(1) The regulations may modify the operation of this Chapter or any other provisions of this Act in relation to:
(b) a specified class of CCIVs; or
(c) all CCIVs; or
(d) a specified class of sub - funds of CCIVs; or
(e) all sub - funds of a specified class of CCIVs; or
(f) all sub - funds of all CCIVs.
(2) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1) in relation to a specified CCIV may apply to the CCIV in respect of a specified sub - fund, a specified class of sub - funds or all sub - funds of the CCIV.
No. 50, 2001
Compilation No. 139
Compilation date: 24 December 2024
Includes amendments: Act No. 136, 2024
This compilation is in 7 volumes
Volume 1: sections 1-260E
Volume 2: sections 283AA-600K
Volume 3: sections 601-742
Volume 4: sections 760A-994Q
Volume 5: sections 1010A-1243A
Volume 6: sections 1272-1710
Volume 7: Schedules
Each volume has its own contents
About this compilation
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Corporations Act 2001 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 24 December 2024 (the compilation date ).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes ) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register (www.legislation.gov.au). The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.
Editorial changes
For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.
Self - repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.
Chapter 9--Miscellaneous
Part 9.1A--Director identification numbers
1272 Giving and cancelling director identification numbers
1272A Applying for a director identification number
1272B Meaning of eligible officer
1272C Requirement to have a director identification number
1272D Requirement to apply for a director identification number
1272E Registrar may extend application periods
1272F Infringement notices
1272G Applying for additional director identification numbers
1272H Misrepresenting director identification numbers
Part 9.1--Matters relating to handling records and information
Subdivision A--Appointment etc. of the Registrar
1270 Appointment of the Registrar
1270A Functions
1270B Powers
1270C Directions by Minister
1270D Delegation
1270E Assisted decision making
1270F Liability for damages
Subdivision B--How the Registrar is to perform and exercise functions and powers
1270G Data standards
1270H Giving information to the Registrar
1270J How the Registrar is to perform and exercise functions and powers
Subdivision C--Disclosure of information
1270K Disclosure framework
1270L Protection of confidentiality of protected information
1270M Authorisation of recording or disclosure
1270N Preventing disclosure of particular protected information
1270P Authorisation for purposes of Privacy Act
1270Q Disclosure to a court
Subdivision D--Miscellaneous
1270R Extracts of information to be admissible in evidence
1270S Annual report
1270T Rules
Division 2--Registers kept by ASIC
1274 Registers
Division 3--Miscellaneous
1274AA Register of disqualified company directors and other officers
1274A Obtaining information from certain registers
1274B Use, in court proceedings, of information from ASIC's national database
1274C ASIC certificate
1275 Relodging of lost registered documents
Part 9.2--Registration of auditors
Division 2--Registration
1279 Application for registration as auditor
1280 Registration of auditors
1280A Approval of auditing competency standard
1281 Auditor - General taken to be registered as auditor
1287 Notification of certain matters
1287A Annual statements by registered company auditors
1289 Auditors and other persons to enjoy qualified privilege in certain circumstances
Division 2A--Conditions on registration of auditors
1289A ASIC may impose conditions on registration
Division 3--Cancellation or suspension of registration
1290 Cancellation at request of registered person
1291 Immediate suspension or cancellation
1291A Notice of suspension or cancellation
1291B ASIC may vary or revoke suspension
1292 Powers of Board in relation to auditors
1294 Board to give opportunity for hearing etc.
1294A Pre - hearing conference
1295 Board may remove suspension
1296 Notice of Board's decision
1297 Time when Board's decision comes into effect
1298 Effect of suspension
Division 4--Validation of approval of auditing competency standard
1298P Validation of approval of auditing competency standard
1298Q Compensation for acquisition of property
Part 9.2A--Authorised audit companies
Division 1--Registration
