Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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1998 - 1999 - 2000





(Circulated by authority of the
Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs,
The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP)

ISBN: 0642 454426



1 The Migration Legislation Amendment (Migration Agents) Bill 2000 (“the Bill”) makes a number of amendments to the Migration Act 1958 (“the Act”).

2 The Act provides a scheme for the regulation of persons who seek to act as migration agents. In general terms a migration agent is an individual who uses, or purports to use, their knowledge or experience in migration procedure to give what is defined in the Act as "immigration assistance".

3 The amendments change the scheme for the regulation of migration agents by:

• providing powers to allow the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) to start or complete investigation of complaints against an agent even if the agent is no longer registered, and to subsequently impose a bar on the return to the industry of the agent if it is satisfied that the complaint is made out;
• including a carry-over provision for agents applying for repeat registration so that, as long as agents apply before their existing registration has expired, they will stay registered until the MARA has made a decision on their application; and
• introducing a flexible mechanism for further defining what kinds of activities come within the scope of the regulatory scheme.

4 The first item is intended to deal with migration agents avoiding the disciplinary provisions of the regulatory scheme simply by deregistering or allowing their registration to expire. It will ensure that the MARA can start and complete investigations even where the agent is no longer registered (as long as the complaint is not received more than 12 months after the registration has ceased).

5 It also includes provisions which could bar the return of former agents to the industry and which require the MARA to publicise such action. These provisions are analogous to and will operate in a similar way to existing provisions in the regulatory scheme.

6 The second item is intended to ensure that agents are not disadvantaged through delays in processing repeat registration applications.

7 The third item is intended to, amongst other things, allow regulations to be made that could ensure that certain types of "in house" assistance (say from an employer in relation to a prospective employee) do not fall within the scope of the regulatory scheme.


8 These amendments will have minimal financial impact.

Clause 1 Short Title

1. The short title by which this Act will be known is the Migration Legislation Amendment (Migration Agents) Act 2000.

Clause 2 Commencement

2. Subclause 2(1) provides that subject to this section, this Act commences on the
day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

3. Subclause 2(2) provides that, subject to subsection (3), section 5 and items 3, 5, 8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of Schedule 1 commence on a day to be fixed by Proclamation. These provisions relate to former registered agents.

4. Subclause 2(3) provides that if section 5 and items 3,5, 8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of Schedule 1 are not proclaimed within six months of this Act receiving the Royal assent, then they will commence on the first day immediately after that period.

5. Subclause 2(4) provides that items 9 to14 of Schedule 1 commence at the later of the following times:
(a) immediately after the commencement of item 8 of Schedule 1
(b) the commencement of Parts 4 to 10 of the Act that establishes the Administrative Review Tribunal.

Clause 3 Schedule(s)

6. This clause provides that subject to section 2, the provisions of each Act set out in the items of the Schedule to this Act is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this Act has effect according to its terms.

Clause 4 Application Provision - automatic continuation of registration

7. The new section 300 of the Act proposed by item 7 of Schedule 1 introduces "carry-over" provisions to ensure that agents who apply for repeat registration within the period of their existing registration are taken to remain registered whilst the MARA is considering the application for repeat registration.

8. This clause provides that the "carry over" provisions in proposed section 300 will apply to registration applications made after commencement, or those made before commencement of proposed section 300, as long as the applicant was still a registered agent immediately before commencement.

9. The effect of paragraph (b) in this clause is to ensure that, of the existing pool of repeat registration applications in existence at the commencement date, it is only those which have been made by agents whose registration had not ceased at the time of commencement that benefit from the "carry over" arrangement.

Clause 5 Application Provision - disciplining former registered agents

10. This clause provides that the amendments made by items 8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 21, and 22 of Schedule 1 to this Act apply to:

• any complaint about a person made after the commencement of this section in relation to his or her provision of immigration assistance before or after commencement of this section; and
• any complaint about a person made before commencement of this section, but only if the person was a registered agent immediately before commencement.

11. The latter part of this application arrangement provides scope for the MARA to apply the "Disciplining former registered agents" provisions in new Division 4A of the Act to complaints which are in existence at the time of commencement ("existing complaints"), but only where the agent is also registered at the time of commencement.

