Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                                  BILL 2015


      Amendment and New Clause to be Moved on Behalf of the Government

     (Circulated by authority of the Minister for Immigration and Border
                          the Hon. Peter Dutton MP)

Amendment to the Migration Amendment (Strengthening Biometrics Integrity)
Bill 2015


The Migration Amendment (Strengthening Biometrics Integrity) Bill 2015  (the
Bill) amends the Migration Act 1958 (Migration Act) to  implement  a  number
of reforms which will consolidate and simplify the  provisions  relating  to
the  collection  of  personal  identifiers,  and  will  address   gaps   and
shortcomings that exist in the current legislative framework.

The Bill was  referred  to  the  Senate  Legal  and  Constitutional  Affairs
Legislation Committee (the Committee) on  16  April  2015  for  inquiry  and
report. The Committee reported on the Bill on 5 June 2015.

Relevantly, Recommendation 1 of the Committee report was:

Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends  that  consideration  be  given  to  ensuring  that
protections in line with those found  in  sections  258E  and  258F  of  the
Migration Act 1958 apply to any means  of  collecting  personal  identifiers
under proposed new paragraph 257A(5)(b) of the Bill.

Recommendation 1 relates to Schedule 1 of the Bill which introduces a  broad
power for the collection of personal identifiers that is  to  replace  seven
existing circumstance specific personal identifier collection provisions.

Schedule 1 inserts new subsection  257A(1)  into  the  Migration  Act  which
provides that the Minister or an officer may, in writing or orally,  require
a person to provide one or more personal identifiers  for  the  purposes  of
the Migration Act or the Migration Regulations 1994. New subsection  257A(5)
provides that if a person is  required  to  provide  one  or  more  personal
identifiers under subsection 257A(1), those  personal  identifiers  must  be
provided by way of one or  more  identification  tests  carried  out  by  an
authorised officer or an authorised system, or if another way  is  specified
by the Minister or officer - provided in that specified way.

In line with the recommendation  of  the  Committee,  section  285F  of  the
Migration Act will be amended to extend the safeguard  in  that  section  to
any means of collecting personal identifiers under new paragraph  257A(5)(b)
inserted by Schedule 1 of the Bill.

In summary, the amendments to Schedule 1 to the Bill will:

    . provide that nothing in the Migration Act authorises the  Minister  or
      an officer to require a person to provide a personal identifier  under
      section 257A in a cruel, inhuman or degrading way, or in  a  way  that
      fails to treat the person with humanity and  with  respect  for  human


The Financial impact of the Bill is low. Any costs will be met  from  within
existing resources of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

BILL 2015


Amendment (1) - Schedule 1, item 45, page 9 (lines 13 to 15)

This amendment omits item 45 from Schedule 1 to the Bill and  substitutes  a
new item 45.

Current item 45 of Schedule 1 to the Bill amends section 258F of the Act  to
omit the words "section 40, 46, 166, 170, 175,  188  or  192"  and  replaces
them with the words "section 257A". The  current  item  is  a  consequential
amendment to item 34 of Schedule 1 to the Bill.

Amended item 45 of Schedule 1 to the Bill will repeal current  section  258F
of the Migration Act and  insert  new  section  258F  "Person  must  not  be
required to provide personal identifiers in a cruel,  inhuman  or  degrading
way etc".

Current section 258F of the Migration Act provides that the carrying out  of
an identification test, for the purposes of the Migration  Act,  is  not  of
itself taken to be: cruel, inhuman or degrading;  or  to  be  a  failure  to
treat a person with  humanity  and  with  respect  for  human  dignity.  The
section also makes it clear that nothing in the Act  itself  authorises  the
carrying out of an identification test in  a  cruel,  inhuman  or  degrading
manner, or in a manner that fails to treat a person with humanity  and  with
respect for human dignity.

Amended item 45 of Schedule 1 to the Bill will insert  a  new  section  258F
that provides that for the purposes of the Migration Act, a  requirement  to
provide a personal identifier, or the provision of  a  personal  identifier,
in a particular way under section 257A is not of itself taken to be:  cruel,
inhuman or degrading; or a failure to treat a person with humanity and  with
respect for human dignity. Amended item 45 of Schedule 1 to  the  Bill  will
also provide that nothing in the Migration Act authorises  the  Minister  or
an officer to require a  person  to  provide  a  personal  identifier  under
section 257A in a cruel, inhuman or degrading way, or in a  way  that  fails
to treat the person with humanity and with respect for human dignity.