1299A Application for registration as authorised audit company
1299B Eligibility for registration as an authorised audit company
1299C Registration as authorised audit company
1299D Registration may be subject to conditions
1299E Register of authorised audit companies
1299F Notification of certain matters
1299G Annual statements by authorised audit company
Division 2--Cancellation or suspension of registration
1299H Cancellation at request of registered person
1299I Cancellation or suspension in other cases
1299J Notice of cancellation or suspension
1299K Time when ASIC's decision comes into effect
1299L Effect of suspension
1299M Effect of cancellation
Part 9.3--Books
1300 Inspection of books
1301 Location of books on computers
1303 Court may compel compliance
1304 Translations of instruments
1305 Admissibility of books in evidence
1306 Form and evidentiary value of books
1307 Falsification of books
Part 9.4--Offences
Division 1A--Application of the Criminal Code
1308A Application of Criminal Code
1308B False or misleading statements about share capital
1308 False or misleading documents
1309 False information etc.
1310 Obstructing or hindering ASIC etc.
Division 2--Offences generally
1311 General penalty provisions
1311A Penalty for committing an offence
1311B Penalty applicable to an offence committed by an individual
1311C Penalty applicable to an offence committed by a body corporate
1311D Meaning of benefit derived and detriment avoided --offence
1311E Where is the penalty for an offence specified?
1311F If no penalty is specified
1313A Offences committed partly in and partly out of the jurisdiction
1314 Continuing offences
1315 Proceedings: how taken
1316 Time for instituting criminal proceedings
1316A Privilege against self - incrimination not available to bodies corporate in Corporations Act criminal proceedings
1317 Certain persons to assist in prosecutions
Part 9.4AAA--Protection for whistleblowers
1317AA Disclosures qualifying for protection under this Part
1317AAA Meaning of eligible whistleblower
1317AAB Meaning of regulated entity
1317AAC Meaning of eligible recipient
1317AAD Public interest disclosure and emergency disclosure
1317AADA Personal work - related grievances
1317AAE Confidentiality of whistleblower's identity
1317AB Disclosure that qualifies for protection not actionable etc.
1317AC Victimisation prohibited
1317AD Compensation and other remedies--circumstances in which an order may be made
1317ADA Meaning of detriment
1317AE Compensation and other remedies--orders that may be made
1317AF Interaction between civil proceedings, civil penalties and criminal offences
1317AG Identifying information not to be disclosed etc. to courts or tribunals
1317AH Costs only if proceedings instituted vexatiously etc.
1317AI Whistleblower policies
1317AJ Exemption orders--class orders for companies
1317AK Review of operation of whistleblower protections
Part 9.4A--Review by Administrative Review Tribunal of certain decisions
1317A Definitions
1317B Applications for review
1317C Excluded decisions
1317D Notice of reviewable decision and review rights
Part 9.4AA--Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure provisions
1317DAAA Meaning of compensation proceedings
1317DAA Application of this Part to disclosing entities
1317DAB Purpose and effect of this Part
1317DAC Issue of infringement notice
1317DAD Statement of reasons must be given
1317DAE Matters to be included in infringement notice
1317DAF Effect of issue and compliance with infringement notice
1317DAG Effect of failure to comply with infringement notice
1317DAH Meaning of compliance period
1317DAI Withdrawal of infringement notice
1317DAJ Publication in relation to infringement notices
Part 9.4AB--Infringement notices for other alleged contraventions
Division 1--General
1317DAM When an infringement notice may be given
1317DAN Provisions subject to an infringement notice
1317DAP Matters to be included in an infringement notice
1317DAPA Giving infringement notices in relation to restricted civil penalty provisions
Division 2--Infringement notices given by ASIC
1317DAPB Application of Division
1317DAQ Payment period
1317DAR Extension of time to pay amount
1317DAS Payment by instalments
1317DAT Withdrawal of an infringement notice
Division 3--Infringement notices given by Financial Services and Credit Panels
1317DATA Application of Division
1317DATB Payment period, extension of time and payment by instalments
