaken
         after the implementation of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

         While a decision to introduce an emissions trading scheme has been
         taken, the precise nature of the scheme and the rules and
         regulations surrounding its operation have not been settled. This
         RIS provides information to assist in taking these decisions.

         This RIS looks at the choice of a medium term emissions trajectory.
         While this is not the cap on emissions that will exist under the
         scheme and compel affected industries to limit their emissions, it
         will have a direct bearing on that cap. As such, this decision will
         have a significant impact on the businesses and industries affected
         by the scheme as well as Australia's contribution toward addressing
         the climate change challenge.

         The RIS also looks at the detailed design issues affecting the
         scheme. It considers such issues as:

                . Which industries should be included in the scheme

                . The reporting, compliance and governance frameworks
                  surrounding the scheme

                . How pollution permits should be allocated, banked and used

                . Whether the Australian scheme should link with
                  international schemes

                . What taxation arrangements will apply to the scheme

         This RIS and the decisions it supports form one step on the road to
         implementing the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme. The Government
         has already released a green paper that detailed many of the issues
         to be considered when designing and implementing an emissions
         trading scheme. That green paper and the submissions made in
         response to it have been used extensively in the preparation of
         this RIS. Box 1.3 outlines the consultation undertaken in the
         development of the design framework for the CPRS. A further round
         of consultation will be undertaken on the details of the
         legislation via the release of draft legislation in early 2009.

         Following this round of decisions there are still a number of
         important decisions to be taken. Throughout 2009 the detailed
         regulations supporting the scheme will be developed. Early in 2010,
         it is expected that the Government will decide on the precise
         scheme caps applying under the scheme. At that time the Government
         will also consider its approach toward the expansion of the scheme
         to include other industries or sectors. Additional details on the
         timetable for introducing the emissions trading scheme are included
         in section 11.

|Box 1.3: Consultation                               |
|Consultation on the design of the CPRS in an        |
|integral part of the development of legislation,    |
|regulations and administrative decisions            |
|underpinning the scheme.                            |
|Prior to the release of the Green Paper, the        |
|Department of Climate Change convened a series of   |
|roundtables involving peak industry, non-government |
|and land use organisations. These were complemented |
|by an extensive program of bilateral meetings held  |
|to discuss specific issues.                         |
|The Green Paper was released in July 2008 as a      |
|consultation document to air the Governments        |
|preferred positions. Stakeholder comment was        |
|requested on these preferred positions as well as a |
|range of other issues for which detailed preferred  |
|positions had not yet been developed (a deadline for|
|submissions was set at 10 September 2008). Over     |
|1,000 submissions were received in response to the  |
|Green Paper. This included submissions from         |
|individual businesses, business groups, community   |
|groups, environmental organisations and individuals.|
|Following the release of the Green Paper the        |
|Department undertook a series of public meetings to |
|raise awareness of the positions in the Green Paper |
|and to answer questions about the design and        |
|development of the scheme. The Department also      |
|undertook a number of bilateral meetings with       |
|individual business, business groups and other      |
|interested stakeholders.                            |
|In addition to the release of the Green Paper, the  |
|Department also released more detailed discussion   |
|papers to elicit additional feedback on particular  |
|aspects of the scheme. This included papers         |
|discussing the coverage of synthetic gases (August  |
|2008), the waste sector (August 2008) and forestry  |
|(September 2008[6]).                                |
|The Government has also consulted with the states   |
|and territories through a working group of the      |
|Council of Australian Governments.                  |
|A 'white paper' detailing the Governments policy    |
|positions will be released following decisions on   |
|design of the CPRS. Consultation with interested    |
|stakeholders on the design of regulations and the   |
|implementation of the Governments policies will be  |
|ongoing.                                            |


         There are many choices involved in the design of an emissions
         trading scheme. In making these choices, the Government is guided
         by certain objectives.

         The objective of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme is to:

                . meet Australia's emissions reduction targets in the most
                  flexible and cost-effective way

                . support an effective global response to climate change and

                . provide for transitional assistance for the most affected
                  households and firms.

         In recognition of the need to address climate change the Government
         has committed to the adoption of an emissions trading scheme. The
         first part of the objectives recognises that it is desirable for
         this scheme to be designed and implemented in the most cost-
         effective way. That is, in considering options for designing the
         scheme, the objective is to ensure that choices made reflect the
         balance of costs and benefits that most benefits the community. In
         many cases, this equates to minimising compliance and
         administration costs. However in some cases, options with more
         substantial compliance costs may be adopted as these options have
         much greater benefits for industry, Government or the community in

         The second part of the objective recognises that, acting alone,
         Australia cannot solve the climate change problem. Like other
         nations, Australia must rely on international cooperation to
         achieve the necessary reductions in global greenhouse gas
         emissions. Therefore, it is vital that Australia's mitigation
         efforts, including the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, are
         designed to support an effective global response.

         A well-designed and successfully implemented Carbon Pollution
         Reduction Scheme can contribute to shaping an effective global
         response by:

                . helping Australia meet its international climate change
                  obligations, including its national target under the Kyoto

                . demonstrating to other countries that emissions reduction
                  targets can be achieved cost effectively though an
                  emissions trading scheme with broad coverage

                . supporting Australia's international negotiating position

                . helping to support the development of international
                  emissions trading.

         The final part of the objectives recognises that the introduction
         of an emissions trading scheme is likely to have a disproportionate
         impact on certain households and industries. To assist in the
         smooth introduction of the scheme assistance to some affected
         industries and households may be necessary. In many cases, such
         assistance is likely to be justified on equity and fairness grounds
         rather than strict efficiency criteria.

2)    Medium Term Target Range and Indicative Short Term Trajectory

Assessing the problem

         Australia's economy and environment are likely to be
         disproportionately affected by climate change. As Australia
         generates only 1.5 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, its
         actions alone cannot avert the worst consequences of climate
         change: the only solution to the climate change problem is a global

         A comprehensive global solution is required to slow and ultimately
         reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to avert dangerous climate
         change. In determining Australia's role, domestic and international
         actions are both important.

         As part of developing these roles, the Government committed to a
         long term goal of reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions to
         60 per cent below 2000 levels by 2050, and to use a market-based
         mechanism - the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) - as the
         primary tool to achieve the emission reductions.

         A key issue or problem to resolve in implementing the CPRS is to
         define the parameters of the emissions constraint in the short to
         medium term, as a pathway towards the long term goal of 60 per cent
         emissions reductions below 2000 levels by 2050.

         The national emissions trajectory is the rate and timing of
         emissions reductions to achieve that target.  Setting a 2020
         national emissions target range (the 'medium term target range')
         and an indicative short-term trajectory would serve two important
         functions: signalling to the world the efforts that Australia is
         making to reduce emissions (including compliance with existing
         international obligations), and allowing all Australian businesses
         and households to develop strategies to manage their energy use and
         efficiently reduce their emissions.

         This is particularly important to businesses that are major energy
         users or direct emitters who will have a liability under the Carbon
         Pollution Reduction Scheme (the scheme). In deciding on the shape
         of the national emissions trajectory, it is important to take into
         account not only the medium and long term goals, but also to signal
         a likely path towards them.

         In the Green Paper, the Government sought feedback on how the
         trajectory and target range should be defined and communicated. In
         parallel, the Australian Treasury and others analysed the economic
         impacts of various national and international emissions reductions
         scenarios for the Government and for the Garnaut Climate Change
         Review. The results of these analyses, which were published in The
         Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final Report (September 2008) and
         Australia's Low Pollution Future: The economics of climate change
         mitigation (October 2008), are relevant to decisions on the level
         of the target range and the national emissions trajectory.

Objectives of government action

         The purpose or objective of the 2020 target range and indicative
         trajectory is to provide guidance to businesses and households
         about future emissions reductions, as one of a number of factors
         influencing planning and investment decisions that are sensitive to
         future energy and carbon costs. In particular, the medium term
         target range and trajectory will have a strong influence on the
         scheme cap which will determine the number of permits issued for
         the scheme up to 2020.

         Setting a target range and indicative trajectory will also support
         the Government's other key objective of contributing to a
         comprehensive global solution that slows and ultimately reduces
         global greenhouse gas emissions.  In this context as a first step,
         supplementing the Government's commitment to reduce emissions by 60
         per cent of 2000 levels by 2050 with a 2020 target and indicative
         trajectory, along with the introduction of the Carbon Pollution
         Reduction Scheme, could allow the Government to signal credible and
         robust steps to cut domestic emissions.

         Alongside these high-level objectives, the Government outlined
         additional criteria and objectives in the green paper that have
         been tailored below as they can usefully inform the setting of
         targets and trajectories, including:

                . Environmental integrity. The target range and trajectory
                  together should catalyse a policy response that delivers
                  genuine reductions in global emissions and drive the
                  transformation of the Australian economy to a low-carbon
                  future. The environmental integrity of a target is
                  described by the actual emissions reductions it achieves.
                  A very ambitious target or a steep trajectory holds out
                  the prospect of greater environmental benefits, but if
                  they are too ambitious or too steep there is a risk that
                  society will decide that sacrifices to reach the target
                  are not worth making. An overambitious target that is not
                  achieved has less environmental integrity (and
                  effectiveness) than a realistic target that can be
                  achieved and built upon in future years.

                . Economic efficiency. Achieving emissions reductions at the
                  lowest long-term cost maximises our ability to respond to
                  climate change. It is important to achieve our
                  environmental goals as efficiently as possible and get the
                  maximum value out of our mitigation efforts. To do
                  otherwise would waste resources and reduce our ability to
                  respond in the future. See Box 2.1 below for a discussion
                  of economic efficiency in the context of emissions
                  reduction policy.

                . Flexibility. There are inherent uncertainties in climate
                  change science and in the global social and political
                  response to climate change. Policy must be able to respond
                  to changing circumstances in a way that is timely and
                  appropriate. Therefore, policy settings need to provide
                  both medium-term flexibility and clarity for decision
                  making in the short term.

                . International objectives. Consistent with the over-riding
                  objective outlined above in relation to credible
                  Australian action, targets and trajectories should support
                  Australia's international negotiating objectives and be
                  consistent with international obligations, including trade
                  and climate change treaties. The target range is a central
                  means by which Australia signals the efforts we are
                  prepared to make as part of global endeavours to reduce
                  the impacts of climate change.

                . Accountability and transparency. Business will make
                  investment decisions and householders will make lifestyle
                  choices based on the target range and the trajectory.
                  Decisions on targets and trajectories should be well based
                  and subject to public scrutiny.

                . Fairness. Acting on climate change will impose costs as
                  the economy transforms, but the costs should be spread as
                  equitably as possible across the economy, and no one
                  should shoulder more than their fair share of them.

|Box 2.1: How economic efficiency applies to reducing|
|emissions                                           |
|In general terms, economic efficiency is realised   |
|when nothing more can be achieved using the         |
|resources available. A system can be considered     |
|economically efficient if it produces goods or      |
|services at the lowest possible per-unit cost, or if|
|no one can be made better off without making someone|
|else worse off, or if output cannot be increased    |
|unless inputs are also increased.                   |
|Economic efficiency will be enhanced when policy    |
|settings encourage flexibility and focus efforts to |
|reduce emissions on least-cost options. This is a   |
|central reason for adopting market-based approaches,|
|such as emissions trading.                          |
|The key efficiency issues in setting the trajectory |
|and the medium-term target range are achieving      |
|efficient risk management and managing the pace of  |
|economic adjustment. Where risk and uncertainty are |
|significant, as is the case in responding to climate|
|change, efficiency will be best achieved when risks |
|are assigned to those who are best placed to judge, |
|act on and manage those risks.                      |
|Governments and the private sector have different   |
|strengths in judging and managing the risks or      |
|likelihoods of different climate change impacts.    |
|Neither has a clear advantage in assessing likely   |
|future global emissions reductions. National        |
|governments control whether they sign future        |
|international agreements and take on specific       |
|obligations. Businesses have less control over      |
|emissions targets or carbon prices, but have many   |
|options for managing uncertainty (ranging from      |
|reducing emissions and energy use in their          |
|operations to using financial instruments) and can  |
|choose the best options to fit their circumstances. |
|Given these different strengths, and the inherent   |
|uncertainties associated with climate change, it    |
|would not be efficient to allocate all risk either  |
|to government or to the private sector. Shifting the|
|full burden of risk management to government would  |
|weaken commercial incentives to reduce emissions,   |
|would reduce economy-wide efficiency, and could     |
|reduce the environmental integrity of the Carbon    |
|Pollution Reduction Scheme.                         |
|Government should be clear about its policy intent  |
|and the processes involved in determining emissions |
|reductions over time. It is appropriate for the     |
|Australian Government to put boundaries around the  |
|scope and pace of economic adjustment over the next |
|10 to 15 years.                                     |

Options and impact analysis

         As noted above, the purpose of the 2020 target range and indicative
         trajectory is to provide guidance to businesses and households
         about future emissions reductions, as one of a number of factors
         influencing planning and investment decisions that are sensitive to
         future energy and carbon costs.

         However, announcing and adhering to a single number for Australia's
         2020 target would lock in the extent of our contribution before key
         aspects of an agreement are settled, including its overall ambition
         and the nature of other countries' commitments. To do so would also
         transfer financial risk from emitters and energy users to the
         Government and taxpayers.

         The Garnaut Final Report suggested that different targets could
         form the basis for emissions reductions pathways linked to
         international action. Under that approach, Australia could proceed
         along one pathway towards a less ambitious target until the
         criteria for a second pathway to a more ambitious target were met,
         at which time Australia could switch pathways.

         A potential difficulty with that approach is that uncertainty about
         the scope and parameters of future international agreements makes
         it difficult to pre-specify precise pathways and mechanistic
         switching rules. The international situation is likely to contain
         ambiguities, which would result in a track switching decision
         involving significant judgment and discretion, risking apparently
         arbitrary outcomes for those affected. Furthermore, as the pathways
         diverge, a switch may cause a large shock to the economy, even with
         a period of notice.

         Thus while at first it may appear that clarity would be provided to
         business and the community through setting a specific target, the
         likely need to switch pathways as international developments emerge
         could be challenging to manage and could lead to some level of
         dislocation in the economy if the path switching was relatively
         rapid.  To mitigate this issue, a significant period of notice
         would be required, which itself would limit the flexibility
         available to Government.

         Expressing the 2020 target as a defined range allows for the
         significant uncertainties about international arrangements beyond
         the first Kyoto commitment period, giving the Government
         flexibility to respond to changing circumstances and science while
         limiting the range of potential outcomes for business. The higher
         boundary of the range could represent Australia's minimum
         commitment to emissions reductions, even in the absence of
         international agreement for the period beyond 2012.

         The lower boundary could represent the extent to which Australia
         will accept tighter targets in the context of a comprehensive
         global agreement under which all major economies commit to
         substantially restrain emissions to achieve an ambitious
         stabilisation goal, and advanced economies take on reductions
         comparable to Australia's. However the boundaries would not
         represent the distinct tracks (suggested by the Garnaut Review).

         These high-level options, including the impacts that may flow from
         defining particular emissions ranges can only be properly
         considered in the context of modelling analysis and the
         international negotiating environment.

         Before considering the impacts of various emissions reduction
         pathways, it is important to provide contextual background on
         current and projected emissions.

         Current and projected emissions

         An important factor in setting the medium-term target range and the
         trajectory is the projected level of emissions in the absence of
         any policy action. Australia's greenhouse gas emissions are
         published each year in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
         (NGGI); and in February 2008, the Department of Climate Change also
         published Tracking to the Kyoto target 2007: Australia's greenhouse
         emissions trends 1990 to 2008-2012 and 2020.

         Projections in Tracking to the Kyoto target used a combination of
         'top down' and 'bottom up' models. For key sectors, such as
         stationary energy, the projections used a multiple-model approach,
         in which the sectoral projection is taken as the average of three
         independent projections made using different sector models. The
         overall projection for Australia was produced from the sum of the
         individual sectoral projections. Chart 2.1 shows an estimate of
         Australia's future emissions under current policy settings such as
         existing measures including the 20 per cent renewable energy target
         (see footnote in figure 2.1 and Attachment C).

             Figure 2.1: 'Business as usual' and 'with measures' emissions

         Source: Department of Climate Change, Tracking to the Kyoto target
         2007: Australia's greenhouse emissions trends 1990 to 2008-2012 and
         2020, 2008'. 'With measures' includes a range of existing and
         recently announced mitigation measures implemented across all
         Governments, such as the new Australian Government measure, the
         20 per cent Renewable Energy Target (Attachment C lists a range of
         these measures).

         Table 2.1 shows Australia's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory for
         2005-06 and preliminary estimates of the likely inventory in 2006-
         07 and 2007-08.

         Table 2.2 shows Australia's likely emissions position in 2007-08,
         based on the estimated national inventory.

         Table 2.1: National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 2005-06 (actual) to
         2007-08 (estimate)

|National greenhouse|2005-06a  |2006-07b  |2007-08b  |
|gas inventory      |          |          |          |
|(megatonnes)       |          |          |          |
|Energy-combustion  |366       |372       |377       |
|of fuels           |          |          |          |
|Energy-fugitive    |34        |35        |36        |
|emissions          |          |          |          |
|Industrial         |28        |30        |31        |
|processes          |          |          |          |
|Waste              |17        |17        |17        |
|Agriculture        |90        |86        |88        |
|National inventory |536       |540       |550       |
|totalc             |          |          |          |

         (a) Department of Climate Change, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
         2006, Commonwealth of Australia, 2008.
         (b) Preliminary estimates.
         (c) National Inventory excluding land use, land use change and
         forestry. Net emissions from the land use, land use change and
         forestry sector were estimated to be 40 Mt in 2006.

         Table 2.2: Likely net emissions position, 2007-08

|Item (megatonnes)               |        |2007-08a|
|National inventory totalb       |(1)     |550     |
|National assigned amount under  |        |        |
|the Kyoto Protocol:             |        |        |
|Assigned amount per yearc       |(2)     |592     |
|Projected adjustments to        |        |        |
|assigned amount:                |        |        |
|Article 3.3: Deforestation,     |        |-23     |
|afforestation and               |        |        |
|reafforestationd                |        |        |
|Articles 6, 12,17: Flexibility  |        |n/a     |
|mechanisms                      |        |        |
|Total projected adjustments     |(3)     |-23     |
|Net assigned amount             |(4) = (2|569     |
|                                |) + (3) |        |
|Net balance                     | = (4) -|+19     |
|                                |(1)     |        |

         (a)      Preliminary estimates.
         (b)      National Inventory excluding land use, land use change and
           forestry. Net emissions from the land use, land use change and
           forestry sector were estimated to be 40 Mt in 2006.
         (c)      Australia's Initial Report under the Kyoto Protocol,
           revised submission 2008.
         (d)      As projected for the average of each year in the first
           commitment period in 'Tracking to Kyoto 2008'-this projection is
           subject to significant uncertainty.

         Since 1995 emissions have been increasing at a trend rate of around
         1 per cent a year, although there is significant annual variability
         - emissions can vary by up to 5 per cent each year.[8] Many factors
         drive this variability, including changes in economic activity,
         population and commodity prices; the characteristics of coal, oil
         and gas being extracted; and natural climate variability.

         For example, emissions change during drought mainly because there
         are fewer cattle and sheep, but also because there is less water
         available for hydro-electricity generators, which increases
         emissions from fossil-fuelled stationary energy generation.

         On the other hand, if water shortages result in less cooling in
         some coal-fired power plants, this can lower emissions. Variation
         in emissions from land-use change is also affected by the area of
         land cleared each year and the prevailing weather conditions (for
         example, whether it was a drought year or a wet year).

         Having ratified the Kyoto Protocol, Australia is committed to
         restraining its national emissions to an average of 108 per cent of
         1990 levels across the first commitment period (2008 to 2012). In
         the event of a post-2012 international agreement, the specification
         of a target range and the trajectory must take into account, both
         likely emissions variability and our international obligations,
         including any association with a post 2020 international agreement.

         The medium-term target range can be achieved through a range of
         measures, but primarily by the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme,
         which will set caps on emissions from covered sectors of the
         economy. Scheme caps will be set in line with the trajectory, but
         there will always be a gap between the trajectory and the scheme
         caps. Not all sectors of the economy will be covered by the scheme
         in its early years, and not all entities in covered sectors will
         emit more than the threshold amount for participation, so national
         emissions will generally be larger than the scheme cap in any given

         Parameters used in describing the trajectory and target range

         Both the trajectory and the target range can be described using
         three related parameters:

                . Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (t CO2-e). This is the
                  internationally accepted measure for greenhouse gas
                  emissions. It describes, for a given mixture and amount of
                  greenhouse gases, the amount of CO2 that would have the
                  same global warming potential when measured over a
                  specified timescale (generally 100 years).

                . As a percentage relative to a previous year. Australia's
                  Kyoto target, for example, is expressed as 108 per cent of
                  1990 levels, while the Government's long-term target is
                  expressed as a 60 per cent reduction below 2000 levels.
                  Because Australia's emissions in 1990 were almost the same
                  as in 2000 (547.7 million tonnes[9] and 552.8 million
                  tonnes[10] respectively), percentage reductions below 1990
                  and 2000 levels for Australian emissions are reasonably

                . As a per capita percentage relative to a previous year.
                  This can sometimes provide a more meaningful comparison of
                  emissions reductions relative to other countries, because
                  it incorporates not only the absolute economy-wide change
                  in emissions over a timeframe, but also the change in
                  population. Per capita reduction targets below 1990 and
                  2000 levels are quite different, despite similar absolute
                  levels of emissions in those two years, because of
                  different populations in those years. Australia's per
                  capita emissions were 32.1 tonnes per person in 1990 and
                  28.9 tonnes per person in 2000[11].

         Goals for greenhouse gas emissions reductions are sometimes
         described in terms of a desired global outcome; for example,
         'stabilising emissions at 500 ppm CO2-e', 'limiting global
         temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius' or 'avoiding dangerous
         climate change'. Such goals are only meaningful at a global level.
         The global atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases and
         resulting temperatures will only be stabilised by global efforts to
         reduce emissions, which are the sum of national efforts. In
         practice, there is no direct link between one country's emissions
         reduction target in 2020 and global stabilisation at a certain long-
         run concentration, because stabilisation results from the aggregate
         of all countries' efforts over time.

         Modelling mitigation

         To inform the choice of a 2020 target range, it is useful to draw
         upon the economic modelling of various policy scenarios. The
         Australian Treasury modelled four scenarios, both for the
         Government (published as Australia's Low Pollution Future and
         referred to as the 'CPRS scenarios') and for the Garnaut Climate
         Change Review (published in the Garnaut Final Report). The Garnaut
         Climate Change Review also carried out separate modelling exercises
         of two additional scenarios, which were also published in its final

         Both the Garnaut Final Report and Australia's Low Pollution Future
         presented results from a combination of three top-down, computable
         general equilibrium (CGE) models: the Global Trade and Environment
         Model (GTEM), the G Cubed model, and the Monash Multi Regional
         Forecasting (MMRF) model. GTEM and G Cubed are models of the global
         economy, whereas MMRF is a model of the Australian economy with
         state and territory level detail. The CGE models covered four key
         policy areas:

                . Global: rates and patterns of economic growth, technology
                  development and emissions

                . National: overall performance of the macro-economy and
                  patterns of growth across industries, sectors, states and

                . Sectoral: likely technological development and timing and
                  scale of opportunities to reduce energy use and emissions

                . Household: impacts on income, consumption, prices and

         The CGE models were complemented by a series of bottom up sector
         specific models for electricity generation, transport, land use
         change and forestry.

         The Garnaut Climate Change Review worked closely with the Treasury
         to define the reference case (that is, 'business as usual' with no
         new policies to reduce emissions and assuming no impacts from
         climate change ). In the scenarios developed for the review, GTEM
         outcomes were used as an input into the MMRF model, which was
         augmented by bottom-up sectoral models. GTEM was extended using
         GIAM (Global Integrated Assessment Model) to model the interaction
         between the climate system and the economy in estimating global
         mitigation and climate change damages.

         Results from the modelling are described in terms of forgone growth
         in gross national product (GNP); that is, GNP being a certain
         percentage less than it is projected to be in the reference case.
         GNP includes international trade and capital flows and, in a world
         with internationally linked emissions trading, captures the impact
         of importing and exporting emissions units.

         Different assumptions, different results

         Care is needed when comparing modelling outcomes from different
         exercises. The extent to which modelling results can be compared
         depends on how similar the models' methodologies and underlying
         assumptions are. It is also important to emphasise that, while
         economic analysis of emissions scenarios published during 2008
         contains information about the likely increase in emissions, it is
         not an emissions projection tool.

         It is also important to bear in mind the different purposes and
         emphases of different scenarios. The modelling results for the
         scenarios presented in the Garnaut Final Report and Australia's low
         pollution future use consistent models but contain varying policy
         assumptions. In addition, these scenarios (see next section),
         provide decision makers with some information about the sensitivity
         of the modelling results to changes in the key underlying
         assumptions to help inform choices about the carbon constraint, and
         key scheme design features[12].  The major differences in
         assumptions include the following:

                . Modelled avoided costs of climate change. The Garnaut
                  Review identified four types of climate change induced

                  - Type 1: economic costs of 'most likely' climate impacts
                    that are able to be quantified

                  - Type 2: economic costs that cannot be estimated with

                  - Type 3: cost of the risks that climate impacts are more
                    severe than median projections

                  - Type 4: costs that are felt outside markets, such as
                    loss of environmental systems and amenity, and
                    international humanitarian impacts that do not affect
                    Australian markets.

         The Garnaut Review incorporated types 1 and 2 into its model.  The
         review also included in its analysis the benefits to the economy of
         avoiding some of these costs.  The Treasury work did not include
         the benefits of avoided costs.

                . Modelled costs of emissions reductions.  The Garnaut
                  Review and the Treasury both modelled the costs of
                  emission reductions in the same way.

                . Coverage. The Garnaut Review scenarios assume that all
                  sectors of the economy are covered by the mitigation
                  policy from the commencement of the modelling period,
                  whereas the CPRS scenarios assume coverage based on the
                  Green Paper (for example, the CPRS scenarios assume that
                  the agriculture sector is excluded until 2015).

                . International action

                  - The CPRS scenarios employ a multi-stage approach to
                    international emissions trading, whereby all countries
                    are assumed to have 'business as usual' emissions until
                    2010, after which countries listed in Annex B to the
                    Kyoto Protocol apply the same mitigation effort as
                    Australia. China and higher income developing countries
                    commit to restraining their emissions from 2015, so that
                    China's emissions allocation triples by 2030 and then
                    begin to fall; India and middle income developing
                    countries take on commitments from 2020, with India's
                    emissions allocation peaking around 2040; lower income
                    countries take on similar commitments from 2025.
                    Emissions allocations within each group, including
                    advanced countries, are a uniform reduction from each
                    country's reference case emissions.  This results in
                    total emissions allocations for each group of nations
                    being between 50 per cent and 80 per cent below
                    reference scenario levels by 2050, with developing
                    countries' emissions being higher than their 2000
                    levels. International trade in permits is unconstrained
                    from 2020 onwards.

                  - In contrast, the Garnaut Review scenarios assume that
                    Australia will take on its proportionate share of global
                    mitigation on a per capita basis.  The model allows for
                    a transition period to enable the current unequal
                    distribution of emissions across countries to 'contract
                    and converge' to equal per capita entitlements in 2050.
                    Australia is assumed to meet its targets for the first
                    commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. All countries
                    are assumed to continue on business-as-usual growth in
                    emissions until 2013, when global mitigation efforts
                    commence with unlimited trading in permits between
                    countries. This represents a stylised optimal post-2012

                . Emissions-intensive trade-exposed industries. The CPRS
                  scenarios shield emissions-intensive trade-exposed sectors
                  until 2020, after which assistance is phased out,
                  consistent with the preferred position expressed in the
                  Green Paper. The Garnaut Review scenarios do not include
                  any shielding of those sectors, as concerted world action
                  to reduce emissions results in an emissions price emerging
                  in all countries at the same time.

                . Fuel excise. The CPRS scenarios offset the impact of an
                  emissions price on transport fuels through fuel excise
                  changes until 2013.  In contrast, the Garnaut Review
                  scenarios assume that the emissions price impact on
                  transport is fully passed through to consumers.

                . Renewable Energy Target. The CPRS scenarios include the
                  Renewable Energy Target so that 20 per cent of Australia's
                  electricity comes from renewable sources by 2020.  The
                  Garnaut Review scenarios assume that Australia does not
                  have a Renewable Energy Target once emissions trading

                . Long term emissions reduction target. An emissions
                  reduction scenario needs to specify both a start point and
                  an end point in order to describe the shape of the path
                  between the two points. The CPRS scenarios are consistent
                  with the Government's stated 2050 target of a 60 per cent
                  reduction below 2000 levels.  The Garnaut Review scenarios
                  involve Australian emissions reductions to 80 per cent and
                  90 per cent below 2000 levels by 2050.  It is important to
                  note that these 2050 targets are assumptions; they are not
                  results of projections by the models.

         Emissions reduction scenarios used for analysis

         The consequences of different national trajectories and
         international arrangements were explored through six stylised

         In the Garnaut Waiting Game scenario, emissions trading is
         implemented in 2010 without any clarity about the long-term
         coverage or ambitions of the likely international agreement to
         reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This scenario does not include a
         2020 target, and the carbon price is fixed. The aim would be to
         'keep hopes alive of an international agreement at reasonable cost,
         until all opportunities had been exhausted'.  The Garnaut Final
         Report suggests that this outcome is unlikely, given commitments by
         the governments of developed countries.

         In the Garnaut Copenhagen Compromise scenario, emissions trading
         commences with a partial (rather than a comprehensive)
         international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the
         carbon price is fixed between 2010 and 2013. Under this scenario,
         the Garnaut Final Report suggests that Australia would reduce
         greenhouse gas emissions by 5 per cent below 2000 levels by 2020.
         Like the Waiting Game scenario, the Copenhagen Compromise is
         assumed to be a transitional scenario that will be superseded by a
         more ambitious global agreement.

         In the Garnaut 550 ppm scenario, emissions trading begins with a
         comprehensive global emissions reduction agreement in place,
         centred on the long term stabilisation of global atmospheric
         greenhouse gases at 550 ppm CO2-e. All countries take on
         obligations from 2013, with the per capita emissions allowances of
         fast-growing developing countries rising until they meet the per
         capita levels of the European Union and Japan, and then converging
         on equal global allocations by 2050. The Garnaut Final Report
         suggests that, under this scenario, Australia would reduce
         greenhouse gas emissions by 10 per cent below 2000 levels by 2020.

         The Garnaut 450 ppm scenario is similar to the Garnaut 550 ppm
         scenario, but the assumed global agreement is centred on long term
         stabilisation at 450 ppm CO2-e. The Garnaut Final Report suggests
         that, under this scenario, Australia would reduce greenhouse gas
         emissions by 25 per cent below 2000 levels by 2020. Mitigation
         costs associated with the Garnaut 550 ppm and Garnaut 450 ppm
         scenarios were modelled by the Treasury, and the results were also
         published in Australia's low pollution future.

         Australia's low pollution future presented a further two scenarios:
         the CPRS - 5 scenario and the CPRS - 15 scenario. These include the
         impact of the scheme as presented in the Green Paper, and achieve
         reductions by 2020 of 5 per cent and 15 per cent, respectively,
         below 2000 levels. Both assume a staged approach to international
         action, with developing countries joining the system over the
         period from 2015 to 2025 as described above. Australia's low
         pollution future locates CPRS -5 in a global scenario that would
         stabilise global atmospheric greenhouse gases at around 550 ppm CO2-
         e by the end of the century; and CPRS -15 in a global scenario with
         stabilisation at around 510 ppm CO2-e.

         Key results from economic modelling

         Australia's low pollution future found that all the emissions
         reduction scenarios modelled involved only slightly slower economic
         growth than the reference case.  Consistent with other Australian
         and international modelling, annual GNP (gross national product)
         and GDP (gross domestic product) growth is around 0.1 per cent
         lower over the period to 2050 than it would be without policy
         action. This results in per capita GNP (measured in 2005 dollars)
         rising from $50,400 in 2008 to between $54,700 and $55,200 in 2020
         across the four scenarios, rather than $55,900 in 2020 in the
         reference case. GNP is 1.3 per cent to 1.7 per cent below the
         reference case in 2020 in the CPRS scenarios, and up to
         2.0 per cent below the reference case in the Garnaut Review

         These impacts are equivalent to about 4 months of economic growth,
         implying that the level of economic activity achieved in January
         2020 in the reference case would be achieved in April 2020 in the
         CPRS scenarios.

         Table 2.3 summarises results from Australia's low pollution future
         and the Garnaut Final Report.

         Table 2.3: Summary of results of modelled scenarios

|                          |Refer-ence caseb          |
|[pic]                     |[pic]                     |

         Note: These charts are illustrative only and should not be
         interpreted as actual emissions trajectories.

         The first indicative trajectory should be calculated by taking the
         likely net emissions position for 2007-08 and assigning the
         remaining emissions budget from the first Kyoto commitment period
         to the four remaining years of that period, on the basis that
         national emissions will peak with the introduction of the scheme in
         2010-11 and then trend downwards with relatively gentle reductions
         in the initial years.

         The level of the peak and gradient of the slope are consistent with
         Australia's Kyoto Protocol target of 108 per cent of 1990 emissions
         on average over the first commitment period.   The choice of this
         trajectory provides additional liquidity at the start of the
         scheme, by drawing on the flexibility mechanisms provided by scheme
         design choices such as the banking of permits.  This will help to
         provide more market depth and assist the management of carbon price
         uncertainty as the market is being established.

         That is, the first indicative trajectory should be:

                . in 2010-11, 109 per cent of 2000 levels

                . in 2011-12, 108 per cent of 2000 levels

                . in 2012-13, 107 per cent of 2000 levels.

         This indicative short-term trajectory provides some early clarity
         to business about the possible future scheme cap setting policies
         in 2010.  Business can plan with some assurance that the scheme
         caps as set in 2010, will be guided by the indicative pathway
         outlined above, which peaks in 2010-11 and then trend downwards,
         but remaining consistent with our Kyoto commitments, which retains
         flexibility to address different pathways following further
         international negotiations.   As noted earlier, providing these
         clear signals about the Government's policy intent through the
         medium-term target range and the trajectory allows businesses to
         form judgments about medium- and long-term carbon prices and
         facilitates appropriate risk management and planning in the near

3)    Coverage

         The coverage of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme is an
         important consideration for Government. It determines how much of
         Australia's emissions are captured by the scheme and plays a large
         role in determining who bears the costs associated with reducing
         emissions and, to a degree, how significant these costs are.

         The consideration of coverage has two broad elements:

                . Which gases should be covered by the scheme?

                . Which sectors should be included in the scheme?

         For each sector included in the scheme, additional considerations

                . At what point in the supply chain should the obligation to
                  report emissions and surrender permits be imposed?[13]

                . Should the threshold for inclusion in the scheme be
                  different to the 25 kt CO2-e/year facility level threshold
                  applicable under NGERS?[14]


         In deciding on the coverage of the scheme the Government is
         pursuing two broadly competing objectives.

         On the one hand, the coverage of the scheme should be broad,
         capturing as many sources of emissions as possible. The wider the
         scope of the scheme, the more the costs of pursuing a particular
         emissions reduction target are spread across the economy. In
         addition to ensuring that costs are shared more fairly amongst
         industries, it also helps to reduce the risks of the carbon
         pollution reduction scheme distorting the flow of investment toward
         different sectors. Expanding the ambit of the scheme also opens up
         additional abatement opportunities ensuring that the cheapest
         abatement options are pursued, thereby reducing the overall cost to
         the economy of pursuing any given target (see box 3.1).

|Box 3.1: The benefits of wider coverage             |
|For any particular scheme cap the Government may    |
|choose, a particular level of 'abatement' is        |
|required. Abatement refers to activities that will  |
|reduce emissions of greenhouse gases or 'sequester' |
|(absorb) greenhouse gases already released into the |
|atmosphere. The costs of this abatement are likely  |
|to vary across sectors and industries and even      |
|between different businesses in the same industry.  |
|That is, some businesses will have cheaper options  |
|for reducing emissions than others (these options   |
|may include changing energy sources, changing       |
|production methods to become more efficient or      |
|changing the composition of products to use less    |
|carbon intensive inputs).                           |
|Abatement under the scheme will only be undertaken  |
|by 'covered' sectors. That is, sectors which are not|
|included in the scheme will have no obligation or   |
|incentive to reduce emissions.                      |
|If the coverage of the scheme were to be narrow, all|
|required abatement must be undertaken by a smaller  |
|number of emitters and a narrower number of         |
|technological sources. For instance, if the scheme  |
|only covered electricity generation, all abatement  |
|required to reach the scheme cap would need to be   |
|undertaken in the electricity generation sector.    |
|This abatement might come from changes to           |
|electricity sources such as increased deployment of |
|wind and solar generation. While some of these      |
|abatement opportunities are likely to be low cost   |
|(wind generation is already being deployed in some  |
|areas) as higher levels of abatement are required   |
|the cost will rise. For instance wind generation    |
|would need to be sighted in less productive (less   |
|windy) areas or more expensive technologies would   |
|need to be deployed to further reduce emissions and |
|meet the scheme cap.                                |
|It is likely that other sectors would offer         |
|abatement opportunities at lower cost than          |
|undertaking all abatement in the electricity        |
|generation sector. For instance, the capture and    |
|flaring of waste methane from landfill sites can    |
|reduce emissions at relatively low cost (it is      |
|already undertaken in some areas even in the absence|
|of a carbon price). Including the waste sector in   |
|the scheme would provide an incentive to undertake  |
|these lower cost abatement projects and reduce the  |
|need for higher cost abatement in other areas (the  |
|electricity generation sector in this example).     |
|Qualitatively, it is clear that, by opening up      |
|additional abatement opportunities, expanding scheme|
|coverage will reduce the costs of meeting any       |
|particular scheme cap.  Moreover, it is expected    |
|that these benefits would be significant - in       |
|reporting it's modelling results (which assumed wide|
|scheme coverage) the Treasury note that:            |
|Emission reductions occur at different rates across |
|sectors and over time. The ability to reduce        |
|emissions when it is cheap to do so, through a      |
|market based mechanism, keeps mitigation costs as   |
|low as possible.[15]                                |
|It is instructive to note that the overall costs of |
|the scheme are large - in the order of 1.3 to 2 per |
|cent of GNP in 2020 (with wide scheme coverage).[16]|
|Even relatively small reductions in the cost of     |
|abatement would have significant absolute benefits  |
|in terms of the reducing the overall cost of        |
|abatement under the scheme. The modelling did not   |
|examine the impact of excluding particular sectors  |
|from the scheme.                                    |
|However, it is not feasible to quantify the benefits|
|of expanding coverage to particular sectors. To     |
|undertake such quantification would require         |
|information on the quantity of cost effective       |
|abatement opportunities available in each sector at |
|different permit prices. The Government does not    |
|have this information.                              |
|It should be noted that this lack of information is |
|a key reason why an emissions trading scheme (a     |
|market based method) has been adopted to reduce     |
|emissions. Even in the absence of this information  |
|an emissions trading scheme, which allows businesses|
|to trade permits, should result in the most cost    |
|effective abatement opportunities being pursued     |
|first.[17] Regulatory approaches (as opposed to     |
|market based approaches) to reducing emissions rely |
|on Government being able to identify cost effective |
|abatement opportunities and regulate for abatement  |
|in these areas.                                     |
|Overall, there are benefits to expanding scheme     |
|coverage and it is expected that these benefits will|
|be significant. However, it is not possible to      |
|quantify these benefits in such a way that would    |
|allow meaningful quantitative comparison with the   |
|additional compliance costs associated with         |
|expanding scheme coverage to particular sectors.    |

         On the other hand covering some sectors or industries may impose
         significant compliance costs on those industries. This is likely to
         be the case where there are a large number of small emitters and no
         practical way of ensuring compliance with the scheme. It is also
         likely to be a problem where the methodology for measuring
         emissions has not yet been developed or is highly unreliable.

         Overall, when deciding on whether or not to include particular
         sectors, the objective is to cover as much of Australia's emissions
         profile as possible, while not imposing undue compliance costs on
         business or depending on unreliable measurement methods.

         In considering compliance costs it is important to note that in
         many cases businesses are already subject to a significant portion
         of the compliance cost burden associated with the scheme. This is
         because many sectors already have to comply with the National
         Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System (NGERS). Under this system,
         a controlling corporation's group which controls a facility that
         emits more than 25 kt CO2-e/year (and a controlling corporation's
         group whose facilities emit (in total) more than 125 kt CO2-e/year
         (falling to 50 kt CO2-e/year in 2010-11)) must report their
         emissions to the Greenhouse and Energy Data Officer.

         Where businesses are already recording and reporting emissions, the
         additional compliance costs mainly relate to changes in accounting
         practices, assurance of emissions, management reviews and modelling
         and education of personnel. Box 3.2 gives more detail on the
         estimation of compliance costs including overall estimates of
         compliance costs.