The purpose of new section 258F is to make it clear that the  Migration  Act
does not authorise the Minister  or  an  officer  to  require  a  person  to
provide a personal identifier under either limb of  new  subsection  257A(5)
in a way that is cruel, inhuman or degrading, or in  a  way  that  fails  to
treat a person with humanity and with respect for human  dignity.  That  is,
whether the person has been required to provide  a  personal  identifier  by
way of an identification test carried out by an  authorised  officer  or  an
authorised  system,  or  by  another  specified  way,  in  either  case  the
Migration Act does not authorise the Minister or an officer to do  so  in  a
cruel, inhuman or degrading way, or in a way that fails to treat the  person
with humanity and respect for human dignity.

 New section 258F will also provide that the  act  of  the  Minister  or  an
officer issuing  a  requirement  to  provide  a  personal  identifier  in  a
particular way, as well as the  act  of  the  person  providing  a  personal
identifier in a particular way,  are  not  themselves  taken  to  be  cruel,
inhuman or degrading, or a failure to treat the  person  with  humanity  and
with respect for human dignity.

This amendment implements Recommendation 1 of the Committee report  relating
to the safeguards in section 285F of the Migration  Act  and  extends  those
safeguards to any means of collecting personal  identifiers  under  proposed
new paragraph 257A(5)(b) of the Bill.

                Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights

    Prepared in accordance with Part 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary
                             Scrutiny) Act 2011

                              Amendment to the

     Migration Amendment (Strengthening Biometrics Integrity) Bill 2015

The amendment to this Bill is compatible with the human rights and  freedoms
recognised or declared in the international instruments listed in section  3
of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011.

Overview of amendments to the Bill

This Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights relates  to  an  amendment
to the Migration Amendment (Strengthening Biometrics  Integrity)  Bill  2015
(the Bill) only, and is therefore  supplementary  to,  and  to  be  read  in
conjunction  with,  the  original  Statement  of  Compatibility  with  Human
Rights, tabled with the Bill. Specifically,  amendments  to  the  Bill  will
amend the Migration Act 1958 (the Migration Act) to:

    . Extend the protection in section  258F  of  the  Migration  Act  to  a
      requirement to provide a personal identifier, or the  provision  of  a
      personal identifier, in a particular way under section 257A.

This amendment to the Bill implements Recommendation 1 of the  Senate  Legal
and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee (the Committee), as  stated
in their report  of  5  June  2015  regarding  the  Bill.  Recommendation  1
provides that consideration be given to ensuring that  protections  in  line
with those found in section 258E and 258F of the Migration Act apply to  any
means of  collecting  personal  identifiers  under  proposed  new  paragraph
257A(5)(b) of the Bill.

Human rights implications

Schedule 1: amendment to section 258F of the Migration Act

Current section 258F provides that nothing in the Migration  Act  authorises
the carrying out of an identification test in a cruel, inhuman or  degrading
manner, or in a manner that fails to treat a person with humanity  and  with
respect for human dignity. It also provides that  the  carrying  out  of  an
identification test  is  not  of  itself  taken  to  be  cruel,  inhuman  or
degrading, or a failure to treat a person  with  humanity  and  respect  for
human dignity.

This amendment will likewise make it clear that  nothing  in  the  Migration
Act authorises the Minister or an officer to require a person to  provide  a
personal identifier under section 257A in  a  cruel,  inhuman  or  degrading
way, or in a way that fails to treat  the  person  with  humanity  and  with
respect  for  human  dignity.  The  amendment  will  also  provide  that   a
requirement to  provide  a  personal  identifier,  or  the  provision  of  a
personal identifier, in a particular  way  under  section  257A  is  not  of
itself taken to be cruel, inhuman or degrading, or  a  failure  to  treat  a
person with humanity and with respect for human dignity.

This amendment engages the  Convention  against  Torture  and  Other  Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (the CAT) in that  it  complies
with Article 16  of  the  CAT  in  preventing  acts  of  cruel,  inhuman  or
degrading treatment which do not amount to torture under the  CAT,  when  an
individual provides one or more personal identifiers under section 257A.

The  amendment  also  engages  the  International  Covenant  on  Civil   and
Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 7 of the ICCPR  relevantly  provides  that
no one shall be subjected to torture  or  to  cruel,  inhuman  or  degrading
treatment or punishment. The proposed amendment to section 258F will  affirm
an individual's right to physical integrity and freedom from cruel,  inhuman
or degrading treatment.


The amendment to the Bill is compatible with human rights.

  The Hon. Peter Dutton MP, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection

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