1317DATC Withdrawal of an infringement notice given by a Financial Services and Credit Panel
1317DAU Effect of payment of amount
1317DAV Effect of this Part
Part 9.4B--Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions
Division 1--The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders
1317E Declaration of contravention of a civil penalty provision
1317F Declaration of contravention is conclusive evidence
1317G Pecuniary penalty orders
1317GAA Civil enforcement of pecuniary penalty order
1317GAB Relinquishing the benefit derived and detriment avoided from contravening a civil penalty provision
1317GAC Civil enforcement of relinquishment order
1317GAD Meaning of benefit derived and detriment avoided --civil penalty provision
1317GA Refund orders--charging ongoing fee after termination of arrangement
1317GB Refund orders--contraventions of section 962R or 962S
1317H Compensation orders--corporation/scheme civil penalty provisions
1317HA Compensation orders--financial services civil penalty provisions
1317HB Compensation orders--market integrity rules and client money reporting rules
1317HC Compensation orders--financial benchmark rules or compelled financial benchmark rules
1317HE Compensation orders--Passport Rules
Division 2--Procedural and other matters relating to orders by the Court
1317J Who may apply for a declaration or order
1317K Time limit for application for a declaration or order
1317L Civil evidence and procedure rules for declarations of contravention and civil penalty orders
1317M Civil proceedings after criminal proceedings
1317N Criminal proceedings during civil proceedings
1317P Criminal proceedings after civil proceedings
1317Q Evidence given in proceedings for penalty not admissible in criminal proceedings
1317QA Continuing contraventions of civil penalty provisions
1317QB State of mind
1317QC Mistake of fact
1317QD Exceptions etc. to civil penalty provisions--burden of proof
1317QE Civil penalty provisions contravened by employees, agents or officers
1317QF Preference must be given to compensate persons who suffer damage as a result of contravention
1317R ASIC requiring person to assist
1317S Relief from liability for contravention of civil penalty provision
Part 9.5--Powers of Courts
1318 Power to grant relief
1319 Power of Court to give directions with respect to meetings ordered by the Court
1322 Irregularities
1323 Power of Court to prohibit payment or transfer of money, financial products or other property
1324 Injunctions
1324A Provisions relating to prosecutions
1324B Order to disclose information or publish advertisements
1325 Other orders
1325A Orders if contravention of Chapter 6, 6A, 6B or 6C
1325B Court may order bidder to make offers
1325C Unfair or unconscionable agreements, payments or benefits
1325D Contravention due to inadvertence etc.
1325E Orders to secure compliance
1326 Effect of sections 1323, 1324 and 1325
1327 Power of Court to punish for contempt of Court
Part 9.6--Proceedings
1330 ASIC's power to intervene in proceedings
1331 Civil proceedings not to be stayed
1332 Standard of proof
1333 Evidence of contravention
1335 Costs
1336 Vesting of property
Part 9.6A--Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts
Division 1--Civil jurisdiction
Subdivision A--Preliminary
1337A Operation of Division
Subdivision B--Conferral of jurisdiction
1337B Jurisdiction of Federal Court and State and Territory Supreme Courts
1337C Jurisdiction of Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1) and State Family Courts
1337D Jurisdiction of courts (decisions to prosecute and related criminal justice process decisions made by Commonwealth officers)
1337E Jurisdiction of lower courts
1337F Appeals
1337G Courts to act in aid of each other
Subdivision C--Transfer of proceedings
1337H Transfer of proceedings by the Federal Court and State and Territory Supreme Courts
1337J Transfer of proceedings by Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1) and State Family Courts
1337K Transfer of proceedings in lower courts
1337L Further matters for a court to consider when deciding whether to transfer a proceeding
1337M Transfer may be made at any stage
1337N Transfer of documents
1337P Conduct of proceedings
1337Q Rights of appearance
1337R Limitation on appeals
Subdivision D--Rules of court
1337S Rules of the Federal Court
1337T Rules of the Supreme Court
1337U Rules of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1)
