Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                          2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013


                     HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES



            Amendments to be Moved on Behalf of the Government

    (Circulated by authority of the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship,
                          the Hon. Brendan OConnor)

1 Migration Amendment (Temporary Sponsored Visas) Bill 2013 OUTLINE The Migration Amendment (Temporary Sponsored Visas) Bill 2013 amends the Migration Act 1958 (the Migration Act) to enhance the Governments ability to deter sponsor behaviour which is inconsistent with the policy intent of the temporary sponsored work visa program (of which subclass 457 visas are a part). The Bill, together with proposed amendments to the Migration Regulations 1994 (the Migration Regulations), presents a comprehensive package of reform which would balance the interests of Australian workers with the need to strengthen protections for overseas workers. The proposed Government amendments to the Bill: require the Minister to take all reasonable steps to ensure that, at all times, there is in existence a council that is known as the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration, established under the executive power of the Commonwealth, which includes representatives of unions, industry and State and Territory governments and other members (if any) nominated by the Minister and meets at least quarterly; provides that without limiting its functions, the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration is to provide advice to the Minister in relation to the temporary sponsored work visa program; clarifies the evidence required in relation to labour market testing which is to accompany the nomination; if one or more Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents were, in the previous 4 months, made redundant or retrenched from positions in the nominated occupation in a business, or an associated entity, of the approved sponsor, require the approved sponsor to provide information about those redundancies or retrenchments with the nomination; ensure that if there have been redundancies or retrenchments, the labour market testing must be undertaken after those redundancies and retrenchments; amend the labour market testing condition so that it is satisfied if the Minister is satisfied that a suitably qualified and experienced Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident and eligible temporary visa holder is not readily available to fill the nominated position; clarify that if the approved sponsor elects to provide evidence and information other than evidence of advertising and fees, or payment of fees, to support their claim to have tested the labour market, the Minister may take that evidence and information into account. But if the approved sponsor elects not to provide such other evidence or information, the Minister is not to treat the nomination less favourably merely because of that fact; restrict the skill and occupational exemptions in relation to labour market testing; and insert the definitions of ,,associated entity, ,,eligible temporary visa holder, ,,protected experience and ,,protected qualification for the purposes of the labour market testing condition.

2 These amendments will clarify and strengthen the labour market testing measure in the Bill and ensures that redundancies or retrenchments cannot be used to circumvent the policy intent of the temporary sponsored work visa program. FINANCIAL IMPACT STATEMENT The financial impact of the amendments is medium.

3 MIGRATION AMENDMENT (TEMPORARY SPONSORED VISAS) BILL 2013 NOTES ON AMENDMENTS Amendment (1) - Schedule 1, heading, page 4 (line 1) 1. This amendment omits the word "purpose" from the heading of Schedule 1 of the Bill and inserts the word "preliminary". 2. This amendment is a consequential amendment as a result of Amendment (2) below. Amendment (2) - Schedule 1, item 1, page 4 (after line 32) 3. This amendment inserts new section 140AB after section 140AA in Schedule 1 of the Bill. 4. New subsection 140AB(1) provides that the Minister must take all reasonable steps to ensure that, at all times, there is in existence a council that: is known as the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration; and is established under the executive power of the Commonwealth; and includes representatives of unions, industry and State and Territory governments and other members (if any) nominated by the Minister; and meets at least quarterly. 5. New subsection 140AB(2) provides that without limiting its functions apart from section 140AB, the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration is to provide advice to the Minister in relation to the temporary sponsored work visa program. 6. The purpose of this amendment is to recognise the role of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration in providing advice to the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship in relation to the temporary sponsored work visa program. 7. The Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration was established by executive action in 2012 and meets at least quarterly. It provides advice to the Minister on the skilled migration visa program. Its membership in 2013 includes representatives of unions, industry and State and Territory governments. It is desirable to recognise the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration in the Migration Act and to acknowledge the role of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration in providing advice to the Minister on the temporary sponsored work visa program, which includes the subclass 457 visa program. 8. Paragraph 140AB(1)(b) provides that the council is established under the executive power of the Commonwealth. This ensures that the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973 does not apply to the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration. 9. Paragraph 140AB(1)(c) provides that the council includes representatives of unions, industry and State and Territory governments and other members (if any) nominated by the Minister. The inclusion of representatives of unions, industry and State and Territory governments as members of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration recognises the important role that these three groups have in providing advice to the Minister in relation to the temporary sponsored work visa program.