         In addition to compliance costs, businesses and sectors covered by
         the scheme will also incur substantial costs associated with
         purchasing permits to cover emissions or undertaking abatement
         activities to reduce emissions. In many cases these costs can be
         passed on to consumers, although this will result in a reduction in
         demand which will be detrimental to the business. In other cases,
         companies will be less able to pass on costs and will bear these
         costs themselves. [18]

         While the majority of the impacts of decisions in regard to
         coverage of the scheme fall on business (and these are the impacts
         under consideration in this chapter), there will be some (small)
         impacts on consumers and government (see box 3.3).

|Box 3.2:  Compliance costs                          |
|Compliance cost estimates for the Carbon Pollution  |
|Reduction Scheme are based on estimating the impact |
|of the scheme on eight hypothetical companies. These|
|companies represent different emissions profiles and|
|emissions from a variety of sources. Attachment B   |
|details the estimation of compliance costs for the  |
|hypothetical companies.                             |
|Main compliance costs                               |
|For most companies the main compliance costs (beyond|
|those imposed by NGERS) are associated with         |
|accounting changes (mainly changes to IT and        |
|financial accounting operating systems to           |
|accommodate permit liabilities), management reviews |
|of business as a result of the CPRS and third party |
|assurance of emissions reports.                     |
|These compliance cost estimates include a number of |
|items which, while not strictly required for        |
|compliance, may be undertaken by many businesses in |
|response to the CPRS. For instance, the estimated   |
|compliance costs include costs associated with      |
|development of financial models to assess the       |
|potential for cost pass through. It also includes   |
|costs associated with management reviews to         |
|understand how the CPRS affects management          |
|decisionsand (ongoing) costs associated with        |
|modelling cash flows to assist in raising funds to  |
|optimise the purchase of permits.                   |
|For some hypothetical companies the compliance cost |
|estimates also include data compilation and         |
|interrogation costs and application costs associated|
|with applying for assistance (for emissions         |
|intensive trade exposed businesses and under the    |
|electricity sector adjustment scheme). Applying for |
|assistance under these schemes is voluntary         |
|(although it is expected that most eligible         |
|businesses will partake) and businesses will take   |
|the compliance costs into account in their decisions|
|to participate.                                     |
|In total these two sets of costs (assistance        |
|application and 'business response items') form a   |
|significant portion of costs for some companies. For|
|instance, they, form around half of the upfront     |
|compliance costs for the companies with the highest |
|upfront costs (companies B and D).Finally, it should|
|also be noted that some activities required for     |
|compliance will be undertaken alongside regular     |
|business activities. For instance all hypothetical  |
|companies include a significant cost associated with|
|upgrading accounting systems to capture emissions   |
|cost data. Some companies may undertake these       |
|updates in the course of other modifications to     |
|accounting systems which would reduce CPRS specific |
|compliance costs.                                   |
|It should also be noted that compliance costs are a |
|business expense and that businesses will receive a |
|tax deduction for many of these costs.              |
|Per business costs                                  |
|The costs per business costs for the hypothetical   |
|companies are described in the table below. While   |
|the costs vary across companies, the smaller        |
|companies (C, F and H) are lower. This is especially|
|the case for the ongoing costs as these companies do|
|not have to obtain 3rd party audits of emissions    |
|reports (see section 4).                            |
|                                                    |
|Hypothetical company                                |
|'start up' costs ($)                                |
|On-going costs ($)                                  |
|                                                    |
|A                                                   |
|Large upstream oil and gas company                  |
|396 210                                             |
|278 320                                             |
|                                                    |
|B                                                   |
|Large electricity generator                         |
|587 853                                             |
|274 176                                             |
|                                                    |
|C                                                   |
|Importer of synthetic gas                           |
|328 700                                             |
|67 271                                              |
|                                                    |
|D                                                   |
|Large international industrial processor            |
|904 550                                             |
|271 274                                             |
|                                                    |
|E                                                   |
|Petroleum refinery                                  |
|663 675                                             |
|311 915                                             |
|                                                    |
|F                                                   |
|Small-medium size manufacturer                      |
|281 757                                             |
|50 969                                              |
|                                                    |
|G                                                   |
|Gas retailer                                        |
|373 217                                             |
|291 059                                             |
|                                                    |
|H                                                   |
|Waste treatment company                             |
|353 061                                             |
|58 305                                              |
|                                                    |
|Overall compliance costs                            |
|A key piece of information when aggregating the     |
|compliance costs is the number of companies in each |
|'sector'. With the exception of petroleum suppliers,|
|synthetic gas importers and additional fugitive     |
|emitters (which are estimates of the number of      |
|liable companies and marked in italics below) and   |
|synthetic gas suppliers (also an estimate of the    |
|number of companies), the Department has estimates  |
|of facility numbers drawn from the NGERS RIS and    |
|from departmental estimates. These are shown in the |
|table below.                                        |
|Sector / industry                                   |
|Number of facilities e                              |
|                                                    |
|Electricity generation                              |
|93                                                  |
|                                                    |
|Manufacturing a                                     |
|203                                                 |
|                                                    |
|Mining b                                            |
|230                                                 |
|                                                    |
|Fuel supply: Petroleum                              |
|250                                                 |
|                                                    |
|Fuel supply: Gas c                                  |
|40                                                  |
|                                                    |
|Additional fugitive emitters                        |
|12                                                  |
|                                                    |
|Synthetic gas importers                             |
|45                                                  |
|                                                    |
|Waste                                               |
|200                                                 |
|                                                    |
|Total                                               |
|1073                                                |
|                                                    |
|a manufacturing represents emissions from stationary|
|energy and industrial processors                    |
|b mining includes fugitive emissions from mines as  |
|well as upstream liabilities for coal suppliers     |
|c includes fugitive emissions and upstream          |
|liabilities for natural gas, LPG and CNG producers  |
|d This includes additional fugitive emitters who are|
|liable only as a result of gas                      |
|transmission/distribution pipelines.                |
|e Estimates for the number of electricity           |
|generators, manufacturing firms and mining firms    |
|have been taken from the NGERS RIS (available at    |
|     |
|ngaerb2007413/memo_0.html). Estimates of the number |
|of petroleum suppliers is from ATO data. The number |
|of gas suppliers, synthetic gas importers,          |
|additional fugitive emitters and waste repositories |
|are Department of Climate Change estimates.         |
|However, facility numbers are not appropriate for   |
|multiplying out the per business numbers to generate|
|estimates of total compliance costs - many          |
|businesses have multiple facilities. However, the   |
|average ratio of facilities operated by each        |
|business is not known. In one area (electricity     |
|generation) it is estimated that the 93 generators  |
|are operated by 53 companies. This implies that the |
|number of companies is around 60 percent of the     |
|number of facilities. In one sector (gas suppliers) |
|the number of the number of companies is likely to  |
|be closer to the number of facilities although many |
|of these companies are likely to liable under the   |
|scheme due to emissions from other sources (for     |
|instance, petroleum refiners are also likely to be  |
|gas suppliers). For other sectors particularly      |
|waste, manufacturing and mining the 60 percent      |
|number is likely to be more accurate and potentially|
|an overestimate. As a result, for all sectors with  |
|the exception of petroleum supply, synthetic gas    |
|importers and additional fugitive emitters, the     |
|number of facilities has been scaled back using this|
|60 percent estimate to represent the number of      |
|companies.                                          |
|In general, sectors have been allocated with the    |
|hypothetical company which best represents their    |
|industry (as shown in the table below). One         |
|exception is the petroleum supply sector. This      |
|sector is made up of 4 large refiners, 5 smaller    |
|independent operators, around 10 fuel blenders and  |
|another 230 small producers (bio fuel producers,    |
|fuel suppliers in remote areas, mining companies    |
|that import directly etc). There is no size         |
|threshold for these companies - all entities liable |
|to pay excise and customs duty on petroleum fuels   |
|are liable under the CPRS (this includes an unknown |
|number of small businesses). The compliance costs   |
|across these companies are likely to vary           |
|significantly.                                      |
|The petroleum refiners have significant emissions   |
|derived from a variety of sources (such as fugitive |
|emissions, energy use and downstream liabilities).  |
|They may also be eligible for assistance as         |
|emissions intensive trade exposed businesses and    |
|incur compliance costs as a result of applying for  |
|this assistance.                                    |
|The compliance costs for the remaining companies in |
|the sector are likely to be much smaller. These     |
|companies are only likely to have a liability as a  |
|result of downstream emissions and their reporting  |
|obligations are based on the existing excise system |
|(see below) and compliance for these companies will |
|be much simpler.  As a result, the compliance costs |
|associated with the typical petroleum refiner is a  |
|poor representation of the likely costs faced by    |
|these companies. The small-medium sized manufacturer|
|is likely to represent a more accurate estimate of  |
|the compliance costs for these companies and has    |
|been used for the 230 smaller petroleum suppliers.  |
|The remaining 20 larger suppliers have been         |
|estimated using the petroleum refiner as an         |
|appropriate hypothetical company.                   |
|In the case of manufacturing, two hypothetical      |
|companies are appropriate (the large industrial     |
|processor for larger manufactures and the small     |
|medium manufacturer for other manufacturers). The   |
|number of manufacturers has been split - one third  |
|to the large manufacturer and two thirds to the     |
|small-medium manufacturer. This represents the split|
|between facilities over and under 125 kt CO2-e/year |
|in the NGERS RIS.                                   |
|Using these estimates of the number of companies,   |
|total compliance costs for the sectors is presented |
|in the table below.                                 |
|Sector or industry                                  |
|Number of companies                                 |
|Hypothetical company                                |
|Total 'start up' costs                              |
|Total (annual) on-going costs                       |
|                                                    |
|                                                    |
|#                                                   |
|                                                    |
|$'000                                               |
|$'000                                               |
|                                                    |
|Electricity generation                              |
|56                                                  |
|B                                                   |
|32 920                                              |
|15 354                                              |
|                                                    |
|Manufacturing                                       |
|122                                                 |
|D and F                                             |
|59 701                                              |
|15 177                                              |
|                                                    |
|Mining                                              |
|138                                                 |
|A                                                   |
|54 677                                              |
|38 408                                              |
|                                                    |
|Fuel supply: Petroleum (lg)                         |
|20                                                  |
|E                                                   |
|13 274                                              |
|6 238                                               |
|                                                    |
|Fuel supply: Petroleum (sm)                         |
|230                                                 |
|F                                                   |
|64 804                                              |
|11 723                                              |
|                                                    |
|Fuel supply: Gas                                    |
|24                                                  |
|G                                                   |
|8 957                                               |
|6 985                                               |
|                                                    |
|Additional fugitive emitters                        |
|12                                                  |
|A                                                   |
|4 755                                               |
|3 340                                               |
|                                                    |
|Synthetic gas importers                             |
|45                                                  |
|C                                                   |
|14 792                                              |
|3 027                                               |
|                                                    |
|Waste                                               |
|120                                                 |
|H                                                   |
|42 367                                              |
|6 997                                               |
|                                                    |
|Total                                               |
|767                                                 |
|                                                    |
|296 246                                             |
|107 250                                             |
|                                                    |
|Contract revision costs                             |
|One set of compliance costs which has not been      |
|included in the quantified compliance costs reported|
|above are contract revision costs. Contract revision|
|costs result from the need or desire of businesses  |
|to pass on the costs associated with permit         |
|purchases (that is, the cost of emissions). In      |
|general it is expected that permit costs will be    |
|pass on to consumers unless there is some barrier to|
|cost pass through (such as is the case for trade    |
|exposed companies or those subject to regulatory    |
|pricing controls). In order to assess whether costs |
|can be passed on businesses are likely to go through|
|a process of contract revision. Contract revision   |
|costs arise from:                                   |
|Assessing contracts to ascertain those which allow  |
|costs to be passed through and                      |
|Notifying counterparties where costs are being      |
|passed through.                                     |
|Some businesses are also likely to incur costs      |
|associated with renegotiating contracts because they|
|are unclear (as to whether costs can be passed      |
|through) or unacceptable to one party. The extent to|
|which these costs are compliance costs is unclear as|
|the driving force for the renegotiation is not so   |
|much a government requirement but a desire to       |
|achieve better business outcomes.                   |
|The estimates of contract revision costs included   |
|assessing and notifying costs as well as these      |
|renegotiation costs.                                |
|The estimated contract revision costs vary quite    |
|significantly across the hypothetical companies. For|
|six of the eight companies the costs are between    |
|$32,000 and $100,000 (these are once off 'start up' |
|costs). Two companies stood out as significant      |
|outliers. The gas retailer had contract revision    |
|costs of around $1.4 million. Stakeholder feedback  |
|with DCC indicated that for some gas retailers there|
|were few if any large contracts to be renegotiated  |
|suggesting that the compliance costs for these      |
|companies would, in practice, be fairly low.        |
|For the industrial processor case, the estimated    |
|contract revision cost was $800,000. This represents|
|the contract revision costs associated with         |
|significant supply contracts (such as electricity   |
|contracts). Again, it is unclear how representative |
|this cost is and, given the number of contracts     |
|involved, a significant portion of this cost is     |
|likely to be associated with renegotiation.         |

|Box 3.3: Coverage impacts on consumers and          |
|government                                          |
|The major impact on consumers associated with       |
|expanded coverage will stem from the reduction in   |
|overall abatement costs. While the cost reduction   |
|described in Box 3.1 will initially accrue to       |
|businesses (who must undertake the abatement) these |
|benefits will be passed onto consumers through      |
|reduced average prices overall (reflecting more     |
|efficient abatement) and higher incomes (reflecting |
|slightly faster economic growth). That is, the      |
|impacts eventually passed on to consumers under a   |
|scheme with wide coverage will be less significant  |
|than under a scheme with narrow coverage.           |
|The one area where there may be costs for some      |
|consumers is in relation to the process of some     |
|goods and services. While on average price increases|
|would be lower (assuming that a similar share of    |
|abatement costs are passed on to consumers across   |
|the economy), expanding the coverage of the scheme  |
|will lead to relative price increases in different  |
|areas. For instance, including the waste sector in  |
|the scheme is likely to result in higher local      |
|government charges as they pass on the costs        |
|associated with emissions abatement in the waste    |
|sector. Similarly, including synthetic greenhouse   |
|gases is likely to lead to small increases in the   |
|price of goods such as refrigerators and air        |
|conditioners that use these gases. Consumers that   |
|have a particularly high consumption of these goods |
|and services will be most affected by their         |
|inclusion in the scheme. However, the overall costs |
|of scheme coverage decisions on consumers are       |
|expected to be limited (especially in comparison to |
|business compliance costs).                         |
|For Government, the administrative costs associated |
|with expanded scheme coverage are expected to be    |
|limited. The major costs associated with running the|
|scheme, such as auction design and operation and    |
|establishment of the regulator, will be undertaken  |
|regardless of the sectors covered under the scheme. |
|It is also important to note that Government costs  |
|associated with reporting emissions are already     |
|incurred as a result of NGERS. One area where the   |
|Government may incur additional administrative costs|
|is if additional assurance activity is undertaken as|
|a result of covering additional businesses under the|
|scheme (see chapter 4 for a discussion of auditing  |
|and assurance). Again, in comparison to the         |
|compliance costs for businesses, these costs are    |
|expected to be small.                               |

Which gases should be covered?

         Parties to the Kyoto Protocol account for six greenhouse gases that
         contribute most to human-induced climate change (listed in table

         In designing a domestic emissions trading scheme, one option would
         be to include only the most common greenhouse gases or those that
         can be most easily estimated on commencement, with the remaining
         greenhouse gases included over time. For example, the EU scheme
         began by covering only carbon dioxide. This option would not
         necessarily simplify the scheme and could complicate emissions
         reporting. Under NGERS entities are already responsible for
         reporting emissions of all six greenhouse gases from their
         facilities. If the trading scheme only covered carbon dioxide (for
         instance) companies would have to separately estimate the quantum
         of carbon dioxide released from their facilities rather than
         relying on existing estimates of emissions. This option would also
         limit scheme coverage and create discrepancies between the scheme's
         emissions reporting and the reporting in Australia's national
         emissions inventory (which forms the basis for international

         An alternative option would be for the scheme, from commencement,
         to cover all the greenhouse gases included in the Kyoto
         Protocol.[19] As this approach is consistent with current reporting
         obligations, it would not add to implementation risks or to
         compliance costs. This option would ensure that the incentives
         created by the scheme align with the desired environmental goal as
         defined under the international climate change framework.

         The preferred option is for the scheme to cover all six 'Kyoto'
         gases from commencement.

         Table 3.1:  Kyoto Protocol gases-global warming potential

|Kyoto gases              |Global warming potentials|
|Carbon dioxide (CO2)     |1                        |
|Methane (CH4)            |21                       |
|Nitrous oxide (N2O)      |310                      |
|Sulphur hexafluoride     |23,900                   |
|(SF6)                    |                         |
|Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)|140-11,700               |
|Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)  |6,500-9,200              |

         Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Second Assessment
         Report: The Science of Climate Change.

Which sectors should be covered?

         The Kyoto Protocol sets out seven sectors for reporting human-
         induced greenhouse gas emissions:

                . Stationary energy: primarily carbon dioxide emissions from
                  fuel combustion for electricity generation, and energy
                  production in the petroleum refining, manufacturing,
                  construction and commercial industries and for domestic

                . Transport: primarily carbon dioxide emissions from the
                  direct combustion of fuels for road and rail transport,
                  domestic aviation and shipping

                . Fugitive emissions: methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous
                  oxide emitted during the production, processing,
                  transport, storage and distribution of coal, oil and gas

                . Industrial processes: emissions from chemical reactions
                  associated with manufacturing processes, mineral
                  processing, and chemicals and metal production

                . Waste: primarily methane and nitrous oxide; includes
                  emissions from solid waste sent to landfill and from the
                  treatment of domestic, commercial and industrial
                  wastewater; and solvent and clinical waste incineration

                . Land use, land-use change and forestry: in this sector,
                  only emissions from land-use change activities -
                  reforestation and deforestation - are counted towards
                  Australia's Kyoto target:

                  - Agriculture: primarily methane and nitrous oxide from
                    livestock and cropping

                  - Reforestation: conversion of land used for other
                    purposes to forested land

                  - Deforestation: conversion of forested land to
                    alternative land uses.

         Figure 3.1 sets out Australian emissions in each sector.

         Figure 3.1: Australia's national emissions profile in 2006


         Source: National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2006, Department of
         Climate Change

         This section looks at the merits of including each sector in the
         scheme. As outlined above, where these sectors are covered, it also
         looks at who should be responsible for reporting emissions and
         surrendering permits.

         A separate subsection of this paper (which follows stationary
         energy and transport - the principle fuel users) looks at the role
         of the fuel (coal, gas, petroleum) production and distribution
         sector in reporting emissions and surrendering permits. While
         entities in this sector are not directly responsible for the
         emissions resulting from the combustion of the fuel they produce,
         imposing reporting requirements at this stage may be more efficient
         than imposing requirements on the downstream users (the 'direct'

         Stationary energy

         Stationary energy contributes around 50 per cent of Australia's
         emissions and is the fastest growing source of emissions.[20] Most
         emissions from this source are from the electricity generation
         sector, which consists of around 100 large facilities. The
         remaining emissions are from direct combustion of fuels by large
         and small emitters in the petroleum refining, manufacturing and
         construction industries, with small contributions from home
         heating, on-site diesel generation, and on-farm machinery.

         Site-specific emissions estimation methodologies are used to
         estimate emissions from most large emitters.[21]

         Obligations could be applied under the scheme to every household
         that combusts fuel. However this would have very high compliance
         and administrative costs.

         Around 90 per cent of emissions from this source can be covered by
         applying direct scheme obligations to around 100 power generation
         facilities and to around 200 large manufacturing facilities whose
         emissions exceed 25 kt CO2-e/year (the existing NGERS reporting
         threshold).[22] Estimates of compliance costs for large stationary
         energy emitters are between $904,550 and $281,757 (start up costs)
         and $274,176 and $50,969 (annual ongoing costs). Using company
         numbers described in box 3.2, this would imply total compliance
         costs of around $93 million (start up) and $31 million (ongoing).

         Because stationary energy contributes a large and growing
         proportion of emissions to Australia's total emissions, coverage of
         this sector is critical to achieving any substantial cuts in

         The remaining 10 per cent of stationary energy emissions could be
         covered by lowering the emissions threshold. Depending on the
         threshold chosen, this could result in coverage of small entities,
         whose participation in the scheme would not be cost-effective. That
         is, the compliance costs associated with imposing scheme
         obligations on these entities would be significant given their
         emissions levels.

         An alternative option is to impose scheme obligations for the
         remaining stationary energy emissions on upstream suppliers of
         coal, natural gas and liquid fuels. That is, rather than directly
         paying (in the form of permits) for the emissions, smaller emitters
         would pay higher fuel prices as upstream fuel suppliers purchase
         permits to cover emissions from the use of the fuel and pass on the
         costs to downstream users. This approach would involve fewer
         additional compliance costs as there will be far fewer upstream
         suppliers and in many cases they are also likely to have scheme
         obligations for their direct emissions (and therefore already incur
         significant compliance costs as a result of the scheme). This
         option would also achieve near universal coverage of emissions,
         where as the alternative (lowering the threshold would still leave
         a portion of emissions uncovered).

         All Green Paper submissions on the issue were supportive of the
         Government's proposed inclusion of stationary energy.

         The preferred approach is to cover all entities whose emissions are
         greater than 25 kt CO2-e/year. While this would entail significant
         compliance costs, the share of emissions associated with this
         sector make its inclusion in the scheme critical. These costs would
         be greater if there was a lower threshold. Entities with emissions
         less than 25 kt CO2-e/year would be covered indirectly via
         obligations on upstream fuel suppliers. Specific obligations for
         each type of fuel are discussed below.


         Transport emissions account for around 14 per cent of Australia's
         emissions. Road transport contributes almost 90 per cent of
         transport emissions, with the remainder coming from rail, domestic
         aviation and shipping.[23]

         Australia has millions of motorists and a significant number of
         freight companies, making it impractical and/or costly to apply
         scheme obligations directly to these emitters. Restricting coverage
         to large direct emitters, such as freight companies whose emissions
         exceed 25 kt CO2-e/year and who have obligations under NGERS would
         result in coverage of only 30-40 per cent of transport emissions.
         It would also lead to significantly different impacts on closely
         competing freight companies on either side of the emissions

         As a result, the only feasible option for including transport in
         the scheme is to apply the scheme requirements to upstream fuel
         suppliers. This would impose obligations on around 250 upstream
         producers (petroleum suppliers). As discussed in box 3.2, the
         compliance costs associated with imposing obligations on upstream
         (excisable) fuel suppliers is estimated to be around $78 million
         (start up costs) and $18 million (annual ongoing costs).

         As with expanded coverage generally, the benefits associated with
         coverage of the transport sector is that it opens up additional
         abatement opportunities and lowers the overall cost of meeting any
         given scheme cap. Abatement in the transport sector is likely to
         occur through substitution in transport modes (For instance by
         taking public transport instead of driving and using rail for
         freight instead of road transport) and substitution toward more
         fuel efficient vehicles.

         The Government has already decided (as part of the Green Paper
         process) that if transport is included in the scheme, it would
         offset the effects on households, on-road business users and
         agricultural and fishing industries for the first three years of
         the scheme. Heavy vehicle road users will have the initial impact
         of the scheme offset for the first year. This will occur through a
         cent for cent reduction in excise which will offset the increase in
         fuel prices associated with the introduction of the scheme.

         There was strong support for inclusion of transport in the scheme
         (state governments, National Transport Commission, BP, Tourism and
         Transport Forum, QR Ltd) both as a large source of emissions in
         Australia and also to reduce abatement costs through maximal
         coverage. One concern related to the effectiveness of including
         transport at this point in time, given that the Government has
         already committed to offsetting the impacts of the CPRS for the
         first three years. As discussed below (in the context of covering
         petroleum), the preferred position at this stage is to cover
         transport from the beginning of the scheme. Such coverage will also
         drive changes in the behaviour of consumers considering purchase of
         new vehicles leading up to and during the transition period. Other
         stakeholders argued for additional complementary measures,
         including vehicle efficiency standards and investment in public
         transport, to assist the transition to lower emission forms of
         transport (in a sector with a relatively low elasticity of demand).
         While there may be merit in adopting complementary measures if
         transport were permanently excluded from the scheme, the
         administrative and compliance costs associated with establishing
         such measures would not appear to be warranted in the context of
         the limited period of offsetting implied by the Governments

         Overall, transport accounts for a significant portion of emissions
         in Australia and the sector also has opportunities for abatement.
         As a result, its coverage in the scheme would entail significant
         benefits. While there are also compliance costs associated with
         it's coverage, the judgement is that the benefits of including
         transport outweigh these costs. This is the preferred option.

         Fuel suppliers

         As discussed above the most efficient way of covering emissions
         from small emitters in the transport and stationary energy sectors
         is to place obligations on fuel suppliers rather than directly on
         the emitting entity. The amount of greenhouse gas emissions from
         most fuel sources is directly related to the quantum of fuel burnt.
         As a result fuel suppliers would know that a unit of fuel, once
         burnt, would yield a particular quantum of greenhouse gases using
         national default methodologies and would need to purchase enough
         permits to cover these emissions. The cost of the permits would be
         included in the price of the fuel thereby providing an incentive
         for users to reduce fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions.

         For the purposes of determining the best way of covering fuel in
         the scheme, suppliers can be split into two categories:

                . those who are covered under existing excise and customs
                  duty arrangements (mostly suppliers of petroleum products)

                . other suppliers who are not covered by excise and customs
                  duty arrangements (such as coal, natural gas and LPG

         Petroleum suppliers

         Suppliers and distributors of petroleum products are liable to pay
         excise and excise-equivalent customs duty on these products. The
         excise and customs duty arrangements provide a well established
         administrative framework for determining the amount of fuel
         supplied, netting out fuel sold internationally and to other liable
         entities (to remove double counting) and ensuring compliance with
         excise and customs law. The existence of the excise arrangements
         provides a unique vehicle to use for the purposes of the scheme. As
         fuel suppliers and distributors already know the quantum of fuel
         supplied (this is reported to the Australian Taxation Office and
         Australian Customs Service on a regular basis) all that would be
         required under the scheme is that they surrender a quantum of
         permits to cover emissions from the combustion of this fuel. Using
         an existing reporting mechanism reduces any additional compliance
         costs that would come from establishing a new system.

         It is estimated that there are around 250 entities responsible for
         remitting excise or customs duty on petroleum products. These
         entities would incur direct liabilities under the scheme (that is
         they would need to obtain and surrender permits). Unlike all other
         areas of the scheme (where the 25 kt CO2-e/year limit is likely to
         ensure that small businesses are not captured by the scheme) a
         number of the fuel excise remitters are small business. The
         majority of petroleum products are supplied by around 4 major
         refiners/importers, 5 smaller independent operators and 10 fuel
         blenders. The remaining entities are small suppliers such as
         biofuel producers, fuel suppliers in remote areas, mining companies
         that import fuel directly and 'joint user hydrant' installations
         that supply fuel at airports (a number of which are likely to be
         small businesses).

         As discussed in box 3.2, the compliance costs associated with the
         inclusion of upstream petroleum suppliers are estimated to be
         around $78 million (start up) and $18 million (ongoing). This
         assumes that there are 20 large liquid fuel suppliers (refineries,
         blenders and importers) who are represented by hypothetical company
         E (the petroleum refiner with start up costs of $663,675 and
         ongoing costs of $311,915) and 230 smaller suppliers who are
         represented by company F (the small-medium manufacturer with start
         up costs of $281,757 and ongoing costs of $50,969).

         While other options for covering petroleum suppliers exist (such as
         covering major liquid fuel suppliers only), these approaches could
         require a new framework for estimating supply and ensuring
         compliance. The compliance and administration costs of these
         approaches would be much greater than basing requirements on
         existing excise and customs duty arrangements. Moreover, this would
         not result in comprehensive coverage of petroleum fuel emissions.

         In response to the Green Paper, stakeholders agreed that piggy
         backing on the excise and customs duty arrangements was the least
         costly and most efficient approach.

         The one concern raised was in relation to the interaction of the
         excise and customs duty system with the Government's planned cent
         for cent rebate and its implementation. Stakeholders, such as BP,
         the Energy Supply Association of Australia, the Australasian
         Railway Association and the Australian Shipowners Association,
         questioned the need to include petroleum in the scheme if the
         Government was planning to offset the effects of its inclusion.
         Compliance costs would be minimised by utilising the existing
         arrangements of the tax system to implement the cent for cent
         offset. This avoids setting up a new and potentially complex,
         expensive framework for a transitional measure.  The offset
         arrangements will be reviewed for heavy vehicles after one year and
         for households, on-road business users and agricultural and fishing
         industries after three years. Many fuel suppliers would have
         significant direct emissions from other activities (such as
         refining and industrial processes) and would need to be involved in
         the scheme to cover these emissions. As a result they will already
         need to set up the administrative and compliance arrangements
         associated with the scheme. Moreover, the administrative
         arrangements for permit acquittal will need to be in place
         following the end of the offset period anyway.

         As a result it is still proposed to cover all fuel suppliers from
         the beginning of the scheme regardless of the cent for cent
         commitment. In the case of liquid fuels currently subject to excise
         and excise-equivalent duty, the preferred approach is to apply the
         scheme requirements on all excise and customs duty remitters.

         Other fuel suppliers

         Other fuel suppliers cover the supply of natural gas, coal,
         liquefied natural gas (LNG), compressed natural gas (CNG), and
         liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). These fuels are used by a wide range
         of large and small emitters in the stationary energy and transport
         sectors as well as being used as feedstock in the plastics and
         chemicals industries. For instance, LPG is a common alternative to
         petrol in the transport sector. Natural gas is used in the
         generation of electricity, in many industrial processes and
         domestically by households.

         Comprehensive coverage of the emissions from these fuels can be
         achieved by covering all producers and importers. In most cases
         this would entail coverage of a relatively small number of
         entities. There are only around 14 suppliers of LPG, 30 natural gas
         producers and 6 suppliers of brown coal products (including five
         mines and one briquette supplier) and a number of these companies
         will be liable under the scheme for other reasons (that is they are
         also a mining company or petroleum refiner). Although, in the case
         of black coal, there are more than 200 coal mines, washeries and
         distributors. Most of these entities will be large emitters of
         greenhouse gases in their own right (direct emissions greater than
         25 kt CO2-e/year) and will have to participate in the scheme in any
         case. As a result, the compliance costs associated with using these
         entities to report on fuel sales and surrender permits accordingly
         would not appear to be highly significant.

         However, there are two significant drawbacks to covering all fuel
         at this point in the supply chain, particularly related to supply
         chains involving intermediaries between the supplier and the end
         user. Firstly, it would not allow large fuel users (with emissions
         exceeding 25 kt CO2-e/year) to manage their own liabilities under
         the scheme in situations where there is no contractual relationship
         between the supplier and the large user. Instead these entities
         could potentially face a higher fuel cost associated with the
         suppliers permit acquisition and liability management strategies.
         Large emitters are likely to find this approach sub-optimal as it
         removes from their control the ability to directly manage
         liabilities accrued under the scheme and these are likely to be
         significant liabilities for many entities. Secondly, the specific
         end use of a fuel cannot necessarily be determined by an upstream
         supplier and therefore accurate emissions estimation might not be
         possible. For example, in the case of LPG, the emissions resulting
         from LPG combusted as a transport fuel are different to the
         emissions resulting from LPG combusted for stationary energy.

         To overcome these issues, an administrative mechanism could be
         established to enable scheme liabilities to be transferred from
         upstream producers and importers of fossil fuels to downstream
         entities (such as marketers, distributors and retailers).
         Arrangements would be required to allow suppliers to 'net out' fuel
         sold to large emitters, fuel used as a feedstock and fuel that is
         not covered under the scheme (including fuel that is exported, fuel
         used in international shipping, fuels supplied to visiting defence
         forces), by providing the supplier of the fuel with an Obligation
         Transfer Number. This will allow marketers, distributors and
         retailers to take responsibility for scheme obligations for fuel
         sold to smaller users. Importantly it would also allow these large
         emitters to directly manage their scheme obligations including
         decisions relating to the timing and source of permit purchases,
         abatement opportunities and hedging choices. It is also important
         to note that this group of companies would include many of the
         largest emitters in Australia. Their involvement is seen as being
         critical to the development of the scheme.

         This would imply that the fuel price paid by small users would
         include the cost of permits while the fuel cost paid by large users
         would not. An appropriate threshold would be 25 kt CO2-e/year as
         this is, for the most part, the threshold at which businesses are
         required to report emissions under the NGERS. Companies under this
         threshold would have no scheme requirements and as a result incur
         no compliance costs (though they would face higher fuel costs).

         Netting out arrangements would result in additional compliance
         costs as a small additional number of companies are likely to be
         involved in the scheme, and because compliance with the scheme is
         now more complicated. Companies would be required to keep track of
         both fuel supplied inclusive of a carbon price as well as fuel
         supplied under an Obligation Transfer Number. In some cases, these
         compliance costs will be greater (for instance for a natural gas
         distributor supplying to a large number of small and large
         emitters) in other cases they are likely to be small (for instance
         for a coal mine supplying only a few large emitters).

         In all, it is estimated that the compliance costs for companies
         affected by this option would be around $70 million (start up
         costs) and $41 million (annual ongoing costs). As discussed in box
         3.2, this is based on 24 gas supply companies and 138 mining
         companies. Many of these companies will already be liable for their
         own emissions and additional costs associated with these 'upstream'
         activities will only represent a portion of these costs.

         A number of intermediaries (marketers, distributors and retailers)
         supported their inclusion in the scheme as being a more appropriate
         point of obligation than further upstream. For instance the
         Australian LPG Association (LPGA) argued that:

                  To ensure that coverage is as close as possible to the
                  point of end-use, and that costs and pass-through can be
                  most efficiently managed, LPGA recommends that the primary
                  point of obligation for LPG is by marketers

         Similarly Shell Australia noted that:

                  Being able to identify the use of the LPG is important in
                  determining emissions obligations under the CPRS

         A more limited number of retailers (such as Energy Australia)
         considered that the obligation for surrendering permits for the use
         of gas by small users should apply to gas producers rather than to
         retailers. However, as discussed above, there are significant
         drawbacks to this approach as gas producers will often have
         incomplete information about the final use of the gas (and
         therefore the liability for permits).

         In all, the preferred approach is for scheme obligations to apply
         to upstream fuel suppliers (including producers and importers) who
         would 'net out' sales to Obligation Transfer Number holders
         (including large emitters, marketers, distributors and retailers).
         While this approach has additional compliance costs, the ability of
         large emitters to directly participate in the scheme is crucial to
         the scheme. It is also beneficial to exclude the cost of carbon
         from fuel used as feedstock and fuel not covered by the scheme. The
         benefits of netting out (to individual companies and the scheme
         more generally) is judged to outweigh the additional compliance

         Fugitive emissions

         Fugitive emissions account for around six per cent of Australia's
         emissions. [24] Fugitive emissions are released in the course of
         oil and gas extraction and processing; through leaks and deliberate
         releases from gas pipelines; and as waste methane from black coal
         mining. Most fugitive emissions occur from facilities that emit
         more than 25 kt CO2-e/year (around 120 coal mines and fewer than 50
         gas producers and distributors).

         There are both national default emission factors and site-specific
         emissions estimation methodologies for fugitive emissions from oil
         and gas production.

         At present, facilities that emit more then 25 kt CO2-e/year are
         already required to report emissions under the NGERS requirements.
         Including these facilities in the scheme would cover a significant
         portion of national emissions (with the attendant benefits of
         opening up opportunities for abatement and spreading the burden of
         emissions reductions more widely). Compliance costs of including
         fugitive emissions are estimated to be around $396,210 to $373,217
         (start up) and $278,320 to $291,059 (ongoing) per business.
         Assuming 114 companies responsible for fugitive emissions, total
         compliance costs would be around $45 million (start up) and $32
         million (ongoing).[25] It should be noted that most of these
         emitters will also have liabilities under the scheme as a result of
         being upstream suppliers of coal and gas products. It is estimated
         that there are 12 additional fugitive emitters which do not have
         liabilities elsewhere. The compliance costs for these companies
         alone is around $5 million (start up) and $3 million (ongoing)
         (this is included in the above estimate).

         As with other scheme coverage considerations, the benefits of
         including fugitive emissions are that it expands abatement
         opportunities and reduces the overall costs of meeting any given
         scheme cap. Abatement opportunities in this area include the
         capture and use of coal seam methane for power generation or
         flaring to reduce emissions. For large emitters the benefits of
         expanded coverage are judged to outweigh the compliance costs
         associated with the inclusion of fugitive emissions.

         A question remains as to whether and how to cover fugitive emitters
         who emit less than 25 kt CO2-e/year. It would appear that
         relatively few emissions originate from such emitters. As such,
         covering these sources would result in relatively few opportunities
         to abate and would impose additional compliance costs on these
         emitters (as they have no obligations under the NGERS). While there
         is the possibility that excluding these emitters from the scheme
         would introduce distortions between covered facilities and
         facilities below the threshold, those distortions, if they occur,
         are likely to affect relatively few facilities.

         Few stakeholders commented on the proposed inclusion of fugitive
         emissions in the scheme. Those who did, including the Australian
         Coal Association, Xstrata and Rio Tinto, focussed on the inclusion
         of open cut coal mines in the scheme. Emissions from open cut coal
         mines are variable with some emitters falling below the level
         implied by the internationally agreed default factor and some
         falling above it. As such, using the default factor would result in
         benefits to some producers (from underestimation of emissions) and
         costs to other users. Fugitive emissions from open cut coal mines
         can also be estimated using a site specific methodology. Companies
         with emissions above the default average could benefit from using
         this method. While fugitive emissions, or more specifically
         fugitive emissions from coal mines, could be removed from the
         scheme until more accurate methodologies are adopted across the
         industry, this would remove a significant portion of emissions from
         the scheme and impose costs on other covered entities. It may also
         act as a disincentive to adopt more accurate methodologies for
         measuring fugitive emissions from open cut coal mines.

         The preferred approach is to include fugitive emissions from
         facilities with emissions greater than 25 kt CO2-e/year from all
         sources.  Facilities with fugitive emissions, but with less than 25
         kt CO2-e/year from all sources, would not be included in the

         Industrial processes

         Industrial process emissions account for around five per cent of
         Australia's emissions.[26] These emissions are from chemical
         reactions (other than fuel combustion) and include emissions
         resulting from consumption of synthetic greenhouse gases-
         hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur
         hexafluoride (SF6). Emissions from synthetic greenhouse gases are
         dealt with separately below.

         There are internationally approved, site-specific methodologies for
         estimating most of these emissions.

         The largest individual sources of industrial process emissions are
         iron and steel making, cement and lime making and aluminium
         smelting. Facilities that emit more than 25 kt CO2-e/year account
         for the great majority of industrial process emissions (other than
         synthetic greenhouse gases). These facilities already have
         obligations to report under the NGERS regime. Moreover, most
         industrial processors will have significant stationary energy
         emissions and will need to participate in the scheme to cover these
         emissions. As a result, the additional compliance costs associated
         with covering industrial processes are expected to be minimal.

         Stakeholders raised no objection to the inclusion of industrial
         processes in the scheme and coverage of this sector is the
         preferred option.

         Synthetic greenhouse gases

         Synthetic greenhouse gas emissions account for around one per cent
         of Australia's emissions (or around one-fifth of industrial process
         emissions).[27] These emissions are from the use of commercial and
         household equipment such as refrigeration, air-conditioning and
         high-voltage electrical equipment.

         As with other sectors and industries, the inclusion of synthetic
         greenhouse gases would increase the coverage of the scheme,
         spreading the burden of emissions reductions and introducing
         additional abatement opportunities.

         Emissions of synthetic greenhouse gases are widely distributed (for
         instance amongst refrigerator units and fire fighting equipment).
         As a result few emitters have to report under the NGERS scheme and
         it would be implausible to cover individual emitters under the
         scheme. The only feasible avenue for covering synthetic greenhouse
         gases under the scheme would be to require importers and
         manufacturers of such gases to surrender permits to cover the
         eventual emissions of the gases they introduce into Australia.
         Synthetic greenhouse gases are supplied either in bulk or in
         equipment such as white goods and air-conditioners. As a result the
         key liable parties are likely to be specialist synthetic gas
         importers and domestic synthetic greenhouse gas manufacturers (of
         which there currently are none). It is expected that no small
         businesses will be liable under the scheme after the application of
         the 25 kt CO2-e/year threshold discussed below.

         Virtually all importers and manufacturers of synthetic greenhouse
         gases already have to report volumes of gases imported under the
         Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989
         and this should reduce compliance costs associated with the scheme.
         Nevertheless, requiring importers and manufacturers to acquire and
         surrender permits under the scheme would impose some additional
         compliance costs. It is estimated that the compliance costs would
         be around $328,700 (start up) and $67,271 (ongoing) per business.

         Importers and manufacturers of SF6 do not currently have reporting
         obligations, although a subset of SF6 importers have reporting
         obligations for other synthetic greenhouse gases they import. For
         SF6 importers and manufacturers without a current reporting
         obligation there will be additional compliance costs relating to
         reporting but as noted in the RIS for the Ozone Protection and
         Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Legislation Amendment Bill
         2003, these costs are minimal.

         While the compliance costs for synthetic gas importers and
         manufacturers are lower than for other companies, it may still not
         be worth requiring all to be covered by the scheme. There are a
         (relatively) large number of companies who import a very small
         amount of synthetic greenhouse gases. For instance, imposing a
         threshold of 25 kt CO2-e/year would remove most importers from the
         scheme while still ensuring that the scheme covered 95 per cent of
         emissions from synthetic greenhouse gases. A 25 kt CO2-e/year
         threshold would capture approximately 45 companies with compliance
         costs of around $15 million (start up) and $3 million (ongoing)
         (see box 3.2).

         In general stakeholders recognised the need to include synthetic
         greenhouse gases in the scheme. However, some stakeholders, in
         particular bulk importers of synthetic greenhouse gases, objected
         to being covered by the scheme. They were concerned about the cash
         flow implications resulting from the imposition of scheme
         obligations. Synthetic greenhouse gases have significant global
         warming potential and as a result will require a significant number
         of permits per ton of emissions. While only small amounts are
         imported (relative to the emissions of other gases), the scheme may
         still have a significant impact on the price of such gases.
         Stakeholders, such as Refrigerants Australia, A Gas, Arkema,
         Actrol, VASA, AREMA , DuPont, were concerned that they may suffer
         losses as a result of this price increase. It is difficult to see
         why stakeholders would suffer a significant loss in this manner.
         They will be able to (and expected to) pass on the costs of
         coverage, eventually to consumers. Any risks from the differing
         timing of liabilities under the scheme and revenue from costs
         passed on can be addressed through the purchase of permits on an
         ongoing basis (either from Government auctions or the secondary
         market). They could even purchase permits ahead of time, which
         would give certainty regarding the costs of permits.

         In all, the preferred option is to include synthetic greenhouse
         gases in the scheme by imposing requirements to acquire and
         surrender permits on importers of synthetic greenhouse gases and
         domestic synthetic greenhouse gas manufacturers (of which there are
         currently none). A threshold of 25 kt CO2-e/year would apply to
         ensure that compliance costs are not imposed on small importers and
         manufacturers whose inclusion in the scheme would not be cost-

         There are three issues that pertain to the implementation of the
         scheme for synthetic greenhouse gases.

         The first issue concerns importers and manufacturers of synthetic
         greenhouse gases that import or manufacture less than 25 kt CO2-
         e/year of these gases.  While it would not be cost-effective for
         these smaller entities to participate in the Scheme, as scheme
         compliance costs would be considerably higher for these smaller
         entities than for other scheme participants, excluding them from
         the Scheme would create competitive distortions.  The
         Airconditioning and Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers
         Association noted that 'the introduction of a threshold is fraught
         with danger, given the market distortions this entails. The
         introduction of a threshold can also lead to the development of
         artificial business restructuring and other artificial strategies
         to allow firms to come in under the threshold.'

         Distortions could be significant for importers and manufacturers of
         bulk synthetic greenhouse gases because the cost of permits will
         generally be greater than the market price for the synthetic
         greenhouse gas. Distortions could also arise between importers and
         manufacturers of synthetic greenhouse gases in equipment,
         particularly where the permit value of the synthetic greenhouse gas
         contained within the equipment is high compared to overall price of
         the product. Measures will therefore be developed to remove the
         potential for market distortions resulting from the application of
         a 25 kt CO2-e/year threshold in this sector.

         The second is in relation to synthetic greenhouse gases which are
         not captured under the Kyoto definition of greenhouse gases but are
         covered under the Montreal Protocol - the hydrochlorofluorocarbons
         (HCFCs). These gases are substitutes for covered gases and
         contribute to both climate change and depletion of the ozone layer.
         The exclusion of these gases from the scheme could result in
         substitution (and carbon leakage) to non covered synthetic
         greenhouse gases.

         A ban on the import and domestic manufacture of HCFC containing
         equipment would be consistent with measures implemented in the US,
         Europe and Japan and has the advantage of reducing Australia's
         reliance on HCFCs in the lead up to the complete phase out of
         HCFCs. However, this will not remove competitive distortions where
         entities operating existing HCFC equipment compete with entities
         using HFCs. As suggested by Refrigerants Australia, 'There will be
         an incentive to stay with HCFC equipment, rather than convert to

         To minimise the potential for perverse outcomes for Australia's
         ozone protection program, the import and domestic manufacture of
         HCFC containing equipment will be prohibited from scheme
         commencement. In conjunction with this measure, additional measures
         will be developed to minimise competitive distortions that might
         otherwise arise between HCFCs and gases covered under the scheme.

         The third issue pertains to the treatment of gases which are
         destroyed. As destroyed gases are not released into the atmosphere,
         there would be no reason to include them in the scheme. However it
         is impossible, at the stage of importation or manufacture, to
         determine which gases will eventually be destroyed (so
         consideration at that point is infeasible). To ensure that proper
         credit is given for the destruction of synthetic greenhouse gases
         (and the appropriate incentive for their destruction is
         maintained), entities will receive scheme permits for gases
         destroyed in accordance with scheme requirements for verification.


         The waste sector accounts for just over three per cent of
         Australia's emissions.[28] Around 80 per cent of waste sector
         emissions are from solid waste to landfill, with the remainder from
         wastewater (around 20 per cent) and solvent and clinical waste
         incineration (less than one per cent). The sector is not restricted
         to dedicated waste facilities - wastewater from some manufacturing
         processes is treated on-site at the manufacturing plant.

         There are around 450 active solid-waste handling sites in Australia
         and well over 300 wastewater sites. However, most waste volume is
         managed by larger sites. In the case of landfill, fewer than 100
         sites (around 20 per cent) account for more than 80 per cent of
         waste volume.[29]  These sites are operated by a mixture of local
         governments and corporate service providers. Similarly, around
         80 per cent of wastewater sites are small facilities, servicing
         rural and regional communities.

         The waste sector presents a number of opportunities for cost
         effective abatement. Indeed some of these are already being
         pursued. For example, methane capture is common in the solid waste
         and wastewater sectors. An estimated 26 per cent of methane
         emissions from landfill sites is either flared or used to generate
         renewable energy.[30] In addition, inclusion of waste sector
         emissions could be expected to reduce the amount of waste sent to
         landfill and encourage alternative waste technologies. In general,
         including the waste sector in the scheme is likely to lower overall
         abatement costs and provide significant benefits.

         At present, waste sector emissions are covered under the NGERS
         reporting system, so waste sector facilities that meet NGERS
         participation thresholds are already required to have measurement
         and reporting procedures in place. Waste sites generated by local
         governments are not covered under NGERS, however calculation of
         emissions can be estimated using a default factor. The additional
         compliance costs associated with scheme participation are estimated
         to be around $353,061 (start up) and $58,305 (annual ongoing)
         per business.

         Most stakeholders indicated in-principle support for waste sector
         coverage, but many had serious concerns relating to the accuracy of
         measurement protocols.

         By their nature, fugitive emissions - which are generally released
         in an uncontrolled manner - are more difficult to estimate than
         other emissions sources. Technology for directly measuring waste
         sector emissions is in its infancy. Emissions vary across most
         landfill sites and it can be difficult to obtain an accurate
         reading of the overall emissions. Nevertheless, efforts are being
         made to develop more effective measures of emissions from landfill
         sites. These are being driven by increased Government regulation of
         greenhouse gas emissions and by a growing commercial interest in
         landfill gas capture for energy generation. While these techniques
         are being developed, estimates of emissions can be made based on
         proxies such as the volume of waste deposited.

         Stakeholders were also concerned about the treatment of emissions
         generated from historic waste streams (also known as legacy
         emissions). Landfill sites continue to emit greenhouse gases for
         decades after their closure. If scheme requirements are imposed on
         sites that are close to closure (or indeed already closed) there
         are limited opportunities for owners of these sites to recover
         costs from 'gate fees'. While this issue is significant, for
         operators of sites close to closure there are some options open:

                . In many cases, they have contracts with local Governments
                  which could be renegotiated to cover costs.

                . They can engage methane capture technology to greatly
                  reduce emissions from these sites.

                . They can apply for assistance through the Government's
                  Climate Change Action Fund.

         For sites that are already closed, passing on costs directly is
         infeasible. In addition, there are a large number (possibly
         thousands) of small, closed sites scattered throughout Australia.
         Many now have alternative uses. While most of these sites could be
         expected to fall below participation thresholds, the costs of
         identifying them and assessing their participation status could be
         significant. The preferred position is to exclude from the scheme
         sites that are already closed.

         If the waste sector is covered by the scheme, an appropriate
         participation threshold needs to be developed. For the solid waste
         sector, a departure from the 25 kt CO2-e per year threshold
         proposed for other sectors may be warranted. In contrast to the
         treatment of energy-related emissions, sub-threshold waste
         facilities will not face a carbon price in any from, either
         directly or indirectly. This raises potential competitive
         distortions between covered and uncovered sites, particularly in
         highly competitive markets. Failure to cover sub-threshold
         facilities also introduces the potential for waste to be displaced
         from covered to uncovered sites to avoid permit obligations. In
         light of these concerns, stakeholders generally supported a
         threshold of 10 kt CO2-e per year, or lower, in urban areas, with
         highly competitive markets.

         However, extending the 10 kt CO2-e per year to non urban areas has
         some drawbacks. Small, council-run sites - many of which sit around
         a 10 kt threshold - have expressed the view that there is limited
         capacity to absorb participation costs as it would involve
         increasing rates. However Hyder consulting[31] advised that:

                Local government regulations typically permit genuine cost
                recovery within rate setting and waste management contracts
                are generally flexible enough to allow for any increased
                costs to be passed on to councils. ...

                ... councils can generally pass on any additional waste
                management costs to the rate payers after a community
                consultation process. In the majority of, if not all, cases
                this takes place towards the end of the financial year while
                the new rates become effective with the new year.

         Key stakeholders from State Governments and local councils noted
         that a 10 kt CO2-e/year threshold could discourage consolidation of
         the many small landfill sites in rural and regional Australia. As a
         result of these concerns, stakeholders preferred the retention of
         the 25 kt CO2-e /year threshold for non-competitive markets. The
         reduction in coverage associated with this limit is not expected to
         be significant.

         In all it is estimated that  hybrid 25 kt CO2-e/year and 10 kt CO2-
         e/year threshold will capture around 200 facilities (assumed to be
         operated by 120 companies - see box 2.2). This would imply
         compliance costs of around $42 million (start up) and $7 million
         (annual ongoing).

         The preferred approach is to include the waste sector in the carbon
         pollution reduction scheme. While there are additional compliance
         costs and some difficulties with sites close to closure, these are
         not insurmountable and the advantages of expanded coverage that the
         sector offers are judged to outweigh these costs.

         The preferred participation thresholds for landfill operators are
         25 kt CO2-e/year in non-competitive markets and 10 kt CO2-e/year in
         competitive markets. Consistent with broader scheme design, a
         25 kt CO2-e/year participation threshold will be retained for all
         other waste sector facilities.

         Given the problems associated with the coverage of legacy
         emissions, one implementation option is to exclude legacy emissions
         from the scheme until 2018. After that time, legacy emissions would
         be reduced on average by around 45 per cent. This would reduce the
         financial impact of legacy emissions and give landfill operators
         time to install methane capture technology to minimise their
         emissions profile.

         Emissions from land use

         The Government has indicated that coverage of the Carbon Pollution
         Reduction Scheme would be limited to domestic sources and sinks
         that count towards Australia's international obligations (see box
         3.4 for further detail on international accounting rules).

|Box 3.4: Current international accounting           |
|The international accounting rules, as applied under|
|the Kyoto Protocol, are relevant to the design of   |
|the scheme because they determine which emissions   |
|sources and sinks count towards Australia's         |
|international commitments. Importantly, Kyoto       |
|Protocol accounting rules for land based emissions  |
|are not comprehensive; they cover a limited set of  |
|emissions sources and sinks. These sources are as   |
|follows:                                            |
|Agriculture emissions (contained within Article 3.1 |
|of the Kyoto Protocol) includes enteric fermentation|
|in livestock, manure management, rice cultivation,  |
|agricultural soils, prescribed burning of savannas, |
|and field burning of agricultural residues.         |
|Emissions from land use change and forestry (Article|
|3.3 of the Kyoto Protocol) which includes net       |
|emissions from forests established since 1990 on    |
|land that was clear of forests on 31 December 1989, |
|and deforestation.                                  |
|Article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol provides for      |
|additional activities that countries may elect to   |
|count toward their emissions target during the first|
|commitment period. These elective activities are:   |
|Forest management (plantation forests established   |
|before 1990 and all native forests under some form  |
|of management)                                      |
|Revegetation (establishment of woody biomass that   |
|does not meet forest criteria)                      |
|Grazing land management (carbon stored in soil and  |
|vegetation on grazing land)                         |
|Cropland management (carbon stored in soil and      |
|crops)                                              |
|If a country chooses to include any of the          |
|additional activities, it must also include and     |
|report on, all emissions from all land nationwide on|
|which those activities are undertaken. Australia has|
|elected not to include these activities because of  |
|the high risk that drought or bushfire could result |
|in significant emissions from these sources during  |
|the first commitment period.                        |


         Agricultural emissions make up approximately 16 per cent of
         Australia's emissions. Agriculture is the dominant source of
         methane (primarily from livestock) and nitrous oxide (mainly from
         agricultural soils) emissions. The agricultural industry is
         dominated by a large number of small businesses. Very few farm
         businesses would meet the 25 kt CO2-e/year threshold for reporting
         under the NGERS requirements.