12. As a result, the bar of up to 5 years provided for in new section 311A can only come into play in relation to existing complaints where the agent is registered immediately before commencement but has, for whatever reason, become deregistered after commencement.

Schedule 1 Amendments

Migration Act 1958

Item 1 At the end of section 276

13. This item adds a new subsection 4 to section 276 of the Act to provide that regulations may prescribe circumstances in which a person does not give immigration assistance.

14. The term "immigration assistance" is described at section 276 of the Act and, in very broad terms, covers the use of knowledge and experience in giving assistance to visa applicants. Section 280 of the Act imposes restrictions on the giving of immigration assistance and makes it an offence to do so in certain circumstances.

15. The new provision will provide a flexible mechanism to deal with specific kinds of activities that are not intended to be captured by the regulatory scheme. For example the regulations might provide that specific kinds of help given to applicants seeking visas of specified classes may not constitute "immigration assistance". An illustration of where this might be useful would be to clarify the status of immigration assistance if it is given by employers to actual or intending employees.

Item 2 At the end of section 282

16. This item adds a new subsection 5 to section 282 of the Act to provide that regulations may prescribe circumstances in which a person does not make immigration representations.

17. The term "makes immigration representations" is described in section 282 of the Act and, in broad terms, deals with the making of representations to the Minister, the Minister's staff or the Department about visa applications and related matters. Section 282 imposes restrictions on the making of immigration representations and makes it an offence to ask for or receive a fee for doing so in certain circumstances.

18. The new provision will provide a flexible mechanism to deal with specific kinds of activities that are not intended to be captured by the regulatory scheme. For example the regulations might provide that specific kinds of representation made on behalf of applicants for specified visa classes may not constitute "immigration representations". An illustration of where this might be useful would be to clarify the status of a person in a major corporation whose paid duties include making representations to visa decision-makers on behalf of actual or intending employees of the corporation.

Item 3 Subsection 289(1)

19. This is a technical amendment consequent to the insertion of section 292A of the Act by item 5.

Item 4 Subsection 289(4)

20. Subsection 289(4) of the Act deals with the taking of effect of registration of an already registered migration agent. It provides a mechanism for determining the time a further registration takes effect and, if not amended, could operate in conflict with new subsection 300(3).

21. This item resolves any possible conflict between the two provisions and is consequential to the insertion of new subsection 300(3) of the Act by item 7.

Item 5 After section 292

22. This item inserts new section 292A into the Act.

New section 292A Applicant must not be registered if any barring period
has not ended

23. New section 292A provides that an applicant must not be registered if MARA has made a decision to bar him or her from being a registered agent under subsection 311A(1) and the period has not ended.

Item 6 Subsection 299(1)

24. This is a technical amendment consequent to the insertion of new section 300 into the Act by Item 7.

Item 7 After section 299

25. This item inserts new section 300 into the Act.

New section 300 Automatic continuation of registration

26. New subsection 300(1) of the Act will allow an agent's existing registration to continue after its expected expiry date if there is a pending repeat registration application (with the application fee paid) at the expiry of the current registration. The registration will continue until the MARA makes a decision.

Application granted if no decision within a certain period

27. New subsection 300(2) of the Act provides that, if the MARA has not decided the application within 10 months of the expiry of the agent's registration, the application is taken to have been granted at the end of that period.

28. This situation might occur where an agent seeks merits or judicial review of a cancellation or suspension decision and the decision is stayed by a review body or the court pending final determination. In these circumstances, the MARA may consider it inappropriate to make a decision on the repeat registration application until the outcome of the review of the previous decision is known.

29. Taking the application to have been granted after a period of 10 months will ensure that the normal cycles of registration and repeat registration are maintained. It will ensure that the repeat registration application is finalised at least 1 month before the next cycle of repeat registration begins (pursuant to section 301 of the Act, the MARA is obliged to give at least 1 month's written notice of the expiry of registration - this is the beginning of the repeat registration cycle).

30. This will give registered agents some certainty in relation to the period of time that their "carry over" registration will be in existence. It will also ensure that they have the opportunity to plan compliance with the continuing professional development requirements for their next repeat registration application (as prescribed by section 290A of the Act).

When registration takes effect

31. New subsection 300(3) of the Act effectively provides that, if an application is granted, registration lasts for 12 months beginning at the expiry of the previous registration. An example is provided illustrating how this may apply.