4 Amendment (3) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 6 (lines 15 to 18) 10. This amendment omits paragraph 140GBA(3)(b) and (c) of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Bill and substitutes it with a new paragraph 140GBA(3)(b). 11. New paragraph 140GBA(3)(b) provides that the nomination is accompanied by: evidence in relation to that labour market testing (see subsection 140GBA(5) and (6)); and if one or more Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents were, in the previous 4 months, made redundant or retrenched from positions in the nominated occupation in a business, or an associated entity, of the approved sponsor - information about those redundancies or retrenchments. 12. The purpose of this amendment is to strengthen the evidentiary requirements for an approved sponsor to satisfy the labour market testing condition. 13. Further, this amendment ensures that if one or more Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents were, in the previous 4 months, made redundant or retrenched from positions in the nominated occupation in the business, or an associated entity, of the approved sponsor, the approved sponsor must provide information about those redundancies or retrenchments with the nomination. Amendment (4) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 6 (line 19) 14. This amendment inserts the words "and information (if any)," after the word "evidence" in paragraph 140GBA(3)(d) of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Bill. 15. This is a consequential amendment as a result of Amendment (3) above. Amendment (5) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 6 (lines 19 to 22) 16. This amendment omits the words "the Minister is satisfied that a suitably qualified and experienced Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident is not readily available to fill the nominated position" in new paragraph 140GBA(3)(d) and substitutes with the words: "the Minister is satisfied that: (i) a suitably qualified and experienced Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident is not readily available to fill the nominate position; and (ii) a suitably qualified and experienced eligible temporary visa holder is not readily available to fill the nominated position." 17. This amendment will amend paragraph 140GBA(3)(d) of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Bill so that the labour market testing condition requirement is satisfied if the Minister is satisfied that a suitably qualified and experienced Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident and eligible temporary visa holder is not readily available to fill the nominated position. Amendment (6) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 6 (line 26) to page 7 (line 18) 18. This amendment omits subsection 140GBA(5) and subsection 140GBA(6) and substitutes new subsections 140GBA(4A), (5) and (6).

5 19. New subsection 140GBA(4A) provides that despite paragraph 140GBA(3)(a) and subsection 140GBA(4), if there have been redundancies or retrenchments as mentioned in subparagraph 140GBA(3)(b)(ii), the labour market testing must be undertaken after those redundancies and retrenchments. 20. This amendment creates a separate requirement regarding the period in which labour market testing must be undertaken in circumstances where the approved sponsors business or associated entity has made redundant or retrenched Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents. In such circumstances, an approved sponsor must undertake labour market testing after those redundancies and retrenchments. 21. New subsection 140GBA(5) provides that for the purposes of subparagraph 140GBA(3)(b)(i), the evidence in relation to labour market testing: must include the information about the approved sponsors attempts to recruit suitably qualified and experienced Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents to the position and any other similar positions (see also subsection 140GBA(6)); and may also include other evidence, such as: o copies of, or references to, any research released in the previous 4 months relating to labour market trends generally and in relation to the nominated occupation; or o expressions of support from Commonwealth, State and Territory government authorities with responsibility for employment matters; or o any other type of evidence determined by the Minister by legislative instrument, for subparagraph 140GBA(5)(b)(iii). 22. This amendment makes it mandatory for an approved sponsor to provide information about their attempts to recruit suitably qualified and experienced Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents to the position and any other similar positions, rather than being one of the options available to an approved sponsor. 23. Additionally, this amendment makes it discretionary for an approved sponsor to provide one or more of the following types of evidence listed in paragraph 140GBA(5)(b). 24. These amendments strengthen the evidentiary requirements for an approved sponsor to satisfy the labour market testing condition. 25. This amendment also provides that any research in relation to labour market trends generally and in relation to the nominated occupation is research which has been undertaken in the previous 4 months. 26. The option that the approved sponsor provides research released in the previous 4 months in relation to labour market testing generally and in relation to the nominated occupation represents a change from the Bill which allows for the provision of research released in the previous 6 months. The reason for this change is that research conducted in the last 6 months could be out of date and not reflect current labour market trends.

6 27. New subsection 140GBA(6) provides that for the purposes of paragraph 140GBA(5)(a), the information mentioned: must include details of: o any advertising (paid or unpaid) of the position, and any similar positions, commissioned or authorised by the approved sponsor; and o fees and other expenses paid (or payable) for that advertising; and may also include other information, such as: o information about the approved sponsors participation in relevant job and career expositions; or o details of any other fees and expenses paid (or payable) for any recruitment attempts mentioned in paragraph 140GBA(5)(a) (including participation mentioned in subparagraph 140GBA(6)(b)(i)); or o details of the results of such recruitment attempts, including details of any positions filled as a result. 28. This amendment makes it mandatory for an approved sponsor to provide details of any advertising (paid or unpaid) of the position, and any similar positions, commissioned or authorised by the approved sponsor and fees and other expenses paid (or payable) for that advertising when providing information about their attempts to recruit suitably qualified and experienced Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents to the position and any other similar positions. 29. Additionally, this amendment makes it discretionary for an approved sponsor to provide other information such as participation in relevant job and career expositions, details of any other fees and expenses paid (or payable) for any recruitment attempts or details of the results of such recruitment attempts, including details of any position filled as a result. 30. The purpose of this amendment is to ensure that approved sponsors advertise positions or any similar positions, as part of their efforts to test the labour market. Amendment (7) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 7 (before line 19) 31. This amendment inserts new subsection 140GBA(6A) before the heading to subsection 140GBA(7) of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Bill. 32. New subsection 140GBA(6A) provides that if the approved sponsor elects to provide other evidence and information as mentioned in paragraphs 140GBA(5)(b) and (6)(b), the Minister may take that evidence and information into account. But if the approved sponsor elects not to provide such other evidence or information, the Minister is not to treat the nomination less favourably merely because of that fact. 33. Paragraphs 140GBA(5)(b) and (6)(b) set out the discretionary evidence and information that may accompany the nomination.