         As such, the inclusion of agriculture would have significant
         benefits. As with other sectors, its inclusion would broaden the
         base of the scheme and introduce additional abatement
         opportunities. This would reduce the overall costs of achieving a
         specified scheme cap under the scheme.

         However, there are also a number of difficulties with including
         agriculture in the scheme.

         The measurement of agricultural emissions is difficult.
         Agricultural emissions are highly variable in response to
         management practices and climatic conditions. For example, cattle
         breeds and feed types in tropical and subtropical regions differ
         from those in temperate regions, and have methane conversion rates
         that are significantly different. Nitrous oxide emissions from
         soils in major cereal-growing regions vary geographically and over
         time, according to different rainfall, soil types and fertiliser
         application rates. As a result indirect measurement options (using
         proxies such as livestock numbers or cropping areas) are imprecise
         and may lead to inequitable outcomes.

         In addition, the sector includes more than 100,000 entities, many
         of which emit less than one kt CO2-e/year. Even if a threshold for
         agricultural emissions coverage is applied the number of liable
         entities would still be significant. For example, covering about 80
         per cent of direct emissions from the beef, sheep, dairy and wheat
         industries would require participation in the scheme of around
         45,000 farm businesses.

         In other areas, such as transport, where there are a large number
         of emitters the preferred approach has been to capture these
         emissions by placing obligations on upstream (or downstream)
         producers. In the case of agriculture this would imply placing
         obligations on facilities such as abattoirs and fertiliser
         suppliers. However, such an approach would be difficult because:

                . there would still be a significant number of responsible
                  entities who would have to participate in the scheme; and

                . the difficulties in indirect measurement mean that
                  indirect coverage of emissions is likely to be inaccurate
                  and potentially inequitable.

         The Government's preferred position as outlined in the Green Paper
         was that agriculture would not be included in the scheme from
         commencement but that a decision as to whether agriculture would be
         covered in 2015 would be made in 2013.

         Agriculture stakeholders generally agreed with the Government's
         assessment that coverage of agriculture emissions will not be
         possible from scheme commencement. Many stakeholders argued for the
         adoption of complementary measures (for example, financial
         incentives for adoption of best management practices) to encourage
         emissions reductions prior to scheme commencement or as alternative
         to coverage over the longer term. However, stakeholders outside the
         agriculture sector supported inclusion of the agriculture sector at
         the soonest opportunity noting that this will reduce the overall
         costs of achieving Australia's mitigation targets and hence the
         burden on other sectors of the economy.

         Agriculture stakeholders were generally of the view that current
         international accounting rules did not present an accurate picture
         of emissions from land-use. For example, the National Farmers
         Federation argued that:

                international greenhouse accounting rules for the land-based
                sectors do not appropriately acknowledge the full
                sequestration function of agricultural production systems.
                These accounting rules do reflect Australia's obligation
                under the Kyoto Protocol but are not appropriate for the
                longer term goals of Australia's CPRS and are adding to
                misleading interpretations of agriculture's contribution to
                global warming.

         Stakeholders encouraged the Government to negotiate changes to
         international rules or to implement a domestic scheme that is not
         consistent with the Kyoto Protocol but instead based on optimal
         accounting rules.

         The Government will continue to work towards international
         accounting rules that are scientifically based and suited to
         Australia's particular circumstances. However, coverage of
         agriculture emissions will not be contingent on achieving an
         optimal international accounting framework. The outcome of
         international negotiations can not be predicted.

         Overall, the preferred position is that agriculture not be included
         in the scheme from commencement. Current measurement difficulties
         and the large number of potentially liable entities mean that the
         compliance costs associated with the inclusion of agriculture would
         be substantial and are likely to outweigh the benefits associated
         of expanded coverage. To support a final decision on the potential
         coverage of agriculture, the Government will work with industry to
         identify cost effective points of obligation in the supply chain,
         the scope for incorporating direct farm level management of
         emissions and necessary improvements in emissions estimation
         methods and development of efficient administrative systems.


         Reforestation would differ from other covered activities because it
         will often provide a net carbon sink. Therefore, whereas other
         covered entities would be required to surrender permits for their
         emissions, forest landholders are likely to receive permits for
         increases in net sequestration.

         The inclusion of reforestation provides additional opportunities
         for abatement measures within the scheme. This would reduce the
         overall costs of abatement and would reduce the burden imposed on
         other sectors by the scheme.

         The compliance costs associated with the inclusion of forestry
         would depend on how the sector was included. (There are no current
         reporting obligations for the forestry industry, so all scheme
         obligations would be 'new'.) There are two options for including

                . mandatory coverage

                . voluntary 'opt in'.

         The mandatory coverage option would entail significant compliance
         costs. It would cover all entities managing forests and would
         require a large number of small forest holders to meet scheme
         obligations. In many cases these entities would have small holdings
         with limited carbon captured or emitted. As a result, mandatory
         inclusion would entail significant compliance costs and in some
         cases these costs could outweigh any potential benefit from
         inclusion in the scheme.

         When considering reforestation, a voluntary 'opt in' arrangement is
         preferred because scheme participation would not be beneficial for
         all. Benefits of scheme participation are likely to be determined
         by expected future carbon price, forest management regime and
         scheme design details including compliance costs. Forest owners who
         opt in to the scheme will consider these factors when deciding
         whether to opt in to the scheme.

         In determining scheme design, there is scope to reduce compliance
         costs, for example, by tailoring reporting and crediting

         In other sectors, scheme liabilities are calculated based on a
         liable entity's annual emissions report. Forest owners could also
         be required to report annually. However, forests are likely to be
         net carbon sinks, and therefore eligible to receive permits rather
         than required to surrender permits. For this reason, it may be
         possible to implement alternative, less onerous reporting

         To minimise costs for growers, and ensure that changes in forest
         sequestration are adequately reported, forest growers will be
         required to provide sequestration reports at the end of each
         commitment period or at least once every five years, which ever
         comes sooner. As permits will only be issued following receipt of a
         sequestration report the Government will also allow forest growers
         to elect to report more frequently but no more than once a year.
         Forest growers would also be required to report on any significant
         management or disturbance events that might change projected forest

         In implementing the scheme, there is a risk that if the government
         provides 'full annual crediting'[32] of permits for all net
         increases in greenhouse gases stored in the forest, forest owners
         will incur significant liabilities when they harvest the forest or
         if it is destroyed by fire (as they will have to surrender permits
         to cover the emissions from the forest). In extreme cases this may
         lead liable entities to default on their surrender obligations and
         the Government would become liable for the emission resulting from
         the loss of the forest. As a result, in implementing the scheme it
         is proposed to use an 'average crediting' system where growers will
         receive a maximum number of permits which is equal to the long term
         average increase in net greenhouse gas removals (taking into
         account the risk of fire). Under most circumstances, growers will
         not be required to surrender permits unless they permanently retire
         the forest (that is, use the land for an alternative purpose).

         In general, forest industry stakeholders supported the Government's
         proposed approach to reforestation but have some concerns in
         relation to the design detail of coverage - many stakeholders
         expressed misgivings about the complexity and project-level
         accuracy of the current National Carbon Accounting Toolbox (NCAT)
         for estimating emissions and removals.  Other stakeholders
         suggested that the NCAT did not accurately reflect the carbon
         sequestered in certain forest types, for example biodiverse
         plantings. The Government will continue to update NCAT's user
         interface and will develop protocols outlining the procedures for
         incorporating external data into NCAT where this information can be
         verified as accurate.

         Submissions from the agricultural industries expressed concern
         about the potential implications of coverage of reforestation for
         land and water use. Agriculture industries were particularly
         concerned that the scheme could provide an incentive for an
         increase in managed investment scheme forestry, affect water
         availability, or provide incentives for the conversion of prime
         agricultural land to forestry.

         Allowing entities to accrue carbon permits for reforestation will
         provide an incentive for land use change. In some cases this would
         be at the expense of existing industries (predominantly
         agriculture). In other cases, it may make use of degraded or more
         marginal lands. In some cases, the forest may also provide
         environmental benefits other than carbon sequestration, for
         example, reduced salinity and soil erosion or assisting
         biodiversity conservation. Increased forestry activity may also
         have implications for water use as forests typically use more water
         than other land uses. This may be accounted for if forest owners
         are required to purchase the water intercepted by plantations (that
         is purchase the water that would otherwise have flowed to
         downstream users). From a community wide perspective it is
         difficult to assess whether these land and water use impacts, when
         taken together, are positive or negative.

         Submissions from some conservation groups expressed concern that
         the inclusion of reforestation but not deforestation in the scheme
         could lead to increased deforestation. Conservation groups believe
         this could occur if forest growers have the incentive to maintain
         forests planted after 1990 for carbon purposes rather than harvest
         them. Under this scenario, demand for wood products would be met by
         increased harvesting of native forests. In many Australian States
         the management of native forests is regulated by Regional Forest
         Agreements (RFAs) which are twenty year plans for the conservation
         and sustainable management of Australia's native forests. In
         addition, forests that are eligible for the scheme may be subject
         to contractual or tax arrangements that require their harvest. The
         Government considers that these factors are likely to limit any
         increase in deforestation as a result of coverage of reforestation.

         Overall, the preferred approach is to include forestry in the
         scheme on an 'opt in' basis.

         In implementing this position, rules will be needed to ensure that
         forest owners are likely to be able to meet their long term permit
         obligations. Forest owners are likely to build up a long term
         liability in terms of carbon permits that would need to be
         surrendered if the forest was converted to an alternative non-
         forest land use. The Government will limit scheme participation to
         entities that have met accreditation criteria and include under the
         scheme a range of enforcement provision to ensure that forest
         owners meet these obligations.


         Deforestation accounts for a significant (though declining) portion
         of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. In 2006 it accounted for
         around 11 per cent of Australia's emissions.

         As such, including deforestation would significantly expand
         coverage of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, provide cost
         effective abatement options and reduce the overall costs of
         achieving any given scheme cap.

         However, there would also be a number of costs:

                . The areas cleared annually on individual landholdings
                  range from less than one hectare to thousands of hectares.
                  Depending on the thresholds for inclusion in the scheme,
                  covering deforestation could create thousands of
                  potentially liable entities and there are no obvious
                  points of obligation elsewhere in the supply chain.

                . The need for thresholds to contain scheme costs would mean
                  that a significant proportion of deforestation would not
                  be covered.

                . Monitoring, reporting and compliance arrangements would be
                  complicated by the periodic nature of deforestation.
                  Unlike emissions from industrial facilities, the timing of
                  emissions from deforestation is difficult to predict.

                . Announcing plans to include emissions from deforestation
                  in the scheme would also create powerful incentives for
                  pre-emptive land clearing (where allowed under state and
                  territory regulations) in order to avoid a future
                  obligation. This could have a range of negative
                  environmental consequences, as well as increasing
                  emissions in the Kyoto Protocol period.

         It is also important to note that there are a number of state
         restrictions on the clearing of 'remnant' or mature forests which
         have reduced, and are likely to continue to reduce, emissions from

         Some conservation groups advocated the inclusion of deforestation
         in the scheme. Conservation groups also advocated the strengthening
         of existing state land clearing legislation and other complementary
         measures such as incentive based approaches or structural
         adjustment programs to achieve further emission reductions from the
         sector. Many of these stakeholders noted that accounting for the
         land use sector was incomplete and suggested that forest management
         including forest degradation be recognised in the scheme. For
         instance, the Australian Conservation Foundation recommended that:

                Australia moves to a system of full carbon accounting for
                all forestry as soon as possible. The polluter pays
                principle should apply to all forestry and deforestation
                emissions. This could be applied through the payment of a
                carbon tax or through coverage under the CPRS once
                accounting is sufficient.

         The Humane Society International advocated the inclusion of
         deforestation on a voluntary opt in basis. However, the
         administration arrangements for deforestation are likely to be
         significantly more complex than for reforestation.

         The circumstances in which landholders are able to obtain a land
         clearing permit vary from state to state. Such an approach could
         create perverse incentives for landowners to apply for land
         clearing permits when they would not otherwise have done so.
         Further, some land managers may have only a conditional right to
         clear land in limited circumstances. Conditional rights could not
         be recognised for the purpose of crediting avoided deforestation.

         While there are considerable benefits from the inclusion of
         deforestation in the scheme, there are also considerable costs. On
         balance, the risks of excessive deforestation prior to the scheme
         and the difficulties associated with administering the scheme in
         relation to deforestation are judged to outweigh the benefits. The
         preferred approach is that emissions from deforestation would not
         be included in the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.


         The scheme could allow non-covered entities to undertake projects
         that would reduce emissions from 'business as usual' levels and
         grant permits for this abatement (that is to offset emissions in
         covered sectors). Allowing offsets would create incentives to
         reduce emissions from uncovered activities, and lower carbon costs
         within the scheme by giving liable entities access to a broader
         range of abatement opportunities.

         Offsets can only come from emissions sources that are outside the
         scheme. The very broad sectoral coverage proposed for the scheme
         means that there is inherently less scope to pursue offset
         activities. Nevertheless some emission sources are likely to remain
         outside the scheme, for example, deforestation and savanna burning.
         In addition some emissions sources such as agriculture are unlikely
         to be included in the scheme from commencement.

         Some stakeholders considered that offsets should be allowed in the
         scheme, for example, from soil carbon, biochar and deforestation.
         The difficulty with allowing offsets within the scheme is that they
         are inherently complex to establish and administer. The regulator
         must be sure that additional abatement has occurred (that would not
         have occurred in the absence of the offset scheme) and the
         abatement is permanent. As a result offset schemes have high
         compliance and administration costs.

         Moreover, if agriculture is included in the scheme in the medium
         term future, there would be little time for an offset scheme for
         this sector to be established and deliver abatement prior to
         inclusion in the scheme. As a result it is the preferred position
         that the offsets would not be included in the scheme from
         commencement. This position would be reviewed following final
         decisions on the inclusion of agriculture.

4)    Reporting and compliance

         Integral to introducing an emissions trading scheme is the
         measurement of emissions for each liable emitter. These
         measurements form the basis of reporting to the regulator and the
         eventual surrender of permits to cover emissions. For many
         emitters, the requirement to measure emissions will not be new. As
         discussed in chapter 3, emitters in most sectors already have the
         obligation to report emissions under the National Greenhouse and
         Energy Reporting System (NGERS).

         The Government will also have to ensure compliance with reporting
         requirements. The operation of the emissions trading scheme will be
         new to all market operators and the need to surrender permits will
         impose significant costs on many emitters.  This may present motive
         and opportunities for either violation or inadvertent breeches of
         scheme requirements.

Existing NGERS requirements

         A logical starting place when considering the most appropriate
         reporting requirements is to consider the existing obligations on
         business. Under NGERS, liable entities are responsible for
         reporting their total emissions of the six key greenhouse gases
         each year. The scheme was established to provide a national
         framework for reporting of emissions (prior to NGERS a number of
         different schemes required the reporting of emissions). It was also
         intended to form the basis for reporting under an emissions trading
         scheme and provides detailed information to help support
         Australia's emissions reporting under the Kyoto Protocol.

         The NGERS reporting requirements apply to all facilities that cause
         emissions of greenhouse gases that have a CO2-e of 25 kt or more
         per year. As discussed in chapter 3, this covers the majority of
         emitters who will be caught under the emissions trading scheme. The
         additional compliance costs for those entities which are not
         required to report under NGERS are outlined in chapter 2 and
         detailed in Attachment B.

         Under NGERS, the majority of emitters have the choice of four
         different methods for estimating emissions (see box 4.1). These
         include the National Greenhouse Accounts default method (Method 1)
         and higher order methods, (Methods 2-4). In moving through the
         methods from one to four, generally the estimation techniques
         become more accurate but also more expensive to comply with. That
         said, even the simplest method (Method 1) provides estimates using
         national averages and ensures accuracy at a nation-wide level.

|Box 4.1:  Classes of methodologies available for    |
|NGERS                                               |
|Method 1:  the National Greenhouse Accounts default |
|method                                              |
|Method 1 provides a class of estimation procedures  |
|derived directly from the methodologies used by the |
|Department of Climate Change when preparing the     |
|National Greenhouse Accounts. The use of            |
|methodologies from the National Accounts anchors    |
|Method 1 within the international guidelines adopted|
|by the United Nations Framework Convention on       |
|Climate Change for the estimation of greenhouse     |
|emissions.                                          |
|Method 1 specifies the use of designated emission   |
|factors in the estimation of emissions. These       |
|emission factors are national average factors       |
|determined by the Department of Climate Change using|
|the Australian Greenhouse Emissions Information     |
|System. For example the actual emissions content of |
|coal will vary across facilities and locations, but |
|a national average emissions factor is provided.    |
|Method 2:  a facility-specific method using industry|
|sampling and listed Australian or international     |
|standards or equivalent for analysing fuels and raw |
|materials                                           |
|Method 2 enables entities to undertake additional   |
|measurements - for example, the qualities of fuels  |
|consumed at a particular facility - in order to gain|
|more accurate estimates for emissions for that      |
|particular facility. This method draws on the large |
|body of Australian and international documentary    |
|standards prepared by standards organisations to    |
|provide benchmarks for procedures for analysing the |
|properties of fuels being combusted.                |
|Method 3: a facility-specific method using          |
|Australian or international standards or equivalent |
|for sampling and analysing fuels and raw materials  |
|Method 3 is very similar to Method 2, except that it|
|requires reporters to comply with Australian or     |
|equivalent documentary standards for sampling of    |
|fuels or raw materials (as opposed to simply        |
|measuring) and documentary standards for analysing  |
|fuels.                                              |
|Method 4:  direct monitoring of emission systems, on|
|either a continuous or periodic basis               |
|Method 4 provides for a different approach to the   |
|estimation of emissions. Rather than analysing the  |
|chemical properties of inputs (or, in some cases,   |
|products), Method 4 aims to directly monitor        |
|greenhouse emissions arising from an activity. This |
|approach can provide a higher level of accuracy     |
|depending on the type of emission process, however  |
|it is more data-intensive than other approaches.    |
|As for Methods 2 and 3, a substantial body of       |
|documented procedures on monitoring practices and   |
|state and territory government regulatory experience|
|provides the principal source of guidance for the   |
|establishment of the system proposed under Method 4.|


         There are two feasible options for establishing reporting
         requirements under the emissions trading scheme. The first is use
         the reporting requirements as set out under NGERS including the
         default Method 1 and higher order methods in specific
         circumstances. The second is to modify these requirements in areas
         where more detailed reporting is already current practice.

         The first option would be the simplest to administer. It would give
         greatest flexibility to business and would minimise compliance
         costs - it would impose no new compliance costs on those captured
         by NGERS and would involve the minimum necessary compliance costs
         for those new to reporting.

         In terms of accuracy, it does have some draw backs. It is likely
         that estimated emissions will depend to some extent on the method
         used to estimate emissions. This may lead some companies to choose
         the method of estimation that reports the lowest level of
         emissions. This could result in overall underestimation of
         emissions if only those who have lower reported emissions under the
         more accurate methods (methods 2 to 4) choose these options. This
         is not considered to be a significant problem as the more specific
         measurement methods are likely to be more costly to implement and
         these compliance costs would reduce the incentive to 'shop' amongst
         methods. Moreover, the difference in likely reported emissions
         between methods is unlikely to be significant for most emitters.

         Nevertheless, there is scope to require the more accurate methods
         where these are already in common use in the industry (option 2).
         Requiring emitters to use the more accurate methods is desirable as
         it ensures each facility faces carbon costs that most accurately
         represent their specific emissions profile. In addition to fairness
         arguments, this is likely to reveal more abatement opportunities as
         operators will have a more detailed understanding of a facility's
         emissions. Clearly, requiring more detailed measurement by all
         industries would impose significant compliance costs. Nevertheless,
         in some industries it is common practice to use the higher order
         methodologies. Three such industries have been identified:

                . As a result of NGERS and the Federal Government's
                  Generator Efficiency Standards program requirements, it is
                  widespread practice in the electricity generation sector
                  for large emitters to use one of the higher order methods
                  (Methods 2 to 4)

                . It is widespread business practice for perfluorocarbon
                  emissions from aluminium producers to be estimated using
                  site specific methodologies

                . Underground coal mines are required to monitor emissions
                  using higher order methods to meet state safety

         Requiring these industries to use higher order estimation methods
         would impose minimal additional compliance costs and would ensure
         that future reporting continues to be accurate at a facility
         specific level.

         Stakeholders provided limited comment in response to the Green
         Paper on the choice of measurement options. Stakeholders that did
         comment on these options generally supported using NGERS as a
         starting point and recognised the benefits to the scheme of
         pursuing staged increases in the facility level accuracy of
         emissions reports (including Exxon Mobil and ESAA)

         The preferred approach is to use the NGERS reporting requirements
         except for the specified industries where more specific methods are
         common practice.

         Implementation of the NGERS approach

         Following the introduction of the emission trading scheme the
         regulator would monitor reporting practices (and choices of
         methods) of different industries. The intention would be to move
         industries to higher order methods as these become common business
         practice. A key consideration in these decisions would be the
         minimisation of compliance costs for reporting entities.

         International standards change from time to time reflecting
         improvements in measurement methodologies and technological
         changes. The regulator will also have to monitor changes in
         international measurement standards and ensure that Australian
         standards reflect these changes. Applying these changes in the
         Australian context will require working closely with industry to
         ensure that adequate warning of impending changes and appropriate
         industry understanding of the new methodologies.

         It is also likely that the implementation of the reporting
         requirements will require rules to prevent repeated switching
         between methodologies. While switching is desirable to allow
         emitters to choose their method of reporting, repeated switching
         could give rise to differences in reported emissions that do not
         reflect differences in underlying emissions. Moreover, businesses
         may alter their method from year to year to adopt whichever method
         is likely to give them the lower reported emissions in that year.
         This would not be in keeping with the intention of giving choice
         (to minimise compliance costs) and would create instability (and
         potentially underreporting) in total reported emissions. Therefore
         where an entity has elected to use Method 2 or above, for a
         particular source, that methodology would be the minimum standard
         for that entity for a period of four years. The scheme regulator
         may grant exceptions to this rule in some circumstances.

         Documentation and record keeping requirements for emitters would be
         as required by the NGERS scheme with an amendment to the NGERS
         legislation so that the requirement to keep records is for five
         years. Reporting obligations would also be as set out under NGERS -
         emitters would report emissions using the Government's Online
         System for Comprehensive Activity Reporting (OSCAR) by 31 October
         each year. The Government will also consider the need to move
         reporting of emissions to more frequently than on an annual basis
         following the commencement of the scheme.

Ensuring compliance with reporting requirements.

         Under the proposed reporting requirements liable entities will
         report on their own emissions. As they will also have to acquire
         (buy) permits to cover these emissions, they will have an incentive
         to underreport their emissions.  There is also the risk that errors
         would be made in reporting either through negligence or through
         other 'good faith' mistakes. Errors in the reporting of emissions
         would have a number of negative consequences.

         It is to be expected that most (intentional) misreporting would
         result in an underestimation of emissions and less permits being
         surrendered to Government. This would have implications for the
         accuracy of national emissions estimates and would represent an
         effective loosening of the cap.

         Errors in reporting would also have significant implications for
         the credibility of the scheme. If there was a perception of
         widespread non-compliance, community support for the scheme would
         be much harder to maintain (in the absence of community acceptance
         and support, the long term future of the scheme could be called
         into question). At an international level, confidence in the
         legitimacy of the emissions reductions driven by the scheme is a
         key consideration in whether other countries will be willing to
         'link' with the Australian scheme. International linking is an
         important element in reducing the overall costs of the scheme and
         the ability to establish future links with international schemes is
         an important consideration in the design of the Australian
         scheme.[33] Finally, business perceptions of compliance by other
         businesses with the scheme could have implications for their own
         compliance. That is, if one emitter believes that other emitters
         are non-compliant with the scheme, this may influence their
         compliance decisions. In closing, it is important to note that, in
         considering impacts on the credibility of the scheme, perceptions
         of non-compliance can be more important than the actual level of

         Misreporting of emissions would also have a number of implications
         at a firm or industry level. The emitter that underreported
         emissions would be placed at a competitive advantage vis a vis
         other market participants (as they would need to surrender fewer
         permits). This advantageous position would be a result of non-
         compliance with the law rather than legitimate business practices
         and could entail significant costs for competing entities.

         For these reasons, assurance arrangements to certify the accuracy
         of emissions reporting are required. Three options exist:

                . ex-post audits undertaken the Government

                . ex-ante audits undertaken by third party auditors

                . a hybrid option involving third party audits for very
                  large emitters (those emitting over 125 kt CO2-e/year) and
                  Government assurance for liable emitters below this

         The first option would be similar to the general taxation
         arrangements. Business would submit their emissions reports and the
         regulator would then undertake audits in a random (or targeted)
         manner.  The second option would be similar to the arrangements for
         the preparation of financial statements under the Corporations Act
         2001. Reporting entities would be required to appoint an
         independent third party to audit emissions reports before they are
         submitted to Government.

         Under the second and third options it is expected that (at least
         initially) most audits would be undertaken by large accounting and
         consulting firms. The extent to which specific training and
         qualifications will be required before a person can undertake these
         audits is currently the subject of a detailed consultation paper
         released by the Department of Climate Change on external auditing
         of emissions information. The Government will consider industry
         views about relevant skills and expertise, and compliance costs in
         finalising policy positions on this level of detail. Over time,
         smaller specialist firms may provide these services at lower cost
         than the large accounting and consulting firms.

         There are two main costs associated with ensuring the accuracy of
         emissions reports - compliance costs incurred by business in
         seeking third party audits and administration costs associated with
         Government activities to ensure the accuracy of reports.

         For those businesses that are required to obtain third party
         audits, the cost is estimated to be $150 000 per year.  It is also
         likely that companies would incur some costs associated with
         liaising with the auditors. On average these are estimated to be
         around $11 500 per business per year. Obviously the overall
         compliance costs would be largest under option 2 - all business
         would be required to obtain audits. Assuming there are around 1000
         liable entities, this would entail total aggregate compliance cost
         of around $164 million per year.[35] The third option would only
         require around 200 businesses to seek third party audits. The total
         compliance costs of this option are estimated to be around $33
         million per year. The compliance costs associated with the first
         option are minimal.

         In terms of administrative costs, it is estimated that the cost to
         Government of the third (hybrid) option would be around $5 to $9
         million per year. This represents the costs to Government of
         undertaking audits of a selection of emissions reports submitted by
         liable entities both to double check the reports of vary large
         emitters and assure the accuracy of reports by smaller liable
         entities. The administrative costs of the first two options have
         not been separately estimated, but these costs would be
         significantly higher under the first option (reflecting the fact
         that no auditing had been undertaken by companies and the
         government would need to undertake a significant number of audits
         to obtain an acceptable level of confidence that the emissions
         reports were accurate) and significantly lower for the second
         option (reflecting the fact that all companies had already been
         independently audited).

         Overall, it is expected that the first option (no third party
         audits) would be the least costly option while the second option
         (third party audits for all liable entities) would be the most

         The benefits of assuring emissions reports are essentially the
         flipside of the costs of inaccurate reporting detailed above. That
         is, ensuring that emissions reports by liable entities are accurate
         will improve the accuracy of national emissions estimates, provide
         additional confidence in the scheme and minimise any business
         distortions created by the misreporting of emissions. While these
         benefits are not quantifiable, it is expected that the options
         involving third party auditing would offer greater benefits. Third
         party auditing would assure the accuracy of each report (where as
         Government auditing would only consider a subset of reports)
         ensuring the accuracy of overall emissions estimates. Third party
         auditing is also more easily observed by relevant stakeholders
         (than ex-post Government assurance) ensuring the confidence in the
         accuracy of reports is maintained.

         The benefits associated with the third (hybrid) option are lower
         than under the full third party assurance option as only a subset
         of emissions reports are assured. However, the benefits are not
         likely to be significantly lower. The majority of emissions are
         accounted for by very large emitters (over the 125 kt CO2-e/year
         threshold). As a result, assuring the accuracy of these emissions
         will ensure that overall emissions data are largely correct.
         Moreover, the very large emitters are likely to be the most
         'visible' and ensuring the accuracy of these reports should provide
         confidence in the accuracy of emissions data for the majority of
         stakeholders. Any concerns with the accuracy of reports by smaller
         emitters can be alleviated (to a degree) by additional assurance
         activities undertaken by the regulator.

         Submissions generally supported the need for a strong framework to
         assure the quality of emission reporting submitted under the scheme
         (Chevron). However, a number of stakeholders did not agree that
         assurance of emissions reports should be conducted by independent
         third parties prior to submission to the Government under the
         scheme. For example, both the Energy Supply Association of
         Australia and the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration
         Association argued that a self assurance model would minimise
         compliance costs for liable entities.

         On balance, it is considered that the hybrid option represents the
         best balance of risks to scheme credibility and compliance costs
         for reporting entities and is the preferred option. While it is
         more costly than the first option (Government audits), it is
         considered that mandatory third party auditing is essential to
         ensure confidence in the scheme. The second option would provide
         some additional benefits, however these are likely to be limited
         and this option would be substantially more costly.

         In implementing this position the regulator will monitor the
         reports of all emitters and will have the power to review and amend
         assessments of emissions for up to four years after the date of
         assessment (if reports are found to be erroneous). This time period
         is broadly consistent with amendment periods under current business
         tax provisions for entities with complex affairs. In addition, the
         regulator will have the power to impose administrative penalties,
         and seek civil and criminal penalties, in the event that emitters
         are non compliant with the law.

         If there are concerns about the accuracy of reports for reporting
         entities with emissions less than 125 kt CO2-e/year, the regulator
         would consider the need to extend auditing requirements (this
         decision would be taken by Government).

5)    Linking the scheme to international markets

         Climate change, by its nature is a global problem where the
         location of abatement does not affect its contribution to
         addressing the problem.

         An international carbon market already exists under the Kyoto
         Protocol to the United National Framework Convention on Climate
         Change[36], and some other countries have developed, or are
         developing, domestic emissions trading schemes (see below).

         Opportunities for linking are likely to increase substantially over
         time, as more countries take on binding emissions constraints and
         seek to use domestic emissions trading schemes to achieve their
         targets at least cost.

         The existence of other international schemes provides opportunities
         for Australia to 'link' with these schemes. Linking involves
         importing units from other schemes and /or exporting units from
         Australia.  The key question is how and under what circumstances
         Australia should link its scheme with international markets and the
         schemes of other countries.

Current international arrangements

         The Kyoto Protocol establishes a framework for emissions trading.
         The Protocol sets out limits on emissions from each developed
         country and countries with economies in transition for the 2008-12
         period (the 'first commitment period').

         The Kyoto Protocol also provides a framework for parties to acquire
         Kyoto units from other countries and count them towards their
         emissions targets via different mechanisms (emissions trading, the
         'clean development mechanism' and 'joint implementation' projects).
         Each mechanism produces a different type of compliance unit (worth
         one tonne of CO2-e) that may be traded amongst countries (these are
         discussed in more detail below).

         All of these units are eligible compliance units under the Kyoto
         Protocol; that is, each can be used to offset one tonne of CO2-e
         from any party's emissions. As such, each type of compliance unit
         could be accepted for compliance in the scheme, linking the
         Australian emissions trading scheme to the international market.

         One major advantage of linking via the flexibility mechanisms is
         that the international architecture ensures the credibility of the
         units traded. By linking with the flexibility mechanisms many of
         the benefits of directly linking to other domestic and regional
         schemes can be achieved as these scheme's are also linked to the
         flexibility mechanisms.

         It should be noted that the first commitment period of the Kyoto
         framework will end in 2012. At this stage it is not certain what
         arrangements will be introduced for the post-2012 period as these
         are the subject of current international negotiations. As such, it
         is important that some flexibility remains over future linking
         arrangements so that they can reflect developments in the
         international architecture.

         Domestic emissions trading schemes are at various stages of
         development. Most countries implementing or developing emissions
         trading are parties to the Kyoto Protocol. The European Union has
         had a successful emissions trading scheme operating since 2005.
         Norway also has an emission trading scheme that is linked to the
         European scheme. The New Zealand Parliament passed legislation
         enacting their emissions trading scheme this year. Following the
         change of government in New Zealand, its scheme is under review,
         however the new Government remains committed to a modified
         emissions trading scheme. Proposals are also at various stages of
         development in Canada, the Untied States, Japan, South Korea and

         Where Australia links directly to the scheme of another country
         with a Kyoto target, any trades between the scheme could be counted
         towards meeting Australia's Kyoto target. As such, the detailed
         design of the specific domestic scheme is less relevant as the
         trade is backed by the credibility of the Protocol.


         Determinations on all design elements of the scheme, including
         linking, have been made with reference to the standard scheme
         criteria. In relation to linking arrangements there are several
         criteria of particular importance:

                . Environmental integrity: the integrity of the units of
                  trade (that each unit actually represents an additional
                  tonne of abatement) is important. Also, since stabilising
                  global emissions at a safe level will require widespread,
                  sustained and significant international action, linking
                  options can also be assessed by their impact on
                  Australia's ability to shape global solutions to the
                  challenges posed by climate change.

                . Economic efficiency: linking will have implications for
                  domestic scheme compliance costs, the credibility and
                  predictability of the scheme, and promotion of least cost
                  reductions in emissions.

                . Minimising implementation risk: a complex scheme design
                  poses greater risks to the scheme's smooth commencement.
                  Linking arrangements will have implications for the
                  simplicity of the scheme. It is desirable that the scheme
                  avoids design parameters that could lead to erratic and
                  unpredictable pricing behaviour. The transition to the
                  scheme will be easier if prices are able to rise gradually
                  over time. In particular, erratic and unpredictable prices
                  could have implications for the ongoing credibility of the
                  scheme. Also, strong opposition to specific elements of
                  the linking design may lead to the delay in, or difficulty
                  with, implementation of the scheme more generally.

                . Policy flexibility: it is desirable that linking
                  arrangements allow the scheme design to respond to changes
                  in international obligations and arrangements.

                . Promoting international objectives: linking arrangements
                  should be consistent with Australia's international
                  objectives, including any internationally agreed emissions
                  reduction obligations.

The merits of linking

         The first benefit of linking relates to the cost-effectiveness of
         emissions reductions and the economic efficiency criterion. An
         effective global market with a credible global constraint on
         emissions and unlimited linking between countries would reduce
         global and Australian abatement costs by ensuring that the cheapest
         abatement opportunities are pursued first, regardless of where they

         For example, if the cost of domestic abatement were greater than
         abatement in other countries, it would be cheaper for Australian
         businesses to purchase permits from international markets than to
         abate themselves. This option would not be open to Australian
         businesses under a closed scheme (they would have to purchase
         permits from the domestic market at higher cost).

         In a world with an effective global market, for Australia to
         achieve its emissions reduction targets solely through domestic
         abatement (that is in a closed scheme with no linking) would be
         more costly and would deliver no additional environmental gain.

         The second distinct advantage of linking is that it can encourage
         the development of global carbon markets. As Garnaut and many
         stakeholders recognise, the promotion of emissions trading as a
         mechanism is advantageous for global mitigation and therefore
         assists Australia to promote its international objectives.

         While there are significant benefits from linking there may also be
         some drawbacks.

         Linking the Australian scheme to international markets means that
         the price of Australian permits will be set by international supply
         and demand conditions instead of domestic supply and demand
         conditions. International carbon prices could fluctuate largely as
         a result of political decisions by other Governments and Australia
         would have no control over those decisions. In particular, the
         current significant uncertainty about future international
         arrangements could lead to substantial price uncertainty and
         volatility. This uncertainty and volatility could impose
         significant costs on businesses who have to make long term
         investment decisions, the profitability of which would depend on
         the international carbon price. The uncertainty about future
         international arrangements is unlikely to be fully resolved before
         the commencement of the scheme and may pose difficulties in
         managing a smooth transition in the early years of the scheme.

         It may be desirable to have a higher degree of domestic abatement
         to ensure the ongoing credibility and acceptability of the scheme.
         There is a view amongst some stakeholders, particularly
         conservation groups, that the scheme should encourage domestic
         action and not rely heavily on imported permits.

         Overall, international linking would be a positive addition to the
         scheme, however, careful consideration needs to be given to
         different linking opportunities.


         In broad terms, links with other schemes can be described as

                . direct, where units from scheme A can be used for
                  compliance purposes in scheme B; or

                . indirect, where schemes A and B have no direct links but
                  both accept units from scheme C, creating an indirect
                  pricing link between them.

         In addition, links can be either:

                . unilateral (one way), where units from system A can be
                  used in system B, but not vice versa; or

                . bilateral (two way), where Governments responsible for
                  schemes A and B agree to accept units from each other's

         Within these broad types of linking options, the Government would
         need to make choices about:

                . the types of international units that might be accepted
                  for compliance in Australia

                . whether any restrictions should apply to how many
                  international units could be accepted for compliance in

                . whether Australian permits could be transferred outside
                  Australia and, if so, how many.

         The types of international units that might be accepted for
         compliance in Australia

         There are two categories of international units that could be
         considered for compliance in the scheme:

                . international Kyoto units or

                . international non-Kyoto units.

         To be consistent with the environmental integrity criterion, it
         would be important that the scheme recognise only units from
         schemes that are robust and credible.

         Another key consideration, relating to the promoting international
         objectives criterion, is whether the use of international units
         should be restricted to those that can be counted towards
         Australia's national target under the Kyoto Protocol, or whether
         other units should be allowed.

         International units that cannot be counted towards Australia's
         national target are referred to as non-Kyoto units. Possible
         sources of non-Kyoto units include those generated in the US,
         voluntary market credits, and those from abatement not currently
         recognised under the Clean Development Mechanism, such as avoided
         deforestation. While allowing for the use of robust non-Kyoto units
         for compliance would widen the field of available abatement options
         and potentially lower compliance costs, it would increase the cost
         to Australia of meeting its international obligations, since those
         units would not count towards Australia's Kyoto target. As such the
         preferred approach is that non-Kyoto units would not be recognised
         for compliance purposes in the scheme, however, this position would
         be reviewed for the post-2012-13 period in the light of future
         development in the international architecture.

         International Kyoto units are established by the Kyoto Protocol
         framework and can be used towards meeting Australia's Kyoto target.
         As noted above, there are three flexibility mechanisms built into
         the Kyoto protocol: emissions trading, the Clean Development
         Mechanism and joint implementation projects. These generate four
         different Kyoto units, each of which could be accepted in the
         context of the Australian scheme as meeting emissions liabilities.
         The merits of accepting each of these units is discussed below.

         Assigned amount units

         Assigned amount units (AAUs) are the primary compliance units under
         the Kyoto Protocol, and are issued to countries in line with their
         agreed national emissions targets. For example, Australia agreed to
         cap emissions at 108 percent of 1990 levels over the Kyoto
         compliance period and has therefore been issued with AAUs to cover
         these emissions.

         Consistent with the economic efficiency criterion, acceptance of
         AAUs is likely to provide liable entities with a low cost
         compliance option, lowering the overall cost of meeting the
         Government's abatement targets.

         However, there are some disadvantages to the acceptance of AAUs for
         compliance in the scheme:

                . Some stakeholders have raised concerns about the
                  environmental credibility of some AAUs, specifically those
                  that relate to so-called 'hot air' or surplus AAUs
                  allocated to those countries whose economies have
                  contracted since 1990. Those concerns centre on the
                  argument that use of these AAUs in Australia would not
                  necessarily mean that emissions would be reduced elsewhere
                  (that is, they would not represent genuine abatement).
                  Acceptance of AAUs in the scheme is likely of raise
                  significant opposition from some stakeholders.

                . Given the current uncertainty about the future
                  international framework, it is not clear how the supply of
                  AAUs will develop. The volume of surplus AAUs is
                  potentially large compared to the expected compliance
                  shortfall for Kyoto parties in the first commitment
                  period. The World Bank estimates that the compliance
                  shortfall for Kyoto parties in the first commitment period
                  could be 3.3 billion tonnes CO2-e, after taking account of
                  domestic sinks. AAUs have the potential to deliver some
                  7.1 billion tonnes CO2-e.21 This potential oversupply
                  would have implications for the global price (although
                  this will depend on the number of AAUs banked for use in
                  future periods). If Australia recognised AAUs for
                  compliance in the scheme this price uncertainty would have
                  implications for scheme stability.

         Given the potential risks to the credibility and stability of the
         scheme the preferred approach is not to accept AAUs for compliance
         in the scheme. This position would be reviewed in the light of
         international developments.

         Emissions reduction units

         Emissions reduction units (ERUs) are generated via joint
         implementation projects where one country implements a project to
         reduce emissions in another country (both countries must have a
         target under the Kyoto Protocol).

         ERUs would offer a low-cost compliance option for liable entities,
         promoting a cost-effective way for the scheme to help meet
         Australia's emissions targets. Also trade in ERUs represent trade
         within the aggregate emissions constraint imposed by the Kyoto
         Protocol and could be considered more effective than trade in
         international offset credits from uncapped sources.

         Overall, there are no significant risks associated with the
         recognition of ERUs in the scheme so the preferred approach would
         be to recognise these units.

         Removal units

         Removal units (RMUs) are units issued by another Kyoto party on the
         basis of land use, land-use change and forestry. Few countries are
         likely to be in a position to generate RMUs, so the potential for
         trade in RMUs is likely to be limited. No concerns have been raised
         about the use of RMUs, and preferred approach is that RMUs be
         recognised as compliance units in Australia's scheme.

         Certified emission reductions

         Certified emission reductions (CERs) accrue from joint projects
         between Kyoto parties with an obligation (developed countries) and
         developing countries under the Clean Development Mechanism.
         Essentially, the developed country can implement a project in the
         developing country and obtain CERs which they can use towards their
         Kyoto target.

         The Clean Development Mechanism is designed to provide emissions
         reductions that can be used by Kyoto parties with an obligation to
         meet their commitments under the Protocol as well as support
         sustainable development in the host country. It is an offset
         mechanism that generates CERs based on differences between an
         estimated baseline (expected 'business as usual' emissions) and
         actual emissions.

         The Clean Development Mechanism has induced significant abatement
         activities in developing countries and provides an important source
         of low cost abatement opportunities. Trade in CERs is an important
         component of the current international market, adding to overall

         In addition, the Clean Development Mechanism provides an important
         transition mechanism that engages developing countries in
         mitigation projects until they are able to take on binding

         However, some stakeholders have raised concerns about the
         environmental credibility of the clean development mechanism, as it
         entails no limit on emissions in developing countries. Further,
         although the mechanism uses rigorous verification procedures, any
         assessment of whether abatement is truly 'additional' entails a
         significant degree of judgment.

         It should also be noted that different rules apply to afforestation
         or reforestation activities in developing countries. These projects
         are assessed to have a limited life - less than two commitment
         periods for some projects and between 20 and 60 years for longer
         term projects - before they need to be replaced. If these CERs were
         recognised in Australia's scheme, the Government would need to
         replace them with other units when they expired. Acceptance in the
         scheme would introduce a contingent liability on Australia under
         the Kyoto framework and would have high administrative costs
         associated with measures to address the contingent liability.

         The preferred approach is that CERs be recognised in the emission
         trading scheme. This would not extend to CERs for afforestation and
         reforestation projects which have associated contingent obligations
         and high administrative costs.

         Restrictions on how many international units can be accepted for

         Having decided what types of international units will be accepted
         another key consideration is whether the scheme should have any
         restrictions on the number of international units that can be used
         for compliance.

         The chief advantage of not limiting the number of Kyoto units that
         can be used for compliance is that domestic compliance costs would
         be minimised - liable entities would purchase such units only if
         these units were less expensive than domestic compliance options.
         This is consistent with the economic efficiency criterion. Allowing
         unlimited access to international units would mean that the
         international price would act as a useful 'safety valve' on
         domestic compliance costs. Imposing limits on access to
         international units means that the domestic price for permits could
         deviate from the international carbon price. Unlimited access to
         international units would also inject greater liquidity into the
         Australian market.

         However, there are also potential disadvantages associated with
         access to an unlimited number of international units including:

                . the requirement under the Kyoto Protocol framework for the
                  use of flexibility mechanisms to be supplemental to
                  domestic action (referred to as the supplementarity

                . the potential implementation risks associated with
                  exposing the domestic scheme to the current uncertainty
                  about future international arrangements that could lead to
                  significant uncertainty and volatility in the
                  international price

                . the potential desirability of having a higher degree of
                  domestic abatement to ensure the ongoing credibility and
                  acceptability of the scheme.

         There is no requirement under the Kyoto Protocol to quantify
         supplementarity. Also Australia is projected to meet its Kyoto
         target on the basis of existing domestic policy mitigation measures
         and other ongoing measures such as the Mandatory Renewable Energy
         Target and energy efficiency measures which will ensure that an
         adequate level of abatement is achieved domestically regardless of
         the design of the scheme.

         Domestic abatement will occur under the scheme even with unlimited
         access to international units. The scheme will reduce emissions in
         Australia by introducing a price on carbon. Where the price is
         above zero, emissions will be reduced compared with what they would
         otherwise have been. With unlimited access to international units
         the domestic price for carbon will converge with the international
         price. It is expected that the international price will remain
         above zero. This means that all domestic abatement that is cost
         effective at that price will occur.

         Economic modelling by the Treasury suggests that even with
         completely open access to international units after 2020, the
         scheme will drive significant reductions in Australia's domestic
         emissions from what they would otherwise have been. For example, in
         the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme -5 scenario, Australia's
         domestic emissions are projected to be twenty-five per cent lower
         than the reference scenario in 2020, and sixty per cent below the
         reference scenario in 2050.

         In regards to concerns associated with exposing the domestic market
         to the potential uncertainty and volatility in the international
         market, analysis undertaken by consultants Booz & Co of expected
         supply and demand conditions in the international market indicates
         that, while significant uncertainty remains there is a reasonably
         well functioning and forward looking international market with the
         capacity to deal with this uncertainty. Following consultation with
         stakeholders, there does not seem to be widespread concern about
         the implications of potential price volatility in international

         Recognising the benefits of unlimited access to international units
         in ensuring liable entities have access to low cost abatement
         opportunities and in providing a 'safety valve' for domestic
         prices, the preferred approach is to not limit the number of
         international units that can be used for compliance in the scheme.

