(1) The Comptroller - General of Customs may determine, by instrument in writing, that, subject to the conditions, if any, specified in the determination, an item, or a proposed item, of a Customs Tariff that is expressed to apply to goods, or to a class or kind of goods, as prescribed by by - laws shall apply, or shall be deemed to have applied, to the particular goods specified in the determination.
(2) The Comptroller - General of Customs may make a determination under the last preceding subsection for the purposes of an item, or a proposed item, of a Customs Tariff whether or not he or she has made a by - law for the purposes of that item or proposed item.
(3) Where, under this section, the Comptroller - General of Customs determines that an item, or a proposed item, of a Customs Tariff shall apply, or shall be deemed to have applied, to goods, that item or proposed item shall, subject to this Part and to the conditions, if any, specified in the determination, apply, or be deemed to have applied, to those goods as if those goods were specified in a by - law made for the purposes of that item or proposed item and in force on the day on which those goods are or were entered for home consumption.