(1) The Comptroller - General of Customs may enter into an agreement (a trusted trader agreement ) with an entity if:
(a) the entity nominates itself to participate in the Australian Trusted Trader Programme; and
(b) the Comptroller - General of Customs is satisfied that the entity satisfies the qualification criteria set out in the rules.
(2) In deciding whether to enter into a trusted trader agreement, the Comptroller - General of Customs must consider:
(a) any matter set out in the rules; and
(b) any other matter that he or she considers relevant.
(3) If the Comptroller - General of Customs enters into a trusted trader agreement with an entity, the Comptroller - General of Customs may do either or both of the following:
(a) specify in the agreement one or more of the obligations covered by subparagraph 179(1)(d)(i);
(b) specify in the agreement:
(i) one or more of the obligations covered by subparagraph 179(1)(d)(ii); and
(ii) for each such obligation--the way in which the entity may satisfy the obligation.
Note 1: The effect of specifying an obligation under paragraph (3)(a) is that the entity will be released from the obligation under Part IV or VI: see sections 49C and 107.
Note 2: The effect of specifying an obligation under paragraph (3)(b) is that the entity will be able to satisfy the obligation under Part IV or VI in the way specified in the agreement: see sections 49C and 107.
Note 3: Parts IV and VI are about the importation and exportation of goods.
(4) The entity may receive benefits of a kind that are covered by paragraph 179(1)(e) and are specified in the agreement.