Transferring Australian permits outside of Australia

         Transferring Australian permits to other countries would reduce the
         number of permits in Australia's scheme, increasing the Australian
         permit price and resulting in relatively more abatement occurring
         in Australia than would otherwise be the case. The capacity to sell
         and transfer domestic abatement to international markets would also
         create new markets for providers of domestic abatement. It would
         increase the inflow of foreign capital, providing a stimulus for
         domestic abatement activities and investment in low-emissions
         technologies, and contribute to reducing the costs of global
         mitigation and to increasing global liquidity. The ability to sell
         Australian permits into foreign markets is, therefore, generally

         However, some short-term factors need to be taken into account,
         particularly in minimising implementation risk. Adding
         international demand to the domestic scheme has the potential to
         increase upward pressure on the domestic price of Australian
         permits. This poses risks to the stability of domestic prices and,
         as a consequence, compliance costs, during the period in which the
         scheme is being bedded down. Allowing for the sale and transfer of
         Australian permits could also add complexity to the scheme. Neither
         of these impacts are desirable while market participants are
         adjusting to the scheme's introduction.

         Additionally, the Government would need to comply with the
         commitment period reserve of the Kyoto Protocol. That requirement
         would mean that the Government could not allow for the unlimited
         transfer of Australia's Kyoto units to international markets, and
         that the commitment period reserve would need to be managed.

         The preferred approach is to not allow the transfer of Australian
         permits outside of Australia in the initial years of the scheme.


         The majority of stakeholders consulted are supportive of linking,
         noting that it is a cost-effective way of meeting Australia's
         emissions reduction targets and that linking can encourage the
         development of global carbon markets. Some stakeholders argue
         against linking because they would prefer that Australia meet its
         national emissions targets from domestic action alone.

         Most stakeholders are supportive of linking to the Kyoto Protocol's
         flexibility mechanisms. However, some stakeholders question the
         credibility of some Kyoto units, particularly CERs.

         Many stakeholders are not supportive of a quantitative restriction
         and argue that a least cost approach would be to have unlimited use
         of credible international units and that this would provide a
         valuable 'safety valve' on the permit price in the Australia
         scheme. Those that do not support unlimited access to international
         units have a preference for domestic abatement.

         Some stakeholders would support a quantitative restriction to
         comply with international obligations or to ensure scheme
         credibility but consider that in general the price should dictate
         the extent of use, and as such, restrictions should be set very

         In response to the strong stakeholder preference for unlimited
         access to international units, the Government has changed its
         preferred approach from that which was indicated in the Green Paper
         and is now proposing not to have any quantitative restrictions.

         In regards to the types of international units that would be
         recognised for compliance in the scheme, most stakeholders are
         supportive of the preferred approach. A small number of
         stakeholders - primarily environmental non-government organisations
         including Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the Australian
         Conservation Foundation - urge the government to narrow the scope
         of CERs permissible in the scheme, requesting that only 'gold
         standard' credits from the Clean Development Mechanism be accepted.

         The majority of submissions accepted the restriction on non Kyoto
         units for compliance purposes but urge the Government to push for
         recognition of reducing emissions from deforestation and
         degradation (REDD) credits in any international agreement in the
         post 2012 period.

         The decision not to allow the export of Australian units was
         recognised as sensible but potentially ineffectual due to the
         unlimited banking of permits that the scheme proposes to allow.  In
         recognition of the potential upward price potential which may
         result from the market pricing in expectations of the future value
         of export, the Government has decided to delay a decision to allow
         for export to a point some years after the scheme has commenced

         Several of the submissions called for the provision of certainty as
         soon as possible and as far in about the future as possible on the
         qualitative restrictions that will be placed on the import of Kyoto
         units. Generally it was requested that changes to linking rules
         also be subject to the 'five-year rolling rule' (that is, five
         years notice should be given by Government of changes in linking
         arrangements). In accordance with these views, the Government will
         provide five years' notice on elements of linking policy that are
         key determinants of price.

         There was overwhelming support for a continued effort to develop
         more direct bilateral or regional links in the future, particularly
         with New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. New Zealand has
         legislation in place for its emissions trading scheme although as
         noted above, the new government is reviewing the scheme. Neither
         Papua New Guinea nor Indonesia have proposals to develop emissions
         trading schemes presently. As Garnaut notes however (Garnaut
         Climate Change Review, p. 340), both 'have large opportunities to
         reduce land-use change and forestry emissions and to quickly
         replace coal (Indonesia) and petroleum with low-emissions fuels'.

Future arrangements

         Choices about the nature and extent of linking are likely to change
         over time.  Obviously, a key event influencing further decisions on
         international linking is the development of future international
         agreements. Linking arrangements will be subject to review in the
         light of ongoing international negotiations and market
         developments, with a clear preference for relaxing restriction on
         linking with credible schemes and mechanisms as the Australian
         scheme matures. Only those linking opportunities that are
         consistent with the scheme's objective would be considered. This
         would include consistency with Australia's international

         There are potentially significant benefits associated with deeper
         and more expansive linking in the longer term. The Government could
         consider establishing a bilateral link with a scheme of another
         country by recognising the unit of the other scheme for compliance
         purposes and vice versa. Australia may wish to establish a
         bilateral link with the scheme of another country to increase the
         pool of abatement opportunities for liable entities, to enhance
         liquidity and to build international cooperation around emissions
         trading.  For example, a link between the Australian scheme and the
         New Zealand scheme would reduce compliance costs for trans-Tasman
         businesses and also offer potential opportunities for sharing
         governance arrangements and technical resources (for example,
         auditors and accreditation resources).

         In order to provide guidance to market participants about potential
         future links it is desirable to specify the characteristic of
         acceptable links.

         Future bilateral links should only be with schemes that are of a
         suitable standard, including having:

                . an internationally acceptable (or where applicable a
                  mutually acceptable) level of mitigation commitment

                . adequate and comparable monitoring, reporting,
                  verification, compliance and enforcement mechanisms

                . compatibility in design and market rules.

         These characteristics would help to ensure future linking
         arrangements are consistent with the scheme's overall objective.

         It is also desirable for market participants to have a degree of
         certainty about future linking arrangements, consistent with
         retaining enough flexibility to respond to changing international
         arrangements. It is proposed that, the Government will provide at
         least five years' notification of a change to linking arrangements
         including the establishment of a new bilateral link, except where:

                . an independent review, including stakeholder consultation,
                  finds that establishing a bilateral link with another
                  country will not have a significant impact on the permit
                  price in the scheme; and

                . the responsible minister decides to waive or shorten the
                  notice period.

         In addition, if Australia were to link with another country's
         scheme, it would also indirectly link to all other schemes to which
         that scheme is already linked. Therefore it would be desirable that
         in making an assessment on whether to link the Government took into
         account any existing links of the other scheme.

6)    Auctioning of Carbon Pollution Permits

         Once created, carbon pollution permits within the scheme cap need
         to be allocated or released to the market either by allocating them
         to liable entities or by auctioning them.  As discussed below,
         auctioning is an efficient method of allocating permits. However,
         auctioning such a large number of permits raises important issues
         of auction design.

The objectives of the auction

         The design of the auction will be influenced by the objectives it
         is seeking to achieve. The key objectives are as follows:

                . Promote allocative efficiency - Permits are channelled to
                  their highest value in the economy with a minimum of risk
                  and transaction costs.

                . Promote efficient price discovery - Making the auction
                  results public will provide an important price signal
                  early in the scheme.  Providing a price signal has a
                  significant role in stimulating behavioural change; for
                  instance in helping entities manage their emissions
                  obligations and make investment decisions.  This discovery
                  process is reinforced when the results of early auctions
                  and the prices obtained are communicated at the start of
                  the scheme.

                . Raise auction revenue - The auction should also raise
                  revenue that can be used for other policy objectives, such
                  as providing assistance to households and businesses.
                  However, the auction has not been designed with the
                  primary aim of maximising revenue.

         There is usually no conflict between the objectives of promoting
         allocative efficiency and price discovery, and raising auction
         revenue. If conflict arises, the Government will give priority to
         the first two objectives.

         To promote allocative efficiency and efficient price discovery a
         well-designed auction will include:

                . a large competitive field of bidders;

                . a simple system that encourages participation;

                . a stable set of auction rules that are not subject to
                  arbitrary or unpredictable changes;

                . transparent processes that rapidly reveal price
                  information; and

                . minimal fees, charges and other costs of participation
                  (although some rules to ensure that bids are credible may
                  be desirable).

         In arriving at final policy positions, the Government has sought to
         ensure that the development of a deep and liquid secondary market
         is not compromised.

Advantages of auctioning as an allocation method

         In releasing permits to the market, the Government has two options:
         the auctioning of permits and allocating them directly to emitters.

         Auctioning permits has a number of advantages over allocating them
         directly to liable entities.

         In theory, there should be no difference in efficiency between
         auctioning permits and allocating them administratively[37],
         because permits could be traded to their highest value use under
         either system, even if the initial allocation is inefficient.

         In practice, because administrative allocations will be made for
         reasons other than pure efficiency, the initial allocation of
         permits will not necessarily be made to the users that value them
         highest. Firms will be able to trade permits on the secondary
         market, but trading costs and information issues mean that this
         will not be costless. As a result, additional transaction costs
         will be incurred under a direct allocation method to ensure that
         permits reach their highest value uses.

         Auctioning permits also ensures that the entities who are
         responsible for high levels of emissions are the ones that pay for
         the environmental costs (the 'polluter pays' principle). It also
         raises additional revenue for the Government which can be directed
         to different areas (in this case assistance to business and

         The key disadvantage of auctioning permits is that it may be
         slightly more expensive for Government depending on the nature of
         the administrative allocation method. However, auctions will be
         held on an internet platform to reduce the cost to Government and
         participants, and in the context of the scheme auction
         establishment, running costs are expected to be low. Even with
         direct allocation the Government would incur costs associated with
         designing and implementing the allocation approach.

         Most stakeholders were in favour of auctioning as the preferred
         approach to releasing permits. One issue that arose was the free
         allocation of permits as part of assistance packages for strongly
         affected industries and emissions intensive trade exposed
         industries. Some stakeholders were in favour of auctioning 100 per
         cent of permits. These included the Australian Financial Markets
         Association and the Garnaut Final Report.[38]

         Other stakeholders, such as Visy Australia raised concerns that
         full auctioning might not result in an equitable allocation of
         permits as some industries will be disproportionately affected by
         the introduction of the CPRS.

         Some stakeholders were opposed to the distribution of permits by
         administrative allocation. They included the Construction,
         Forestry, Mining and Energy Union who argued that free allocation
         encourages gaming behaviour, leads to windfall profits and weakens
         the intended outcomes of the scheme.

         The economic efficiency benefits of auctioning (the ability to
         channel permits to their highest value uses with lower compliance
         costs) make it highly desirable to move progressively towards 100
         per cent auctioning of permits over the longer term. However, the
         use of permits to provide assistance to industry is an important
         element of the proposed assistance packages. As such, some initial
         free allocations of permits to emissions intensive industries will
         be made.

         The preferred position is that allocations will, over the longer
         term, progressively move towards 100 per cent auctioning as the
         scheme matures, subject to the provision of transitional assistance
         for emissions-intensive trade-exposed industries and strongly
         affected industries.

The key design features of the auctions under the Carbon Pollution
Reduction Scheme

         The Green Paper's detailed proposals on auction design drew heavily
         on a report on auction design by Evans and Peck, which was
         commissioned by the National Emissions Trading Taskforce. The
         Government's final positions on auction design have taken into
         account that report, stakeholder submissions, and further expert
         advice from Tradeslot Pty Ltd who was commissioned by the
         Department of Climate Change to provide expert advice on the design
         of auctions.

         Auction Frequency

         In theory, auctions could be held a number of times each year, for
         example weekly, quarterly or annually.

         Several stakeholders requested that auctions be held more
         frequently than quarterly as proposed in the Green Paper. Stanwell
         Corporation Limited, ExxonMobil and Frontier Economics wanted more
         frequent auctions with monthly being the most requested.

         More frequent auctions will mean smaller auctions. The frequency of
         auctions and its impact on the size of the auction will have
         implications for:

         Reliability of price information - More frequent auctions might
         reduce the reliability of the price information used to inform
         investment decisions early in the scheme. The price signal should
         be as reliable and efficient as possible.

         The price should reflect market expectations about the demand and
         supply of permits, and the bidding field should be competitive and
         representative of the broader market. Smaller and more frequent
         auctions could lead to fewer participants and compromise the
         accuracy of price information from the auction. To reduce this
         risk, the Government will auction some minimum number of permits at
         each auction.  Peter Cramton, an auction consultant working on
         behalf of Tradeslot, recommended that the Government target around
         5 per cent of permits to be sold at any one auction as a minimum
         auction size required for competitive bidding.

         Timeliness of the price signal - More frequent auctions could
         improve the timeliness of price signals, which would benefit
         businesses making investment decisions.

         However, once the secondary market has matured, investors will have
         readily observable real time market prices as they do in other

         Absorptive capacity of the market - The frequency and size of
         auctions may have implications for the absorptive capacity of the
         market (that is, its ability to accommodate large transactions).
         Smaller quantities of permits associated with more frequent
         auctions are likely to be more readily absorbed by the market.

         Administrative costs - More frequent auctions involve a higher
         administrative cost for the regulator, and potentially for bidders.
         However, the capacity to hold auctions on the internet means that
         costs are minimised and unlikely to be an important factor in
         determining auction frequency.

         Development of the secondary market - Some stakeholders, including
         Origin Energy and the Australian Securities Exchange, were
         concerned that greater auction frequency might delay the
         development of the financial services normally provided by the
         secondary market.

         Cash flow and working capital management - A number of stakeholders
         cited cash flow and working capital management as reasons for
         holding more frequent auctions. In particular there were concerns
         about working capital related to the timing difference between the
         purchase of permits and their surrender to meet scheme obligations.
         Many stakeholders were concerned that they would be required to
         borrow to purchase permits many months or even years in advance.
         Some were concerned that recent financial market uncertainty would
         mean that they would not be in a position to borrow the required
         funds or would be forced to pay interest rates that they could not

         Most of these stakeholders suggested monthly auctions, on the
         grounds that this would enable them to better manage their
         liabilities and reduce their working capital or debt financing
         costs. For example, TRUenergy argued for monthly auctions with
         weekly settlements to minimise the working capital and cash flow
         impact on affected energy market participants.

         Other stakeholders, such as Caltex, supported weekly auctions
         because such auctions would reduce working capital requirements.

         Frequent auctions may provide liable entities with an additional
         option for managing their obligations under the scheme,
         particularly given any working capital or debt financing
         constraints they may have. For example, they might want to align
         their expenditure on permits with their accruing liability over the
         compliance period. This is similar to the way businesses have
         developed strategies for managing their accruing tax liabilities.

         In the presence of a functioning secondary market, the frequency of
         auctions should not affect liability management or the costs of
         working capital or debt financing. Permit prices, like prices of
         other financial assets, are expected to, on average, yield a return
         equal to a market interest rate sufficient to compensate investors
         for the risk of holding permits. Because permits do not pay
         dividends or interest, like shares or bonds, the return will come
         in the form of capital gains. That is, on average, permit values
         (prices) would be expected to rise at the market interest rate.

         The permit interest rate and permit prices will also reflect
         economic conditions and the cost of capital. Lower economic growth
         or constraints on credit will reduce demand and cause the carbon
         price to be lower and permits to be more affordable for business.
         Because of this, the timing and frequency of permit purchases at
         auction will have a more limited effect on the current dollar cost
         of permits to businesses with similar costs of capital.


         The scheme design should include frequent permit auctions while
         maintaining the size and efficiency of each auction. More frequent,
         smaller auctions are more easily absorbed by the market, present a
         lower risk in the event of an operational failure of an auction,
         and perhaps provide business with more flexibility while the
         secondary market is maturing.

         However, more frequent, smaller auctions have a number of

                . On average, they will have lower participation. The
                  auction would then be more prone to manipulation and
                  erratic pricing outcomes.

                . More frequent auctions could reduce the time businesses
                  devote to information gathering and preparation, reducing
                  the accuracy of some bids and the auction price signal.

                . They may also reduce the level of activity in the
                  secondary market, especially if auctions are double-sided
                  (that is, allow liable entities to both buy and sell

         While quarterly auctions could be sufficient, 12 auctions
         throughout the financial year will accommodate stakeholder demand
         for greater frequency while not unduly risking the efficiency of
         the auction process. This is the preferred approach.

         Auction settlement arrangements and deferred payment

         A number of stakeholders, most notably those from the power
         generation sector, such as Loy Yang Power and TRUenergy expressed
         concerns over their capacity as individual businesses to manage the
         cash-flow costs associated with their significant permit purchase
         obligations. They argued that auction participants should be able
         to defer payment for permits until the relevant vintage year (for
         example, pay for 2013 permits in 2013 even if the permits are
         purchased at a 2010 auction).

         Other scheme proposals and international experience provide limited
         guidance on optimal auction payment arrangements for a carbon
         market. The Task Group on Emissions Trading, the National Emissions
         Trading Taskforce and the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme did
         not make any specific recommendations about payment arrangements.
         In the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, because of large-
         scale free allocations of permits, liable entities were not
         required to buy large parcels at auction, rendering payment terms
         irrelevant. Under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, financial
         settlement and transfer of permits to successful bidders occurred
         within 14 days of the first auction, although very loose caps under
         that scheme have meant very low prices ($3 per tonne of carbon
         dioxide equivalent).  The Garnaut Final Report recommended against
         lengthy deferred payment.

         Deferred payment is likely to encourage participation in the
         auction of future vintages reducing the risk of low demand or
         unreliable prices for future vintages.

         However, the provision of deferred payment arrangements has the
         potential to expose the Government to financial risk and would be
         administratively complex. Government provision of deferred payment
         terms may also disrupt the development of the secondary market
         needed for longer term risk management by business. This could
         occur for example, by Government service provision 'crowding out'
         the equivalent service in the private sector.  In the absence of
         Government provision, demand for these services is likely to be met
         by private sector financial intermediaries.


         It will be important that, if a deferred payment arrangement was
         allowed, that all bids made during the auction must represent both
         final valuation and capacity to purchase ensuring the credibility
         of the auction. This would require the creation of a contract
         through the act of bidding, and the imposition of substantive
         penalties for buyers who default. Further mitigation strategies
         could include not transferring ownership until the permit is paid
         for, and implementing extensive credit checks.

         There are a range of costs and benefits associated with the
         provision of deferred payment arrangements. These merit further
         consideration and a decision on whether to adopt deferred payment
         processes will be taken in due course.

         Advance auctioning of future vintages

         The scheme will have annual caps and surrender periods. Consistent
         with this approach, permits will also be differentiated by annual
         vintages; that is, each permit will pertain to a particular
         financial year scheme cap.

|Box 6.1:  International and other Australian scheme |
|proposals                                           |
|The expert auction report by Evans and Peck,        |
|commissioned by the National Emissions Trading      |
|Taskforce, recommended quarterly auctions of current|
|year vintages and auctions of three future year     |
|vintages once a year (to be conducted simultaneously|
|with one of the current year auctions).             |
|The taskforce proposed auctions of current year and |
|future year vintages.[39] However, it noted 'scope  |
|for further work to refine timing and frequency as  |
|detailed scheme design progresses' and that, in     |
|particular, 'consideration should be given to the   |
|different incentives faced by bidders in relation to|
|timing'. The Garnaut Final Report proposed one to   |
|two years (spot plus one future vintage), and the   |
|Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative[40] four years   |
|(spot plus three future vintages).                  |
|The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme[41] and |
|the proposed New Zealand Emissions Trading          |
|Scheme[42] do not include advance auctions of future|
|vintages.                                           |

         Most stakeholders, including the Australian Securities Exchange,
         supported the auction of future year vintages as future vintages
         may be an alternative to the spot market and any associated
         derivative markets for liable entities seeking to manage future
         emissions obligations.

         Some stakeholders also argued for the issuing of vintages from
         distant future periods as a signal of scheme credibility and
         longevity. This is similar to the approach proposed in the McKibbin-
         Wilcoxen hybrid model for climate change policy, which uses long-
         term permits partly to give investors a stake in the longevity and
         credibility of the scheme.[43]

         Advance auctions of future vintages are not required for carbon
         futures prices to emerge. For example, derivative markets have
         developed in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme without
         advance auctions. While advance auctions can provide flexibility
         for liable entities and contribute to the credibility of the
         scheme, they can also increase the complexity of auctions and
         reduce the number of permits of particular vintages available at
         each auction. Depending on how far in advance vintages are
         auctioned, the Government's flexibility to set caps could be
         reduced over time. The extent of these disadvantages will depend on
         how many future vintages are auctioned.

         The key advantage of the advance auction of future vintages is that
         advance auctions would give entities trying to manage future
         emissions liabilities an alternative to buying up and hoarding the
         current year's permits.


         It is important that the advantages of increasing flexibility and
         certainty for liable entities are balanced against the Government's
         flexibility to set caps over time. Auctioning a greater number of
         future year vintages implies a smaller number available at each
         auction. Therefore, the preferred position is that auctions be held
         for the current year vintage plus each of the next three financial
         year vintages held once each year.

         Auction participation

         Universal participation would allow non-liable entities, including
         financial intermediaries, to participate in auctions.

         Some stakeholders opposed this proposal, raising concerns that the
         participation of non-liable entities in auctions may result in
         speculation and the bidding up of prices. For example, Woodside
         Energy Limited argued that in order to ensure market liquidity and
         eliminate price risk, the Government should limit participation, at
         least initially, and restrict eligibility to register ownership of
         permits to firms which are emitters or which have permit surrender
         obligations under the scheme.

         The Australian Food and Grocery Council also argued that allowing
         financial markets to participate in the auctioning process invites
         the possibility of manipulation over the carbon trading system,
         leaving genuine purchasers of permits at a disadvantage.

         However, limiting auction participation would have a number of

                . An auction is more likely to deliver reliable price
                  signals if the field of bidders is competitive.
                  Restricting the number of bidders would reduce the
                  competitiveness of the bidding field and increase the
                  scope for market manipulation.

                . Smaller liable entities might prefer to use specialist
                  financial intermediaries to help them manage their
                  emissions obligations over the year, rather than directly
                  participating in auctions. It would also give liable
                  entities an unfair advantage in the secondary market over
                  others who seek to provide such services.

                . In practical terms, it would be difficult to limit
                  participation and enforce a restricted auction scheme, as
                  excluded entities could simply contract with liable
                  entities to buy permits on their behalf.

                . For liable entities to be able to manage their carbon cost
                  price risks, they are likely to want to enter into hedging
                  contracts. Not allowing other players, including financial
                  market participants, to buy permits at auction is likely
                  to slow the development of such hedging products, which
                  would have the perverse outcome of making price risk less

         However, to ensure that auctions are competitive and free of
         manipulation, it is envisaged that steps will be taken to ensure
         that bidders are credible. Those measures may include some form of
         financial guarantee or cash deposit to ensure that bidders will be
         able to pay for the permits they buy at auction, and to encourage
         only genuine participants. Depending on the number of permits a
         bidder acquires and the price at which they are acquired, either
         the deposit would be returned or the bidder's payment would be

         A further way to limit market manipulation is limit the maximum
         number of permits that can be purchased at any one auction.  The
         Government plans to limit the maximum parcel of permits that can be
         purchased at any one auction to 25 per cent of the available

         Overall, while some stakeholders opposed universal participation in
         auctions, there are significant benefits to opening up auctions to
         all parties and this is the preferred position.


         There are also a number of smaller implementation decisions that
         the Government meeds to make. It is also envisaged that
         implementing these decisions will result in an auction design with
         a number of attributes. These are outlined in box 6.1

         The timing of the first auction

         The first auction could be held, in theory, at any time before the
         start of the scheme or after the scheme has commenced.

         Some permits could be auctioned in advance of the start of the
         scheme to provide early carbon price signals to businesses,
         enabling them to make more informed investment decisions. An early
         auction would also help to prompt the development of an active
         secondary market.

         However, some practical considerations limit how early the first
         auction could occur.

         The legislation establishing the scheme must have commenced before
         the first auction takes place. The current timeline suggests that
         this will not be until the second half of 2009. The national
         registry will also need to be completed before the first auction of
         permits, to enable permits to be held in accounts in the registry.

         For the auction to generate reliable price signals, the first
         auction should occur after participants have been able to develop
         informed opinions about overall demand and supply conditions. In
         practice, this means that they would need to know the scheme cap
         (the supply of permits). Final announcements about the cap will not
         be made until early 2010.

         Many liable entities will be required to monitor and report their
         emissions for the year ended 30 June 2009 under the National
         Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007. Once it is made public,
         that information will be useful for liable entities and financial
         market analysts in assessing value in the market. The first
         greenhouse and energy reports must be lodged in October 2009. This
         implies that the first auction could be held in early 2010. This
         will give the carbon market three to six months of trading time
         before the first compliance period begins.

         Stakeholders that commented generally supported the Government's
         proposal to hold the first auction in early 2010, prior to the
         commencement of the scheme. However a few recommended an earlier
         start, for instance Origin Energy supported:

                ... an auction as early as practicable before the scheme
                commences. Ideally, the first auction should take place in
                the second half of 2009.

         While earlier auctions would have benefits, the practical
         considerations discussed above mean that an earlier auction is
         unlikely to be feasible and the preferred position is that the
         first auction take place as early as is feasible in 2010, before
         the start of the scheme.

         Auction Type

         Over time, the secondary market will provide a range of services
         that better facilitate trading and risk management. However, such
         services might be limited in the short term, which may effect the
         efficient operation of the secondary market. Therefore, the
         Government has a role in providing some transitional auction
         services to reduce this implementation risk.

         The following auction features will facilitate and encourage the
         participation of liable entities in the early years of the scheme,
         as familiarity with and confidence in the new environment develops.

         Ascending clock

         In an ascending clock auction, the auctioneer announces the current
         price. Bidders indicate the number of permits they are prepared to
         purchase at that price. If demand exceeds supply, the auctioneer
         raises the price in the next round and bidders resubmit their bids.
         This process continues until the number offered is equal to or
         greater than demand. Bidders then pay the price from the previous
         bid round.

         Ascending clock auctions can also allow proxy bidding, in which
         bidders submit in advance their demand schedule for permits at
         various prices. These bidders would not need to participate further
         in the auction. This enables bidders to submit bids, as would be
         done under a sealed bid system, if this is more convenient (see

         The ascending clock auction also provides information on the
         aggregate demand schedule at the end of the auction, which promotes
         efficient price discovery in the secondary market.

         The Government initially favoured ascending clock auctions for a
         number of reasons, including their transparency of operation, and
         because they allow small players to 'free ride' on the information
         sets of larger players. With sealed bids, small players have no
         access to market information during bidding and could miss out on
         an allocation because of strategic bidding by larger operators.

         However, to accommodate some stakeholders' desire for simplicity,
         the Government will allow 'proxy bidding', as described above.
         Proxy bidding will replicate some of the advantages of a sealed bid
         auction, even where the auction type is simultaneous ascending

         Auction governance arrangements

         Once established, the scheme regulator will be best placed to
         manage ongoing auction policy design and operational matters, with
         wide discretion prescribed in the legislative framework. This will
         result in an administratively more efficient outcome than requiring
         the responsible minister to approve small changes to auction

         Auction rules will require different arrangements at the start of
         the scheme. This is particularly so because the scheme regulator
         might not be established in time to develop and consult on a
         detailed auction strategy before the first auction is held. Until
         the auction arrangements are established, operational flexibility
         within clearly specified objectives is desirable, because the
         auction design is likely to need to be fine tuned over time.

         The Government has experience in auctioning other forms of
         property, such as the auction process for Treasury Bonds and has
         taken the governance arrangements operating in those markets into
         account in finalising its auction governance arrangements.

         Auction design decisions and operational rules will be made public.

         Consistent with the preferred position in the Green Paper, the
         minister will make a disallowable legislative instrument
         determining the auction process and operational rules during
         calendar years 2010 and 2011. After that time, the regulator will
         have the power to make such an instrument. In both cases, the
         primary objectives will be to promote the efficient allocation and
         price discovery of permits. This arrangement will provide certainty
         for business.

|Box 6.2:  Features of the auction                   |
|Uniform pricing                                     |
|The ultimate price paid per permit will be identical|
|for all successful bidders, regardless of their     |
|respective valuations. This is a natural outcome of |
|the ascending clock system, and one that does not   |
|discriminate between bidders.                       |
|Aggregate demand revealed each round                |
|At the end of every auction round, the auctioneer   |
|will provide information on the number of permits   |
|demanded by participants at the current price. To   |
|avoid collusion, individual bids will not be        |
|published.                                          |
|Proxy bidding                                       |
|Proxy bidding allows bidders to delegate actions to |
|the auctioneer by submitting a set of bidding rules.|
|Bidders can submit their permit demand schedules and|
|then receive the amount specified at the final      |
|auction price. Proxy bidding in sealed bid format   |
|will not interfere with the operation, transparency |
|or efficiency of the ascending clock auction; it    |
|simply automates bidder preferences. It does not    |
|remove the round-by-round disclosure of aggregate   |
|demand by the auctioneer.                           |
|Publication of auction results as soon as feasible  |
|The market will be informed of the results of       |
|auctions in a timely fashion. As the auction system |
|will be fully automated, results will be released   |
|within seven days of each auction.                  |
|Reserve price                                       |
|The auction will have a reserve price set well below|
|the expected market price. This is in line with     |
|arrangements in the United Kingdom under the        |
|European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. The reserve|
|price will increase efficiency by limiting the abuse|
|of market power or collusion by entities, and       |
|accelerating the auction process. It is an          |
|administrative mechanism aimed at improving the     |
|speed and efficiency of the auction and is not      |
|intended as a price floor in the market. Unsold     |
|permits will need to be sold at future auctions.    |
|Internet auction platform                           |
|Auctions will be conducted using an internet        |
|platform. The internet platform will encourage more |
|entrants and greater competition because it is low  |
|cost and readily accessible.                        |

7)    Setting scheme caps

         The scheme cap determines the number of domestic carbon pollution
         permits (permits) that will be issued by the Government. Allowable
         emissions across the sectors covered by the scheme will only be
         able to exceed the cap if this is matched by the surrender of
         eligible international units[45], additional permits issued as a
         result of forestry activities or the destruction of synthetic
         greenhouse gases, additional permits issued under the price cap
         mechanism or, possibly, scheme offsets.

         In a system with little or no international linkage, the
         interaction between the cap and the demand for permits is the
         primary determinant of the carbon price: the more stringent the
         scheme cap, the higher the price, all other things being equal.
         However, the Government has decided to allow unlimited imports of
         eligible international units from scheme commencement and to review
         the scope for exporting permits over time.

         If the international price is below the domestic price, this will
         create an incentive for liable entities to import cheaper eligible
         international units for use in acquitting their liabilities under
         the scheme. This is expected to reduce the demand for permits and
         decrease domestic prices causing these to converge on the
         international price which in turn will be determined by global
         abatement demand and supply conditions. In this instance, the
         domestic scheme cap will no longer be a significant determinant of
         domestic carbon prices.

         If the international price is above the domestic price there will
         be no incentive for liable entities to import eligible
         international units. In this instance, the domestic scheme cap will
         remain a key determinant of domestic prices until such time as the
         restriction on exports is lifted or the international price falls
         below the domestic price.

         As there is uncertainty over relative international prices and
         future international linking policy, guidance over scheme policy
         including scheme cap setting will be required to inform business

         The key driver of cost to the Australian economy will be the
         ambitiousness of the national targets that are agreed
         internationally.  The scheme cap will simply be set in accordance
         with these national targets.  The precise level of scheme caps is
         not discussed in this chapter.

Guidance over scheme caps

         There are four key questions that must be addressed in regard to
         the guidance over scheme caps:

                . Should announced scheme caps be adjusted in light of
                  international developments?

                . How far into the future should scheme caps be set and
                  announced and how often should this period be extended?

                . What additional guidance should be provided?

                . What is the approach for setting scheme caps?

         Should announced scheme caps be adjusted in light of international

         Setting scheme caps for a certain period in advance is an exercise
         in risk management. There is considerable uncertainty about
         international developments after 2012, with little clear direction
         on the likely outcome of negotiations. If caps are set five years
         in advance, future shifts in the international situation may mean
         that the caps are inconsistent with Australia's negotiated
         position. The critical question is whether the risk of
         inconsistency is borne by participants within the scheme or by tax

         If, following the advance announcement of scheme caps, the
         Government were to commit to a national emissions trajectory that
         is stricter than that implied by these scheme caps, it would have
         two broad options for meeting the national targets.

                . The Government could tighten the scheme cap to match the
                  change in Australia's international commitments. This
                  could be done by buying back permits, or by reducing the
                  number of permits that the Government sells at future
                  auctions.  In both cases, a policy of altering the caps
                  would transfer some of the risk of changes in Australia's
                  international obligations to participants in the scheme.

                . The Government could make up the shortfall on its own
                  account rather than through the scheme. This could be
                  achieved by the Government honouring international
                  agreements through the purchase of eligible international
                  units without changing the scheme cap. This is the
                  approach recommended by the Garnaut Final Report.

         Alterations to scheme caps after their announcement would be
         disruptive to the market because it changes the anticipated supply
         of permits, thereby weakening the value of announcing caps in
         advance. On the other hand, Government purchases of eligible
         international units quarantine the scheme from external shocks and
         provide investors and others in the broader economy with certainty
         about short-term caps. Further, the Government will take domestic
         commitments and objectives into account when negotiating
         international commitments and so is in a position to manage risks
         over such a time horizon. For this reason, the purchase of eligible
         international units by the Government is preferred.

         Stakeholders including the Australian Financial Markets Association
         and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry were broadly
         supportive of the Government making up the difference between
         scheme caps and internationally negotiated targets.

         However, some stakeholders advocated against the use of eligible
         international units to make up the shortfall. For example, the
         Hunter Community Environment Centre questions the environmental
         efficacy of eligible international units, and the Australian
         Network of Environmental Defender's Offices argues this is against
         the 'polluter pays' principle.

         While standing ready to purchase eligible international units
         presents a fiscal risk, this is likely to be small, since it is
         proposed that scheme caps extend for only five years (or else to
         the end of a known international commitment).

         The preferred position is that the scheme cap not be adjusted in
         the event that it is incompatible with internationally negotiated
         national targets and, if necessary, the Government would make up
         any shortfall in internationally agreed targets by purchasing
         eligible international units.

         How far into the future should scheme caps be set and announced and
         how often should this period be extended?

         Duration of guidance period over scheme caps

         Three broad options were considered for announcement of future
         scheme caps:

                . A long period of certainty, such as 10 years or more
                  (recommended by the Task Group on Emissions Trading (TGET)
                  [46] and the National Emissions Trading Taskforce (NETT)

                . A medium period of certainty, such as five years
                  (recommended by The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final

                . The minimum number of years required to align with the
                  international commitment period. For example, the
                  Government could provide just two years (2010-11 to 2011-
                  12) to align with the current Kyoto Protocol commitment
                  period. New Zealand[49] and the European Union[50] have
                  aligned scheme caps with their international obligations
                  in their emissions trading schemes.

|Box 7.1: Duration of scheme caps in international   |
|and other Australian scheme proposals               |
|The first commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol|
|allowed for a five-year commitment period (2008-12).|
|If the second commitment period were of the same    |
|five-year duration, it would run from 2013 to 2017. |
|The United Nations' negotiation for a post-2012     |
|outcome is unlikely to address the length of the    |
|second commitment period before late 2009. In part  |
|the negotiated length of a second commitment period |
|will depend on the emerging shape of the overall    |
|post-2012 package. The higher the level of ambition |
|for developed and developing country commitments,   |
|the greater the desirability of locking in          |
|commitments over a longer time period.              |
|The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme         |
|originally announced that scheme caps in Phase I    |
|would be set for three years, and for five years in |
|Phase II.[51] It is proposed that in Phase III of   |
|the scheme, scheme caps will be set for eight years |
|(2013 to 2020).[52]                                 |
|A survey of European Union Emissions Trading Scheme |
|stakeholders and participants, commissioned by the  |
|European Commission as part of its review of the    |
|scheme, indicated that uncertainty created by the   |
|short initial phase for scheme caps was the biggest |
|obstacle to market liquidity.[53] A large majority  |
|of the companies and industry associations surveyed |
|indicated that they would prefer phases of 10 years |
|or more, with national allocation plans being       |
|announced two or three years in advance of units    |
|being allocated.                                    |
|At the start of the New Zealand Emissions Trading   |
|Scheme, scheme caps will be known only for the years|
|to the end of the Kyoto commitment period (2012). It|
|is intended that domestic emissions trading scheme  |
|caps after 2012 will coincide with the period set   |
|for future international emissions commitments.[54] |
|In Australia, both the National Emissions Trading   |
|Taskforce (NETT)[55] and the Task Group on Emissions|
|Trading (TGET)[56] recommended that firm caps be set|
|for a period of 10 years, followed by a 10 year     |
|range of caps (called 'gateways').                  |
|The Garnaut Final Report has recommended that firm  |
|caps be set for five years, and that information on |
|possible longer-term trajectories and a long-term   |
|target, which would be specified in advance, is     |
|provided.[57] Different trajectories would apply,   |
|depending on Australia's international commitments. |
|The Government would announce when the specified    |
|conditions for switching tracks had been met five   |
|years in advance of the intended switch.[58]        |

         Several stakeholders argued for a longer period of known caps
         including the Australian Financial Markets Association, Origin
         Energy and Alcoa.  Ten years of certainty over scheme caps (or even
         longer as advocated by some stakeholders) would provide a greater
         information set with which to inform permit prices. This would help
         to guide investment proposals with longer payback periods.

         However, Australia's current international commitments have only
         been agreed to 2011-12. By extending deep into the future, a 10-
         year cap period risks significant misalignment between caps and
         further obligations that Australia might choose to negotiate and
         accept and may also unduly constrain Australia's negotiating

         Although providing certainty to liable parties, fixing scheme caps
         independently of Australia's international position for that length
         of time exposes the Government to risk that it will be required to
         purchase eligible international units to make up any shortfalls
         that may result.

         A small number of stakeholders advocated much shorter periods of
         guidance including the Australian Network of Environmental
         Defender's Office, Greenpeace, the Hunter Community Environment
         Centre and the Parramatta Climate Action Network.

         Minimum certainty over scheme caps would align with the current
         Kyoto commitment period, ensuring consistency between the scheme
         and Australia's international obligations. However, it would give
         only limited guidance to market participants and leave considerable
         uncertainty around the likely direction of Government policy.

         Therefore, in the absence of clear direction in relation to
         international commitments, the Government must choose the minimum
         duration of scheme caps it will announce. This decision is finely
         balanced, however, five years of scheme caps at scheme commencement
         - consistent with the recommendations of the Garnaut Final Report -
         appears to strike a reasonable balance between the need for
         investment certainty and the need to maintain flexibility in
         relation to future international negotiations and commitments.

         As a result, the preferred position is that scheme caps be
         announced five years in advance. This period may be extended in the
         event that the Government enters an international commitment with a
         longer duration.

         Extensions of the guidance period

         Scheme caps will need to be regularly extended in order to maintain
         an adequate level of guidance.  The National Emissions Trading
         Taskforce (NETT) and the Garnaut Final Report proposed that firm
         caps be extended by one year, every year, while the TGET
         recommended that caps be extended by five years, every five years.

         A short interval for extending scheme caps (such as one year) has a
         number of advantages. A short interval would increase flexibility
         for the Government, which could make small extensions to the cap
         each year in response to developments in the economy, environmental
         science or international objectives and commitments. A short
         interval would help maintain a minimum period of certainty over
         caps at all times. It would also provide a more regular flow of
         information to the market about future emissions constraints, which
         could help promote a more continuous pricing response, rather than
         sharp, irregular adjustments.

         The disadvantage of extending scheme caps by one year, every year,
         is that the administrative costs of gathering advice, consulting
         stakeholders and effecting the change through the appropriate
         legislative mechanism would be higher than if scheme caps were
         extended less regularly.

         Stakeholders including BP were broadly supportive of the proposed
         (year by year) approach to extending scheme caps.

         On balance, it is considered that the need to ensure at least five
         years of certainty for business is important, even though this
         entails higher costs for Government. As a result the preferred
         approach is that scheme caps be extended by one year, each year, as
         required to maintain a minimum five-year certainty period.

         What additional guidance should be provided??

         To further inform the market the Government could also announce
         'gateways' (ranges of scheme caps) beyond the five years of scheme
         caps.  Gateways are essentially a pre commitment by Government to
         ensure that the scheme cap at some future point(s) in time will be
         in a certain range. That is, for a set period in the future it
         offers a range of emissions outputs from which the Government would
         choose the scheme cap (see figure 7.1).

             Figure 7.1 Scheme gateways


         The Garnaut Final Report, TGET and NETT all proposed that some form
         of gateway be used. Similarly, caps for Phase III of the
         EU emissions trading system are currently expressed as a
         gateway.[59] In all of these proposals or arrangements, gateways
         take the form of a government commitment to a range of values for
         future caps.

         The principal advantage of using gateways is that it allows the
         Government to provide more information to the market about future
         caps, but in a way that maintains a degree of flexibility.
         Providing information about constraints on future cap-setting would
         increase certainty over the path of the scheme cap would travel and
         would assist industry in planning new investments.

         A second potential advantage is that a gateway could promote
         Australia's international climate change objectives by signalling
         Australia's readiness to commit to stricter domestic caps in the
         event that other countries make similar commitments.

         The only major potential disadvantage associated with the use of
         gateways is that they might unduly constrain the Government's
         flexibility in the event that it wished to set a cap that was
         outside the gateway range. However, that risk should be taken into
         account when determining the scheme gateways and needs to be
         balanced against the benefits of providing greater investor
         certainty and more accurate international signalling.

         Few stakeholders commented on the use of gateways. Of these
         stakeholders most of them (such as the Investor Group on Climate
         Change and Transfield) expressed broad support for gateways as
         proposed, citing reasons of adequate gateway lengths that provided
         additional business certainty. However, a couple of stakeholders
         (such as the Australian Conservation Council) argued that gateways
         should not be used as they erode the flexibility of Government to
         choose significantly tighter scheme caps in the future. Some, such
         as Environment Business Australia, expressed preferences for
         shorter gateway lengths to reduce the risk to Government. To
         address these concerns gateways should be set taking into account
         progress in international negotiations.

         Other stakeholders, such as the Business Council of Australia,
         preferred longer gateways lengths to give additional certainty to
         business. With more international linking, the domestic price is
         likely to converge on the international price. This will reduce the
         price relevance of domestic scheme caps and therefore the
         importance of gateway guidance over these. As stakeholders
         increasingly understand the importance of international prices,
         there will be less focus on gateways as an indicator of

         Nevertheless, in the short to medium term, gateways can provide
         useful guidance with limited cost to government. As a result, the
         provision of gateways beyond the period of fixed scheme caps is the
         preferred approach.

What is the approach for setting scheme caps?

         A primary aim of the scheme is to help Australia meet its emissions
         reduction targets in the most flexible and cost effective way. The
         scheme will reflect this national target through the stringency of
         the scheme caps.

         Australia's emissions reduction targets are specified in terms of
         national emissions. Because the scheme will not cover all sources
         of emissions at commencement, the scheme cap and Australia's total
         national emissions will be different. Emissions from covered
         sources will form only a subset of total national emissions.
         Therefore, there needs to be a clear relationship between the
         scheme cap and the indicative national emissions trajectory.

         Since the gap between the scheme cap and the indicative national
         emissions trajectory relates to uncovered emissions, this raises
         the question of whether uncovered emissions sources should share in
         the national emissions reduction effort and, if so, how.

         If sectors cannot be covered, consideration will be given to
         alternative mitigation measures. The purpose of such measures would
         be to ensure that uncovered sectors make an equivalent contribution
         to achieving Australia's national emissions reductions objectives
         and have incentives to undertake abatement. Alternative mitigation
         measures could include regulatory requirements that entities meet
         certain emissions standards, or to adopt low-emissions technologies
         or management practices. To ensure an equivalent contribution,
         alternative mitigation measures would be designed to deliver
         abatement up to a cost that is roughly the same as the carbon price
         under the scheme. Decisions on these measures will be taken in due

         To ensure that the scheme helps Australia meet its internationally
         agreed national targets, and to account for any alternative
         mitigation measures applied to the uncovered sectors, the approach
         to setting scheme caps will be to subtract from the indicative
         national emissions trajectory the projected emissions from sources
         not covered under the scheme.

         It is possible that this calculation could deliver scheme caps that
         lie outside the gateway range (at either the top of the gateway or
         the bottom). In that case, the cap would need to be set at the
         closest gateway point.


         As discussed in chapter 11, scheme caps would be established in
         regulations (disallowable instruments). As a result delays in
         putting in place the regulations extending scheme caps are
         possible, and would reduce the certainty period over scheme caps.

         To ensure that five scheme caps are always in place in line with
         the Government's commitment to medium-term policy certainty, a
         default mechanism will be required.

         Setting the default equal to some proportion of the previous scheme
         cap could be done by formula. As the market would tend to use the
         previous scheme cap as a guide, this approach would probably be the
         least disruptive to permit prices. Furthermore, such a default
         would, on average, have more legitimacy because it would relate to
         the parliament's most recent decision rather than a default that
         was anchored to, say, a gateway that may have been set up to five
         years earlier.

         A reduction in emissions could be built into the default, to give
         confidence to investors that continued emissions reductions would
         be required, even if regulations were not in place. A simple
         default cap that declines at one per cent a year will achieve that

         Timing of initial scheme cap announcements

         A number of stakeholders requested that scheme caps be set and
         announced as early as possible before scheme commencement, such as
         Origin Energy and BP Australia.  A 2008 scheme cap announcement
         would provide early guidance for investors. However, it is also
         critical that the scheme cap decision is made with the most up-to-
         date information available, including:

                . information about developments in Australia's
                  international commitments after 2012 (beyond the first
                  Kyoto commitment period)

                . modelling results that take into account more accurate
                  nearer term data and assumptions about emissions,
                  complementary policies and economic data

                . National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 data for
                  2008-09 (available to the Government in November 2009).

         Cap-setting decisions before 2010 would therefore be premature, and
         the costs of errors could be high, since caps, once set, will not
         subsequently be adjusted. As a result it is envisaged that
         decisions on the initial scheme caps and gateways will be made in
         early 2010.

8)    Carbon market

         The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme will establish a market for
         greenhouse gas emissions, commonly known as a carbon market. A well-
         developed carbon market, including secondary and derivatives
         markets, will enable the economy to reduce emissions in a cost-
         effective way.[60] The market will provide a reliable price to
         inform business investment, enabling entities liable under the
         scheme to obtain carbon pollution permits as and when required and
         to manage carbon risks.

         There are three key questions that must be addressed in regard to
         the use of permits:

                . Should permits be bankable?

                . Should entities be able to 'borrow' permits from future

                . Should there be a price cap on permits?

Should permits be bankable?

         Banking allows permits to be saved for use in future years. With
         unlimited banking, permits would not have an expiry date - once
         issued, they could be used for compliance at any future time.

         Box 8.1 outlines banking arrangements in international and other
         Australian schemes.

|Box 8.1: International and other Australian scheme  |
|banking proposals                                   |
|The National Emissions Trading Taskforce[61] and The|
|Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final report[62]     |
|recommended unlimited banking. The New Zealand      |
|Emissions Trading Scheme also incorporates unlimited|
|banking.[63] However, the Garnaut Final Report noted|
|that, if a transitional price cap is used, permits  |
|should not be allowed to be banked between the      |
|transition period and the subsequent period.        |
|Similarly, the Task Group on Emissions Trading[64]  |
|suggested that some limitations on banking might be |
|needed in the early years of the scheme while a     |
|transitional price cap is in place.                 |
|The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme allows  |
|banking between years, but not between Phase I and  |
|Phase II.[65] However, banking is allowed between   |
|Phase II and Phase III.[66]                         |

         There are three broad banking options:

                . allowing unlimited banking

                . not allowing banking in the early stages of the scheme

                . not allowing banking.

