(1) If:
(a) an information system becomes temporarily inoperative; or
(b) an information system that has become temporarily inoperative again becomes operative;
the Comptroller - General of Customs must cause notice of the occurrence to be given:
(c) on the Department's website; and
(d) where practicable, by email to persons who communicate with the Department electronically.
(2) If an information system is temporarily inoperative, information that a person could otherwise have communicated electronically to the Department by means of the system may be communicated to the Department in either of the following ways:
(a) if another information system by means of which the person can communicate information to the Department is operative--electronically by means of that other system;
(b) by document given or sent to an officer doing duty in relation to the matter to which the information relates.
(3) If:
(a) because an information system is temporarily inoperative, a person communicates information to an officer by document in accordance with paragraph (2)(b); and
(b) the Comptroller - General of Customs causes notice to be given under paragraph (1)(b) stating that the information system has again become operative;
the person must communicate the information electronically to the Department within 24 hours after the notice was given.