Division 2--Criminal jurisdiction
1338A Operation of Division
1338AA Criminal jurisdiction of the Federal Court
1338B Criminal jurisdiction of State and Territory courts
1338C Laws to be applied
Part 9.7--Unclaimed property
1339 ASIC to deal with unclaimed property
1340 No liability to pay calls on shares etc.
1341 Entitlement to unclaimed property
1342 Commonwealth or ASIC not liable for loss or damage
1343 Disposal of securities if whereabouts of holder unknown
1343A Disposal of interests in registered scheme if whereabouts of member unknown
Part 9.9--Miscellaneous
1344 Use of ABN
1345 Exceptional circumstances--giving documents
1345A Minister may delegate prescribed functions and powers under this Act
1346 Non - application of rule against perpetuities to certain schemes
1348 Operation of Life Insurance Act
1349 Privilege against exposure to penalty--disqualification etc.
1350 Compensation for compulsory acquisition
Part 9.10--Fees imposed by the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001 and the Corporations (Review Fees) Act 2003
1351 Fees are payable to the Commonwealth
1354 Lodgment of document without payment of fee
1355 Doing act without payment of fee
1356 Effect of sections 1354 and 1355
1359 Waiver and refund of fees
1360 Debts due to the Commonwealth
1362 Payment of fee does not give right to inspect or search
Part 9.11--Coronavirus known as COVID - 19
1362A Coronavirus known as COVID - 19
Part 9.12--Regulations
1364 Power to make regulations
1365 Scope of particular regulations
1366 Verifying or certifying documents
1367 Documents lodged by an agent
1367A Publication in the prescribed manner
1368 Exemptions from Chapter 6D or 7
1369A State termination of reference
Chapter 10--Transitional provisions
Part 10.1--Transition from the old corporations legislation
Division 1--Preliminary
1370 Object of Part
1371 Definitions
1372 Relationship of Part with State validation Acts
1373 References to things taken or deemed to be the case etc.
1374 Existence of several versions of old corporations legislation does not result in this Part operating to take same thing to be done several times under new corporations legislation etc.
1375 Penalty units in respect of pre - commencement conduct remain at $100
1376 Ceasing to be a referring State does not affect previous operation of this Part
Division 2--Carrying over registration of companies
1377 Division has effect subject to Division 7 regulations
1378 Existing registered companies continue to be registered
Division 3--Carrying over the old Corporations Regulations
1379 Division has effect subject to Division 7 regulations
1380 Old Corporations Regulations continue to have effect
Division 4--Court proceedings and orders
1381 Division has effect subject to Division 7 regulations
1382 Definitions
1383 Treatment of court proceedings under or related to the old corporations legislation--proceedings other than federal corporations proceedings
1384 Treatment of court proceedings under or related to the old corporations legislation--federal corporations proceedings
1384A Appeals etc. in relation to some former federal corporations proceedings
1384B Effect of decisions and orders made in federal corporations proceedings before commencement
1385 References to proceedings and orders in the new corporations legislation
Division 5--Other specific transitional provisions
1386 Division has effect subject to Division 7 regulations
1387 Certain applications lapse on the commencement
1388 Carrying over the Partnerships and Associations Application Order
1389 Evidentiary certificates
1390 Preservation of nomination of body corporate as SEGC
1391 Preservation of identification of satisfactory records
1392 Retention of information obtained under old corporations legislation of non - referring State
1393 Transitional provisions relating to section 1351 fees
1394 Transitional provisions relating to securities exchange fidelity fund levies
1395 Transitional provisions relating to National Guarantee Fund levies
1396 Transitional provisions relating to futures organisation fidelity fund levies
Division 6--General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the old corporations legislation
1397 Limitations on scope of this Division
1398 Provisions of this Division may have an overlapping effect
1399 Things done by etc. carried over provisions continue to have effect
1400 Creation of equivalent rights and liabilities to those that existed before the commencement under carried over provisions of the old corporations legislation
1401 Creation of equivalent rights and liabilities to those that existed before the commencement under repealed provisions of the old corporations legislation