         A substantial number of stakeholders commented on banking. Of these
         the large majority were highly supportive of unlimited banking,
         however, some environmental groups argued that banking should not
         be allowed as it may lead to emissions targets being breached in
         later years. A small number of stakeholders also expressed concerns
         that unlimited banking could raise the price of permits at the
         start of the scheme.

         As with all measures that improve intertemporal flexibility,
         allowing banking is likely to improve the economic efficiency of
         the scheme. Banking allows participants to set aside permits for
         later high demand periods. This advantage is likely to be
         significant - the total resource costs of meeting a long-term
         emissions constraint are likely to be lower with unlimited banking
         than without.

         Banking provides greater flexibility both for market participants
         and, to some extent, for the Government. A more flexible market
         reduces the pressure on the Government to predict the economy's
         demand for permits accurately from one year to the next.

         Banking provisions will reduce scheme implementation risks. First,
         banking is generally likely to lead to an overall price path that
         is smoother than the non-banking alternative, promoting efficient
         price discovery. Limiting banking in phases can lead to cyclical
         pricing behaviour, with prices falling to zero at the end of each
         phase, as occurred at the end of Phase I of the European Union
         Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS).[67]

         Second, if banking is not allowed, permits have a 'use it or lose
         it' property. Liable entities will be less likely to take early
         action to explore abatement potential if previously obtained
         permits that become surplus cannot be banked for future use. The
         absence of banking could therefore slow the pace of adjustment to
         the emissions constraints.

         On the other hand, banking might result in higher initial prices
         for permits, as noted in some submissions. Setting permits aside
         for future use reduces current supply (increasing the current
         price), but increases future supply (decreasing the future price).
         While this smoothes the price in the long term, the initial price
         rise makes it more difficult to engineer an 'easy' start to the
         scheme by having relatively low prices.

         For this reason, some stakeholders have suggested that banking be
         disallowed initially while the economy is adjusting to the carbon
         constraint. However, there are a number of arguments against this:

                . Any step change in prices would only be deferred to the
                  period in which banking is allowed.

                . Prices in subsequent periods would be higher than they
                  would have been had banking been allowed, as more
                  expensive abatement options are pursued (which could have
                  been avoided if less expensive shorter term abatement had
                  been pursued).

                . Disallowing banking between phases could lead to the
                  collapse of the price of permits at the end of the non-
                  banking phase and then a large price step up in the next
                  phase, as occurred in the EU ETS. This cyclical pricing
                  behaviour could lead to less efficient market outcomes and
                  reduce confidence in the system overall.

         Current international arrangements allow for banking, that is,
         eligible international units can be carried over into the next (as
         yet unspecified) commitment period. If future international
         arrangements did not allow for banking, there would be a small risk
         that banking in the scheme would be inconsistent with Australia's
         international emissions reduction target.

         Overall, the advantages of banking (reducing overall costs,
         encouraging early and efficient abatement activity, providing
         greater flexibility to participants and to governments) outweigh
         the disadvantages (higher early prices than otherwise, and
         potential inconsistency with international obligations).

         Finally, the advantages of banking are greatest if banking is
         continuous. For these reasons the preferred position is that
         unlimited banking of permits will be allowed under the scheme
         (except those accessed under the price cap arrangements - see

Should entities be able to 'borrow' permits from future years?

         Borrowing allows permits to be brought forward from future years.
         Borrowing can be short term (borrowing only from the subsequent
         year) or long term (borrowing two or more years in advance).

         Box 8.2 outlines international and other Australian scheme
         borrowing proposals.

|Box 8.2:  International and other Australian scheme |
|proposals for borrowing                             |
|No Australian proposals or international schemes    |
|have recommended unlimited long-term borrowing.     |
|In principle, the Garnaut Final Report allowed for  |
|some limited long-term borrowing. This was to be    |
|administered by the regulator through the official  |
|'lending' of permits from future years (but not     |
|exceeding five years in advance), with an obligation|
|to repay the loan at a future date. The regulator   |
|would lend only amounts that would not destabilise  |
|the current or future market. In this way, the      |
|regulator would be an 'independent carbon bank' that|
|determines how many permits can be lent, and to     |
|whom, based on an assessment of creditworthiness.   |
|The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme has a   |
|form of unlimited short-term borrowing.[68]         |
|Allowances from the following year are issued early |
|and may be used for surrender in the current year.  |
|The Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM)  |
|scheme in the United States has a form of limited   |
|short-term borrowing: half of the following year's  |
|units are issued for use in surrender in the current|
|year.[69]                                           |
|The National Emissions Trading Taskforce recommended|
|a more limited form of short-term borrowing: up to  |
|1 per cent of a party's obligation could be met by  |
|using the following year's vintage permits.[70]     |
|The Renewable Energy Target[71], the NSW Greenhouse |
|Gas Reduction Scheme[72] and the Australian Capital |
|Territory Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme[73] also  |
|have a form of short-term borrowing. Liable entities|
|are allowed a limited shortfall without penalty, as |
|long as the shortfall is made up in the following   |
|year.                                               |
|The Task Group on Emissions Trading recommended that|
|there be no provision for borrowing.[74]            |

         A substantial number of stakeholders commented on borrowing. Of
         these most were supportive of short-term limited borrowing,
         however, some stakeholders argued that a greater degree of
         borrowing should be allowed on the basis that it would provide for
         greater flexibility, while others argued that no borrowing should
         be allowed as it may compromise the environmental integrity of the

         Long-term borrowing

         The combination of unlimited banking and unlimited long-term
         borrowing (borrowing two or more years in advance) would result in
         a 'carbon budget' approach. That system would allow a larger
         proportion of permits to be used in the short term, with
         corresponding reductions in emissions in later years, if that were
         the most cost-effective means of remaining within the overall
         carbon constraint over time. If the integrity of the carbon budget
         could be maintained, this would be the most economically efficient

         There are three important disadvantages of unlimited long-term
         borrowing. First, in the domestic context, it might lead to
         pressure being applied to the Government to subsequently change the
         rules. In particular, if too many permits are used in the short
         term because firms borrow from the future, the Government might be
         pressured into issuing more permits in the future to avoid problems
         associated with a subsequent shortage of permits. Industry would
         have a large incentive to overuse permits (that is, to do less
         abatement than otherwise) in the short term in the knowledge that
         the Government may have little option but to accede in the longer
         term, or risk damage to the economy. Second, long-term borrowing
         arrangements are not accepted in other schemes and may pose
         difficulties for linking. Third, if long-term borrowing is allowed
         under the international climate change framework, this could lead
         to significant and potentially detrimental delays in the global
         abatement effort.

         Given these risks, the option of unlimited borrowing could
         undermine the environmental integrity of the scheme. That risk
         would exist even if borrowing were administered by the scheme
         regulator in the manner proposed in the Garnaut Final Report.
         Furthermore, banking in the early stages of the scheme, in
         anticipation of tighter future caps, would create a store of banked
         permits that could be used in future years of high demand. That
         buffer would allow an economically efficient outcome without the
         need for long-term borrowing. This is why unlimited long-term
         borrowing is not allowed in any existing scheme and why it is not
         the preferred approach.

         Short-term borrowing

         Short-term borrowing (borrowing one year in advance) would promote
         economic efficiency without the same risks as long-term borrowing.
         The primary purpose of allowing borrowing between adjacent periods
         is to prevent price spikes and resultant economic disruption around
         the final surrender date. Although the frequency and timing of
         auctions will take into consideration the variation in demand for
         permits over the course of the year, the risk of price spikes
         around the surrender date remains, by which time actual emissions
         for the year and issued permits are fixed. Price spikes can arise
         either from 'output surges', arising from natural variation in the
         economy, or from speculators 'squeezing' a thin pre-surrender date
         market. By increasing the supply of permits, borrowing from
         adjacent periods reduces the likelihood of squeezing and gives the
         market more capacity to cope with output surges.

         Under current international arrangements borrowing is not allowed
         between commitment periods. Short-term borrowing in the scheme will
         allow for a limited number of future vintage permits to be used in
         the current commitment period. Where it is expected that there will
         be net borrowing, the Government will need to manage the difference
         between scheme design and the international architecture. This
         could be achieved by purchasing Kyoto units that can be surrendered
         in the first commitment period to account for the additional
         emissions associated with borrowed permits. In the second
         commitment period, the Government would be able to sell surplus
         Kyoto units because emissions in that period will be lower than
         they otherwise would have been in the absence of borrowing. This is
         primarily a concern in the last year of the commitment period. It
         is not likely to be a problem, as net banking in the scheme is
         expected over time and it is envisaged that borrowing will be
         limited to 5 per cent of the next year's vintage (see below).

         The preferred position is that the scheme will permit short-term

         Form of borrowing

         There are several options for limiting the amount of short-term
         borrowing in the scheme. Few stakeholders commented on this issue.

         Some options are to limit borrowing by:

                . allowing only a certain percentage of a party's obligation
                  to be met using the following year's vintage of permits
                  (option 1)

                . marking a subset of a year's vintage as available for use
                  in the previous year's compliance period (option 2)

                . having the regulator administer borrowing arrangements
                  (option 3).

         Option 1 and option 2 deliver an equivalent level of borrowing, as
         required for output surges. However, option 1 is superior to option
         2 in alleviating squeezes (squeezes rely on a shortage of usable
         units). Because any of the next year's vintage could be used (in
         limited quantities) under option 1, it would be difficult to create
         a squeeze in supply, as that would require the acquisition of the
         entire year's allocation. Option 1 is also simpler to implement, as
         it does not subdivide vintages into different categories.

         Option 3 is to have the regulator administer the level of borrowing
         in accordance with the needs of the market, as proposed in the
         Garnaut Final Report. The regulator would assess the
         creditworthiness of the borrower, who would be obliged to repay the
         debt by providing permits to the regulator at a later date. While
         the Government would be responsible for setting overall banking and
         borrowing policy, it would be up to the regulator to decide on the
         exact amount, timing and terms of the arrangement.

         This arrangement is more administratively complex than the other
         options, which require no assessment of creditworthiness and, as
         long as the allowance for banking is limited, does not pose a risk
         to the credibility of the longer term cap. A discretionary approach
         would also be less transparent and would provide the market with
         less certainty than one in which rules were legislated. A
         discretionary approach also requires a high degree of confidence in
         institutional arrangements, which generally takes time to develop
         through a track record of sound performance.

         For these reasons, the preferred position is to allow liable
         entities to discharge a certain percentage of their obligation
         using the following year's vintage of permits (option 1).

         Quantum of borrowing allowance

         Unlimited short-term borrowing, like unlimited long-term borrowing,
         may result in credibility risks for the scheme. For this reason,
         some limit on short-term borrowing is warranted.

         The Green Paper preferred position was to limit the amount of short-
         term borrowing to 5 per cent of an entity's obligations. In
         relation to determining the limit on borrowing, the Green Paper
         noted that there would need to be careful analysis of the natural
         fluctuation of emissions in the covered sectors and the allowance
         of international units into the domestic scheme.

         The limit on short-term borrowing should be enough to provide a
         buffer against potential price spikes arising from output surges
         (arising from natural variation in the economy) or from financial
         market participants squeezing a thin pre-surrender date market.

|Box 8.3:  Borrowing and the variability in emissions|
|                                                    |
|The limit on short-term borrowing should be         |
|sufficient to take account of output surges in the  |
|economy. One way to measure output surges is to     |
|examine the historic variations in national         |
|emissions from sources covered under the scheme.    |
|The broken line in Chart 8.1 represents the trend in|
|cumulative emissions growth from covered sectors    |
|(from 1990 levels). This can be viewed as the       |
|'expected' growth of emissions from the covered     |
|sectors of the economy. The solid line represents   |
|the actual cumulative emissions growth from covered |
|sectors (from 1990 levels).                         |
|Figure 8.1: Variability in national emissions       |
|[pic]                                               |
|Source: National Greenhouse Gas Inventory,          |
|Department of Climate Change.                       |
|Since 1990, for all covered sectors, emissions have |
|not fluctuated from trend by more than around 2 per |
|cent annually. For borrowing purposes, the relevant |
|years are those in which actual emissions are higher|
|than the trend growth in emissions. This indicates  |
|that there has been a surge in the level of         |
|emissions (above the level entities may have been   |
|expecting), which may leave liable entities with a  |
|potential shortfall in permits and require them to  |
|borrow from the adjacent period.                    |

         The information in box 8.3 suggests that a borrowing limit of 5 per
         cent would provide a more than adequate buffer against output
         surges. This limit would also provide some protection against
         cornering of the market by providing another source of permits
         beyond the current year. Because any of the next year's permits can
         be used, all of these would need to be bought up in order to corner
         the market.

         The cap on borrowing would be in place at the entity level. This
         would translate through to the scheme as a whole and represent an
         upper bound for the aggregate borrowing allowed under the scheme.

         A borrowing limit of 5 per cent should be sufficient to provide a
         buffer against output surges and squeezes. This limit achieves
         market flexibility and smooths price shocks, while avoiding damage
         to the credibility of the medium-term national target.

Should there be a price cap on permits?

         A price cap is a mechanism for setting the maximum cost of
         compliance under the scheme. In theory, a liable entity would be
         prepared to pay up to the cap price for a permit. If the price of
         permits rose beyond that point, the entity would access the price
         cap rather than buy a permit.

         Use of a price cap

         An emissions trading scheme controls the quantity of emissions
         through the issue of permits and leaves the price to be determined
         in the carbon market. (In contrast, a carbon tax would control the
         price of emissions and leave the market to determine the quantity.)

         The Government cannot control both the price and the quantity of
         emissions. The Government controls the supply of permits
         (emissions) and, to the extent that it targets a certain price, it
         must change the level of supply. In effect, if the Government
         targets a particular price, the total quantity of emissions is no
         longer set by the scheme cap.

         A price cap, then, is a commitment to loosen the scheme cap if the
         scheme cap (as currently set) leads to a market price above a
         certain predetermined level. This occurs because for every use of
         the price cap an equivalent number of permits are no longer
         required to be surrendered, effectively increasing the supply of

         The purpose of the price cap is to set a maximum cost of compliance
         for liable entities by providing them the option of a cash payment
         instead of surrendering permits to discharge their liability under
         the scheme. While the price cap will present a powerful economic
         influence on prices it is not intended to directly place a ceiling
         on permit price outcomes in the secondary market or at auction.
         Prices in the secondary market and at auction will fluctuate
         depending on market conditions and may even exceed the price cap
         level from time to time. To allow the smooth operation of the
         market, the Government does not intend to intervene to stop these
         kinds of temporary price fluctuations. Notwithstanding these
         fluctuations liable entities will have certainty over their
         ultimate maximum costs of compliance.

         Figures 8.2 and 8.3 provide a stylised illustration of the
         implications of a price cap in a single period of carbon constraint
         without open international linking. Figure 8.2 shows a scenario in
         which demand for emissions is relatively low compared to the cap,
         so the market clearing price is below the price cap and the
         Government takes no action. Figure 8.3 shows a scenario in which
         demand for emissions is relatively high compared to the cap, so the
         market clearing price is higher than the price cap. In that
         scenario, the Government increases the supply until the price is
         reduced to the price cap level.

             Figure 8.2: Price cap set above market clearing price


             Figure 8.3: Price cap set below market clearing price


         The combination of unlimited banking and a price cap also adds an
         intertemporal dimension. If liable entities access the price cap
         while banking permits for use in future periods, that will create
         an inventory of permits with which to increase future emissions.
         Because of this feature, a price cap has the potential to loosen
         not only the current cap but also future caps.

         Box 8.4 outlines some price cap arrangements in Australian and
         international schemes and in other scheme proposals.

|Box 8.4: International and other Australian scheme  |
|price cap proposals                                 |
|Price caps of various forms have been a feature in  |
|several emissions trading schemes and proposals.    |
|The National Emissions Trading Taskforce[75] and the|
|Task Group on Emissions Trading[76] recommended that|
|an Australian scheme have a price cap, although both|
|suggested that this arrangement be reviewed over    |
|time. The purpose of the price cap was to limit     |
|compliance costs and to make them more predictable  |
|and stable at the commencement of the scheme.       |
|In the proposed United States emissions trading     |
|scheme, a recent revision to the Lieberman-Warner   |
|Climate Security Act included an 'emergency         |
|off-ramp' provision that aims to prevent excessive  |
|carbon allowance price rises.                       |
|In the McKibbin-Wilcoxen model, a price cap in the  |
|form of additional issuance is a permanent feature  |
|of the scheme design.[77]                           |
|The current Renewable Energy Target, the New South  |
|Wales Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme[78], the      |
|Australian Capital Territory Greenhouse Gas         |
|Abatement Scheme[79] and the Queensland Gas         |
|Scheme[80] all have price caps.                     |
|The Garnaut Final Report did not support the use of |
|a price cap because of the potential implications   |
|for environmental integrity, international linking  |
|and the potential risk and cost to taxpayers. The   |
|report considered the option of a transitional price|
|control (fixing the price) for the period from 2010 |
|to 2012, but expressed a preference for an          |
|unconstrained system coupled with the early         |
|acceptance of European Union Emissions Trading      |
|Scheme allowances.                                  |
|The EU emissions trading scheme does not contain a  |
|price cap and uses a combination of a high          |
|compliance fee and a make-good provision to ensure  |
|that caps are met under all circumstances.[81]      |
|The New Zealand Government does not, in principle,  |
|support the inclusion of a price cap in the New     |
|Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. However, New      |
|Zealand will consider a price cap if its scheme     |
|cannot be linked to an international carbon market. |
|This could occur if there is no successor agreement |
|to the Kyoto Protocol or if a suitable international|
|market for emissions is not in place when the New   |
|Zealand scheme commences.[82]                       |

         Stakeholders were split over the issue of a price cap, with liable
         parties generally for and financial intermediaries and
         environmental organisations generally against its use. Those in
         favour of a price cap argued that it would reduce upward price
         volatility and reduce implementation risk for participants. Those
         against the use of a price cap argued that it would undermine the
         environmental integrity of the scheme and impede the operation of
         the market at prices above the cap.

         The main advantage of a price cap is that it reduces upside price
         risk for liable parties by capping the cost of compliance under the
         scheme. It also makes explicit the Government's policy response in
         the event of extreme pricing outcomes in the market. In this
         respect, it can help to promote a smoother transition for those
         covered by the scheme, and thereby reduce implementation risk.

         There are three main disadvantages of a price cap:

                . Accessing the price cap would loosen the emissions cap,
                  reducing the environmental integrity of the scheme. It
                  might even cause a loosening of future emissions caps,
                  further undermining environmental integrity. However,
                  environmental integrity is only seriously compromised if
                  the price cap is set so low that its use is widespread.
                  There is no automatic environmental damage associated with
                  a price cap: the Renewable Energy Target[83] and the New
                  South Wales Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme[84] have price
                  caps, but have extremely high levels of scheme compliance
                  through regular surrender of compliance units or

                . Use of the price cap would increase the likelihood that
                  Australia would have to purchase eligible international
                  units to meet its emissions reduction target. This
                  transfers risks from scheme participants to taxpayers. The
                  precise cost to taxpayers will be a function of the level
                  of use of the price cap, the cost of international units,
                  the impact on auction revenue of relatively reduced scheme
                  prices, and any timing differences between payment of the
                  price cap and the purchase of international units. Because
                  of the potential cost to taxpayers, it is important that
                  the price cap be set at a level which is likely to result
                  in the covered sectors meeting their share of the national

                . A price cap may complicate linking decisions, and might
                  prove to be an impediment to linking with some schemes.

         A number of other scheme features also diminish the need for a
         price cap. Banking and borrowing are weaker methods of constraining
         the cost of compliance. The proposal to allow unlimited imported
         international units to be used for compliance in the Australian
         scheme may also suppress prices, depending on international
         conditions. However, since the international unit price is
         uncertain, so too is its value as a precisely known cap on scheme

         While there are risks associated with a price cap, the alternative
         is essentially to commit to enforcing compliance at any cost. While
         the principle of allowing the market to operate freely is an
         important one, an emissions trading scheme is a Government-operated
         system, and some price levels may not be credibly sustained. A
         price cap can be seen as a way of making explicit the Government's
         response should the price of permits rise to a level that imposes a
         significant and unacceptable cost on the economy.

         The preferred position is that the scheme will have a price cap for
         the period from 2010-11 to 2014-15.

         Form of price cap

         A price cap can take a variety of forms, but the essential element
         is that, ultimately, a cash payment in lieu of the surrender of
         permits could discharge an obligation accrued under the scheme.

         A price cap could take two main forms:

                . access to an unlimited store of additional permits, issued
                  by the Government at a fixed price

                . an administrative penalty for non-compliance.

         All emissions trading schemes require some form of penalty for non-
         compliance. If the penalty is in the form of a cash payment in lieu
         of surrendering permits, it will form an effective price cap in the
         scheme. Other forms of compliance penalty might not be effective
         price caps.

         The two forms of price cap have the same basic effect of limiting
         scheme compliance costs, although there are some subtle

                . Payment of an administrative penalty would not be tax
                  deductible under Australian income tax law. Additional
                  issuance, depending on its legal form, could have
                  different tax implications at the point of surrender.

                . An administrative penalty for non-compliance may encourage
                  liable entities to pay higher prices for permits and
                  generate higher levels of compliance within the scheme
                  caps. Many firms place a high value on their reputation as
                  good corporate citizens, and will want to be seen to be
                  complying. Purchase of additional units at a set price
                  would not have those reputational implications.

         Some stakeholders in favour of a price cap were supportive of the
         Government issuing more permits in unlimited quantities at a fixed
         price. Very few stakeholders favoured the administrative penalty
         for non-compliance. There were also a large number of stakeholders
         who wanted a combination of the two in the form of a tax-deductible

         A tax-deductible fee and the issuing of additional permits at
         surrender date for a fixed price are identical in economic
         substance. Both would be identical for tax purposes, represent the
         same effective loosening of the scheme cap (as user entities would
         emit more than otherwise) and be administratively simple to
         operate. However, issuing additional permits is legislatively
         simpler to implement and also aligns with the purpose of the price
         cap mechanism - to explicitly and transparently cap prices at an
         appropriate level determined by the Government. Furthermore, for
         reporting purposes, the issuance of permits makes the loosening of
         the scheme cap transparent.

         The preferred position is that the scheme will have a price cap in
         the form of access to an unlimited store of additional permits,
         issued by the Government at a fixed price. These permits would not
         be able to be traded or banked for future use.


         The permit will be the basic unit of compliance and trade in the
         scheme. It will be designed to provide a high level of legal and
         financial certainty.

                . Carbon pollution permits will be personal property.

                . Each permit can be surrendered to discharge scheme
                  obligations relating to the emission of one tonne of
                  carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gas.

                . Each permit will be surrendered under the scheme only

                . There will be no power in the legislation to involuntarily
                  extinguish or for a court to order the relinquishment of
                  permits without compensation, except where the permits
                  have been obtained through misrepresentation or fraud.

                . Permits, other than those issued at a fixed price, will be

                . Permit holders will be entitled to surrender only permits
                  that are entered on the national registry. Legal title
                  will be transferred only by entry in the registry.

                . The creation of equitable interests in permits will be
                  permitted, as will taking security over them.

                . Each permit will have a unique identification number and
                  will be marked with the first year in which it can validly
                  be surrendered (its 'vintage'). It will not have an expiry

                . The permit will be represented by an electronic entry in
                  the registry, rather than by a paper certificate.

         Services provided in relation to permits will be similar to those
         for financial products, such as shares and debentures. Those
         services are expected to include the provision of trading advice,
         brokerage services, trading platforms and support services. It is
         expected that derivatives over permits will be financial products
         for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001 as it currently
         stands, and there is no proposal to change this.

         Permits, like other financial products, could also be the subject
         of market misconduct, including market manipulation and insider
         trading. Market manipulation includes manipulation of the auction
         process (for example, through collusion) and of prices in the
         secondary market. There is also the possibility of cornering the
         market for permits close to the time for surrender. To address
         these risks the Government has decided that permits and Kyoto units
         will be regulated as financial products under Chapter 7 of the
         Corporations Act 2001 and the Australian Securities and Investments
         Commission Act 2001 with appropriate adjustments to fit the
         characteristics of permits and avoid unnecessary compliance costs,
         and relying on its own constitutional power. They will also be
         subject to the economy-wide competition provisions in the Trade
         Practices Act 1974.

9)    Taxation issues

         The introduction of an emissions trading scheme has a number of
         implications. Permits to emit carbon will be a valuable instrument
         and their acquisition, possession and disposal will create
         obligations under the taxation system.

         In theory the Government could make no changes and rely on generic
         provisions in taxation law to govern any taxation obligations
         arising under the emissions trading scheme.

         While it is intended that the design of the tax system creates
         minimal distortion around permit purchases, uses or sales, in some
         cases the generic tax requirements may create incentives to
         categorise the purchase or holding of permits in certain ways to
         reduce tax liabilities. In some instances, it may create an
         incentive to purchase, hold or dispose of permits at a time or in a
         way that the business would not otherwise have done but for the
         advantageous tax treatment the action would receive.

         This chapter of the RIS looks at the treatment of permits under the
         current taxation arrangements and whether an amended system would
         be an improvement on the generic provisions.

         The main objectives are pursued when considering the merits of
         different taxation arrangements:

                . The taxation arrangements should not distort incentives
                  surrounding business decisions to acquire, hold or dispose
                  of emissions permits.

                . The taxation arrangements should be as simple as possible,
                  minimising compliance and administration costs.

                . The taxation arrangements should provide business with a
                  consistent tax treatment.

                . The proposed taxation treatment will not impose any
                  additional compliance costs on consumers.

                . The proposed taxation treatment will not place an
                  unreasonable administrative burden on the Government.

The current taxation arrangements

         For a taxpayer carrying on a business or undertaking other
         assessable income earning activities, the existing income tax law
         would recognise the cost of acquiring permits.

         The particular treatment and provisions that would apply in any
         particular case would depend on the entity's purpose in holding a
         permit, both at the time of purchase and while the permit is held.
         For example, an entity could purchase a permit:

                . to meet an obligation under the Australian scheme

                . as part of its trading portfolio as trading stock

                . to surrender voluntarily as part of a marketing campaign

                . as an investment.

         Application of the current tax law

         While the relevant income tax principles are well established, the
         application of those principles to particular circumstances may be
         uncertain. Considerable complexity may arise for taxpayers because
         a permit can be treated differently when held by different taxpayer
         types (for example, liable entities and entities that hold permits
         as trading stock) or when held by the same taxpayer for different
         purposes (for example, a liable entity holding permits for
         surrender and other permits for sale).

         Uncertainty could also arise if a liable entity purchases permits
         for use, claims a deduction and then realises that too many permits
         were purchased. In this case the excess permits may be banked until
         required. If a permit remains banked over a number of years, there
         may be a change in the purpose for holding the permit. This could
         affect the tax treatment of the permit. In creating uncertainty,
         the operation of the current law could lead taxpayers to use
         financial intermediaries to hold permits, purchasing them only when
         needed. For some taxpayers, this may not be the most efficient
         method of meeting obligations under the scheme or managing risk.
         The following sections illustrate how the tax treatment can change
         where circumstances change.

         Permits purchased to meet an obligation

         Where an eligible compliance permit is purchased to meet an
         obligation under the scheme, the cost of the permit may be
         deductible under the general deduction provision of the income tax
         law. However, it is not clear when the deduction would be
         available. The cost could be deductible at the time:

                . the permit is purchased

                . an obligation under the scheme legally arises

                . the permit is surrendered.

         The tax treatment of a permit could influence the decisions of an
         entity to buy or sell a permit. The existing tax law allows a
         deduction at the time of purchase. This provides an incentive for
         an entity to acquire permits. If the permit is sold the proceeds
         would be included in assessable income. Allowing a deduction in a
         different year to that in which the proceeds from sale are treated
         as income could provide a disincentive for the entity to sell a
         permit. That disincentive to sell could then reduce market
         liquidity. This could then lead to a situation where permits are
         not available to entities for which they have the most value,
         reducing the cost effectiveness of the scheme.

         Permits purchased and held as trading stock

         The trading stock regime can be thought of as a reconciliation
         process for stock on hand at the end of the income year. Where a
         taxpayer purchases trading stock, the tax law allows a deduction at
         the time of purchase. However, the trading stock regime also
         recognises any stock held by the taxpayer at the end of the income
         year in which the stock was acquired. The value of that trading
         stock is included in the taxpayer's income as trading stock income.
         Trading stock held at the end of an income year can be valued at
         cost, market value or replacement value. Any proceeds from the sale
         of trading stock are included in a taxpayer's income as trading
         stock income. Taxpayers who might hold a permit as trading stock
         are likely to include banks and other financial intermediaries.

         Permits purchased for marketing purposes

         A business entity may purchase and voluntarily surrender a permit
         for promotional or marketing purposes; for example, to market
         itself as 'green' or to reduce its carbon footprint when there is
         no legal requirement to do so.

         The cost of a permit purchased for marketing or promotional
         purposes may be deductible in the same way as other marketing
         costs. However, as is the case for the timing of a deduction
         arising from a permit used to satisfy an obligation under the
         scheme, there is uncertainty about the time at which a deduction
         would be available to a business entity for a permit acquired and
         surrendered for marketing purposes.

         Proceeds from the sale of a permit acquired for promotional or
         marketing purposes would be taken into account in determining the
         seller's assessable income.

         Permits purchased for investment

         Where a permit is purchased for investment purposes, the cost of
         the investment would be taken into account in determining any gain
         or loss on the disposal of the permit.

         A permit does not provide an income stream while it is being held,
         with the only return being obtained by selling the permit for a
         profit. If a taxpayer enters into an isolated business or
         commercial transaction with the objective of acquiring an asset to
         make a profit from the disposal of that asset, any profit is
         assessed as ordinary income, rather than as capital gains.[85]
         Consequently, it is very unlikely that a gain from a permit held
         for investment purposes would be assessed under the capital gains
         tax (CGT) provisions.

         Interaction with the GST framework

         Under normal goods and services tax (GST) rules, different types of
         transactions under the emissions trading scheme will be treated
         differently. For instance, payments for auctioned or purchased
         permits would be subject to GST while the provision of free permits
         and the surrender of permits would not be not be subject to GST.

         While a separate GST framework could be established for
         transactions involving permits, there is no reason to suspect that
         the general provisions would result in distortions or incentives to
         acquire, hold or dispose of permits in a particular manner.
         Moreover, creating separate GST arrangements for the emissions
         trading scheme would create anomalies in the treatment of different
         transactions between emissions trading scheme transactions and
         other transactions.

Options for the income tax treatment of permits

         Two options that are available for the tax treatment of permits

                . to allow the current tax law to apply

                . to amend the tax law to introduce specific provisions for
                  the income tax treatment of permits.

         Despite the considerable complexity and uncertainty in the
         application of the current tax law, it may be argued that, if
         applied appropriately, the current law would generally lead to the
         same outcomes regardless of why the permit is held, and so would
         largely meet the objective of tax neutrality.

         However, the complexity of the current tax law, with its
         requirement for careful characterisation based on individual
         circumstances and the resulting uncertainty that can arise for
         taxpayers, could create undue compliance costs for taxpayers and
         administration costs for the Government. While the uncertainty
         could be managed by a combination of changes to existing law, legal
         processes to test the treatments in the courts and rulings by the
         Australian Taxation Office (ATO), the clarification process would
         be piecemeal, slow and could still result in considerable

         Development of discrete legislative provisions for the tax
         treatment of permits

         An option for recognising eligible compliance permits which would
         overcome complexity and uncertainty is to develop new provisions
         within the tax law that would apply specifically to those permits.
         Such provisions would provide the same general tax outcomes as
         existing law, while reducing the uncertainty and complexity arising
         from the application of different provisions in the current law.
         New provisions would:

                . allow a deduction for expenditure incurred for the
                  purchase of a permit

                . include any proceeds from the sale of a permit in
                  assessable income.

         An important tax consideration is the time at which the deduction
         for the purchase of a permit is realised.

         Allowing a deduction in the income year a permit is purchased might
         not achieve the desired neutrality and could encourage entities to
         hold more permits than would be optimal. The potential for a
         temporal gap between the deduction for the cost of the permit and
         the recognition of any income from the disposal of a permit could
         result in permits being used for tax minimisation. If such a gap
         existed, a tax benefit could arise because the present value of a
         deduction recognised in an earlier year is greater than the present
         value of the deduction in a later year.

         A tax-neutral outcome is achieved by delaying the effect of the
         deduction until the year the permit is surrendered or sold. This
         approach would not bias an entity's decision to bank or use
         permits. Similarly, it would ensure that there are no adverse tax
         consequences from using or selling a permit.

         Where a permit is purchased and surrendered or sold in the same
         income year, a deduction would be allowed in that year. If a permit
         is banked, the effect of the deduction will be deferred until the
         permit is surrendered or sold. Any proceeds from the sale of a
         permit would be included in assessable income in the year of sale.
         To achieve this outcome, a rolling balance method will be adopted
         to assess income derived from permits (see box 9.1).

|Box 9.1: The rolling balance method                 |
|Under the rolling balance method:                   |
|the cost of a permit would be deductible when the   |
|permit is acquired in the same year in which the    |
|permit is surrendered or sold                       |
|the proceeds from selling a permit would be         |
|assessable in the same income year in which the     |
|permit is surrendered or sold                       |
|any difference in the value of permits held at the  |
|beginning of an income year and at the end of that  |
|year would be reflected in assessable income, with  |
|any increase in value included as assessable income |
|any decrease in value allowed as a deduction.       |
|The rolling balance would use principles similar to |
|those used in the trading stock regime.             |
|The effect of the rolling balance would be that any |
|expenditure on permits would only affect assessable |
|income in the year in which the permit is           |
|surrendered or sold. Therefore, if a permit was     |
|purchased and surrendered in the same income year,  |
|the cost of the permit would reduce the assessable  |
|income in that year. However, if a permit acquired  |
|in an income year was banked, the cost of the permit|
|would not affect the assessable income in that year.|

         Moreover, entities will be given the choice of adopting a market
         value or historical cost approach to valuing permits within the
         rolling balance method (see box 9.2).

         Under the discrete legislation the capital gains tax provisions of
         the tax law would not apply to transactions involving permits. In
         addition, private or domestic expenditure on permits, including the
         purchase of permits for the purpose of voluntary retirement, would
         not be deductible (as would be the case under the current

         The benefits of this approach include:

                . a simple and consistent tax treatment giving taxpayers
                  more certainty

                . removing the need to characterise the nature of the entity
                  holding the permit and the reason for holding

                . removal of tax minimisation opportunities arising because
                  there are different types of holders

                . minimising administration costs for the ATO.

         This approach would achieve the tax objectives outlined for the
         scheme. In particular, business expenditure on permits would be
         treated consistently, regardless of why the permit was held,
         thereby satisfying the tax axioms of simplicity, equity and

|Box 9.2:  Valuation method                          |
|An important consideration in the use of a rolling  |
|balance method is the way in which permits should be|
|valued under the rolling balance. They can either be|
|valued at the original cost of acquisition or at    |
|their end of year market value.                     |
|There is no clear policy rationale for allowing one |
|valuation method over another.                      |
|Valuing the permits at their historical cost will   |
|require taxpayers to record the purchase price for  |
|each permit until it is surrendered or sold. In some|
|cases this may be a number of years later and may   |
|require keeping records for longer than the general |
|tax law requirement of five years (but maybe longer |
|in some circumstances).                             |
|Where permits have been banked and the value of     |
|those permits has increased, the historical cost    |
|approach may create an incentive to hold the permits|
|when there are other taxpayers who may value the    |
|permits more highly. This is because a deduction    |
|would only be available for the purchase price of   |
|the permits (not the market value). There will be a |
|disincentive to sell the permits because the        |
|taxpayer would have a large gain in assessable      |
|income where there may be a large difference between|
|the selling and purchase price.                     |
|On the other hand, under the market value approach, |
|increases in the value of the permits would be      |
|included in assessable income whether or not the    |
|permits were sold.                                  |
|The market value approach may lead to the taxation  |
|of unrealised gains as taxpayers are assessed on any|
|change in price of permits on hand. This would only |
|be an issue if there were substantive increases in  |
|the value of permits over the income year. However, |
|due to the fact that permits have no expiry date,   |
|that banking and borrowing rights will exist and    |
|that the end of the income year will not coincide   |
|with the reconciliation of emissions and permits, it|
|is not expected that there will be significant      |
|increases in permit values around the end of the    |
|income year.                                        |
|Taxpayers may prefer one valuation method over      |
|another depending on their existing business        |
|practices or systems. Requiring taxpayers to use the|
|market valuation method may impose additional       |
|compliance costs. However, it is not expected that  |
|there will be large compliance costs as market      |
|values should be readily available at low cost to   |
|the public as a consequence of the regular auctions |
|of permits and the expected secondary market for    |
|permits. Also these costs should be relatively      |
|transitionary.                                      |
|Consultation identified that stakeholders would     |
|prefer flexibility to choose a valuation            |
|methodology. There are a number of advantages for   |
|providing taxpayers with the capacity to elect their|
|valuation method. It would allow taxpayers to elect |
|a method which is most suited to their commercial   |
|situation. It also enables taxpayers the flexibility|
|to change if circumstances change while             |
|transitioning to the scheme.                        |
|Providing ongoing flexibility may create            |
|opportunities for tax arbitrage, would introduce a  |
|high compliance burden for taxpayers as well as     |
|increasing administrative and compliance costs for  |
|the ATO.                                            |
|Therefore, taxpayers will be allowed to make a      |
|one-off election whether to use historical cost or  |
|market value to value all permits on hand. Taxpayers|
|will be able to change methods once during the first|
|five years of the scheme and not thereafter. This   |
|transitional option allows taxpayers to adjust to   |
|the scheme.  This approach allows the taxpayer to   |
|choose the method which aligns best with their      |
|existing tax and accounting practices and is likely |
|to minimise compliance costs for the taxpayer.      |
|Providing taxpayers a choice is at a limited cost to|
|the simplicity of the rolling balance method. It    |
|will make the tax legislation more complex and      |
|increases interpretative and administration         |
|complexities for the ATO.                           |
|On balance, the preferred approach is to allow      |
|taxpayers to elect the valuation option (market or  |
|historic value) for a transitional period of five   |
|years. While it is recognised that allowing permit  |
|holders choice in methodology will involve some     |
|extra complexity in the tax law, this approach is   |
|preferred due to the flexibility it gives permit    |
|holders.                                            |


         The Treasury and the Department of Climate Change undertook
         extensive consultation with key industry professionals on the
         design of the taxation treatment of permits.

         Consultation included:

                . a pre-policy discussion

                . information sessions in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and
                  Brisbane following the release of the Green Paper

                . an in-depth consultation meeting to consider any technical
                  and practical implementation issues.

         Stakeholders were broadly comfortable with the broad policy
         framework for the taxation treatment of permits outlined in the
         Green Paper.

         Key issues raised in consultation were around the timing of
         deductions, valuation methodology, taxation of free permits, and

         Stakeholder concerns around these issues and alternative solutions
         were considered in the development of the taxation treatment of

         Stakeholders considered that the Green Paper preferred position to
         delay the deduction until when the permit is sold or surrendered
         may create a timing mismatch.  Stakeholders also argued that
         exempting free permits from tax was necessary to prevent timing and
         cash flow disadvantages.

         As permits can be surrendered at any time throughout the year, for
         which an upfront deduction is available, no substantial timing
         disadvantage is evident as entities have the choice to match their
         deductions for the cost of their permits to their actual emissions.

         Cash flow issues will arise only if firms choose to bank free
         permits. Further, an entity could ameliorate any cash flow issues
         by selling permits on the secondary market.

         Some argued that businesses could be required to pay tax on their
         free allocation of permits before they had an opportunity to use
         the permits.

         Coal-fired electricity generators will receive free permits to
         partially ameliorate the impact of the Scheme on their asset
         values. Direct assistance for coal-fired electricity generators
         will be provided by free permits spread equally over five years as
         a form of transitional assistance. This assistance is not intended
         to affect the production decisions of coal-fired electricity
         generators. Rather it is provided to offset some of the losses in
         their asset values. Therefore it is appropriate that assistance for
         these firms be taxed in an equivalent manner to other government

         However, a 'no disadvantage' rule will be included in the tax
         legislation to ensure that emissions-intensive trade-exposed
         entities allocated free permits will not be disadvantaged if the
         surrender date following the receipt of free permits falls in the
         next income year following the year in which the permits were
         received. Direct assistance to emissions-intensive trade-exposed
         industries will be on an annual basis and is intended to minimise
         the impact of the scheme on the decision on whether to continue to
         produce in Australia as emissions-intensive trade-exposed
         industries are price takers in an international market.

         Therefore, the Green Paper positions to defer deductions until when
         the permit is sold or surrendered and to tax free permits on
         receipt are recommended to be retained.

         Stakeholder views were taken into account in developing a
         transitional option for calculating values of permits held in the
         rolling balance. Taxpayers will be able to elect a valuation
         method, with taxpayers able to change valuation methods once during
         the first five years of the scheme. This option was developed in
         response to stakeholders seeking a flexible approach for valuing
         permits at either historical cost or market value.

         Some stakeholders raised concerns that the application of the
         normal GST rules would lead to uncertainty about the GST treatment
         of various types of Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme transactions.
         It is proposed to amend the GST law to characterise permits as
         personal property (and not rights over real property) for GST
         purposes to provide certainty. While establishing a discrete set of
         GST rules for CPRS transactions (as proposed by stakeholders) would
         also increase certainty, this would add to the complexity of the
         GST law and create a precedent for developing special rules for
         other classes of transactions.

         Some stakeholders were also concerned that the application of the
         normal GST rules would increase cash flow and compliance costs, and
         result in unrecoverable GST on business inputs due to the input
         taxed treatment of financial derivatives of permits. These concerns
         were noted but were not considered to warrant special treatment as
         cash flow and compliance costs are a normal feature of the GST
         system. It was considered that introducing special rules such as
         GST-free treatment (as proposed by stakeholders) to address cash
         flow and compliance cost concerns would undermine the broad-based
         nature of the GST system, result in different GST treatments for
         like transactions in the economy, lead to calls for other
         transactions to be exempt and add to the complexity of the GST.

Preferred option

         Income tax

         The preferred approach is to introduce discrete legislative
         provisions for the income tax treatment of permits. The legislation
         would make use of a rolling balance method and allow permit holders
         to elect whether to use historical or market prices to value
         permits in the rolling balance.

         As outlined, using the generic income tax arrangements while
         generally resulting in the appropriate tax treatment of permits
         would be more complicated resulting in additional compliance and
         administration costs for taxpayers and the ATO. The preferred
         approach should result in appropriate tax outcomes while avoiding
         the need to characterise the purpose for obtaining permits and
         would be straightforward for taxpayers and their agents to use.


         The preferred approach is to make an amendment to the GST law to
         characterise permits as personal property rights (and not rights
         over real property).

         This will promote certainty about the GST treatment of particular
         type of CPRS transactions, including the GST treatment of cross-
         border transactions.  It will also ensure that the application of
         the GST normal rules to CPRS transactions will deliver the GST
         outcomes stated in the Green Paper, including generally not leading
         to embedded tax for entities.

Other issues

         In addition to the income tax treatment of permits, there are other
         areas where the tax and accounting system will interact with the
         emissions trading scheme.

         The treatment of free permits

         One option for the provision of assistance to affected parties is
         to provide 'free' permits or cash payments. Under general taxation
         principles, benefits which are directly related to the business or
         income-producing activity should be included in assessable income
         irrespective of whether the benefit is in the from of cash or
         assets. As a result, where Government provides assistance to
         industry, whether in the form of a cash payment or other grant,
         such income is included in a business' assessable income and is

         An alternative approach would be to exempt the issue of permits
         from the tax system which would result in no tax being paid on this
         assistance. While this would increase the value of assistance being
         provided to the affected parties, it would create distortions in
         market for permits.

         If free permits were exempt from taxation or taken to have a zero
         cost an unnecessary distortion may be created. Over time, the price
         of permits (both free and purchased) is expected to rise. Not
         taxing the permit would create an incentive to hold the free permit
         when there are other taxpayers who may value the permit more
         highly. Also if a liable entity were able to choose between using a
         purchased permit it had banked and a free permit it had banked, it
         may choose the purchased permit because of the deduction it could
         claim for that permit's use. This would mean that the tax treatment
         of a permit would undermine the environmental effectiveness of the

         Moreover, exempting scheme-based assistance from the tax system
         would be inconsistent with general tax principles and would place
         additional strain on other tax payers and the community (who would
         have to fund this tax expenditure). This option is not preferred.

         The interaction with accounting rules

         The accounting treatment of permits and transactions under the
         emissions trading scheme will be important to the financial
         accounts of many businesses. It is therefore important that
         appropriate accounting standards are in place to ensure that
         comparable and reliable information is provided to investors.

         There is a process underway to push for the development of such
         accounting standards at an international level. Australian
         accounting standards are international financial reporting
         standards and the preferred option is for the development of an
         international standard rather than develop a specific domestic
         accounting standard. This should ensure globally consistent
         accounting policies in this area.

         Again it is envisaged that the Australian Accounting Standards
         Board (who develop Australian accounting standards) will monitor
         the need an Australian standards ahead of or instead of
         international standards.

10)   Transitional issues

         The auctioning of carbon pollution reduction permits will generate
         significant revenues for the Government. The Government has already
         committed to using these revenues to assist in the implementation
         of the scheme and smoothing the transition for business and
         households to a world with a positive carbon price. This chapter
         outlines these measures. It does not consider the merits of these
         programs as they are not 'regulatory' in nature.

         The chapter also considers the nature of existing state based
         arrangements to reduce carbon emissions and how the introduction of
         an emission trading scheme will impact on those schemes.

Transitional assistance

         The Government has committed to using revenue from the scheme to
         assist with the introduction of the Carbon Pollution Reduction
         Scheme and smooth the transition to an economy with a positive
         carbon price. These assistance measures fall into four broad
         groups: assistance for emissions-intensive trade-exposed (EITE)
         activities, assistance to strongly affected industries, the climate
         change action fund and household assistance measures. Funding for
         the assistance will be sourced from both permit revenue and
         budgetary appropriations. In total, it is expected if all permits
         were auctioned, the value of permits would be around $11.5 billion
         per year. The Government will not realise all of this revenue as
         some portion of be freely allocated to emissions intensive trade
         exposed firms and strongly affected industries (see below). Box
         10.1 discusses the distributional impacts of this funding.