Item 8 After Division 4 of Part 3

32. This item inserts a new Division 4A which relates to disciplining of former registered agents. Currently an agent about whom the MARA has received complaints can frustrate the MARA's investigation by deregistering. This action also allows them to avoid the disciplinary provisions of the Act as they apply to migration agents.

33. The new Division will ensure that agents cannot avoid having complaints against them investigated and action taken against them simply by leaving the industry. The scheme of the Division is analogous to existing provisions in the Act dealing with the cancellation or suspension of registered agents.

Division 4A Disciplining former registered agents

New section 311A Barring former registered agents from being registered
for up to 5 years

34. New section 311A will allow the MARA to bar a former registered agent from being a registered agent for a period if, after investigating a complaint about him or her in relation to the provision of immigration assistance, it is satisfied that the subject matter of the complaint is made out.

35. The bar may be based on investigation of a complaint about immigration assistance which was given at any time when the former registered agent was a registered agent.

36. However the complaint that the investigation was based on is itself subject to new subsection 316(1B) of the Act, which is inserted by item 18 That subsection provides that complaints about former registered agents can only be investigated if received within 12 months after the person ceased to be a registered agent.

37. The note points to the code of procedure found in new section 311D of the Act. That code ensures that procedural fairness is accorded to former agents who may be subject to a decision under new section 311A barring their re-entry to the industry.

38. New subsection 311A(2) of the Act provides that the period of such a bar must not be more than 5 years.

New section 311B Notification of Decision

39. New section 311B relates to notification of a decision to bar a former registered agent. It is based on, and will operated in a similar way to existing section 305 of the Act which deals with notice of cancellation or suspension of registered agents.

Notice to former registered agent

40. New subsection 311B(1) is similar to paragraph 305(1)(a) of the Act. It requires the MARA to give written notice to a former registered agent of its decision under new section 311A to bar that person from registering as an agent again. The notice must give the reasons for the decision and specify the period of time that the bar will operate for.

Publication of a statement about decision

41. New subsection 311B(2) is similar to paragraph 305(1)(b) of the Act. It requires the MARA to publish in the prescribed way a statement about the decision which includes the reasons for the decision. Publication of the statement will warn potential clients, members of the community and the migration advice industry (and related professions) of the barring of the former registered agent.

Time of publication

42. New subsections 311B(3) and (4) are similar to existing subsection 305(2) of the Act. They require the MARA to publish the statement as soon as possible after the end of 28 days after the former agent is given written notice of the decision, unless the former agent seeks merits or judicial review of the decision within that period.

43. Where the agent does seek merits or judicial review within the 28 days and the decision stands, the statement must be published as soon as possible at the end of those proceedings.

New section 311C Publication of additional statement about decision

44. New section 311C is similar to existing section 305A of the Act, which deals with the publication of additional statements about cancellation or suspension of registrations. It provides the MARA with the ability to make a statement about the decision to bar a former registered agent available to the public in a variety of ways.

45. The new Section will provide a discretionary cost-effective means of publishing the details of the decision including the MARA's reasons, findings on material questions of fact and evidence on which the findings were based. It also provides an immunity for publishing in good faith, a copy of, extract from or a fair summary of the statement.

46. New subsection 311C(1) is similar to existing subsection 305A(1) of the Act. It provides a discretionary power for the MARA to prepare a statement about a decision to bar a former registered agent, and to make the statement publicly available.

Content of statement

47. New subsection 311C(2) is similar to existing subsection 305A(2) of the Act. It provides details of what the MARA may include in any additional statement made public under new subsection 311C(1).

How statement to be made available

48. New subsection 311C(4) is similar to existing subsection 305A(4) of the Act. It describes the means by which the MARA may make a statement publicly available.

49. The MARA may, for example, decide in a particular case to publish a statement in its own newsletter, in a national newspaper and post a notice on its website to ensure that the widest possible notification is given of its decision to ban a former agent.

Immunity for publishing statement

50. New subsection 311C(5) is similar to existing subsection 305A(5) of the Act. That provision was, in turn, based on similar provisions at subsection 134A(5) of the National Health Act 1953.

New section 311D Former registered agent may make a submission etc.