7 34. This amendment is for the purpose of clarifying that the Minister is not to treat the nomination less favourably merely because of the fact that an approved sponsor does not provide evidence and information as mentioned in paragraphs 140GBA(5)(b) and (6)(b). Amendment (8) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 7 (after line 20) 35. This amendment inserts the definition of associated entity before the definition of Australian permanent resident in subsection 140GBA(7). 36. Associated entity has the same meaning as in Part 2A of the regulations. Regulation 2.57 of the Migration Regulations 1994 provides that in Part 2A associated entity has the same meaning as in section 50AAA of the Corporations Act 2001. Amendment (9) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 7 (after line 22) 37. This amendment inserts the definition of eligible temporary visa holder after the definition of Australian permanent resident in subsection140GBA(7). 38. The definition provides that a person is an eligible temporary visa holder, in relation to a nomination by an approved sponsor if, at the time when the nomination is made: the person is the holder of a temporary visa referred to in the regulations as a Subclass 417 (Working Holiday) visa or a Subclass 462 (Work and Holiday) visa; and the person is employed in the agricultural sector by the approved sponsor (or an associated entity of the approved sponsor); and the temporary visa does not prohibit the person from performing that employment. 39. This amendment is for the purpose of defining who is an eligible temporary visa holder for the purposes of a nomination by an approved sponsor. Amendment (10) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 9 (line 3) Amendment (11) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 9 (line 4) 40. Amendment (10) adds ", other than a protected qualification" after "qualification" in subparagraph 140GBC(2)(a)(i) in item 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Bill. 41. Amendment (11) adds ", other than protected experience" after "experience" in subparagraph 140GBC(2)(a)(ii) in item 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Bill. 42. Currently, subsection 140GBC(2) in the Bill provides that the approved sponsor is exempt from the requirement to satisfy the labour market testing condition in section 140GBA if: either or both of the following are required for the nominated position, in relation to the nominated occupation: o a relevant bachelor degree or higher qualification; o 5 years or more of relevant experience; and

8 the nominated occupation is specified for the purposes of subsection 140GBC(2) under subsection 140GBC(4). 43. This amendment restricts the skill and occupational exemption in subsection 140GBC(2) in relation to labour market testing. The effect of this amendment is that nominations made by approved sponsors requiring either or both experience or a qualification (however described) in engineering (including shipping engineering) or nursing cannot be exempt from labour market testing under section 140GBC. 44. The definitions of protected qualification and protected experience are inserted by Amendment (15) below. Amendment (12) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 9 (line 12) Amendment (13) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 9 (line 13) 45. Amendment (12) adds ", other than a protected qualification" after "AQF" in subparagraph 140GBC(3)(a)(i) in item 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Bill. 46. Amendment (13) adds ", other than protected experience" after "experience" in subparagraph 140GBC(3)(a)(ii) in item 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Bill. 47. Currently, subsection 140GBC(3) in the Bill provides that the approved sponsor is exempt from the requirement to satisfy the labour market testing condition in section 140GBA if: either or both of the following are required for the nominated position, in relation to the nominated occupation: o a relevant associate degree, advanced diploma or diploma covered by the AQF; o 3 years or more of relevant experience; and the nominated occupation is specified for the purposes of subsection 140GBC(3) under subsection 140GBC(4). 48. The amendment restricts the skill and occupational exemption in subsection 140GBC(3) in relation to labour market testing. The effect of this amendment is that nominations made by approved sponsors requiring either or both experience or a qualification (however described) in engineering (including shipping engineering) or nursing cannot be exempt from labour market testing under section 140GBC. 49. The definitions of protected qualification and protected experience are inserted by Amendment (15) below. Amendment (14) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 9 (line 25) 50. This amendment substitutes the heading to subsection 140GBC(6) in item 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Bill. 51. This amendment is a consequential amendment as a result of Amendment (15) below, which inserts the definitions of protected experience and protected qualification in section 140GBC.

9 Amendment (15) - Schedule 2, item 2, page 9 (after line 28) 52. This amendment insert the definitions of protected experience and protected qualification subsection 140GBC(6) in item 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Bill. 53. Protected experience means experience in the field of engineering (including shipping engineering) or nursing. 54. Protected qualification means a qualification (however described) in engineering (including shipping engineering) or nursing. Amendment (16) - Schedule 2, item 6, page 11 (line 19) 55. This amendment inserts the words "(subject to subsection 140GBA(4A))" after the word "applies" in subitem 6(2) of Part 3 of Schedule 2 of the Bill. 56. This is a consequential amendment as a result of Amendment (6) above.

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