         In all, the objective of the transitional assistance package is to
         smooth the adverse impacts associated with the introduction of a
         carbon constraint under the scheme. The impacts of the scheme will
         not be felt equally across the community. Certain businesses (for
         EITE businesses who are constrained in their capacity to pass on
         costs) and lower income households would be likely to face more
         acute impacts from the scheme in the absence of any assistance

         In the case of business, the aim of the assistance is to allow them
         to adjust to the introduction of the scheme in a more orderly
         manner and reduce the likelihood of adverse environmental impacts
         with businesses relocating offshore (to avoid the carbon price),
         which is commonly referred to as carbon leakage. In the case of
         households the aim is to moderate some of the higher costs
         associated with the introduction of the scheme.

|Box 10.1: Distributional impacts                    |
|The combination of assistance packages will clearly |
|benefit some portions of the community more than    |
|others. A key consideration when looking at who     |
|benefits is to consider what would have happened    |
|with permit revenue in the absence of the assistance|
|schemes. While the CPRS is not a tax as such, in the|
|absence of the assistance measures, revenue raised  |
|from the sale of permits could be directed to other |
|Government expenditure or to offset other revenue   |
|sources if there was to be no net gain to the       |
|Budget. While this could conceivably benefit any    |
|combination of social groups or businesses, for the |
|purposes of looking at the distributional impacts of|
|the assistance schemes it is possible that the      |
|revenue would be distributed evenly throughout the  |
|community.                                          |
|If this assumption were true, the key beneficiaries |
|of the assistance packages will clearly be those    |
|receiving assistance. Those who do not receive      |
|assistance will be worse off relative to the world  |
|in which permit revenue is shared evenly amongst the|
|community, but it is important to recognise that for|
|the most part these are households and businesses   |
|who will incur fewer costs as a result of the       |
|scheme.                                             |
|The introduction of the scheme will have a          |
|significant impact on the prices paid by households |
|for many goods. The most significant price rises    |
|will be associated with energy prices, with retail  |
|electricity prices modelled to rise by around 20    |
|percent in the five years following the scheme.[86] |
|As discussed in chapter 2, the average price        |
|impacts, across all households, is estimated to be  |
|1 per cent in 2010, with lower income households    |
|generally incurring a slightly higher price         |
|impact.[87] For instance, the price impact for      |
|single pensioner households is estimated to be      |
|1.3 per cent. The household and community assistance|
|packages are generally aimed at countering the      |
|adverse distributional impacts of the scheme. As a  |
|result the assistance package is primarily targeted |
|at pensioners and low income households. Other      |
|(middle and upper income) households will receive   |
|more limited assistance from the package.           |
|The climate change action fund will assist          |
|communities and businesses particularly affected by |
|the CPRS. While it is reasonable to assume the      |
|communities with certain characteristics (those     |
|heavily dependant on emissions intensive industry)  |
|will benefit, until decisions are actually made     |
|concerning who will receive assistance it is not    |
|possible to describe the distributional outcomes of |
|this assistance. Similarly for the business         |
|component of the scheme, at this stage it is not    |
|possible to describe who will benefit from the      |
|scheme.                                             |
|In looking at the EITE assistance, clearly the      |
|beneficiaries will be emissions intensive           |
|trade-exposed industries. Again it is important to  |
|recognise that these industries incur significant   |
|costs as a result of the scheme, with significant   |
|constraints on their ability to pass on their carbon|
|costs to the consumers of their products. So while  |
|they are better off relative to a world with a CPRS |
|and no assistance, relative to a world with no CPRS,|
|they will still incur a net cost.                   |
|In the case of the ESAS, the beneficiaries will be  |
|the most emissions intensive coal fired power       |
|generators. Other less emissions-intensive power    |
|generators will not receive assistance but should be|
|in a position to pass on most of the costs          |
|associated with the scheme (and so will not be      |
|adversely affected).                                |
|The impact on taxpayers will to depend to a large   |
|part on the size of the assistance package. If the  |
|size of the expenditure programs (the CCAF and      |
|household assistance) exceeds the revenue raised as |
|part of the auction sales, the additional funding   |
|will need to come from existing or new taxation     |
|thereby imposing a cost on taxpayers.               |

         Assistance to emissions intensive trade exposed activities

         The introduction of a carbon constraint under the carbon pollution
         reduction scheme will place a price on greenhouse gas emissions and
         will adversely affect industries which have large emissions per
         unit of output (that is, emissions intensive activities), and
         limited capacity to pass on their carbon costs. Although many
         businesses will be able to pass on these costs to customers
         (because their competitors are affected in a similar manner), some
         businesses will be unable to pass on costs because they are price
         takers in world markets, and compete with some producers who may
         not face comparable carbon costs..

         In this case, the existence of a carbon price in Australia could
         result in emissions intensive trade exposed entities leaving
         Australia (or choosing not to establish in Australia), so called
         'carbon leakage'. If this production occurred in jurisdictions with
         a similar or worse emissions intensity, Australia would be imposing
         costs domestically which may not produce an environmental benefit.

         To reduce the likelihood of carbon leakage, and to provide
         transitional assistance to companies to adjust to the scheme, the
         Government will provide assistance to EITE industries. This
         assistance will be in the form of free permits and will be
         revisited when there is broadly comparable carbon constraints
         applying internationally. The design of the assistance scheme will
         allow the provision of assistance to new industry entrants on the
         same basis as for existing businesses.

         Assistance to EITE companies will be provided on an activity basis
         rather than an industry or company basis. Many companies undertake
         a range of activities some of which will be EITE and some will not.
         To ensure that assistance is most effectively targeted at the
         activities that are most at risk of carbon leakage, assistance will
         be provided to companies based on the particular activities they
         undertake, not on industry in which they reside or some company
         wide measure of emissions intensity.

         To ensure that those receiving EITE assistance continue to have an
         incentive to reduce emissions, it is envisaged that rates of
         assistance for different activities will be set out in regulations.
         Companies will receive a set number of permits per unit of
         production. They will still be obliged to surrender sufficient
         permits to cover their actual emissions.

         The rate of assistance will depend on the emissions intensity of
         the relevant activity. More emissions intensive activities will
         receive greater levels of assistance although the assistance
         provided will not completely shield EITE businesses from the permit
         costs associated with the scheme. The level of assistance is likely
         to decline over time as the number of permits (and hence level
         available for EITE assistance) declines.

         The EITEs assistance scheme will run until measures which impose a
         carbon price broadly comparable to that under the CPRS are
         introduced in competing countries.

         Assistance to strongly affected industries

         Assistance to strongly affected industries will be provided via the
         Electricity Sector Adjustment Scheme (ESAS). The ESAS is aimed at
         assisting certain electricity generators (coal-fired powered
         stations) who will be adversely affected by the introduction of
         carbon price. While many electricity generators will be able to
         pass on the costs associated with the purchase of carbon permits
         (to cover emissions), some generators who are low in the 'merit
         order' will be less able to pass on costs.[88] As a result, they
         are likely to incur significant costs as a result of the
         introduction of the scheme including significant impacts on the
         values of established assets.

         The ESAS will provide assistance over the first five years of the
         scheme to established coal-fired generators who are the most
         emissions intensive, with the highest impacts on their asset values
         over time. Assistance will be provided on an asset by asset basis -
         though eligibility for assistance and the amount of assistance
         provided, will be determined prior to the commencement of the
         scheme, and will not be contingent on production. This decouples
         assistance from ongoing production decisions and would not provide
         an incentive to continue in operation when unprofitable to do so.
         Assistance will be provided in the form of free permits.

         The Climate Change Action Fund

         The Climate Change Action Fund will be established to smooth the
         transition for businesses, community sector organisations, workers,
         regions and communities to an operating environment that includes a
         price on carbon. The Climate Change Action Fund (CCAF) will provide
         assistance by addressing the distributional impacts of the scheme
         and correcting persistent market failures that impede the uptake of
         lower emission technologies and processes. The CCAF will run for
         five years commencing in 2008-09.

         The CCAF will comprise four streams of activity:

         Stream 1:  Information

         This stream will focus on informing small to medium sized
         enterprises, non-ETIE liable entities, industrial businesses more
         broadly and the community services sector about the operation of
         the scheme and how they can manage the expected financial impacts.
         It will also assist in addressing information failures that impede
         the uptake of low emission practices and processes and energy
         efficiency opportunities.

         Stream 2:  Capital investment in climate change.

         This stream will be comprised of three measures to provide funding
         for low-emission technologies and high-energy savings projects:

                . Small Business Capital Allowance to assist investment in
                  energy efficiency equipment (eg hot water; insulation;
                  lighting; motor and drives; combined heat and power;
                  heating, ventilation and air conditioning; and
                  refrigeration equipment) that meets established energy
                  saving criteria. Priority will be given to those small
                  businesses that are not eligible for other forms of
                  assistance or receive the lowest rate of assistance under
                  the EITE policy.

                . Community Organisation Capital Allowance to provide small
                  community organisations with assistance to invest in
                  energy efficiency equipment that meets established energy
                  saving criteria.

                . Innovation in Climate Change to provide competitive grants
                  funding for low emission technologies, production methods,
                  supply-chain improvements or products; and high energy
                  savings projects with long pay back periods. Priority will
                  be given to those businesses that are not eligible for
                  other forms of assistance or are eligible for the lowest
                  rate of assistance under the EITE policy. Applications
                  would also be received from large community organisations
                  and local government

         Stream 3:  Structural adjustment provision for workers and

         The Green Paper indicated that while existing welfare safety net
         support mechanisms and other government measures provide a means to
         assist affected workers, regions and communities disproportionately
         impacted by the scheme, additional support may be required in some
         cases. To respond effectively to these situations this stream will
         support workers, regions and communities where a clear and sizeable
         burden is identified, or is likely to occur as a direct result of
         the introduction of the scheme.

         Stream 4:  Coal Sector Adjustment

         Underground coal mine operations with high fugitive emissions have
         been identified as an industry sub-sector that will not be eligible
         for other forms of scheme assistance, and that will be
         significantly affected by the introduction of the scheme. Initially
         adjustment assistance will be provided to affected coal mining
         operators to promote the investigation and implementation of
         emissions abatement technologies. If abatement opportunities are
         not available then other structural adjustment assistance would be
         provided including worker retraining and relocation expenses.

         Household assistance measures

         The Government has also committed to a more general household
         assistance package. The package is aimed at cushioning the impact
         of price increases associated with the emissions trading scheme on
         households. It includes:

                . Increased payments, above automatic indexation, to people
                  in receipt of pensioner, carer, senior and allowance
                  benefits and to provide other assistance to meet the
                  overall increase in the cost of living flowing from the

                . Increased assistance to other low-income households
                  through the tax and payment system to meet the overall
                  increase in the cost of living flowing from the scheme.

                . Assistance to middle-income households to help them meet
                  any overall increase in the cost of living flowing from
                  the scheme.

                . Additional support through the introduction of energy
                  efficiency measures and consumer information to help
                  households take practical action to reduce energy use and
                  save on energy bills so that all can make a contribution.

         With the exception of the energy efficiency measures which are
         likely to run for five years, the impact of the other assistance
         delivered by the pension and tax and payment system will be

         The Government has also committed to offsetting (through a cent for
         cent reduction in the excise rate) the impact of the emissions
         trading scheme on fuel prices. This measure will be reviewed after
         three years.

Existing measures

         At the State level, two major market-based emissions reductions
         measures are operating in the electricity market.

         The first market-based measure is the New South Wales Greenhouse
         Gas Reduction Scheme (GGAS)1, which began on 1 January 2003 and was
         originally scheduled to operate until 2012. In November 2005, the
         New South Wales Premier confirmed his Government's commitment to
         extend GGAS to 2020 and beyond. The aim of GGAS is to reduce
         greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production and use of
         electricity in New South Wales from 8.65 tonnes of CO2-e per capita
         in 2003 to 7.27 tonnes of CO2-e per capita by 2007, and to maintain
         that level until 2020.

         The second market-based scheme is the Queensland Gas Scheme, which
         commenced on 1 January 2005 and is scheduled to operate for 15
         years. Under this scheme, Queensland electricity retailers and
         other liable parties are required to source at least 13 per cent of
         their electricity from gas-fired generation. The Queensland
         Government subsequently revised the target to 15 per cent. Gas-
         fired generators in Queensland are able to create certificates for
         every megawatt hour of electricity that they produce.

         The Queensland Gas Scheme aims to diversify the state's energy mix,
         encouraging greater use of gas and the development of new gas
         sources and infrastructure in Queensland. An associated benefit is
         the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the Queensland
         electricity sector.

         With the introduction of an emissions trading scheme, the rationale
         for these schemes is diminished. Both schemes have the objective of
         reducing emissions from the power generation sector. The emissions
         trading scheme should meet this objective in a manner that places
         least overall burden on the economy.[89]

         Ultimately, whether or not to cease the existing schemes is a
         decision for the State governments concerned. New South Wales has
         indicated that it would terminate the GGAS in the event that an
         emissions trading scheme is established that would result in a
         similarly stringent emissions reductions. To this end, it has
         released a discussion paper considering transition options. The
         Queensland Government has made no decision to halt the Queensland
         Gas Scheme in the event that a national emissions trading scheme is
         established. To assist with streamlining the number of schemes in
         operation (and reducing the compliance costs on affected entities)
         the Australian Government will discuss transitioning out of state
         based schemes with the relevant jurisdictions. The form or
         magnitude of any assistance provided to the states is yet to be

         There is the possibility that some particular projects would be
         disadvantaged by the replacement of the state based schemes with
         the emissions trading scheme. This would happen where the project
         is less profitable under the emissions trading scheme than the
         state based scheme. For example, the Queensland Gas Scheme could
         require additional investment in gas fired power generation which
         would not be efficient under the emissions trading scheme. It is
         expected that the cap on emissions under the emissions trading
         scheme is likely to result in a scheme that is at least as
         stringent as the existing schemes. In discussions surrounding the
         phase out of the state scheme, the Australian Government would also
         discuss arrangements for any (exceptional) projects which are
         likely to be worse off under the emissions trading scheme.

11)   Governance arrangements and implementation

         This chapter of the RIS considers the governance arrangements for
         the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (the scheme) and the key
         steps in the implementation of the scheme. Sound governance
         arrangements are critical in delivering the scheme efficiently,
         effectively and accountably.

Roles of Parliament, the Government, the Minister, the regulator and the
advisory committee

         Key roles

         Governance arrangements require the allocation of responsibility
         for particular roles that will need to be performed in relation to
         the operation of the scheme. Key roles include:

                . setting the medium- and long-term national emissions
                  reduction targets

                . setting the emissions trajectory (including the scheme
                  caps and gateways) to meet the national targets over time

                . deciding which sectors should be covered initially by the
                  scheme, and on what terms

                . deciding which additional sectors should be covered as the
                  scheme develops, and on what terms

                . setting out principles and criteria for assistance to
                  emissions-intensive, trade-exposed industries and strongly
                  affected industries

                . deciding whether particular entities are eligible for such

                . deciding rules for the banking and borrowing of carbon
                  pollution permits

                . applying any banking and borrowing rules to individual

                . allocating permits, including handling auction proceedings

                . deciding which methods should be allowed for measuring and
                  reporting emissions

                . receiving emissions data and assessing each liable
                  entity's obligation to surrender eligible compliance

                . monitoring, facilitating and enforcing compliance with the

                . operating a registry to track the issuance, holding and
                  transfer of eligible compliance permits

                . determining the nature and extent of linking between
                  Australia's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme and other
                  schemes operating internationally

                . providing education about the scheme

                . reviewing the performance of the scheme and the
                  effectiveness of scheme settings.

Responsibility for particular roles

         Responsibility for particular roles may be allocated to:

                . the Parliament, by setting out decisions, or the rules for
                  making decisions, in legislation

                . the Government, encompassing the cabinet and the minister
                  with primary responsibility for the scheme

                . a statutory body established to administer the scheme,
                  'the regulator'

                . advisory or review bodies.

         Submissions received in response to the Green Paper

         The submissions to the Green Paper indicated overwhelming support
         for an independent regulator, for integrity in decision-making,
         transparency, certainty and predictability.

         Some stakeholders indicated a preference for establishing a 'carbon
         bank', meaning an institution modelled on the Reserve Bank of
         Australia, or simply a regulator with independence for making
         decisions on individual matters in accordance with the legislative
         criteria and which was not subject to direction of the Minister on
         individual matters. Professor McKibbin suggested that emissions
         trading policy should be designed like monetary policy with a
         central carbon bank managing the short-term price of carbon, given
         a pre-committed Government policy on the long-term goals for the
         Australian economy. Australian Climate Exchange proposed that such
         a carbon bank would only perform such functions as lending of
         permits, accrediting joint implementation projects and managing the
         national account. It would not act as a market regulator or have a
         compliance or governance role. Existing regulators would instead
         fill this role.

         The Green Paper proposed that scheme caps and gateways be set by
         the Minister by way of delegated legislation. A number of
         stakeholders raised concerns about this approach and suggested
         alternatives including:

                . Indicators of scheme caps and gateways should be included
                  in the establishing Act; actual scheme caps and gateways
                  should be set out in delegated legislation (BP)

                . Matters the Minister would be required to consider in
                  making determinations should be included in the
                  legislation (Business Council of Australia)

                . The rules for determining the scheme caps and gateways
                  could be set out in delegated legislation, but the scheme
                  caps and gateways could be administered and announced by
                  the scheme regulator, based upon national targets and
                  trajectories determined by the Government (Energy Supply
                  Association and others)

                . The Act and ministerial powers should be favoured over
                  disallowable instruments, noting that the regulations
                  prescribing scheme caps and gateways could be disallowed
                  in the Parliament, creating uncertainty (CSR)

         The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Origin referred
         to Commonwealth-State governance arrangements, including the
         National Electricity Market, an arrangement involving a rule-making
         body, a separate body enforcing the regulation and the Ministerial
         Council on Energy.

         Origin expressed the view that it is not appropriate for the
         Government to devolve such decision-making powers to a fully
         independent body in the short term, but suggested as a compromise
         the creation of another body without binding decision-making powers
         but with a remit to provide recommendations to the Minister on
         matters such as the scheme cap, gateways, coverage and annual
         review. After the five year review, Origin suggested that the
         Government should consider devolving decision-making to the
         independent body.

         Analysis of stakeholder comments

         In assigning responsibility for roles to different parties, the
         basic principle followed is that the Parliament and Government
         should be responsible for the policy decisions with the most
         significant and far reaching implications. Governance arrangements
         are designed to provide as much certainty and predictability for
         regulated entities and the market as is practicable, while
         retaining a legitimate degree of flexibility for the Government to
         adjust the scheme in response to changed circumstances. It is
         appropriate that the Government, rather than regulator, is
         responsible for the key decisions, as it is ultimately responsible
         for the performance and implications of the scheme.

         In keeping with this approach, decisions of a general nature that
         are crucial to the scheme and are unlikely to change will be made
         by the Parliament.  These include recognition of the medium- and
         long-term national targets and determining which sectors should be
         covered. To create greater certainty about how these decisions will
         be made, a reference to the medium- and long-term national target
         ranges will be included in the objects clause of the Act
         establishing the scheme and the factors that the Government may
         consider when making decisions on national targets and trajectories
         will be set out in the explanatory material.

         The major cause of stakeholder concern is that the scheme caps
         could, if set in regulations, be disallowed by the Parliament,
         resulting in uncertainty around the central price determinant of
         the scheme. However, setting scheme caps is akin to setting a tax
         rate. While there is a risk that delegated legislation may be
         disallowed, the alternative would be to remove these key decisions
         from parliamentary oversight. Failure to include the scheme caps in
         the legislative framework would mean there would be no legally
         binding constraints on the number of permits that could be
         auctioned, creating even greater uncertainty. For these reasons, it
         is appropriate that decisions on scheme caps, scheme gateways and
         methods for measuring emissions be made by the responsible Minister
         with parliamentary oversight and be set out in delegated
         legislation. To address concerns that scheme caps may be disallowed
         in parliament, a default mechanism for setting scheme caps will be
         included in legislation.

         As identified in stakeholder submissions, the Government recognises
         the need for a high level of transparency in decision-making,
         public participation and the involvement of experts to ensure the
         integrity of the scheme. The Government considers that these
         objectives can be achieved through the establishment a scheme
         regulator with a high degree of independence. The role of the
         regulator will be set down in legislation and the regulator will be
         given a high level of operational independence to implement the
         emissions trading scheme and apply it to individual cases. The
         Regulator will be accountable to the responsible minister and
         subject to ministerial directions of a general nature only. Also,
         an independent expert advisory committee, as proposed in the Green
         Paper, will be established to assist in the realisation of these

         Table 11.1 provides further details of the functions of the
         Parliament, the Minister, the Regulator and the independent expert
         advisory committee.

         Table 11.1:  Proposed allocation of responsibility for key roles
         under the scheme

|Decision/role    |Responsibility   |Form of the      |
|                 |                 |decision         |
|Setting the      |Parliament       |A reference to   |
|medium- and      |An expert        |the 2020 target  |
|long-term        |advisory         |range and the    |
|national         |committee may    |2050 target will |
|emissions        |also report on   |be contained in  |
|reduction targets|this.            |the objects      |
|                 |                 |clause of the    |
|                 |                 |establishing Act.|
|Setting the      |The Government,  |The minister's   |
|scheme caps and  |through the      |decision on the  |
|gateways         |responsible      |annual caps and  |
|                 |minister, with   |gateways will be |
|                 |parliamentary    |reflected in     |
|                 |oversight.       |regulations.  The|
|                 |An expert        |primary          |
|                 |advisory         |legislation will |
|                 |committee may    |contain default  |
|                 |make             |scheme caps that |
|                 |recommendations  |will apply if    |
|                 |to the minister  |regulations are  |
|                 |on caps and      |not in place.    |
|                 |gateways from the|                 |
|                 |first strategic  |                 |
|                 |review (scheduled|                 |
|                 |in 2014).        |                 |
|Determining which|Parliament       |The sectors to be|
|sectors should be|                 |covered by the   |
|covered initially|                 |scheme will be   |
|and on what terms|                 |set out in the   |
|                 |                 |establishing Act.|
|Determining which|Parliament       |The establishing |
|additional       |An expert        |Act will be      |
|sectors should be|advisory         |amended to       |
|covered as the   |committee may    |include          |
|scheme develops  |make             |additional       |
|and on what terms|recommendations  |sectors and      |
|                 |to the minister  |possibly make    |
|                 |on this.         |specific         |
|                 |                 |provisions for   |
|                 |                 |them.            |
|Determining the  |Parliament and   |Detailed         |
|framework for    |the Government,  |provisions       |
|assistance to    |acting through   |governing        |
|emissions-intensi|the responsible  |assistance will  |
|ve trade-exposed |minister.        |be set out in the|
|industries       |An expert        |establishing Act |
|                 |advisory         |and regulations. |
|                 |committee may    |                 |
|                 |make             |                 |
|                 |recommendations  |                 |
|                 |to the minister  |                 |
|                 |on potential     |                 |
|                 |modifications to |                 |
|                 |this framework   |                 |
|                 |from the first   |                 |
|                 |strategic review |                 |
|                 |(scheduled in    |                 |
|                 |2014).           |                 |
|Determining      |Parliament and   |Detailed         |
|strongly affected|the Government,  |provisions       |
|electricity      |acting through   |governing        |
|generators and   |the responsible  |assistance will  |
|the quantum of   |minister.        |be set out in the|
|free permits to  |                 |establishing Act |
|be issued for    |                 |and regulations. |
|each facility    |                 |                 |
|through the      |                 |                 |
|Electricity      |                 |                 |
|Sector Adjustment|                 |                 |
|Scheme           |                 |                 |
|Deciding whether |Regulator        |The regulator's  |
|particular       |                 |decisions will be|
|entities are     |                 |based on the     |
|eligible for     |                 |establishing Act |
|assistance in the|                 |and regulations. |
|form of free     |                 |                 |
|permits, and the |                 |                 |
|number of permits|                 |                 |
|to be allocated  |                 |                 |
|Deciding general |Parliament       |General          |
|principles for   |An expert        |principles       |
|the banking and  |advisory         |governing banking|
|borrowing of     |committee may    |and borrowing    |
|permits          |make             |will be set out  |
|                 |recommendations  |in the           |
|                 |to the minister  |establishing Act.|
|                 |on this.         |                 |
|Applying banking |Regulator        |The regulator's  |
|and borrowing    |                 |role will be set |
|principles to    |                 |out in the       |
|individual cases |                 |establishing Act.|
|Allocating carbon|The minister will|The establishing |
|pollution        |determine auction|Act will set out |
|permits,         |policy and       |a broad framework|
|including        |operational rules|for the conduct  |
|handling auction |from 1 January   |of auctions and  |
|proceedings      |2010 to          |assign a wide    |
|                 |31 December 2011.|discretion to the|
|                 |The regulator    |minister/regulato|
|                 |will determine   |r to set auction |
|                 |them from        |policy and       |
|                 |1 January 2012.  |operational rules|
|                 |The minister's   |within that      |
|                 |determination    |framework through|
|                 |will have effect |legislative      |
|                 |until replaced or|instruments.     |
|                 |amended by the   |                 |
|                 |regulator.       |                 |
|                 |An expert        |                 |
|                 |advisory         |                 |
|                 |committee may    |                 |
|                 |make             |                 |
|                 |recommendations  |                 |
|                 |to the minister  |                 |
|                 |on this.         |                 |
|Deciding which   |The Government,  |Set out in       |
|methods should be|through the      |delegated        |
|allowed for      |responsible      |legislation under|
|measuring and    |minister, with   |the National     |
|reporting        |parliamentary    |Greenhouse and   |
|emissions        |oversight.       |Energy Reporting |
|                 |                 |Act 2007.        |
|Assessing        |Regulator        |The regulator's  |
|emissions data to|                 |role will be set |
|determine each   |                 |out in the       |
|liable entity's  |                 |establishing Act.|
|obligation to    |                 |                 |
|surrender        |                 |                 |
|eligible         |                 |                 |
|compliance       |                 |                 |
|permits          |                 |                 |
|Monitoring,      |Regulator        |The establishing |
|facilitating and |                 |Act will set out |
|enforcing        |                 |a broad          |
|compliance with  |                 |compliance       |
|the scheme       |                 |framework. A     |
|                 |                 |shortfall of     |
|                 |                 |units surrendered|
|                 |                 |against emissions|
|                 |                 |will trigger an  |
|                 |                 |administrative   |
|                 |                 |penalty and a    |
|                 |                 |'make good'      |
|                 |                 |requirement. The |
|                 |                 |regulator will   |
|                 |                 |also have a range|
|                 |                 |of investigative,|
|                 |                 |compliance and   |
|                 |                 |enforcement      |
|                 |                 |powers.          |
|Operating a      |The regulator    |The functions and|
|registry to track|(with the        |the key features |
|issues, holdings |capacity for     |of the national  |
|and transfers of |services to be   |registry will be |
|eligible         |contracted out as|set out in the   |
|compliance       |appropriate).    |establishing Act.|
|permits          |                 |                 |
|                 |                 |Detailed         |
|                 |                 |processes will be|
|                 |                 |set out in the   |
|                 |                 |delegated        |
|                 |                 |legislation.     |
|Deciding the     |Parliament       |The establishing |
|nature and extent|An expert        |Act will set out |
|of linking       |advisory         |the international|
|between          |committee may    |units that will  |
|Australia's      |make             |be acceptable for|
|Carbon Pollution |recommendations  |surrender in the |
|Reduction Scheme |to the minister  |scheme.          |
|and other schemes|on this.         |                 |
|operating        |                 |                 |
|internationally  |                 |                 |
|Managing         |The Government,  |The establishing |
|Australia's      |through the      |Act will provide |
|assigned amount  |responsible      |for the          |
|under the Kyoto  |minister, will   |responsible      |
|Protocol and the |manage the       |minister (and    |
|Government's     |purchase and sale|other account    |
|registry account |of its own Kyoto |holders) to      |
|                 |units and (if    |instruct the     |
|                 |required) carbon |regulator to make|
|                 |pollution        |transfers of     |
|                 |permits.         |units.           |
|                 |The regulator    |                 |
|                 |will transfer    |                 |
|                 |units into and   |                 |
|                 |out of the       |                 |
|                 |Government's     |                 |
|                 |registry account |                 |
|                 |upon instruction,|                 |
|                 |as it would for  |                 |
|                 |any other account|                 |
|                 |holder.          |                 |
|Providing        |The Government,  |This role will be|
|education on the |through the      |included in the  |
|scheme           |responsible      |establishing Act.|
|                 |minister, and the|                 |
|                 |regulator.       |                 |
|Reviewing the    |Parliament and   |An outline of the|
|performance of   |the Government,  |five-yearly      |
|the scheme and   |through the      |review process,  |
|the effectiveness|responsible      |including an     |
|of the scheme    |minister.        |indication of the|
|settings         |An expert        |timing, will be  |
|                 |advisory         |included in the  |
|                 |committee may    |establishing Act.|
|                 |make             |It will specify  |
|                 |recommendations  |the matters for  |
|                 |to the minister  |review and the   |
|                 |on this.         |functions of the |
|                 |                 |committee.       |

The regulator

         This section covers the scheme regulator's functions,
         accountability, structure and relationship with the Greenhouse and
         Energy Data Officer and the Renewable Energy Regulator.

         The key functions of the scheme regulator will include the

                . Monitor, facilitate and enforce compliance with the scheme

                . Determine procedures for the auction of permits, and
                  arrange auctions

                . Determine the eligibility of individual entities to
                  receive free permits, and the quantity of permits to be
                  allocated to them

                . Assess the emissions obligations of individual liable
                  entities, based on emissions data reported under the
                  National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System

                . Assess any shortfalls in eligible compliance permits
                  surrendered by liable entities

                . Maintain a national registry of eligible compliance
                  permits (Kyoto units and Australian carbon pollution

                . Open and close registry accounts upon request, and
                  transfer eligible compliance permits, as instructed by
                  account holders

                . Conduct education, information and outreach activities
                  relating to the scheme

                . Provide information on the national registry and other
                  matters, as required under Australia's Kyoto Protocol

                . Publish information related to the scheme (unless
                  protected under the legislation)

                . Exchange information with specified agencies, bodies or
                  statutory office holders to enable or assist them to
                  perform their functions.

         Nature of the regulator

         As foreshadowed in the Green Paper, the Government has examined the
         advantages and disadvantages of amalgamating the functions of two
         existing regulators, the Greenhouse and Energy Data Officer and the
         Renewable Energy Regulator, with the proposed scheme regulator.
         The Greenhouse and Energy Data Officer is responsible for
         administering the national greenhouse and energy reporting system
         and collects information on emissions levels for emissions trading
         and other purposes. The Renewable Energy Regulator is responsible
         for the administration of the Governments renewable energy target.
         The integration of these three regulatory functions under a single
         regulator would have a number of benefits:

                . improved regulatory outcomes, including reduced risk of
                  conflicts or gaps emerging between regulators with
                  separate functions

                . streamlining of procedures for reporting and surrender

                . reduced burden for businesses that would otherwise need to
                  deal with two or three regulators

                . economies of scale in the administration of legislation

                . consistency with current Government policy on the
                  Governance Arrangements for Australian Government Bodies.

         Stakeholders' submissions have not raised concerns about this

         To ensure a smooth transition, consolidation of the three
         regulators will be implemented in a staged process with the
         following steps:

                . From December 2008, identification of systems and
                  procedures that can be consolidated from formal
                  amalgamation in September 2009

                . Amendment of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting
                  Act 2007 and the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000
                  so that the one regulator performs the three functions

                . From September 2009, formal establishment of the combined
                  regulator, with greenhouse and energy reporting, emissions
                  trading and renewable energy target functions co-located
                  and under a common internal governance framework

                . Progressive integration of systems and business processes.

         The regulator will continue to perform existing functions under the
         National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 and functions
         under the expanded renewable energy target. Legislation will
         require this regulator to address these functions in its corporate
         plan and annual report.  In addition, the Government will ensure
         that members of the regulator have in combination qualifications
         and experience relevant to all of the regulator's functions.

         The regulator will be established as an incorporated body subject
         to the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997. It will
         have a commission structure with a minimum of three and a maximum
         of five statutory office-holders appointed by the responsible

         The regulator will be required to report on its operations each
         financial year to the responsible Minister for presentation to the
         Parliament.  In addition, it will be required to have a corporate
         plan addressing specified matters. The regulator's decisions will
         be subject to sound appeals processes, including judicial review
         pursuant to the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977
         and merits review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.


         The establishment and ongoing operation of the scheme regulator
         will entail significant costs for Government.

         These costs include employing staff to run the regulator, capital
         costs related to housing the regulator and information technology
         costs associated with the development and operation of an online
         auction platform, the establishment of an online permit registry to
         track ownership and maintenance of the online emissions reporting

         In the initial years of the scheme, funding for the regulator will
         be provided from the Commonwealth Budget. The desirability of cost
         recovery arrangements will be considered after the implementation
         of the scheme, taking into account the Government cost recovery

Advisory committee and review of the scheme

         The Green Paper suggested that there should be periodic,
         independent, public reviews of the scheme and that this would
         enhance the accountability and transparency of decisions made under
         the scheme. The process could also improve the environmental
         integrity and economic efficiency of the scheme by fostering
         consistency and predictability in decision making. It suggested
         that the review advice would be made public and the Government
         would take the advice into consideration when making decisions
         about the scheme.

         The Green Paper listed the issues that reviews might usefully
         consider. It suggested that an ad hoc committee, constituted every
         five years, would be appropriate for this purpose.

         A number of submissions to the Green Paper referred to the review,
         making varied suggestions:

                . that there be more clarity about the review process

                . that the five-year review be extended to include assessing
                  the effectiveness of household and employment assistance

                . that there be fewer reviews and more depth to those
                  reviews that do occur

                . that the first review occur after two years and then again
                  after another three years

                . that an independent body, which would have a number of
                  other functions to ensure integrity of decision-making,
                  carry out the five-year review, and take into account the
                  total climate change agenda, rather than simply the

         Clearly there is a need for review to ensure that the scheme meets
         its objectives, does not create any unintended consequences and is
         fine tuned to optimise it performance. However, at this stage it is
         difficult to determine what will prove to be the most desirable
         timing - this will depend on the success of the scheme's
         implementation and 'bedding down' period. That said, holding a
         review too early may give undue weight to transitional issues, in
         particular the operation of the scheme in the context of less
         developed secondary and other financial markets than we expect to
         develop over the longer term. Therefore, the preferred position is
         to hold reviews every five years, or earlier if the Minister makes
         a written determination specifying an earlier date.

         The first review will be completed by 30 June 2014, and the
         independent expert advisory committee will be constituted with
         sufficient time before then for preparatory work. Adequate
         secretariat support will be provided to enable the committee to
         perform its functions effectively. Reviews will involve public
         consultation, and the advisory committee will be required to
         prepare a report of the review and give it to the minister. The
         Minister will be required to table the report in Parliament within
         15 sitting days of receipt. If the report includes recommendations,
         the Minister will be required to prepare a statement of the
         Government's response and table it within six months of receiving
         the report.

         The establishing Act will provide that each subsequent review will
         be completed within five years after the last day on which the
         Government's response to the previous review was tabled in
         parliament, or earlier if the responsible Minister makes a written
         determination specifying an earlier date.

         The reviews will be undertaken by an independent expert advisory
         committee appointed by the Minister and will consider and make
         recommendations on the following:

                . the effectiveness and efficiency of the scheme as a whole

                . changes or extensions to the national targets

                . extensions to the scheme caps and gateways

                . whether additional sectors should be covered by the scheme

                . assistance policies relating to households and emissions-
                  intensive trade-exposed industries

                . the appropriateness of ongoing emissions intensive trade
                  exposed assistance for particular activities

                . auction design

                . the effect of and potential for international linking

                . borrowing limits

                . scheme governance arrangements, including the
                  responsibilities of the regulator and the responsible
                  minister's power of direction

                . any other aspect of the scheme and its operation, which
                  the responsible minister may request to be reviewed.

         More frequent 'care and maintenance' reviews may be necessary in
         the early years of the scheme to assess the operation of
         administrative arrangements. To improve market certainty, the scope
         of those early reviews will be tightly defined. The conduct of such
         reviews is a common administrative practice and requires no
         legislative provisions.

         Decisions, required either as a result of scheme reviews or for
         other reasons, will be informed by appropriate regulation impact
         analysis, in conformance with the Government Best Practice
         Regulation requirements.

         [As a regulation impact statement could not be prepared prior to
         the decision to introduce an emissions trading scheme, the Prime
         Minister granted exceptional circumstances relief from the best
         practice regulation requirements. For this reason, a post
         implementation review of this decision will be undertaken.]

Monitoring, facilitating and enforcing compliance

         The Act establishing the scheme will set out a broad framework for
         monitoring, facilitating and enforcing compliance. The regulator
         will be given a range of compliance, investigative and enforcement
         powers, with the flexibility to select from a set of graduated
         options to respond proportionately to non-compliance. These powers
         will include information gathering powers, auditory functions,
         powers of inspection and the power to seek civil penalties or
         criminal sanctions for more serious breaches.  Additionally, an
         administrative penalty will apply automatically in the event of a
         unit shortfall (that is, where liable entities fail to surrender
         enough permits to cover their emissions).


         The scheme will be implemented through unitary Commonwealth
         legislation. States and Territories will be informally engaged as
         part of ongoing cooperation and coordination on climate change
         policy through the Council of Australian Governments.


         The intention is for the scheme to commence in the 2010 calendar
         year. It is important to ensure that business is ready to implement
         the scheme at this time. For this reason extensive consultation
         with business and other stakeholders will continue as the
         administrative systems of the scheme are developed. Using
         1 July 2010 as an indicative start date for planning purposes, key
         implementation steps up to 2015 are outlined in table 13.2.

         Key elements of the scheme are already in place with the
         commencement of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act
         2007 on 1 July 2008. This Act provides key infrastructure for
         reporting emissions and will assist industry to put in place
         emissions reporting and build capacity prior to the commencement of
         obligations under the scheme.

         To ensure smooth implementation of the scheme, work has already
         commenced to build additional infrastructure and capacity required
         to deliver the scheme. Early implementation tasks will be
         undertaken in a way that does not prejudice final decisions on
         scheme design. These tasks include:

                . the acquisition of a national registry (commenced in
                  September 2008) and other essential IT systems

                . establishing the regulator

                . education and outreach to enhance liable and other
                  entities' understanding of the scheme and its requirements
                  prior to the commencement of the scheme

                . preparing and trialling a system for auctioning permits.

         The Government will create an interim regulator in early 2009 to
         ensure that key personnel are in place and administrative systems
         are well advanced before the regulator is formally established
         later in 2009. The interim regulator will have no statutory powers,
         but will be responsible for putting in place key systems and
         personnel to ensure a smooth start to the scheme.

         The Government will consult on key implementation issues that
         affect stakeholders, such as the development of the registry,
         compliance procedures and strategy, and education and information

         The Minister for Climate Change and Water will have primary
         responsibility for scheme implementation.

         Table 13.2:  Timetable for introduction of the emissions trading
|Year/  |Date   |Milestone                         |
|quarter|       |                                  |
|2008   |       |                                  |
|4th    |Decembe|Public release of the White Paper |
|quarter|r      |                                  |
|2009   |       |                                  |
|1st    |January|National registry operational with|
|quarter|       |Kyoto Protocol functions and      |
|       |       |connected to International        |
|       |       |Transaction Log                   |
|       |Late   |Public release of exposure draft  |
|       |Februar|legislation                       |
|       |y      |                                  |
|2nd    |Early  |Close of consultation period on   |
|quarter|April  |exposure draft legislation        |
|       |       |                                  |
|       |May    |Bills to enact scheme (including  |
|       |       |consequential amendments)         |
|       |       |introduced into Parliament        |
|       |June   |Public release of key draft       |
|       |       |regulations                       |
|       |       |Government aims to achieve passage|
|       |       |of the Bill through Parliament    |
|3rd    |       |Central provisions of the Act     |
|quarter|       |establishing Carbon Pollution     |
|       |       |Reduction Scheme in force 28 days |
|       |       |after Royal Assent                |
|       |       |Regulator formally established    |
|4th    |       |Stage I regulations and           |
|quarter|       |legislative instruments made and  |
|       |       |tabled in parliament following    |
|       |       |passage of Bill                   |
|2010   |       |                                  |
|1st    |       |National registry operational with|
|quarter|       |Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme |
|       |       |functions                         |
|       |       |Government announces:             |
|       |       |- extension of national emissions |
|       |       |trajectory up to 2014-15          |
|       |       |- scheme caps for first five years|
|       |       |of scheme (2010-11 to 2014-15)    |
|       |       |- 10 years of scheme gateways     |
|       |       |after 2014-15                     |
|       |       |- approach for expanding cap to   |
|       |       |accommodate increases in coverage |
|       |       |Stage II regulations and          |
|       |       |legislative instruments made and  |
|       |       |tabled in parliament              |
|1st to |       |First auction of permits          |
|2nd    |       |                                  |
|quarter|       |                                  |
|3rd    |1 July |Start of first compliance year    |
|quarter|       |under the scheme                  |
|2011   |       |                                  |
|2nd    |30 June|End of first compliance year under|
|quarter|       |the scheme                        |
|4th    |       |Trial reporting of agricultural   |
|quarter|       |emissions on a voluntary basis,   |
|       |       |through the National Greenhouse   |
|       |       |and Energy Reporting System       |
|       |31 Octo|Deadline for liable entities to   |
|       |ber    |submit emissions reports through  |
|       |       |the National Greenhouse and Energy|
|       |       |Reporting System                  |
|       |15     |Deadline for surrender of eligible|
|       |Decembe|compliance permits for first      |
|       |r      |compliance year                   |
|2012   |       |                                  |
|4th    |31 Dece|End of first commitment period    |
|quarter|mber   |under the Kyoto Protocol          |
|2013   |       |Government announces final        |
|       |       |decisions on coverage of          |
|       |       |agriculture                       |
|       |       |A decision to allow for the sale  |
|       |       |and transfer of Australian carbon |
|       |       |pollution permits internationally |
|       |       |will not be made before 2013      |
|2014   |       |                                  |
|2nd    |June   |Completion of the first public    |
|quarter|       |strategic review of the scheme by |
|       |       |an independent expert advisory    |
|       |       |committee                         |
|4th    |Decembe|Response by the Government to the |
|quarter|r      |report on the strategic review    |
|       |       |tabled in parliament (within six  |
|       |       |months of the report being        |
|       |       |delivered to the minister)        |
|2015   |       |Possible inclusion of agriculture |
|       |       |in the scheme                     |

Attachment A: Small Business Impact Statement

         Small businesses are defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics
         as any business with less than 20 employees.

Direct impacts

The direct impacts on small business from the emissions trading scheme are
likely to be limited. Direct impacts refer to the obligation to acquire and
surrender permits to cover emissions. In most areas the threshold for
inclusion in the scheme is 25 kt CO2-e/year. This is a large level of
emissions and it is doubtful whether any emitter who exceeds this threshold
would be a small business (certainly they would have significant

         One area where small businesses are likely to be directly covered
         is in regard to transport emissions. Transport emissions are
         covered by placing the liability for emissions on upstream
         suppliers (that is fuel importers, producers and distributors). The
         excise system is used as a mechanism to administer scheme
         responsibilities - those who pay excise on fuel are also liable to
         surrender carbon pollution permits for emissions associated with
         the fuel sold. As there is no threshold on the excise liabilities
         (small and large businesses alike are liable to pay excise), there
         will be small fuel importers or producers who are required to pay
         excise and who will also be required to surrender permits under the

         The impact of the scheme on small fuel importers and producers is
         expected to be low. They already have to record fuel sales for the
         purposes of paying excise. All that is required under the scheme is
         that they multiply this volume of fuel sold by a default emissions
         factor to derive an emissions liability and then surrender
         sufficient permits to cover these emissions. It is expected that
         entities liable for a small volume of emissions will purchase
         permits from a financial intermediary (such as a bank).
         Furthermore, it is expected that any costs associated with the
         purchase of permits will be passed on to customers by way of
         increased fuel prices (limiting the financial impact on small

         It is not known precisely how many small businesses will be
         impacted in this way. In total there are around 250 fuel excise
         remitters a portion of which are large businesses.

         Another area where small businesses may incur obligations under the
         scheme is in relation to the coverage of forestry. There is no
         threshold limits governing the participation of forestry operators
         in the scheme. However, forestry participation is on an 'opt in'
         basis. As a result, small businesses would only incur costs from
         the emissions trading scheme if they chose to participate in the
         scheme. Moreover, forestry businesses would benefit from
         participation in the scheme (they receive permits for greenhouse
         gases stored in the forest) and would only opt in if the benefits
         of participation outweighed any costs.

         One sector that has a significant number of small businesses with
         sizable greenhouse gas emissions is agriculture. At present, it is
         not proposed to cover emissions from agriculture in the scheme.
         This will limit the impact on small agricultural businesses (they
         will still incur indirect impacts as described below). If
         agriculture is subsequently included in the scheme there will be
         additional impacts, but these will be considered in the context of
         a decision to include agriculture.

Indirect impacts

         The more important impacts on small business will be the indirect
         impacts associated with increases in the price of inputs. The
         emissions trading scheme will effectively put a price on greenhouse
         gas emissions (referred to below as carbon emissions). Products
         that 'embody' carbon emissions (that is, products where emissions
         were released in their manufacture) will rise in price. The degree
         of price rise will depend on the price of permits and the amount of
         carbon released.

         The price of permits will depend on the cap set by Government, the
         design of the scheme and the cost of abatement in the economy. In
         putting forward preferred positions to Government the scheme has
         been designed to minimise the costs associated with meeting any
         given emissions target. The coverage of the scheme is recommended
         to be as broad as possible, subject to measurement and compliance
         cost constraints. The broad nature of the scheme should open up
         more avenues for carbon abatement, thereby ensuring that the lowest
         cost opportunities are pursued first. In allowing the use of
         certain international units to meet liabilities under the CPRS, the
         scheme will open up international abatement opportunities which
         will further reduce the costs associated with the scheme.

         Nevertheless, the price of certain goods and services (those with a
         significant amount of embodied carbon) will rise. Significant price
         rises will be associated with electricity. Most electricity
         generation in Australia is derived from the combustion of fossil
         fuels which releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases. It is
         estimated that the price of electricity will rise by around 20 to
         22 percent over the first five years of the scheme.[91] Electricity
         prices will continue to rise at a greater rate as a result of the
         CPRS. By 2050 prices are expected to be between 34 and 46 percent
         above the reference case (that is, the price that would have
         existed in the absence of the policy action to address climate

         The prices of other goods are also likely to increase. In general,
         produces such as metals, cement and basic chemicals which have a
         high degree of embodied carbon will see the highest price rises.
         Prima facie, small businesses that use these products are most
         likely to be adversely affected by the scheme, although it is
         expected that most will be able to pass these costs on to their

         The impact of the emissions trading scheme on fuel prices could
         have an impact on certain small businesses (such as transport
         companies and broad acre cropping enterprises). That said, fuel
         prices fluctuate as a result of changes in the exchange rate and
         international oil prices. The Garnaut review estimated that petrol
         prices would rise by 5 cents per litre in response to a permit
         price of $20. Permit prices are expected to be between $23 and $30
         at the beginning of the scheme implying price increases of between
         6 and 7.5 cents per litre.[93] These price rises are relatively
         minor in relation to other fuel price fluctuations.

         In any case, the Government has committed to offsetting the impacts
         of the CPRS on fuel prices for households, on-road business users
         and agricultural and fishing industries for the first three years
         of the scheme. Heavy vehicle road users will have the initial
         impact of the scheme offset for the first year. This will occur
         through a cent for cent reduction in excise which will offset the
         increase in fuel prices associated with the introduction of the
         scheme. As a result, impacts on small business of petrol price
         increases will be limited in the initial years of the scheme.