51. New section 311D is similar to existing sections 309 and 310 of the Act. It ensures that procedural fairness is accorded to former agents who may be subject to a decision under new section 311A barring their re-entry to the industry.

Invitation to make submission

52. New subsection 311D(1) is similar to existing subsection 309(2) of the Act. It provides that the MARA must give written notice to a former agent of a proposal to make a decision under new subsection 311A(1) and invite the former agent to make a written submission within 28 days.

Authority to consider any submission

53. New subsection 311D(2) provides that the MARA must consider any written submission received within the 28 day period mentioned in new paragraph 311D(1)(b).

No submission received

54. New subsection 311D(3) is similar to existing subsection 310(2) of the Act. It provides that, if the MARA does not receive a written submission it may decide the matter on the information before it.

Submission received

55. New subsection 311D(4) is similar to existing subsection 310(3) of the Act. It provides that, where a written submission is received, the MARA may decide the matter, or at its discretion, give the former registered agent the opportunity to appear before it and then decide the matter.
New section 311E Authority not bound by legal forms

56. New section 311E is similar to existing section 311 of the Act. It provides that the MARA is not bound by technicalities, legal forms or rules of evidence but must act according to substantial justice and the merits of the case when making a decision under new subsection 311A(1).

New section 311F Review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal

57. New section 311F is similar to existing section 306 of the Act. It provides that, subject to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, former registered agents may seek review of a decision under new subsection 311A(1).

Item 9 Paragraph 311B(4)(a)

58. This item makes a technical amendment substituting Administrative Review Tribunal for Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Commencement of this item is consequential to, and dependent on, commencement of the Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2000.

Item 10 Paragraph 311B(4)(b)
Item 11 Subsection 311B(4)
Item 12 Section 311F
Item 13 Section 311F

59. These items make technical amendments to remove any ambiguity in the interpretation of the relevant sections of the Act following establishment of the Administrative Review Tribunal. Commencement of these items are consequential to, and dependent on, commencement of the Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2000.

Item 14 At the end of section 311F

60. New subsection 311F(2) provides that review of a decision by the MARA taken under new subsection 311A(1), is to take place in the Commercial and General Division of the Administrative Review Tribunal. Commencement of this item is consequential to, and dependent on, commencement of the Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2000.

61. Review is to take place in the Commercial and General Division rather than the Immigration and Refugee Division of the Tribunal as MARA decisions are effectively agent licensing decisions, and can be easily distinguished from visa decisions.
Item 15 Paragraph 316(1)(c)
Item 16 Paragraph 316(1)(d)

62. These items will ensure that the MARA can investigate complaints in relation to the provision of immigration assistance by registered agents and will avoid any doubt over whether the MARA's functions extend to dealing with agents who are no longer registered.

Item 17 At the end of subsection 316(1)

63. This item corrects a technical error in Schedule 1, Item 5 of the Migration Legislation Amendment (Migration Agents) Act 1999.

Item 18 After subsection 316(1)

64. This item inserts two new subsections 316(1A) and 316(1B).

65. New subsection 316(1A) clarifies that the MARA may start or complete an investigation of a complaint about a person at a time when the person is no longer a registered agent.

66. New subsection 316(1B) provides that the MARA can only investigate a complaint about a former registered agent if the complaint is received within 12 months after the former registered agent ceased to be a registered agent. This is intended to provide certainty for agents and former agents, and as a by-product ensures that the MARA's attention is given to those cases which can be most effectively investigated.

Item 19 Section 318
Item 20 Subsection 319 (1)

67. These items will ensure that the MARA's power to refer people to mediation (under existing section 318 of the Act) or to refer a lawyer's conduct to a disciplinary authority (under existing subsection 319(1) of the Act) will extend to former registered agents.

Item 21 Subsection 319(2)

68. This item is a technical amendment to the limitation on the action that the MARA may take against an agent who is referred, pursuant to existing subsection 319(1) of the Act, to a disciplinary authority for lawyers.

69. The amendment is required as existing subsection 319(1) of the Act only logically extends to registered agents, and not to former registered agents, because the powers in existing section 303 of the Act only extend to registered agents.

Item 22 At the end of section 319

70. This item inserts new subsection 319(3) and provides protection to former agents similar to that which existing subsection 319(2) of the Act provides to registered agents.


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