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2004-2005 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES POSTAL INDUSTRY OMBUDSMAN BILL 2005 SUPPLEMENTARY EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM Amendment to be moved on behalf of the Government Amendment (1) omits proposed subsection 19ZA(2A) in item 11 of Schedule 1 to the Bill. The effect of subsection 19ZA(2A) is to make it mandatory for private postal operators that comprise 20 or more employees and have an annual turnover threshold greater than $1,000,000 to apply in writing to the Postal Industry Ombudsman (PIO) to be registered. The effect of Amendment (1) would be to allow all private postal operators to register voluntarily with the PIO scheme. The Government amendment returns the Bill to its original form. The original form of the Bill, which provides for voluntary registration, is a more appropriate mechanism for private postal operator participation in the new scheme, and balances the rights of the consumer to independent arbitration against the known level of complaint and the cost and complexity of implementing a new scheme. (Circulated by authority of Senator the Hon. Helen Coonan, Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts)Index] [Search] [Download] [Bill] [Help]