Overall impacts

         Overall the majority of impacts on small business will result from
         changes in the price of inputs. For some small businesses, which
         rely on emissions intensive inputs, these may be significant.
         However, it is expected that small businesses will be able pass on
         the majority of these increased costs to customers.

         Moreover, the impacts on small business will be in proportion to
         the impacts on other businesses and households. Price rises faced
         by small businesses are likely to be inline with price rises felt
         by other sectors of the economy. Relative to larger businesses who
         have to participate directly in the scheme, the impacts on small
         businesses will be lower.

Attachment B: Compliance cost assessment

Input to Regulatory Impact Analysis
on Administrative Costs of the
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme

Final Report
Department of Climate Change

November 2008

         Mr Russ Campbell
         Assistant Secretary
         Permit Allocation Branch

         Department of Climate Change
         GPO Box 854
         Canberra ACT 2601

         Private and Confidential

         Dear Mr Campbell

         Input to Regulatory Impact Analysis on Administrative Costs of the
         Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme

         Ernst & Young has completed its procedures, as outlined in our
         engagement letter dated 23 September 2008 and detailed in our Work
         Plan agreed on 10 October 2008 and present this report to the
         Department of Climate Change outlining our findings relating to
         additional administrative compliance costs associated with the
         implementation of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS).

         We would like to thank you for the opportunity to work with you on
         this engagement.  Please do not hesitate to contact me on (07) 3011
         3284 or 0417 619 388 or Mathew Nelson on (03) 9288 8121 if you have
         any questions regarding this report.

         Yours sincerely

         Lorraine Stephenson


1.    Executive Summary      199
1.1   Background 199
1.2   Findings   199
2.    Scope and Limitations  200
2.1   Scope and Approach     200
2.2   Limitations      201
3.    Assumptions and Criteria    202
3.1   Assumptions      202
3.2   Cost Criteria    204
3.3   Cost Categories  204
3.4   Hypothetical Companies 206
4.    Analysis   207
4.1   Cost by Key Process    207
4.2   Cost by Category 211
4.3   Sector comparison      212
4.4   Uncertainty      214
5.    Detailed Findings      216
Appendix A:  Approach  219
5.1   Development of cost model   219
5.2   Assessment of administrative costs     222
5.3   Hypothetical Companies 228

Executive Summary


         The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) Green Paper was
         released by the Department of Climate Change (DCC) in July 2008,
         outlining the Australian Government's preferred approach to a
         national emissions trading scheme.  Specifically, the paper
         outlines a range of design issues, for example, which industry
         sectors will be covered and how emission caps will be set. It also
         identifies approaches to support a robust carbon market, Emissions-
         Intensive Trade-Exposed ('EITE') industries and other strongly
         affected industries ('SAI'), and possible reporting and compliance

         The Regulatory Impact Statement is developed by Government to
         ensure that the costs and benefits of, and alternatives to, all new
         or amending regulations that impose an appreciable burden on any
         sector of the community, are examined and public comments are
         sought.  DCC is therefore undertaking a Regulatory Impact Statement
         to analyse all the costs and benefits associated with the CPRS.  As
         part of developing the RIS, DCC has identified a need to assess the
         specific administrative costs facing industry from the CPRS over
         and above those requirements placed on them by the National
         Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System (NGERS).


         In order to identify and estimate the costs associated with our
         analysis, eight hypothetical companies were developed to represent
         a cross section of Australian industries likely to have a CPRS
         liability.  A summary of the findings related to these hypothetical
         companies identified as a result of our analysis are presented

         Reporting and Compliance - For most of the hypothetical companies
         the administrative costs associated with reporting and compliance
         are expected to be the most significant ongoing cost.   This cost
         is reflective of the assurance costs required for companies
         emitting greater than 125,000 tonnes CO2-e or the monitoring and
         collation of data for companies without an existing NGERS liability
         or an additional liability under CPRS.  Our analysis also indicated
         that although it is expected that most of the hypothetical
         companies will require assurance, this requirement will only apply
         to a minority of liable entities under the CPRS.

         Significantly impacted sectors - Our analysis identified that the
         company category with the highest administrative costs was the
         large industrial companies followed by petroleum refiners and
         electricity generators.  Due to the additional administrative
         processes required for waste and synthetic gas importers and an
         assumption that in general these company categories include
         companies with comparatively lower turnover, compliance costs on an
         earning basis are expected to be higher.

         Timing of costs - Start-up costs are expected to be greater than
         ongoing costs for all of the company categories.  Companies that
         are likely to receive EITE or SAI assistance (e.g. industrial
         processes and power generators) will also incur additional start-up
         costs in responding to these policy measures, although applying for
         this assistance will be voluntary. Our analysis indicated that the
         most significant start-up costs incurred by companies are those
         associated with the preparation for tax and accounting treatments
         including financial systems upgrades.

         Contract review - From our analysis we identified that for some of
         the company categories, a key cost of implementing the CPRS is
         expected to be reviewing and, where necessary, updating or
         renegotiating supply side and demand side contracts.  These costs
         were particularly significant for the company categories expected
         to have large purchase contracts (e.g. electricity contracts for
         industrial use), or companies with a large customer base which are
         seeking to pass on the cost of permits.  However, from our
         interview with a sample of actual companies, we identified that
         individual companies will potentially have different exposures to
         this issue and therefore the variation in potential costs are
         significant with estimates ranging from $38,000 to over $1million.
         It was therefore difficult to extrapolate a standard cost for each
         of the hypothetical companies and as a result, these costs have not
         been included in the aggregated figures for CPRS costs.  Based on
         our discussions it was also difficult to establish which contract
         revision costs would be required to reflect compliance and which
         were related to driving more advantageous business outcomes.

Scope and Limitations

Scope and Approach

         Ernst & Young was engaged by the DCC to provide findings in
         relation to the additional compliance costs associated with the
         CPRS over and above the requirements for NGERS.

         In order to determine the compliance costs, the following
         procedures were undertaken:

                . Established a set of criteria for determining which
                  additional costs related to the CPRS will be included in
                  the analysis.

                . Determined a set of 'typical' (hypothetical) companies in
                  which to identify costs which would be incurred as a
                  result of the CPRS.  The typical companies were
                  established to include:

                  - Businesses with large (>125,000 t CO2-e)  and small
                    (<50,000 t CO2-e) greenhouse gas emission profiles

                  - Businesses with both mature and immature greenhouse gas
                    emissions reporting processes

                  - EITE and SAI businesses

                  - Businesses with upstream liability such as fuel
                    suppliers and synthetic gas importers

                  - A range of emission sources (e.g. stationary energy,
                    transport, industrial processes, fugitive emissions and

                  - Businesses with a liability under the CPRS but no
                    obligation under NGERS (e.g. second tier gas retailers)

                  - Determined what specific costs will be borne by these
                    hypothetical companies

                  - Estimated the quantum of the identified costs,
                    calibrated through interviews with a selection of actual

         Further details of our approach and procedures undertaken can be
         found in Appendix A.


         The management of the DCC shall be fully and solely responsible for
         applying independent business judgement with respect to the advice
         and work product provided by us, to make independent decisions, if
         any, and to determine further courses of action with respect to any
         matters addressed.  This report should not be provided to any third
         parties without our prior approval.

         We disclaim all liability to any other party for all costs, loss,
         damage and liability that the other party may suffer or incur
         arising from or relating to or in any way connected with the
         contents of our report, the provision of our report to the other
         party or the reliance upon our report by the other party.

         The nature and content of any advice provided necessarily reflects
         the specific scope and limitations of our engagement, the amount
         and accuracy of information available to us and the timescale
         within which the advice is required. These services are advisory in
         nature and thus do no constitute an audit or review in accordance
         with Australian Auditing Standards or an engagement to perform

         The following limitations and qualifications should also be noted:

                The draft legislation surrounding the CPRS has not yet been
                released.  Whilst the Green Paper provides guidance on the
                likely administrative activities, some areas of legislation
                require further development such as the likely enforcement
                provisions, minimum methodologies to be applied,
                requirements for strongly affected industries, accounting
                and taxation treatments etc.  As such, the administrative
                compliance cost estimates are based on a variety of
                assumptions on the likely design outcomes for the scheme.

         While cost estimates were validated with a small sample of
         companies aligned to the associated hypothetical company, there is
         limited quantitative information and evidence in key areas (e.g.
         additional costs for correct taxation treatment and costs
         associated with carbon markets and auctioning) and therefore
         estimates for costs have a high degree of uncertainty.

         Our analysis focussed on establishing the potential compliance
         costs of an assumed base case approach to ensuring compliance with
         the CPRS.

Assumptions and Criteria


         As set out in our scope above, the first step in developing the
         model to assess the administrative costs associated with the
         compliance requirements for the CPRS is to establish a set of
         criteria and assumptions to guide the model.  In undertaking our
         analysis, the following key assumptions were made:

         Substantive compliance costs, including the direct costs of
         purchasing carbon permits, pass through costs from suppliers, costs
         associated with raising funds for the purchase of permits and costs
         associated with implementing internal abatement projects are
         excluded (we understand that these costs will be identified and
         assessed as part of the general equilibrium modelling undertaken by
         the Treasury).

         Compliance costs are assessed as either:

                . 'start-up' costs: costs associated with activities
                  undertaken prior or immediately subsequent to CPRS

                . 'ongoing' costs: costs associated with activities required
                  to be undertaken on an annual basis in the early years of
                  preparation and scheme commencement

         In lieu of draft CPRS legislation, compliance requirements are
         determined based on the preferred positions documented in the
         Government's Green Paper, July 2008.

         Where the Green Paper preferred positions are not definitive, the
         following assumptions have been made:

                . liability is determined on an operational control as
                  defined in NGERS

                . there will be compliance activities associated with
                  obtaining assistance in the form of cash payments and free
                  permits; however the assistance once provided is not tied
                  to additional reporting or performance requirements
                  (except for annual production reporting for free permits).

         Companies will be assessed from a base-case scenario consisting of
         a minimum level of scheme participation and full compliance (i.e.
         no international trading, no brokering, limited management of
         increased debt, limited periodic permit purchase and acquittal, no
         enforcement of compliance required)5[94].

         Contract revision costs have been excluded from the base case
         compliance assessment due to the large variability in these costs
         to an individual company (e.g. dependant on the nature of the
         business and the completeness of existing contracts) and the
         potential contribution of the contract revision to drive better
         business outcomes rather than just to achieve minimum compliance
         (e.g. where supply contracts are revised and negotiated to reduce
         the impacts of cost pass through).6[95]

         As agreed with DCC, the cost model and cost criteria are based on
         the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission's (VCEC)
         Victorian Guide to Regulation.

Cost Criteria

         For the purposes of our analysis, the cost model and cost criteria
         used are based on the VCEC's Victorian Guide to Regulation.  Under
         the VCEC Guide, compliance costs can be defined as:

         Substantive compliance costs - those costs that directly lead to
         the regulated outcomes being sought such as capital outlays and
         production costs. These costs are often associated with content-
         specific regulation and include, for example, the cost of
         purchasing carbon pollution permits.

         Administrative costs - administrative costs are those costs
         incurred by business to demonstrate compliance with the regulation
         or to allow government to administer the regulation. Administrative
         costs can include those costs associated with familiarisation with
         administrative requirements, record keeping and reporting,
         inspection and enforcement of regulation.

         As agreed with DCC, our analysis is focused on the administrative
         costs of compliance with the CPRS rather than substantive costs
         which we understand are examined in other ways including through
         general equilibrium modelling undertaken by the Treasury.

Cost Categories

         For the purposes of our analysis, the administrative costs have
         been broken down into five cost categories as outlined below.
         These categories have been amended from those provided by the
         Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) guidelines which are
         recommended for use by government entities who propose to introduce
         various regulatory instruments and are required to indentify and
         quantify the associated business compliance costs.

|Cost Category       |Description                  |
|Education/Capacity  |Costs incurred by a business |
|Building:           |in keeping abreast of        |
|                    |regulatory requirements      |
|Enforcement:        |Costs incurred by a business |
|                    |when cooperating with audits |
|                    |or inspections               |
|Monitoring/ Record  |Costs incurred by a business |
|Keeping:            |in keeping records up to date|
|Reporting/Notificati|Costs incurred by a business |
|on:                 |in meeting the reporting     |
|                    |requirements of the CPRS     |
|Assurance (sub-set  |Costs incurred by a business |
|of                  |in gaining assurance of its  |
|Reporting/Notificati|greenhouse gas emissions     |
|on):                |                             |
|Other:              |Other costs incurred by a    |
|                    |business in meeting CPRS     |
|                    |regulatory requirements.     |
|                    |This may include legal, tax  |
|                    |and accounting costs and     |
|                    |transaction costs associated |
|                    |with purchase and acquittal  |
|                    |of permits.                  |

         As noted in the assumptions, compliance costs are assessed as
         either 'start-up' costs for once off activities undertaken prior to
         CPRS commencement or 'ongoing' costs for activities required to be
         undertaken in the early years of preparation and scheme
         commencement. The ongoing cost time frame defined in the early
         years of preparation and scheme commencement reflects that these
         costs are likely to be more significant in the initial period the
         scheme and have the potential to fall over the longer term as they
         are incorporated into standard business practices.

         In addition to analysing costs by the cost category as outlined
         above, the administrative cost assessment was undertaken of key
         processes required to be undertaken to achieve legislative
         compliance.  The Government's preferred positions as outlined in
         the Green Paper were used to categorise the following five key

|Process/Requirement |Description                  |
|1. Carbon Markets   |The process of purchasing,   |
|and Auctioning      |banking, selling, brokering  |
|Permits             |and surrendering permits in  |
|                    |accordance with the          |
|                    |established auction system.  |
|                    |Refer: Chapters 3 and 7 of   |
|                    |the Green Paper              |
|2. Reporting and    |The process of monitoring,   |
|Compliance          |reporting and assuring       |
|                    |greenhouse gas emissions in  |
|                    |accordance with Scheme       |
|                    |requirements.                |
|                    |Refer: Chapter 5 of the Green|
|                    |Paper                        |
|3. Tax and          |The process of updating      |
|Accounting Issues   |accounting and tax systems   |
|                    |and processes in order to    |
|                    |correctly account and pay tax|
|                    |on greenhouse gas emissions  |
|                    |and emission permits.        |
|                    |Refer: Chapter 11 of the     |
|                    |Green Paper                  |
|4. Emissions        |The additional processes     |
|Intensive Trade     |associated with companies    |
|Exposed Industries  |which fall under the EITE    |
|(EITE)              |industries including the     |
|                    |submission of additional     |
|                    |information and meeting      |
|                    |additional compliance        |
|                    |requirements to receive      |
|                    |assistance and the ongoing   |
|                    |reporting and accounting     |
|                    |processes.                   |
|                    |Refer: Chapter 9 of the Green|
|                    |Paper                        |
|5. Strongly Affected|The additional processes     |
|Industries (SAI)    |associated with companies    |
|                    |which fall under the strongly|
|                    |affected industries including|
|                    |the submission of additional |
|                    |information and meeting      |
|                    |additional compliance        |
|                    |requirements to receive      |
|                    |assistance.                  |
|                    |Note: the application process|
|                    |for the SAI sector is likely |
|                    |to be substantially different|
|                    |to the EITE application      |
|                    |process.                     |
|                    |Refer: Chapter 10 of the     |
|                    |Green Paper                  |

Hypothetical Companies

         In order to identify and estimate the costs associated with the
         analysis, eight hypothetical companies were developed to represent
         a cross section of Australian industries likely to have a CPRS
         liability.  The companies were selected to ensure coverage of key
         emission sources including stationary energy, fugitive, industrial
         processes, waste and transport and an attempt to cover other key
         differentiators including the quantity of emissions, maturity of
         reporting and additional CPRS requirements for companies classed as
         EITE, SAI or companies with upstream liability under the CPRS (Note
         that applying for assistance under EITE or SAI or responding to
         Government requests for related information is voluntary).

         Refer to section 5.3 in Appendix A for further details on the
         selection and description of hypothetical companies.


         From our discussions with a sample of impacted companies and our
         own analysis, the start-up and ongoing costs required to comply
         with the CPRS are expected to be relatively small in comparison

                . complying with the requirements of NGERS7[96]

                . the substantive costs associated with the purchase of
                  credits or

                . the commercial costs associated with seeking to optimise
                  the business outcomes of trading.

         Although the administrative costs are not expected to be
         comparatively significant, our analysis identified that the ongoing
         and start-up administrative costs of compliance in some cost
         categories were identified as material.

         Outlined below are details of our specific findings and outcomes of
         our analysis related to these identified costs.

Cost by Key Process

         Carbon Markets and Permits

         The introduction of the CPRS will require companies to consider a
         range of commercial arrangements in order to ensure they are
         compliant with the CPRS and other legislative frameworks.   Start-
         up and ongoing costs associated with Carbon Markets and Auctioning
         Permits are both expected to be significant.  The most significant
         contributor to this start-up cost identified across all companies
         was the cost associated with management's review of organisational
         strategy and assessment of the business implications of the CPRS as
         well financial modelling of potential cost pass through.

         Our analysis also identified that costs associated with the
         modelling of cash flows for the purchase of permits is likely to be
         a material ongoing cost for most of the company categories and in
         particular for large emitters or companies with complicated supply
         chains.  Another potentially significant cost to companies is the
         cost associated with raising funds for the purchase of permits.
         This cost is highly dependent on the number permits to be purchased
         and thus the quantity of liable emissions and also on the financial
         structure of the organisation.  As such the administrative costs of
         planning and modelling various funding options have been included
         in this assessment, but the actual financial costs of raising
         capital have be excluded.

         It is also worth noting that in some circumstances, companies will
         be seeking to pass on the substantive costs of the CPRS and may be
         collecting revenues in advance of the need to purchase permits.

         Another additional and potentially significant cost identified
         beyond the base case assessment, was associated with the process of
         revising and negotiating both purchase and sale contracts
         throughout the supply chain and notifying customers of contractual
         changes.  For example, contract revisions likely to incur costs

                . Purchase contracts - costs associated with the revision of
                  purchase contracts for items such as gas, electricity and

                . Sale contracts - costs associated with redrafting sales
                  contracts for companies with a large customer base.

         Whilst contract revision costs are likely to impact all
         hypothetical companies, some sectors and companies are likely to be
         impacted more considerably than other. Companies in the gas retail
         sector may be more significantly impacted due the large customer
         numbers for review and notification and potential contract
         variability between sets of customers, with costs of over $1
         million expected for some companies.  Some large industrial
         processors are also likely to be more significantly impacted from
         the revision of large long term supply contracts.

         As noted in the assumptions, contract revision costs, whilst
         significant, have been excluded from the base case compliance
         assessment due to the large variability in these cost to an
         individual company and the difficulty in establishing which
         contract revision costs would be required to reflect compliance and
         which were related to driving more advantageous business outcomes.

         Figure 1: Cost by Key Process (average cost across relevant
         hypothetical companies)


         Reporting and compliance

         Our analysis indicated that on average the cost category related to
         Reporting and Compliance had the most significant ongoing costs for
         all hypothetical companies (see Figure 1).  Whilst many of the CPRS
         greenhouse gas emissions reporting requirements are underpinned by
         NGERS and have previously been considered as part of the analysis
         of the NGERS RIS, we have identified additional reporting and
         compliance requirements under the proposed CPRS design.
         Specifically, additional reporting and compliance costs for the
         CPRS identified from our analysis across company categories

                . Assurance - for entities emitting over 125,000 tonnes CO2-
                  e, assurance will be required which will incur both
                  external and internal costs.  Additional assurance
                  requirements for entities emitting less than 125,000
                  tonnes CO2-e may also be required where emissions or
                  permits are material for financial statements. Note, some
                  large companies may already be obtaining assurance over
                  greenhouse gas emissions (voluntarily or through programs
                  such as Greenhouse Challenge Plus), so for these companies
                  the additional assurance compliance cost are substantially

                . Frequency of greenhouse gas emissions data capture - it is
                  expected that companies will need to capture emissions
                  data more frequently than is required under NGERS, as data
                  will be required for management accounting purposes (e.g.
                  forecasting of financial costs) and preparing for permit

         Companies with additional or new reporting liability under CPRS
         (compared with NGERS reporting obligations) may also face
         additional costs related to education of personnel, monitoring and
         reviewing of reporting legislation and development of data capture
         processes, including transfer of sales related data and netting out
         and measuring and collating additional liable emissions data (e.g.
         customer gas use, imports of synthetic gas).

         Tax and Accounting

         Our analysis indicated that on average the cost category related to
         Tax and Accounting issues had the most significant start-up costs
         for all hypothetical companies (see Figure 1 above), with the
         largest contributor from the systems capacity upgrade to link
         operational and financial data.  Tax and accounting compliance is
         also expected to result in some ongoing costs for company
         categories including activities associated with accounting for the
         liability and the permits in annual reporting and business activity
         statements.  From our discussion with companies, we note that the
         general understanding of tax and accounting issues related to the
         CPRS is limited with details of the requirements under the CPRS
         design still to be established.  It is important to note that cost
         estimates under this category are difficult to estimate due to the
         uncertainty in the legislation and the companies' progress in
         dealing with tax and accounting elements.  The selection of either
         of the two valuation methods presented in the Green Paper:
         historical and market value, is also likely to have an impact on
         the costs incurred related to tax compliance.  Our estimates have
         assumed that the CPRS will be implemented using the simpler of the
         two valuation methods for tax treatment.

         Emissions Intensive Trade Exposed/ Strongly Affected Industries

         Companies with the potential to be classified as EITE or SAI may be
         required to execute on a number of specific additional activities
         and therefore face increased compliance costs in order to gain
         assistance in the form of upfront cash grants or annually allocated
         free permits.  These costs result mainly from the anticipated
         development of an application for assistance and the application of
         correct tax and accounting treatments for the assistance provided.
         In addition, assurance of historical data is a significant once off
         cost that may be required for the EITE process along with
         additional compliance costs associated with companies potentially
         being required to provide information related to a 'Gross Value
         Add' metric. As noted in the section 3.1, we have assumed that once
         the assistance is provide there are no additional ongoing costs
         associated additional reporting or performance requirements tied to
         the free permit or cash grant.

Cost by Category

         The greatest compliance costs faced by companies are start-up costs
         in the other cost category including legal, tax and accounting
         costs and transaction costs associated with purchase and acquittal
         of permits.  Other costs also include costs associated with
         applying for assistance under EITE or SAI. Most materially and
         consistently across companies within this cost category is the
         requirement to upgrade internal systems for reporting and
         monitoring purposes.

         Figure 2: Cost by Category (average cost across all companies)


         Reporting costs are low across most companies due to the alignment
         with NGERS reporting requirements. Of note, reporting costs are
         higher for companies without NGERS or with additional liability
         above NGERS.   Assurance costs as a subset of reporting are a more
         significant and ongoing cost especially for companies with
         emissions great than 125,000 tonnes CO2-e.

         As noted in the description of cost categories (Section 3.3), many
         ongoing costs are likely to be more significant in the initial
         period of the scheme and have the potential to fall over the longer
         term as they are incorporated into standard business practices.
         For example, in the longer term costs associated with standard
         business activities such as monitoring and reviewing legislation
         and pronouncements from tax and accounting bodies would be expected
         to fall.  Ongoing costs that are not likely to reduce in the longer
         term as those associated with new business requirements such as
         assurance of annual emissions.

         Sector comparison

         Our analysis identified that the greatest start-up compliance costs
         will be faced by industrial processors, followed by petroleum
         refiners and electricity generators.  Ongoing costs are likely to
         be consistently more significant across upstream oil and gas,
         electricity generators, industrial processors, petroleum refiners
         and gas retailers.

         Figure 3: Cost by Hypothetical Company (total cost)


         It is important to note in the context of the company categories
         that our analysis does not provide consideration of compliance
         costs on an earnings basis, potentially impacting the perceived
         burden of companies in the waste and synthetic gas (without pre-
         existing liability) sectors.

         Outlined below are details of our specific findings related to each
         hypothetical company:

                . Upstream Oil and Gas - Start-up costs are largely a result
                  of the required systems capacity upgrade to link
                  operational and financial data, as well as management
                  review around the business implications of the CPRS. Oil
                  and Gas companies also face costs associated with the
                  additional requirement to collect and report data
                  associated with its LPG/LNG liability. Ongoing costs are
                  increased by the requirement to annually gain assurance
                  over emissions.  It has been assumed that this
                  hypothetical company is not eligible for EITE assistance.

                . Electricity generator - Electricity generators are also
                  likely to face increased start-up costs as a result of
                  activities surrounding systems capacity upgrade,
                  management review around the business implications of the
                  CPRS as well as the additional costs associated with
                  obtaining SAI assistance. Ongoing costs are increased by
                  the requirement to annually gain assurance over emissions.

                . Synthetic gas importer - Significant start-up costs are
                  likely to be associated with the systems capacity upgrade
                  and enhancing data collection and reporting systems due to
                  absence of a pre existing NGERS requirements.  There is a
                  potential cost overlap with the reporting requirements of
                  the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas
                  management Act 1989.

                . Industrial processor - Industrial processor start-up
                  compliance costs are likely to be larger across the board
                  due to the size and complexity of the businesses in this
                  sector. Although not included in the base case, some of
                  these companies are likely to face significant contract
                  revision costs for large supply contracts such as
                  electricity.  Additional start-up costs are required to
                  gain and manage EITE permits and upgrade systems capacity.
                  Ongoing costs are increased by the requirement to annually
                  gain assurance over emissions.

                . Petroleum refiner - Petroleum refiners' start-up costs are
                  increased by the activities associated with gaining,
                  managing and accounting for EITE permits, including
                  assurance over historical emissions and application
                  development.  Other significant start-up costs for this
                  sector include systems upgrade to capture the additional
                  downstream liability and education and management review
                  around the business implications of the CPRS. Ongoing
                  costs are increased by the requirement to annually gain
                  assurance over emissions.  Although not included in the
                  base case assessment, petroleum refiners will also need to
                  consider the costs associated with the revision of

                . Manufacturer - The smaller manufacturing company is likely
                  to face the smallest ongoing compliance costs largely due
                  to the absence of a requirement to obtain assurance over
                  emissions data.  Significant start-up costs for the
                  smaller manufacturer are likely to be associated with
                  systems capacity upgrade to link operational and financial
                  data and the additional costs associated with reviewing
                  contracts both for customers and suppliers.

                . Gas retailer - Non-integrated or second tier retailers
                  face start-up costs associated with enhancing data
                  collection and reporting systems due to absence of a pre
                  existing NGERS liability.  Ongoing costs are increased by
                  the requirement to annually gain assurance over emissions.
                  Although not considered in the data presented in this
                  report, it is important to note that in some cases gas
                  retailers potentially face large contract review and
                  notification costs based on large customer numbers.
                  Companies with customers in the order of 300,000 to
                  500,000 may face associated costs in the range of $1-2
                  million.  Given that this cost is based largely on
                  customer numbers and the ability of existing contracts to
                  pass through the liability, some gas retailers may have
                  substantially reduced compliance costs.

                  - Gas retailers or other companies with a high volume of
                    customers also potentially face additional costs from
                    the education and management of customers as well as the
                    increased debt portfolio they will carry as a result of
                    the pass through of the costs of the CPRS onto customer
                    invoices.  The costs associated with managing an
                    increased debt portfolio are difficult to estimate due
                    to differences in a company's financial structure.
                    Whilst these costs have the potential to be significant
                    for some sectors, they have not been estimated in this
                    assessment of compliance costs.

                . Waste treatment - Significant start-up costs for the waste
                  sector are likely to be as a result of activities
                  associated with contract revisions, management review of
                  the business implications and modelling the potential cost
                  pass through to customers.


         It is important to consider the uncertainty surrounding the
         estimate of start-up and ongoing compliance costs in order to place
         the estimates in context and understand in more detail which
         estimates are more likely to change. An overall uncertainty has
         arisen from the limited knowledge of future regulatory requirements
         due to timing of this assessment being undertaken prior to the
         release of draft CPRS legislation.  To manage this and other
         uncertainties the cost assessment was undertaken within a range of
         assumptions to simplify and clarify boundaries and likely
         regulatory requirements. (See Section 3.1 for details of the
         assumptions). If assumptions were to change, there is the potential
         for significant changes to cost estimates.  In this respect, key
         assumptions include base-case scenario consisting of a minimum
         level of scheme participation and full compliance and the exclusion
         of substantive costs.  Many companies indicated significantly
         greater costs to the organisation from the CPRS (e.g. setting up a
         trading desk, assessing and implementing abatement opportunities,
         systems and data collation to meet high calculation levels etc.)
         but the costs associated with these activities were determined to
         be either substantive costs or cost incurred by activities assumed
         to be over and above the base case assessment.

         By Sector

         In discussions with companies the uncertainty around compliance
         cost estimates was found to be the greatest in the sector with
         responsibility for synthetic gas liabilities.  This is potentially
         due to this sector not having a reporting obligation under NGERS as
         well as the uncertainty surrounding the relevant preferred
         positions in the Green Paper such as the threshold and the state of
         preparedness of companies in this sector.  Some companies in this
         sector with a likely liability had not begun to consider the
         required compliance activities for the CPRS.

         Discussions in the waste to landfill sector identified
         inconsistencies within the sector as to the most appropriate
         measurement techniques for greenhouse gas emissions and the costs
         associated with implementing higher order methods.  This divergent
         view should be considered when determining if additional method
         requirements will be placed on the waste sector as identified in
         the Green Paper.  There was a level of inconsistency between
         companies in all sectors due predominantly to variances in the size
         and nature of the organisation being interviewed.

         By Key Process and Cost Category

         Based on the conversations with companies we noted a greater level
         of uncertainty associated when estimating the cost of compliance
         activities such as the purchase of and surrender of permits as well
         as activities surrounding tax and accounting issues.  The
         uncertainty around tax and accounting activities could potentially
         be related both to the lack of certainty provided by the Green
         Paper and the stage at which most companies are at in preparing for
         the CPRS. To improve the certainty around the tax and accounting
         cost estimates, internal consultations were undertaken with Ernst &
         Young's tax and accounting specialists.

         Due to a more mature market and previous experiences, estimates for
         monitoring, record keeping, reporting and assurance cost categories
         were more certain than those in the other categories.

Detailed Findings

The following tables display the detailed findings of stat-up and ongoing
costs for each cost category across all hypothetical companies.

         Table 1 and 2: Start-up and Ongoing costs by cost category

|Cost Category      |Company A - oil  |Company B -       |Company C -      |Company D -       |
|                   |and gas          |electricity       |synthetic gas    |industrial        |
|                   |                 |generator         |importer         |processor         |
|                   |Start-up         |Ongoing           |Start-up         |Ongoing           |
|                |Start-up         |Ongoing           |Start-up           |Ongoing            |
|                |Start-up          |Ongoing           |Start-up           |Ongoing            |
|                      |Start-up              |

         Provided below are further details in relation to each of the above
         parameters for calculating the hypothetical company daily labour

         The costs of purchases are then added to the labour cost rate and
         labour hours requirement multiple for all processes and activities
         to arrive at a total cost for each activity (both start-up and
         ongoing).  Further, effective annual costs are able to be
         calculated by spreading the start-up cost by the user-defined
         regulation horizon.

         For each hypothetical firm, the costs are reported as:

                . Total cost for the firm

                . Cost by key process

                . Cost by cost category

                . Start-up versus ongoing cost.

Industry specific ABS Daily Rate

         In determining industry specific ABS rates we have used
         "6348.0.55.001 - Labour Costs, Australia, 2002-03 " ABS product
         which lists per employee costs for various industries.  Where
         possible relevant industry data was used and where the industry was
         not on the list, the average 'All Industries' figure was applied.

         Costs included in the ABS data are:

                . Employee Earnings

                . Superannuation

                . Payroll Tax

                . Workers Compensation

                . Fringe Benefits Tax

         The total annual labour costs are converted into daily rates by
         first dividing the cost by a number of weeks, and then a number of
         working days per week.  Currently we have assumed a 5-day working
         week, and 44 working weeks a year.  44 weeks per year are set using
         the VCEC guidance where 4 weeks are due to statutory requirements
         for annual leave, 2 weeks are due to public holidays and further 2
         weeks due to unscheduled absence (e.g. long service or maternity

         The ABS data used was the most recent available which was for the
         financial year 2002-03.  Therefore, in calculating costs we have
         uplifted to 2008-09 costs by incorporating six years of inflation
         assumed to be an average of 2.5%.

Professional Staff Wage Mark-up

         In calculating a relevant daily labour rate, we have added a mark-
         up to the ABS data to account for the fact that the employees
         required to undertake the administrative tasks will be
         significantly higher earners than the average for the particular
         industry.  Our analysis indicated a 100% mark-up was required
         considering the qualifications and experience of personnel likely
         to be undertaking CPRS compliance related activities and the
         average increased salaries expected for these professionals.

         Specifically, the proportion of activities undertaken by each
         employee type was estimated for each line-item activity in the
         model and then multiplied by a labour cost mark-up - reflective of
         the difference between average 'All industries' earnings in the ABS
         data and the average wage for each employee type9[98]. The
         following table details the estimated proportion and cost mark-ups.

|Employee Type|Proportion of   |Additional|Cost of  |
|             |activities      |labour    |labour   |
|             |undertaken by   |cost      |factor   |
|             |employee type   |mark-up   |         |
|Engineering  |15%             |3.1       |0.47     |
|Legal        |25%             |2.4       |0.6      |
|Admin        |10%             |1         |0.1      |
|Finance      |50%             |1.7       |0.85     |
|TOTAL        |                |          |2.02     |
|Cost of labor|                |          |         |
|factor       |                |          |         |

Overhead costs

         Following VCEC guidelines, a 50% mark-up was applied to the ABS
         labour cost data to account for a company's overheads in employing
         professional personnel such as providing computers, office space

Key departure from the VCEC model

         While the model developed for DCC is in many ways an upgrade of the
         VCEC SCM, there are two key areas of departure from that model.
         These are due to DCC's stated requirements and are identified here
         for reference.

         First, the VCEC model calculates the economy-wide administrative
         burden so that the total cost per business is multiplied by the
         expected number of businesses affected.

         Second, under the VCEC model five businesses are interviewed to
         determine average administrative costs across the entire economy.
         As we have considered a number of hypothetical firms within the
         economy, we have conducted one to three interviews per hypothetical
         firm type to supplement Ernst & Young's own estimates.  The
         interviews were not conducted primarily to determine costs, but to
         either support Ernst & Young estimate or to provide an alternative.

Assessment of administrative costs

         As noted in the body of the report administrative costs were
         analysed both on a cost category and key process basis.

         Cost categories included:

                . Education/Capacity Building

                . Enforcement:

                . Monitoring/ Record Keeping:

                . Reporting/Notification:

                . Assurance (sub-set of Reporting/Notification):

         In order to focus on the additional administrative costs associated
         with the CPRS, the Government's preferred positions as outlined in
         the Green Paper were used to categorise the actions required by
         industry to prepare for its introduction in 2010.

         Specifically, each of the Green Paper's preferred positions was
         assessed for its compliance requirements and additionality to NGERS
         requirements.  Those chapters with positions assessed as requiring
         additional administration were then grouped into five specific
         Processes, each with its own set of Activities which companies
         would likely undertake to support its compliance with each

         The Processes used to group activities with administrative
         requirements are defined as follows:

|Process/Requirement |Description                  |
|1. Carbon Markets   |The process of purchasing,   |
|and Auctioning      |banking, selling, brokering  |
|Permits             |and surrendering permits in  |
|                    |accordance with the          |
|                    |established auction system.  |
|                    |Refer: Chapters 3 and 7 of   |
|                    |the Green Paper              |
|2. Reporting and    |The process of monitoring,   |
|Compliance          |reporting and assuring       |
|                    |greenhouse gas emissions in  |
|                    |accordance with Scheme       |
|                    |requirements.                |
|                    |Refer: Chapter 5 of the Green|
|                    |Paper                        |
|3. Tax and          |The process of updating      |
|Accounting Issues   |accounting and tax systems   |
|                    |and processes in order to    |
|                    |correctly account and pay tax|
|                    |on greenhouse gas emissions  |
|                    |and emission permits.        |
|                    |Refer: Chapter 11 of the     |
|                    |Green Paper                  |
|4. Emissions        |The additional processes     |
|Intensive Trade     |associated with companies    |
|Exposed Industries  |which fall under the EITE    |
|                    |industries including the     |
|                    |submission of additional     |
|                    |information and meeting      |
|                    |additional compliance        |
|                    |requirements to receive      |
|                    |assistance.                  |
|                    |Refer: Chapter 9 of the Green|
|                    |Paper                        |
|5. Strongly Affected|The additional processes     |
|Industries          |associated with companies    |
|                    |which fall under the strongly|
|                    |affected industries including|
|                    |the submission of additional |
|                    |information and meeting      |
|                    |additional compliance        |
|                    |requirements to receive      |
|                    |assistance.                  |
|                    |Refer: Chapter 10 of the     |
|                    |Green Paper                  |

         The activities identified as contributing to achieving
         administrative compliance within each of the above processes  are
         defined as follows:

|Activity            |Description                  |
|1. Carbon markets and auctioning permits          |
|Education of        |Informing management about   |
|personnel           |the incoming legislation     |
|                    |compliance requirements.     |
|                    |E.g. attending external      |
|                    |courses on CPRS, maintaining |
|                    |and disseminating knowledge, |
|                    |obtaining external consulting|
|                    |advice.                      |
|Monitoring and      |Keeping abreast of changes to|
|reviewing           |Federal Legislation related  |
|legislation         |to emissions reporting,      |
|                    |targets and caps, permit     |
|                    |handling, tax and accounting |
|                    |requirements, international  |
|                    |markets, assistance packages,|
|                    |etc                          |
|Management review of|Management review to         |
|organisational      |understand how the additional|
|strategy            |requirements affect          |
|                    |management business          |
|                    |decisions.                   |
|Financial modelling |Development of systems to    |
|and raising funds to|model cash flows which will  |
|purchase permits.   |aid in raising funds for the |
|Validation of       |purchase of permits.         |
|permits             |                             |
|Financial modelling |Development of economic model|
|of potential cash   |to assess the potential areas|
|pass through        |for cost pass through.       |
|opportunities       |                             |
|Purchase of permits |Capability development (e.g. |
|                    |systems and process          |
|                    |development) for handling the|
|                    |purchase of permits or       |
|                    |outsourcing of this activity.|
|                    |Includes attendance at       |
|                    |auctions.                    |
|Brokering of permits|Obtaining brokering          |
|                    |advice/services for          |
|                    |purchase/banking and sale of |
|                    |permits.                     |
|Surrender of permits|Capability development (e.g. |
|                    |systems development, transfer|
|                    |onto national registry) for  |
|                    |handling of permits for      |
|                    |surrender.                   |
|Banking of permits  |Capability development (e.g. |
|                    |systems and process          |
|                    |development, modelling) to   |
|                    |determine requirements for   |
|                    |future demand and banking    |
|                    |permits.                     |
|Sale of permits     |Capability development (e.g. |
|                    |systems and process          |
|                    |development for double sided |
|                    |auctions) for handling of    |
|                    |permits for sale.            |
|Contract revision   |Management review to         |
|                    |understand how the additional|
|                    |requirements affect          |
|                    |management business          |
|                    |decisions.                   |

|2. Reporting and compliance                       |
|Education of        |Informing reporting personnel|
|personnel - reportin|about incoming legislation   |
|g                   |and ongoing compliance       |
|                    |requirements in relation to  |
|                    |reporting under the CPRS in  |
|                    |addition to NGERS.           |
|Monitoring and      |Keeping abreast of changes to|
|reviewing           |Federal Legislation related  |
|legislation         |to emissions reporting,      |
|                    |targets and caps, permit     |
|                    |handling, tax and accounting |
|                    |requirements, international  |
|                    |markets, assistance packages,|
|                    |etc                          |
|Monitoring,         |Capacity development of      |
|collection and      |formal systems to collect and|
|collation of        |monitor emissions data above |
|emissions data where|that already collected for   |
|no NGERS liability  |NGERS (or additional         |
|exists              |development for those        |
|                    |companies not already        |
|                    |reporting under NGERS).      |
|Monitoring,         |Additional reporting         |
|collection and      |requirements for upstream    |
|collation of        |fuel liabilities including   |
|transport related   |establishing correct         |
|emissions data      |methodologies and ongoing    |
|                    |collection and collation of  |
|                    |data in accordance with      |
|                    |requirements.  Upstream      |
|                    |liability for transport      |
|                    |emissions.                   |
|Reporting financial |Minimal additional reporting |
|and emissions data  |requirements as this is      |
|                    |specifically a consideration |
|                    |for companies without        |
|                    |liability under NGERS.       |
|                    |Requiring capacity           |
|                    |development of formal system |
|                    |to report emissions data in  |
|                    |accordance with CPRS         |
|                    |requirements.                |
|Assurance over      |Obtaining external           |
|emissions > 125, 000|(reasonable) assurance from  |
|tonnes CO2-e        |an accredited assurance      |
|                    |provider for entities with   |
|                    |emissions greater than       |
|                    |125,000 tonnes CO2-e.        |
|                    |Also potential requirement   |
|                    |from financial perspective   |
|                    |for assurance if less than   |
|                    |125,000 tonnes CO2-e under   |
|                    |the financial audit where    |
|                    |liability is greater than 5% |
|                    |of profit.                   |
|Assurance over      |Additional collection and    |
|emissions < 125,000 |reporting of data for        |
|tonnes CO2-e        |financial record keeping     |
|                    |(where material for financial|
|                    |audit).                      |
|Enforcement         |Assumed to be minimal -      |
|                    |includes costs of potential  |
|                    |additional assurance or      |
|                    |compliance with requirements |
|                    |of enforcement provisions.   |
|                    |(e.g. payment of penalties,  |
|                    |provision of evidence,       |
|                    |additional reporting or      |
|                    |assurance, interviews,       |
|                    |personnel time).             |

|3. Tax and accounting issues                      |
|Education of        |Developing and maintaining   |
|personnel - Tax     |current knowledge of new tax |
|                    |legislation regarding        |
|                    |handling of permits          |
|Education of        |Developing and maintaining   |
|personnel - Accounti|knowledge of new accounting  |
|ng                  |legislation regarding        |
|                    |handling of greenhouse gas   |
|                    |emissions (liability) and    |
|                    |permits (asset)              |
|Monitoring and      |Updates to legislation and   |
|reviewing           |reporting requirements under |
|pronouncements from |the Australian Accounting    |
|AASB                |Standards Board.             |
|Valuing impact on   |Review of valuation models   |
|financial statements|and impact on financial      |
|                    |statements.                  |
|Monitoring and      |Updates to legislation and   |
|reviewing           |reporting requirements under |
|pronouncements from |the Australian Taxation      |
|ATO                 |Office.                      |
|Systems capacity    |Systems capacity upgrade and |
|upgrade             |implementation for financial |
|                    |purposes.                    |
|Accounting for      |Finance personnel to account |
|permits for taxation|for permits through tracking |
|purposes including  |the deduction for expenditure|
|preparation of BAS  |incurred on the purchase of a|
|                    |permit and inclusion of      |
|                    |proceeds from the sale of a  |
|                    |permit as assessable income. |
|Accounting for      |Accounting personnel to      |
|permits for         |incorporate emissions-related|
|accounting purposes |assets and liabilities within|
|                    |the company accounting       |
|                    |system.                      |
|4. Strongly affected industries                   |
|Application         |Development of application   |
|development         |either in-house and          |
|                    |externally provided. Lobbying|
|                    |Government and industry      |
|                    |bodies for right to special  |
|                    |assistance.                  |
|Taxation            |Finance personnel accounting |
|requirements for SAI|for the inclusion of proceeds|
|companies           |form the provision of an up  |
|                    |front cash payment.          |
|Accounting          |Finance personnel accounting |
|requirements for SAI|for the value of the cash    |
|companies           |grants in the year it is     |
|                    |received.                    |
|5. Emissions-intensive trade-exposed Industries   |
|Determination and   |Collection and reporting of  |
|reporting of past   |historical emissions and     |
|emission and        |production data.             |
|production data     |                             |
|Determination of    |Undertaking the measurement  |
|Gross Value Add data|of the net contribution of   |
|                    |the industry output in the   |
|                    |economy.                     |
|Collection and      |Provision of production      |
|reporting of        |numbers as part of annual    |
|production numbers  |submission to gain EITE      |
|                    |permits.                     |
|Application         |Development of application   |
|development         |either in-house and          |
|                    |externally provided. Lobbying|
|                    |Government and industry      |
|                    |bodies for right to special  |
|                    |assistance.                  |
|Accounting          |Accounting treatments for up |
|requirements for    |front permit allocation.     |
|EITE companies      |                             |
|Taxation            |Valuation of permits for     |
|requirements for    |taxation purposes and        |
|EITE companies      |inclusion of proceeds for the|
|                    |provision of an up front     |
|                    |payment for taxation         |
|                    |purposes.                    |
|Accounting for the  |Treatment for the sale of    |
|sale of free permits|free permits within BAS.     |
|for taxation        |                             |
|purposes            |                             |

         The activities outlined in the above table were not undertaken by
         all hypothetical companies.  For example, activities associated
         with the Strongly Affected and Emission Intensive Trade Exposed
         processes are relevant only for companies likely to fall into this
         category.  Some of the other key exceptions/alignments include:

                . Sale of permits: most relevant of companies receiving EITE
                  free permits

                . Assurance over emissions: full external assurance is
                  relevant for companies with emissions greater than 125,000
                  tonnes CO2e, however additional financial assurance
                  requirements are also likely when emissions are less than
                  125,000 tonnes CO2-e but are material to financial

                . Monitoring, collection and collation of emissions data:
                  whilst these processes are assumed to have been undertaken
                  for NGERS, there are likely to be additional data
                  collection and collation requirements for companies with
                  additional or new liability under the CPRS, such as
                  companies with upstream fuel liability and companies
                  without existing NGERS liability.

         An initial assessment of likely compliance costs for each of the
         above activities was undertaken by Ernst & Young.  This cost data
         was then validated through interviews with companies fitting the
         hypothetical company description.  The interviews were a key step
         in calibrating the reasonableness and completeness of cost
         estimations and also provided qualitative insights into various
         industries preparedness for the CPRS.

         Note: The details of these interviews remain confidential and have
         not been disclosed to any party.