1402 Old corporations legislation time limits etc.
1403 Preservation of significance etc. of events or circumstances
1404 References in the new corporations legislation generally include references to events, circumstances or things that happened or arose before the commencement
1405 References in the new corporations legislation to that legislation or the new ASIC legislation generally include references to corresponding provisions of the old corporations legislation or old ASIC legislation
1406 Carrying over references to corresponding previous laws
1407 References to old corporations legislation in instruments
1408 Old transitional provisions continue to have their effect
Division 7--Regulations dealing with transitional matters
1409 Regulations may deal with transitional matters
Part 10.2--Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001
Division 1--Transitional provisions relating to the phasing - in of the new financial services regime
Subdivision A--Preliminary
1410 Definitions
Subdivision B--Treatment of existing markets
1411 When is a market being operated immediately before the FSR commencement?
1412 Treatment of proposed markets that have not started to operate by the FSR commencement
1413 Obligation of Minister to grant licences covering main existing markets
1414 Section 1413 markets--effect of licences and conditions
1415 Section 1413 markets--preservation of old Corporations Act provisions during transition period
1416 Section 1413 markets--powers for regulations to change how the old and new Corporations Act apply during the transition period
1417 Section 1413 markets--additional provisions relating to previously unregulated services
1418 Treatment of exempt stock markets and exempt futures markets (other than markets with no identifiable single operator)
1419 Treatment of exempt stock markets and exempt futures markets that do not have a single identifiable operator
1420 Treatment of stock markets of approved securities organisations
1421 Treatment of special stock markets for unquoted interests in a registered scheme
1422 Treatment of other markets that were not unauthorised
Subdivision C--Treatment of existing clearing and settlement facilities
1423 When is a clearing and settlement facility being operated immediately before the FSR commencement?
1424 Treatment of proposed clearing and settlement facilities that have not started to operate by the FSR commencement
1424A Treatment of unregulated clearing and settlement facilities operated by holders of old Corporations Act approvals
1425 Obligation of Minister to grant licences covering main existing facilities
1426 Section 1425 facilities--effect of licences and conditions
1427 Section 1425 facilities--powers for regulations to change how the old and new Corporations Act apply during the transition period
1428 Section 1425 facilities--additional provisions relating to previously unregulated services
1429 Treatment of other clearing and settlement facilities
Subdivision D--Treatment of people who carry on financial services businesses and their representatives
1430 Meaning of regulated principal , regulated activities and relevant old legislation
1431 Parts 7.6, 7.7 and 7.8 of the amended Corporations Act generally do not apply to a regulated principal during the transition period
1432 Continued application of relevant old legislation
1433 Streamlined licensing procedure for certain regulated principals
1434 Special licences for insurance multi - agents during first 2 years after FSR commencement
1435 Licensing decisions made within the first 2 years of the FSR commencement--regard may be had to conduct and experience of applicant or related body corporate that currently provides same or similar services
1436 Treatment of representatives--general
1436A Treatment of representatives--insurance agents
1437 Exemptions and modifications by ASIC
Subdivision E--Product disclosure requirements
1438 New product disclosure provisions do not apply to existing products during transition period
1439 Offences against new product disclosure provisions--additional element for prosecution to prove if conduct occurs after opting - in and before the end of the first 2 years
1440 Continued application of certain provisions of old disclosure regimes during transition period
1441 Certain persons who are not yet covered by Parts 7.6, 7.7 and 7.8 of the amended Corporations Act are required to comply with Part 7.9 obligations as if they were regulated persons
1442 Exemptions and modifications by ASIC
Subdivision F--Certain other product - related requirements
1442A Deferred application of hawking prohibition
1442B Deferred application of confirmation of transaction and cooling - off provisions etc.