Hypothetical Companies

         Eight hypothetical companies were developed to represent a cross
         section of Australian industries likely to have a CPRS liability.
         The following definitions were used in characterising the above
         hypothetical companies.

|Definition          |Description                  |
|Mature reporting    |Monitoring, collection and   |
|system              |reporting systems in place   |
|                    |for >4 years                 |
|Immature reporting  |Monitoring, collection and   |
|system              |reporting systems in place   |
|                    |for <4 years                 |
|Stationary energy   |Emissions produced from      |
|emissions           |electricity generation and   |
|                    |other directs combustion     |
|                    |fuels                        |
|Fugitive emissions  |Fugitive emissions released  |
|                    |in the course of oil and gas |
|                    |extraction and processing;   |
|                    |through leaks from gas       |
|                    |pipelines, and as waste      |
|                    |methane from black coal      |
|                    |mining                       |
|Industrial processes|Emissions from industrial    |
|emissions           |processes due to chemical    |
|                    |reactions (other than fuel)  |
|Waste emissions     |Emissions produced from      |
|                    |treatment of waste including |
|                    |solid waste to landfill,     |
|                    |wastewater treatment and     |
|                    |solvent and clinical waste   |
|                    |incineration                 |
|Transport emissions |Emissions produced from fuels|
|                    |supplied for transport use   |
|                    |(i.e.. Obligations applied to|
|                    |upstream fuel supplies)      |

         Companies with emissions output from the stationary energy sector,
         industrial processes, waste treatment, transport use or fugitive
         emissions were covered.  These eight companies are described as
         Company A to H below:

                . Company A - Large upstream oil and gas company

                  Large upstream oil and gas company with emissions greater
                  than 125,000 tonnes CO2-e and mature reporting processes.
                  Emissions originate from stationary energy, fugitive
                  (transmission and flaring) and transport (LPG/LNG).  Note:
                  Additional upstream liability for transport emissions
                  (LPG/LNG).  Assumed not to be eligible for EITE

                . Company B - Large electricity generator

                  Large electricity generator with emissions over 125,000
                  tonnes CO2-e and mature reporting processes.  Assumed to
                  be characterised as a SAI and receive government

                . Company C - Importer of synthetic gas

                  Importer of synthetic gas, in bulk or within commercial or
                  household equipment, liable under CPRS but not NGERS for
                  emissions output from its downstream customers, generally
                  emissions below 50,000 tonnes CO2-e with immature emission
                  reporting systems.

                . Company D - Large, international industrial processor

                  Large, international industrial processor from the steel,
                  pulp & paper, aluminum, cement or glass sectors.  Many
                  companies have immature reporting systems but have large
                  emissions output from stationary energy use, industrial
                  processes and some fugitive emissions.  Assumed to be
                  characterised as EITE and eligible for assistance.

                . Company E - Petroleum refinery

                  A petroleum refinery with emissions greater than 125,000
                  tonnes CO2-e from stationary energy, industrial processes,
                  transport (LPG and petroleum products) and fugitive
                  sources.  High emissions output and mature reporting
                  systems.  Liable for upstream emissions and characterised
                  as EITE.

                . Company F - Small - medium size manufacturer

                  Small to medium size manufacturer with emissions from
                  energy use and industrial processes from each site.
                  Companies have emissions less than 50,000 tonnes CO2-e per
                  year and immature greenhouse gas reporting systems.

                . Company G - Gas retailer

                  A non integrated gas retailer with emissions generated by
                  the downstream household and small commercial use of gas.
                  Gas customer numbers are assumed to be in the order of
                  300,000 to 500,000.  Emissions are above 125,000 tonnes
                  CO2-eand companies generally have immature greenhouse gas
                  reporting processes.  This company does not have a
                  liability under NGERS.

                . Company H - Waste treatment company

                  Landfill operator with emissions less than 50,000 tonnes
                  CO2-e and immature greenhouse gas reporting processes.
                  This company does not have a liability under NGERS.

Attachment C: Existing measures

Cross sectoral action to reduce emissions

         The Greenhouse Gas Abatement Programme - aims to reduce Australia's
         net greenhouse gas emissions by supporting activities that are
         likely to result in substantial emission reductions or substantial
         sink enhancement, particularly in the Kyoto target period (2008-
         2012). Challenge Plus - Industry Partnerships, which includes the
         Generator Efficiency Standards and Greenhouse Friendly programmes,
         reduces greenhouse gas emissions, drives continuous improvement and
         enhances knowledge and understanding of cost-effective ways of
         managing greenhouse gas emissions. The Greenhouse Friendly
         certification program provides Australian businesses with the
         opportunity to market greenhouse neutral products or services,
         deliver greenhouse gas abatement and give Australian consumers
         greater purchasing choice.

Action to reduce emissions from the Stationary Energy sector

         Renewable Energy Measures - 20% Renewable Energy Target will ensure
         an additional 45,000 GWh of renewable energy per year by 2020. This
         policy intends to build on the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target
         which has been in place since 2001. In addition, the Australian
         Government supports commercialisation and use of renewable energy
         technologies and related industry development initiatives through a
         range of programmes such as the Renewable Energy Fund and the
         Energy Innovation Fund.

         Action on Energy Efficiency - Through this measure, the Australian
         Government is working with industry, business, the community and
         all levels of government to increase the uptake of cost-effective
         energy efficiency opportunities that will reduce greenhouse
         emissions, reduce energy demand, and improve Australia's
         competitiveness. This includes the continuation and enhancement of
         energy efficiency labelling, Minimum Energy Performance Standards,
         for appliances, equipment and buildings, improvements to the energy
         efficiency of government operations and by requiring businesses to
         identify, evaluate and report publicly on cost effective energy
         saving opportunities (Energy Efficiency Opportunities Programme).

         The updated projections also include a number of new energy
         efficiency measures announced by the Australian Government,
         including the Phase-out of Electric Hot Water Heaters, the
         Insulation Rebate for Renters, Green Loans for Households and the
         enhancement of Government Energy Efficiency requirements.

Action to reduce emissions from the Transport sector

         The Environmental Strategy for the Motor Vehicle Industry - is a
         nationally coordinated measure to enhance the environmental
         performance of the automotive industry through measures including
         consumer information programs and fuel consumption targets.

         Governments Biofuels Measures aim to increase the availability of
         biofuels for the domestic transport market. These initiatives aim
         to support the commercial development of the Australian biofuels
         industry, through the 350 ML target and specific biofuels
         development projects. Other transport initiatives include the
         Alternative Fuels Conversion Programme and Travel Demand Management
         programmes, which promote the use of alternative fuels and improve
         public transport and town planning.

Action to reduce emissions from the Fugitive sector

         Reductions of Fugitive sector emissions reflect the increased
         tendency to capture methane from coal or gas mining operations,
         either for power generation or flaring.

Action to reduce emissions from the Industrial Processes sector

         Through the implementation of the Ozone Protection and Synthetic
         Greenhouse Gas Legislation Amendment Act the Australian Government
         is working with industry to control the import and the end use of
         synthetic greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances.

Action to reduce emissions from the Waste sector

         The Australian, State and Territory Governments have introduced
         waste management strategies and targets that aim to reduce the
         amount of waste sent to landfill, and to increase the methane
         capture from landfills and from wastewater treatment facilities.
         Abatement is realised through a range of measures, including the
         Mandatory Renewable Energy Target, Greenhouse Friendly, the New
         South Wales Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme.

Action to reduce emissions from Agriculture and Land Use Change and

         The Queensland and New South Wales Governments have adopted reforms
         to their respective vegetation management legislation that are
         expected to significantly reduce land clearing rates in the two
         States. These two States contribute the bulk of national land use
         change emissions. The Australian and State and Territory
         governments are also working together to implement the Greenhouse
         in Agriculture and Regional Australia Program including a targeted
         agricultural emissions programme, incentives for greenhouse sinks,
         and strategies to integrate greenhouse gas abatement intoother
         regional priorities such as natural resource management planning.

Do not remove section break.

Review of

Input to Regulatory Impact Analysis
on Administrative Costs of the
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme

by Ernst & Young

Prepared for the Department of Climate Change
George Wilkenfeld and Associates Pty Ltd

April 2009

Review of Input to Regulatory Impact Analysis on Administrative costs of
the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme by Ernst & Young


         This review, commissioned by the Department of Climate Change
         (DCC), analyses the report Input to Regulatory Impact Analysis on
         Administrative for the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, prepared
         for DCC by Ernst & Young (EY 2008). The EY report forms the basis
         of the compliance cost estimates carried forward into the main RIS
         (RIS 2008, Box 3.2).

         DCC requested George Wilkenfeld and Associates (GWA) for:

                . 'An analysis of the document and the extent to which
                  activities identified as compulsory are in fact necessary
                  in order to comply with the CPRS.

                . Identification of costs which you believe to be
                  significantly different from your perspective,
                  incorporating your knowledge of NGERS requirements and

         It is noted that EY (2008) was prepared after the publication of
         the Green Paper in July 2008 but before the publication of the
         White Paper in December 2008 and the release of the draft CPRS
         legislation in March 2009. Quite reasonably, EY made assumptions
         about matters relevant to administrative costs which were left open
         in the Green Paper. While the White Paper and the draft legislation
         have in most cases confirmed the 'Green Paper Position' as a
         'Policy Position', there are some areas where the added detail
         would be relevant to the assessment of administrative costs.

         One example is the Obligation Transfer Number (OTN) system by which
         both upstream and downstream entities with liabilities for
         emissions from fuel combustion could manage their obligations more
         efficiently. This and other refinements could well impact on EY's
         assessment of costs.

         The present review is based on both the text and the numerical data
         tabulated in EY (2008) and in Box 3.2 of the RIS. A spreadsheet was
         prepared to assist with this numerical analysis, and to help in
         assessing the impact of varying EY's cost estimates.

         However, given the brevity of the scope and period for review, the
         author was not in a position to refer issues to EY or to conduct
         parallel investigations.

Review Of Costs Elements

         EY (2008) analyses administrative costs to CPRS liable entities as
         a matrix of five 'Processes' and five 'Cost Categories' within each
         process (Table 1). The costs are further divided into 'startup' and

         The analysis develops 8 'hypothetical companies', to represent the
         9 sectors or industries whose energy, fugitive and industrial
         process emissions are covered by the CPRS (whether directly or as
         upstream or downstream liability). These sectors, and the estimated
         number of firms within each sector, are summarised in Table 2. The
         shaded sectors mainly comprise firms assumed to have NGERS
         liability in GWA (2006). These are termed 'Group A'. The unshaded
         sectors ('Group B') comprise firms which are not covered by NGERS -
         or not covered in the same way as under CPRS - but would acquire a
         new or much expanded liability under CPRS.

         EY and the RIS (2008) estimate the total administrative costs in
         each sector or industry by multiplying the number of companies in
         that sector by the costs to each representative 'hypothetical'
         company. Except in Manufacturing, where EY assumes a mix of about
         two thirds 'smaller' and one third 'larger' firms, there does not
         appear to be any adjustment for possible deviations from the
         'hypothetical' firm for reasons of operational mix or company size.

         The 'Mining' costs in the RIS are based on a hypothetical 'Large
         upstream oil and gas company' (EY 2008, p23), whereas GWA (2008)
         estimated that 106 of the facilities with emissions of greater than
         25 kt CO2-e in 2005 were coal mines. As these will have much
         simpler emissions and product flows, it is possible that the Mining
         sector's total administrative cost will be significantly less than
         estimated in the RIS[99]. As this sector accounts for about a fifth
         of startup administrative costs and a third of the ongoing costs,
         the impact of this assumption on total costs could be significant

         Table 1: Matrix of administrative processes and cost categories

|Process             |Cost Category                           |
|                    |Educati|Monitori|Reportin|Assuran|Other |
|                    |on,    |ng      |g,      |ce     |      |
|                    |capacit|record  |notifica|       |      |
|                    |y      |keeping |tion    |       |      |
|                    |buildin|        |        |       |      |
|                    |g      |        |        |       |      |
|Carbon markets &    |X      |X       |X       |X      |X     |
|permit auction(a)   |       |        |        |       |      |
|Reporting &         |X      |X       |X       |X      |X     |
|Compliance(a)       |       |        |        |       |      |
|Tax & Accounting(a) |X      |X       |X       |X      |X     |
|SAI(b)              |X      |X       |X       |X      |X     |
|EITE(c)             |X      |X       |X       |X      |X     |

Source: Derived by GWA from EY (2008).
(a)   Applies to all forms.
(b)   Additional administrative costs to 'Significantly Affected
   Industries' associated with gaining access to free permits or other
(c)   Additional administrative costs to 'Emissions-Intensive Trade-Exposed
   Industries' associated with gaining access to free permits or other

         Table 2: Total administrative costs by sector or industry

|Group| Sector or      |Firms  |Startup|Ongoing |Start|Ongoing|
|     |industry        |       |$m     |$m      |up   |       |
|A    |Electricity     |56     |32.9   |15.4    |11.1%|14.3%  |
|     |Generation      |       |       |        |     |       |
|B    |Gas retailers   |24     |9.0    |7.0     |3.0% |6.5%   |
|A    |Additional      |12     |4.8    |3.3     |1.6% |3.1%   |
|     |Fugitive        |       |       |        |     |       |
|B    |Waste           |120    |42.4   |7.0     |14.3%|6.5%   |
|All  |Total           |767    |296.2  |107.3   |100.0|100.0% |
|     |                |       |       |        |%    |       |
|A    |Total           |348    |165.3  |78.5    |55.8%|73.2%  |
|B    |Total           |419    |130.9  |28.7    |44.2%|26.8%  |

Source: Adapted by GWA from RIS (2008).
(a)   41 larger firms, 81 smaller firms.

         Table 3: Analysis of administrative costs by process

|                      |Startup   |Ongoing |Startup|Ongoing |
|Carbon markets &      |100.1     |31.6    |34%    |29%     |
|permit auction        |          |        |       |        |
|Reporting & Compliance|6.6       |55.7    |2%     |52%     |
|Tax & Accounting      |170.1     |19.2    |57%    |18%     |
|SAI                   |5.2       |0.0     |2%     |0%      |
|EITE                  |14.3      |0.8     |5%     |1%      |
|Total                 |296.2     |107.3   |100%   |100%    |
|SAI+EITE              |19.5      |0.8     |7%     |1%      |

Source: Derived by GWA from EY (2008).

         Table 4: Analysis of administrative costs by cost category

|                      |Startup |Ongoing   |Startup|Ongoing |
|Education/capacity    |20.9    |8.9       |7%     |8%      |
|building              |        |          |       |        |
|Monitoring/Record     |0.9     |5.2       |0%     |5%      |
|Keeping               |        |          |       |        |
|Other                 |274.4   |45.0      |93%    |42%     |
|Total                 |296.2   |107.3     |100%   |100%    |

Source: Derived by GWA from EY (2008) Shaded sectors correspond to cost
categories in (GWA 2006)

         Table 5: Monitoring and reporting cost estimates, Group A

|                  |Number of |$M       |$M/yr    |$/yr     |
|                  |Entities  |startup  |ongoing  |entity   |
|                  |          |         |         |ongoing  |
|>125              |93        |1.38     |1.38     |14839    |
|25-125            |260       |3.54     |3.54     |13615    |
|Total of above    |353       |4.92     |4.92     |13938    |
|(GWA)(a)          |          |         |         |         |
|Monitoring/Record |348       |0        |4.4      |12745    |
|Keeping (b)       |          |         |         |         |
|Reporting/Notifica|348       |0        |0.3      |996      |
|tion (b)          |          |         |         |         |
|Total of above    |348       |0.0      |4.8      |13741    |
|(EY) (b)          |          |         |         |         |

(a )  GWA (2006), Table 20.
(b)   Derived by GWA from EY (2008) - See Table 2Error! Reference source
not found..

         Table 6: Monitoring and reporting cost estimates, Group B

|                  |Number of |$M      |$M/yr   |$/yr/      |
|                  |Entities  |startup |ongoing |entity     |
|                  |          |        |        |ongoing    |
|Monitoring/Record |419       |0.9     |0.8     |1917       |
|Keeping (a)       |          |        |        |           |
|Reporting/Notifica|419       |0.0     |0.6     |1365       |
|tion (a)          |          |        |        |           |
|Total of above    |419       |0.9     |1.4     |3282       |
|(EY) (a)          |          |        |        |           |

(a)   Derived by GWA from EY (2008) - See Table 2.

         Table 3 summarises EY's cost estimates for the three process
         categories that apply to all participants, one which applies to
         Significantly Affected Industries (SAIs) and one to Emissions-
         Intensive Trade-Exposed industries (EITEs). The SAI and EITE costs
         are not in the same category as others, because they are borne
         voluntarily by entities seeking to benefit from concessions made
         available by Government. Presumably they will only do so if they
         consider the benefits will outweigh the costs. Therefore these
         costs should be reported as a distinct category, not as part of
         total compliance costs. However, they comprise only 7% of startup
         and 1% of ongoing costs, so the impact of their removal is small.

         Table 4 analyses administrative costs by cost category rather than
         process. The costs most closely relating to those previously
         estimated by GWA for NGERS (GWA 2006) are Monitoring/Record Keeping
         and Reporting/Notification. GWA (2006) estimated the costs of
         monitoring energy use and associated emissions, and reporting
         energy use and associated emissions. For 'Group A' firms, the
         shaded costs in Table 4 should reflect only the additional costs
         associated with extending pre-existing monitoring and reporting
         systems to track permit purchases, holdings and sales, and
         preparing annual compliance reports to the Australian Carbon Change
         Regulatory Authority. The estimates of the pre-existing (NGERS) and
         additional (CPRS) monitoring and reporting costs for Group A are
         summarised in Table 5.

         GWA estimated that there are 353 entities in this situation - the
         RIS estimate (348) is virtually identical.[100] For these entities,
         GWA estimated initial costs of $4.9m and on-going costs of $4.9m
         per year. EY estimates no additional start up costs for this group
         - which would be consistent with a pre-existing NGERS reporting
         system - but assumes $4.8m of ongoing costs from additional
         Monitoring and Reporting costs. In other words, EY estimates that
         the CPRS would double annual Monitoring and Reporting costs for
         firms already covered by NGERS. This estimate appears to be on the
         high side.

         Table 6 analyses Monitoring/Record Keeping and
         Reporting/Notification costs for 'Group B' firms which have no
         NGERS liability (or in the case of Waste, an NGERS liability that
         may be calculated in substantially different ways), but acquire a
         CPRS liability on account of their supply of fuels or Synthetic
         Greenhouse Gases (SGG). For these entities, it is reasonable to
         assume that all Monitoring/Record Keeping and
         Reporting/Notification cost would be additional to NGERS costs.
         EY's estimate of average ongoing costs is about $3,282 per entity
         per year, compared with $13,741 per entity per year for 'Group A'
         (Table 5). It is possible that this lower 'Group B' cost would be a
         better indicator of the additional costs to 'Group A' entities, or
         at least a realistic lower bound estimate.

         However, Monitoring/Record Keeping and Reporting/Notification are
         relatively minor cost categories.

         'Education/Capacity Building' is described by EY (2008, p6) as
         'cost incurred by a business in keeping abreast of regulatory
         requirements'. It makes up 7% of total startup costs and 8% of
         ongoing costs (Table 4).

         'Assurance' comprises 'costs incurred by a business in gaining
         assurance of its greenhouse gas emissions'. It makes up 0% of
         startup costs and 44% of ongoing costs

         The largest single cost category in Table 4 is 'Other', making up a
         massive 93% of startup costs and 42% of ongoing costs. EY (2008,
         p6) states: 'this may include legal, tax and accounting costs and
         transaction costs associated with the purchase and acquittal of

         Elsewhere, EY (2008, p8) states that: 'The most significant
         contributor to this start-up cost identified across all companies
         was the cost associated with the management's review of
         organisational strategy and assessment of the business implications
         of the CPRS as well [as] financial modelling of potential cost pass-

                  'Assurance' is a specific area covered at length in the
                  Green Paper, which devotes section 5.3 to it and states
                  Assurance under the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
                  would be carried out in accordance with guidelines made
                  under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act
                  2007 and standards produced by the Australian Government's
                  Auditing and Assurance Standards Board.
                  All third-party assurance providers would be accredited to
                  ensure the development of a pool of properly trained and
                  qualified providers. The form and nature of accreditation
                  (including whether it is conducted by the Government or a
                  nongovernment body) would be determined after further
                  consultation, with a view to minimising compliance costs.
         These assurance requirements are quite specific to the CPRS, and
         there is no reason to question EY's estimates of the associated
         costs, although in time it is likely that there would be economies
         of scale from the same firms carrying out both general accounting
         audits and CPRS assurance for the same firm at the same time.

         However, the activities described under 'Education/Capacity
         Building' and 'Other' appear to overlap with normal business
         practice. All firms of the size covered by the CPRS would routinely
         monitor taxation and other regulatory developments, refine their
         accounting practices and modify business strategy according to
         changing circumstances. Climate change has been a highly visible
         public issue for at least two decades. In mid-2007 the previous
         Government announced an intention to implement an emissions trading
         scheme, and passed the NGERS legislation later in the same year. In
         2007 the opposition (now the Government) also announced an
         intention to implement an emissions trading scheme.

         Many of the largest firms have obviously made considerable
         investment already in assessing the impact of the CPRS on their
         businesses, as evidenced by their submissions to Government at
         various stages of the development of the CPRS. These are largely
         sunk costs, which would not now be recovered even if the CPRS were
         abandoned, and will continue to bring value as long as climate
         change remains a significant issue.

         EY estimates that 'Education' and 'Other' costs amount to $475,000
         per firm (startup) and $90,000 per firm per year (ongoing) for
         entities already covered by NGERS (Table 7). These are 50% and 70%
         higher than the corresponding averages for Group B firms (Table 8).
         It would be surprising if Group A companies would need to devote so
         much more additional resources to 'Education/Capacity Building' and
         'Other' activities solely as a result of the formal implementation
         of the CPRS than Group B companies, who will have had much less
         exposure to the issues.

         Table 2: All CPRS administrative cost categories, Group A

|                |Entit|$M   |$M/yr|$/ent|$/yr/|Group|Group|
|                |ies  |start|ongoi|ity  |entit|A/B  |A/B  |
|                |     |up   |ng   |start|y    |start|ongoi|
|                |     |     |     |up   |ongoi|up   |ng   |
|                |     |     |     |     |ng   |(a)  |(b)  |
|Education/capaci|348  |12.7 |4.5  |36507|12937|186% |122% |
|ty building     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|Monitoring/Recor|348  |0    |4.4  |0    |12745|0%   |665% |
|d Keeping       |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|Reporting/Notifi|348  |0    |0.3  |0    |996  |NA   |73%  |
|cation          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|Assurance       |348  |0    |42.2 |0    |12129|NA   |1024%|
|                |     |     |     |     |7    |     |     |
|Other           |348  |152.6|27.0 |43856|77649|151% |181% |
|                |     |     |     |8    |     |     |     |
|Total           |348  |165.3|78.5 |47507|22562|152% |329% |
|                |     |     |     |5    |4    |     |     |
|Education +     |348  |165.3|31.5 |47507|90586|153% |169% |
|Other           |     |     |     |5    |     |     |     |

(a)   Average $/entity startup costs for Group A firms compared with
   average $/entity startup costs for Group B firms.
(b)   Average $/entity ongoing costs for Group A firms compared with
   average $/entity ongoing costs for Group B firms.

         Table 3: All CPRS administrative cost categories, Group B

|                |Entit|$M   |$M/yr|$/ent|$/yr/|Group|Group|
|                |ies  |start|ongoi|ity  |entit|B/A  |B/A  |
|                |     |up   |ng   |start|y    |start|ongoi|
|                |     |     |     |up   |ongoi|up   |ng   |
|                |     |     |     |     |ng   |(a)  |(b)  |
|Education/capaci|419  |8.2  |4.4  |19640|10566|54%  |82%  |
|ty building     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|Monitoring/Recor|419  |0.9  |0.8  |2220 |1917 |NA   |15%  |
|d Keeping       |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|Reporting/Notifi|419  |0.0  |0.6  |0    |1365 |NA   |137% |
|cation          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|Assurance       |419  |0.0  |5.0  |0    |11848|NA   |10%  |
|Other           |419  |121.8|18.0 |29059|42879|66%  |55%  |
|                |     |     |     |9    |     |     |     |
|Total           |419  |130.9|28.7 |31245|68575|66%  |30%  |
|                |     |     |     |9    |     |     |     |
|Education +     |419  |130.0|22.4 |31023|53445|65%  |59%  |
|Other           |     |     |     |9    |     |     |     |

(a)   Average $/entity startup costs for Group B firms compared with
   average $/entity startup costs for Group A firms.
(b)   Average $/entity ongoing costs for Group B firms compared with
   average $/entity ongoing costs for Group A firms.


         EY estimates that 767 entities will be covered by the CPRS. About
         45% are already liable for reporting and monitoring their emissions
         under NGERS, but would acquire additonal liabilities under CPRS.
         These are called 'Group A' in the present analysis. The other 55%
         ('Group B') are entities which are not covered by NGERS - or not
         covered in the same way as under CPRS - but would acquire liability
         under CPRS. Most of these are small fuel suppliers, synthetic
         greenhouse gas importers and waste disposal entities.[101]

         GWA makes the following observations with regard to EY's cost
         estimates (relying solely on the documents EY (2008) and RIS

                . Costs to SAI and EITE firms should be treated as a
                  separate sub-category of costs, since they would be
                  voluntarily incurred;

                . The 'hypothetical company' used as the typical firm for
                  the Mining sector may not be fully representative of that
                  the sector; many of the firms in it could have simpler
                  emissions and product profiles;

                . For nearly all cost categories, EY's estimates of the
                  average additonal costs to Group A entities are
                  significantly higher than for Group B entities, even
                  though Group A already participate in NGERS and Group B do
                  not. While some cost are related to complexity of
                  emissions or volume of permit holdings and transactions
                  (eg assurance), many could be largely fixed, irrespective
                  of the size of the firm.  Therefore it is possible that
                  the averages for Group A firms could be substantially
                  closer to the estimates for Group B firms.

         Table 9 illustrates the effects of adjusting SAI, EITE and Mining
         costs and of moving the other Group A cost estimates closer to the
         Group B costs estimates, for those cost categories where fixed (or
         already sunk) costs are expected to be significant. This suggests
         that there could be a lower bound of CPRS administrative costs
         estimates that are 20% to 25% lower than the values reported in EY
         (2008) and RIS (2008).

         It is acknowledged that there may also be an upper bound that is
         higher than the values reported. EY (2008, p13) states that 'Many
         companies indicated significantly greater cost to the organisation
         from the CPRS ... but the costs associated with these activities
         were determined to be either substantive costs or cost incurred by
         activities assumed to be over and above the base case assessment'.
         This reinforces the value of presenting cost estimates as ranges
         rather than as single values; GWA has attempted to estimate a lower
         bound based on analysis of EY's reported data.

         Whatever the administrative costs, it is useful to keep them in
         perspective with the total costs of the CPRS, which will be
         dominated by permit prices. Table 10 estimates the administrative
         cost per tonne CO2-e emitted for groups of industries with roughly
         similar emissions characteristics.

         For the industries where CPRS liability will be dominated by direct
         combustion, fugitive and industrial process emissions, the
         administrative costs of compliance will be equivalent to $0.56/t
         CO2-e (startup) and $0.23/t ongoing. For the fuel suppliers and
         synthetic greenhouse gas suppliers, where CPRS liability is
         determined by downstream sales, and the waste sector, the
         administrative costs of compliance per tonne will be significantly
         higher: $2.55 to 3.18/t CO2-e (startup) and $0.42 to 0.65/t
         ongoing. This suggests that it would be valuable to work with these
         sectors further to reduce participation costs.

         Finally, Table 11 compares the projected administrative cost of
         compliance with Treasury's projection of the permit costs of
         compliance. This indicates that, even accepting EY's cost estimates
         without modification, administrative costs will be only 2.8% to
         3.9% of total compliance costs to firms at startup, falling to 0.5%
         to 0.7% of compliance costs by 2020 and 0.2% of compliance cost by
         2050. Furthermore it should be remembered that CPRS compliance
         costs will be only a part of energy costs, and an even smaller part
         of total operating costs.

         Table 4: Sensitivity tests of variation of EY cost estimates

|                                           |Startup|Ongoing|
|                                           |       |       |
|                                           |$m     |$m/yr  |
|EY Total estimates                         |296.2  |107.3  |
|Remove SAI, EITE                           |-19.5  |-0.8   |
|Reduce Mining Sector Costs by 25%          |-13.7  |-9.6   |
|Reduce monitoring & reporting costs for    |0.0    |-2.4   |
|Group A, by 50% (a)                        |       |       |
|Reduce ''education/capacity building'      |-3.2   |-1.1   |
|costs, Group A, by 25% (b)                 |       |       |
|Reduce 'other' costs, Group A, by 25%      |-38.2  |-6.8   |
|Adjusted total                             |221.8  |86.6   |
|Adjusted total compared with original EY   |75%    |81%    |
|estimates                                  |       |       |

(a)   Group B average is 76% lower.
(b)   Group B average is 35-40% lower.

         Table 5: Administrative compliance cost per tonne CO2-e emitted

|NGGI      |Mt CO2-e   |$M startup |$M ongoing |$/t  |$/t  |
|sector    |2006       |costs (a)  |costs (a)  |CO2-e|CO2-e|
|          |           |           |           |     |     |
|          |           |           |           |Start|Ongoi|
|          |           |           |           |up   |ng   |
|Energy,   |424.7|95.2%|239.1|80.7%|97.2 |90.7%|0.56 |0.23 |
|Industry(b|     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|)         |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|SGHG      |4.6  |1.0% |14.8 |5.0% |3.0  |2.8% |3.18 |0.65 |
|Waste     |16.6 |3.7% |42.4 |14.3%|7.0  |6.5% |2.55 |0.42 |
|          |445.9| 100%|296.2| 100%|107.3| 100%|0.66 |0.24 |

(a)   Derived from Table 2.
(b)   Includes industrial process emissions, with exception of SGHG.

         Table 6: Administrative compliance cost compared with permit costs

|       |Permit prices |$/t    |$/t    |$/t Tot|Ad/perm|Ad/perm|
|       |$/t (a)       |       |       |       |it     |it     |
|       |$/t           |       |       |       |       |       |
|       |CPRS-5|CPRS-15|Startup|Ongoing|Admin  |CPRS-5 |CPRS-15|
|Start  |23    |32     |0.66   |0.24   |0.90   |3.9%   |2.8%   |
|2020   |35    |50     | NA    |0.24   |0.24   |0.7%   |0.5%   |
|2050   |115   |158    | NA    |0.24   |0.24   |0.2%   |0.2%   |

(a)   Treasury 2008, Table 6.1.
(b)   Table 10.


         EY (2008) Input to Regulatory Impact Analysis on Administrative for
         the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, Final Report to the
         Department of Climate Change, Ernst & Young, November 2008.

         Green Paper (2008) Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper,
         Commonwealth of Australia, July 2008.

         GWA (2006) Costs and Benefits of a National Greenhouse and Energy
         Reporting Framework, George Wilkenfeld and Associates with Energy
         Strategies, for Department of the Environment and Heritage, March

         GWA (2008) Work Order 1 to George Wilkenfeld & Associates: Report
         to Department of Climate Change on Task 2 (document Work Order 1.1
         - Report V2, 30 April 2008).

         RIS (2008) Regulation impact statement: Carbon Pollution Reduction
         Scheme (document Consolidated RIS 3 Dec.doc).

         Treasury (2008) Australia's Low Pollution Future; The Economics of
         Climate Change Mitigation, The Treasury, October 2008.

         White Paper (2008) Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme: Australia's
         Low Pollution Future, Commonwealth of Australia, December 2008.

[1]   Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report,
  Working Group I - The physical science basis, 2007, pp. 241-253.
[2]   S Rahmstorf et al, Recent climate observations compared to
  projections, Science, 316: 709. doi: 10.1126/science.1136843, 2007.
[3]   E J.Rohling et al, High rates of sea-level rise during the last
  interglacial period, Nature Geoscience, 1:38-42, 2008.
[4]   CSIRO, Climate change scenarios for initial assessment of risk in
  accordance with risk management guidance, 2006.
[5]   National Emissions Trading Taskforce, Report of the Task Group on
  Emissions Trading, p. 46.
[6]   Due to the later release of this discussion paper, an extension to
  the deadline for submissions on forestry aspects of the scheme was
[7]   Under the Kyoto protocol, Australia has agreed to limit emissions to
  108 per cent of 1990 levels in the 2008 to 2012 commitment period.
  Australia is likely (but not certain) to meet this target even in the
  absence of an emissions trading scheme (largely as a result of reductions
  in land clearing in Australia). However, assuming that international
  targets in following commitment periods reflect a desire to at least
  stabilise emissions (the policy scenarios considered in section two are
  associated with significant reductions in emissions), additional policy
  action will be required to meet these targets.
[8]   Department of Climate Change, Tracking to the Kyoto Target 2007:
  Australia's Greenhouse Emissions Trends 1990 to 2008-2012 and 2020,
  Commonwealth of Australia 2008.
[9]   Australian Government's Initial Report under the Kyoto Protocol,
  Update, 21 October 2008, available at
  l/ items/3765.php.
[10]  The Australian Greenhouse Emissions Information System online
  database, Commonwealth of Australia, 2008 (accessed 6 November 2008).
[11]  Figures derived from Australia's national greenhouse gas emissions in
  1990 and 2000 (from The Australian Greenhouse Emissions Information
  System online database, Commonwealth of Australia, 2008 (accessed 6
  November 2008)) and the Australia Bureau of Statistics' estimate of
  Australia's population in those two years (from Australian Historical
  Population Statistics, ABS catalogue item 3105.0.65.001).
[12]        It is also worth noting that while Treasury estimates are not
  strictly comparable with estimates from earlier studies (because the
  estimates differ in terms of key assumptions such as the level of
  business as usual emissions, the approach to global action and technology
  timing), the cost estimates are broadly comparable and within the bounds
  of previous studies.
[13]  For instance, should the scheme impose obligations directly on the
  emitter of greenhouse gases or should the obligation fall on upstream
  suppliers (such as fuel producers) or downstream purchasers of goods.
[14]  As discussed below, NGERS is the existing emissions reporting scheme
  on which the emissions trading scheme builds. Under NGERS facilities
  responsible for emissions of greater than 25 kt CO2-e/year (thousand
  tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year) are responsible for
  reporting emissions and as a result this level of emissions forms a
  natural threshold for the emissions trading scheme.
[15]  Australian Government, Australia's low pollution future, the
  economics of climate change, page 140.
[16]  Australian Government, Australia's low pollution future, the
  economics of climate change, page 146.
[17]  Where businesses have abatement opportunities that are more cost
  effective than the cost of purchasing permits, they will undertake this
  abatement. For businesses where the cost of abatement is higher than the
  cost of purchasing permits, they will purchase permits rather than
  undertake abatement. As a result, only the cheapest abatement options
  should be pursued under an emissions trading scheme.
[18]  The costs to particular industries of purchasing permits (and
  associated reductions in output/demand for those industries) are driven
  more by the choice of scheme cap (which is related to the trajectory)
  than the coverage of different sectors. The choice of scheme cap will
  determine the amount of abatement that must occur under the CPRS. The
  larger the amount of abatement required, the more costly permits will be
  under the scheme (because more expensive abatement options will need to
  be pursued) and the more significant the costs associated with purchasing
  permits will be. Given a particular scheme cap, the coverage of
  particular sectors will have limited influence on the size of these
  costs, although it will influence the distribution of the costs. Removing
  particular sectors from the scheme effectively shifts the burden for
  abatement to other covered sectors. Indeed, as discussed above, limiting
  the coverage of the scheme is likely to increase the costs of meeting a
  particular abatement goal as it removes a set of potentially cost
  effective abatement opportunities from the scheme.
[19]  This accounts for a large majority of greenhouse gases. However,
  there are some synthetic greenhouse gases which are not covered by the
  Kyoto protocol. These represent a very minor share of global emissions
  and while they will not be covered by the emissions trading scheme, they
  will be covered by related legislation to avoid substitution toward these
[20]  National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2006, Department of Climate Change.
[21]  Entities responsible for reporting emissions have a choice of four
  methods under the NGERS legislation. The first uses national averages to
  calculate emissions while other methodologies use site specific
  estimation techniques.
[22]  This number is also likely to include emissions from industrial
  processors (other than synthetic greenhouse gas importers).
[23]  National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2006, Department of Climate Change.
[24]  National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2006, Department of Climate Change.
[25]  This estimate assumes that there are 72 coal mining companies (who
  operate the 120 mines) which are represented by hypothetical company A
  and 30 gas supply companies (who operate the 50 fugitive emissions
  sources) and are represented by hypothetical company G. It also includes
  the 12 fugitive gas companies who are not captured elsewhere in the
  scheme (represented by company A). This hypothetical company has
  emissions from a number of sources in addition to fugitive emissions and
  it is expected the 'average' pure fugitive emitter would incur fewer
  compliance costs.
[26]  National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2006, Department of Climate Change.
[27]  National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2006, Department of Climate Change.
[28]  National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2006, Department of Climate Change.
[29]  Hyder Consulting, Review of Methane Recovery and Flaring from
  Landfills, October 2007.
[30]  Hyder Consulting, Review of Methane Recovery and Flaring from
  Landfills, October 2007.
[31]  Hyder Consulting, Australian Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme -
  Assessment of Landfill Legacy Issues (forthcoming - this consultants
  report will be published on the Department of climate change website
  following the release of the white paper)
[32]  That is, if the Government provides permits for the total build up of
  carbon in the forest and then requires liable entities to return
  (surrender) permits when the forest is felled or lost to fire and that
  carbon is emitted.
[33]  It is also instructive to note that a key consideration when
  determining the types of international units Australia will allows in its
  scheme is the level of confidence Australia has that the international
  units represent truly additional abatement.
[34]  While perceptions of non compliance should be linked to actual levels
  of non-compliance, this need not be the case. Importantly Government
  actions to ensure compliance can improve perceptions of compliance with
  the scheme even in the absence of widespread non-compliance. For
  instance, even if there were widespread compliance with the scheme, the
  absence of an auditing mechanism could lead some stakeholders to question
  the accuracy of reported emissions. This would have impacts on confidence
  with the scheme even in the absence of widespread non-compliance.
[35]  This is likely to be an over estimate of the compliance costs for
  this option. The per business costs were estimated in the context of
  assurance for very large emitters (over 125 kt CO2-e/year). The costs of
  obtaining a third party audit for smaller emitters (the bulk of the 1000
  liable entities) are likely to be lower than this amount.
[36]  The Kyoto Protocol establishes quantified emissions targets for
  industrialised countries and countries with economies in transition
  (Annex I Parties) in the form of an absolute emission cap for each Party
  for the period 2008-12 (the commitment period). Australia's target is
  108 per cent of 1990 emissions. The Kyoto Protocol also provides a
  framework for Parties to acquire units from other countries and use them
  towards meeting their emissions targets, via emissions trading or two
  project based mechanisms, the Clean Development Mechanism and the Joint
  Implementation Mechanism.
[37]  Administrative allocation occurs where permits are allocated by the
  Government (or Regulator) to liable entities for free, using some agreed
  formula for example on the basis of historical emissions.  This occurred
  in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme.
[38]  R Garnaut, The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final report, Cambridge
  University Press, 2008.
[39]  National Emissions Trading Taskforce, Possible design for a national
  greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme: Final framework report on scheme
[40]  Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative,
[41]  Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
  13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission
  allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive
[42]  New Zealand Government, Framework for a New Zealand Emissions Trading
[43]  See for instance McKibbin, W. and Wilcoxen, P. (2007) 'Two issues in
  carbon pricing: timing and competitiveness', Working Papers in
  International Economics, April, No. 1.07, McKibbin, W. and Wilcoxen, P.
  (2006), 'A credible foundation for long term international co-operation
  on climate change', Working Papers in International Economics, June, No.
  1.06, Lowy Institute for International Policy, Sydney; and also McKibbn,
  W. (2006), 'Why Australia should take early action on climate change',
  Lowy Lunch Lecture, December 13. Available at, .
[44]  Bidders will be restricted to parcel sizes of no more than 25 per
  cent of the total number of permits sold at each auction. As there are to
  be 16 auctions, (section 9.5.8 refers) this implies bids of no larger
  than around 1.6 per cent of total permits issued for a given vintage. The
  advantage of imposing a maximum parcel size is that it reduces the
  potential for large entities to monopolise the market for permits - which
  stakeholders raised as an important concern. The trade-off is that this
  is likely to inhibit the flexibility of the market. However, around
  1.6 per cent should be sufficient, given that the largest single entity
  is estimated to account for around 3.5 per cent of total emissions. This
  would mean that the largest entity could buy all its requirements at just
  three auctions.
[45]  Eligible international units are units issued under the international
  Kyoto framework. Carbon pollution permits are domestic compliance units
  issued under the Australian scheme by the scheme regulator. Domestic
  scheme participants can use eligible international units as substitutes
  for carbon pollution permits to meet domestic scheme obligations.
[46]  Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, Report of the
  Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading.
[47]  National Emissions Trading Taskforce, Possible design for a national
  greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme: Final framework report on scheme
[48]  R Garnaut, The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final report, Cambridge
  University Press, 2008.
[49]  New Zealand Government, The Framework for a New Zealand Emissions
  Trading Scheme, 2007. In 2008, the New Zealand Parliament passed
  emissions trading legislation. Following the change of Government, the
  operation was suspended, but the current Government remains committed to
  a modified emissions trading scheme.
[50]  Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
  13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission
  allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive
[51]  R Garnaut, The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final report, Cambridge
  University Press, 2008.
[52]  Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the
  Council 2008/0013 of 23 January 2008 amending Directive 2003/87/EC.
[53]  European Commission, Directorate General for Environment, Review of
  the EU Emissions Trading Scheme - survey highlights, survey conducted by
  McKinsey and Company and Ecofys, November 2005.
[54]  New Zealand Government, The Framework for a New Zealand Emissions
  Trading Scheme, September 2007.
[55]  National Emissions Trading Taskforce, Possible Design for a National
  Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme: Final Framework Report on Scheme
  Design, 2007.
[56]  Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, Report of the Task
  Group on Emissions Trading, Commonwealth of Australia, 2007.
[57]  R Garnaut, The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final report, Cambridge
  University Press, 2008.
[58]  R Garnaut, The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final report, Cambridge
  University Press, 2008.
[59]  Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the
  Council 2008/0013 of 23 January 2008 amending Directive 2003/87/EC.
[60]  It is expected that permits and permit related derivatives will be
  traded on existing exchanges such as the Australian Stock Exchange.
[61]  National Emissions Trading Taskforce, Possible Design for a National
  Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme: Final Framework Report on Scheme
  Design, 2007.
[62]  R Garnaut, The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final report, Cambridge
  University Press, 2008.
[63]  New Zealand Government, The Framework for a New Zealand Emissions
  Trading Scheme, September 2007. In 2008, the New Zealand Parliament
  passed emissions trading legislation. Following the change of Government,
  the operation was suspended, but the current Government remains committed
  to a modified emissions trading scheme.
[64]  Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, Report of the Task
  Group on Emissions Trading, Commonwealth of Australia, 2007.
[65]  Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
  13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission
  allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive
[66]  Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the
  Council 2008/0013 of 23 January 2008 amending Directive 2003/87/EC.
[67]  AD Ellerman and PL Joskow, The European Union's Emissions Trading
  Scheme in Perspective, PEW Center on Global Climate Change, 2008.
[68]  Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
  13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission
  allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive
[69]  Regional Clean Air Markets:
[70]  National Emissions Trading Taskforce, Possible Design for a National
  Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme: Final Framework Report on Scheme
  Design, 2007.
[71]  Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator,
[72]  NSW Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme,
[73]  ACT Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme:
[74]  Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, Report of the Task
  Group on Emissions Trading, Commonwealth of Australia, 2007.
[75]  National Emissions Trading Taskforce, Possible Design for a National
  Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme: Final Framework Report on Scheme
  Design, 2007.
[76]  Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, Report of the Task
  Group on Emissions Trading, Commonwealth of Australia, 2007.
[77]  W McKibbon and P Wilcoxen, A Credible Foundation for Long Term
  International Cooperation on Climate Change, Lowy Institute for
  International Policy Working Papers in International Economics, No 1.06,
  June 2006.
[78]  Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme,
[79]  ACT Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme:
[80]  Queensland 13% Gas Scheme:
[81]  Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
  13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission
  allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive
[82]  New Zealand Government, The Framework for a New Zealand Emissions
  Trading Scheme, September 2007.
[83]  Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator,
[84]  Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme,
[85]  While permits might be considered to be CGT assets, because of the
  anti-overlap rules in sections 118 to 120 of the Income Tax Assessment
  Act 1997, a CGT gain or loss is essentially excluded to the extent that
  the CGT event also results in an amount being included in assessable
  income under another (non-CGT) provision.
[86]  Australian Government, Australia's low pollution future, the
  economics of climate change, page 176 (price increase associated with the
  'minus 5' scenario.
[87]  Australian Government, Australia's low pollution future, the
  economics of climate change, page 190 (price increase associated with the
  'minus 5' scenario.
[88]  In the national electricity market, the price of electricity in any
  period (each five minute interval) is set by the marginal generator (the
  last generator dispatched). While the price bid by the marginal generator
  is likely to increase to cover the additional costs of purchasing
  permits, it is likely that they will only increase their bid to just meet
  their own permit liabilities. Many generators higher in the merit order
  (ie who bid a lower price than the marginal generator and are dispatched
  'before' the marginal generator) also receive the price bid by the
  marginal generator. These generators will typically have higher levels of
  emissions than the marginal generator (they are more likely to be base
  load coal fired generators with lower marginal costs). As a result, the
  price increase generated by the change in bidding behaviour of the
  marginal generator is unlikely to fully cover the cost increase for the
  more emissions intensive generators.
[89]  As discussed elsewhere in this RIS (see for example chapter 3), a
  broad based emissions trading scheme (including international linking)
  allows abatement to occur in the sectors and regions where it is most
  cost effective. This should minimise the costs associated with meeting
  any given abatement objective.
[90]  At an assumed carbon price of $23 per ton (the initial estimated
  permit price under the minus 5 scenario in the Treasury modelling), an
  emitter on the 25 kt CO2-e/year threshold would have a yearly liability
  of $575 000. Their turnover would have to be significantly higher than
  this figure.
[91]  20 and 22 per cent are the price rises associated with the minus 5
  and minus 15 scenarios in the Treasury modelling.
[92]  It is expected that there would be limited impediments to cost pass
  through for small businesses. While increases in price would result
  reductions in demand these are expected to be relatively limited. With
  the exception of industries such as coal mining, aluminium production and
  coal fired electricity generation (which are unlikely to contain any
  small businesses), Treasury modelling suggests that most industries would
  face relatively small reductions in output by 2050. For instance, the
  industry that is projected to incur the greatest reduction in demand
  (relative to the reference scenario) and is likely to contain small
  businesses is the sheep and cattle industry and the reduction in output
  for this industry is expected to be around 6.7 and 10.2 per cent (for the
  minus 5 and minus 15 scenarios). While output is lower than in the
  reference scenario, it is worth noting that output (in the minus
  5 scenario) is still predicated to be 88 per cent higher than in the
[93]  These permit prices are based on Treasury modelling of the minus 5
  and minus 15 scenarios.
5[94] This approach was agreed with the DCC for the hypothetical companies,
  but in reality this approach is unlikely to be representative behaviour
  for liable entities.
6[95] For a number of real companies, these contract review costs will be
  significant and for a few companies very significant; costs will be
  incurred through internal review and external legal review
7[96] Relative actual costs will vary considerably with the complexity of
  compliance requirements.
8[97] Note: The VCEC model usually deals with regulations that require less
  staff time and is therefore calculating staff costs in terms of hours.
  As CPRS will require greater staff hours, we have used days as the
  appropriate measure.
9[98]       Average wage data for employee type was sourced from on Friday 14th November
[99]  It is recognised that many liable firms will have more than one
  liable facility.
[100] GWA (2006) actually estimated ongoing costs, and assumed these would
   be doubled in the startup year.
[101] While waste disposal facilities are covered under NGERS, the mode of
  coverage was not envisaged in the original cost studies carried out by
  GWA 2006). Lower emissions triggers and different accounting treatments
  are now proposed in the CPRS (eg 10 kt CO2-e in some instances rather
  than 25 kt CO2-e).

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