Division 2--Other transitional provisions
1443 Definitions
1444 Regulations may deal with transitional, saving or application matters
1445 ASIC determinations may deal with transitional, saving or application matters
Part 10.3--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment Act 2003
1447 Application of sections 601AB and 601PB
1448 Application of amendments made by Schedule 4 to the Corporations Legislation Amendment Act 2003
Part 10.4--Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform Amendment Act 2003
1449 Definition
1450 Application of Part 10.2 to Chapter 7 as amended by Schedule 2 to the amending Act
1451 Provisions relating to the scope of the amendments of Chapter 7 made by Schedule 2
1452 Amendments of section 1274
Part 10.5--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004
1453 Definitions
1454 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (auditing standards and audit working papers retention rules)
1455 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (adoption of auditing standards made by accounting profession before commencement)
1456 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (new competency standard provisions)
1457 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (new annual statement requirements for auditors)
1458 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (imposition of conditions on existing registration as company auditor)
1459 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (application of items 62 and 63)
1460 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (non - audit services disclosure)
1461 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (auditor appointment)
1462 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (auditor independence)
1463 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (auditor rotation)
1464 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (listed company AGMs)
1465 Schedule 2 to the amending Act (financial reporting)
1466A Schedule 2A to the amending Act (true and fair view)
1466 Schedule 3 to the amending Act (proportionate liability)
1467 Schedule 4 to the amending Act (enforcement)
1468 Schedule 5 to the amending Act (remuneration of directors and executives)
1469 Schedule 6 to the amending Act (continuous disclosure)
1470 Schedule 7 to the amending Act (disclosure rules)
1471 Schedule 8 to the amending Act (shareholder participation and information)
Part 10.8--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Takeovers) Act 2007
1478 Application of amendments of the takeovers provisions
Part 10.9--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Insolvency) Act 2007
1479 Definition
1480 Schedule 1 to the amending Act (improving outcomes for creditors)
1481 Schedule 2 to the amending Act (deterring corporate misconduct)
1482 Schedule 3 to the amending Act (improving regulation of insolvency practitioners)
1483 Schedule 4 to the amending Act (fine - tuning voluntary administration)
Part 10.10--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Short Selling) Act 2008
1484 Declarations under paragraph 1020F(1)(c) relating to short selling
Part 10.11--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2009
1485 Application of new subsection 206B(6)
1486 Application of new section 206EAA
Part 10.12--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009
Division 1--Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009
1487 Definitions
1488 Application of amendments--general
1489 Applications of amendments--application for and grant of licences etc. authorising margin lending financial services
1490 Application of amendments--between 6 and 12 months after commencement
1492 Regulations
Division 2--Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 2 to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009
1493 Definitions
1494 Transitional provisions relating to limit on control of trustee companies
1495 Transitional provisions relating to the amendments of Chapter 7
1496 General power for regulations to deal with transitional matters
Division 3--Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 3 to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009
1497 Definitions
1498 Application of amendments
Part 10.13--Transitional provisions relating to the Personal Property Securities (Corporations and Other Amendments) Act 2010
1499 Definitions
1500 Charges, liens and pledges--continuation of restriction of references
1501 Charges, liens, pledges and third party property--application
1501A References to the whole or substantially the whole of a company's property
1501B Constructive notice of registrable charges
1502 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)--general
1503 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)--cessation of requirements in relation to documents or notices
1504 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)--application of section 266
1505 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)--cessation of company registration requirements
1506 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)--priority between registrable charges
1507 New section 440B (restrictions on third party property rights)
1508 New subsection 442CB(1) (administrator's duty of care)
1509 New section 588FP (security interests in favour of an officer of a company etc. void)
1510 Winding up applied for before the commencement time
Part 10.14--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Corporate Reporting Reform) Act 2010
1510A Definition
1510B Application of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act
Part 10.15--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Financial Market Supervision) Act 2010
1511 Definition
1512 Application of amendments
1513 Regulations may deal with transitional matters
Part 10.16--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2010
1516 Application of amendments
Part 10.17--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Act 2011
1517 Application of Subdivision B of Division 1 of Part 2D.3
1518 Application of sections 206J, 206K, 206L and 206M
1519 Application of subsection 249L(2)
1520 Application of section 250BB
1521 Application of section 250BC
1522 Application of section 250BD
1523 Application of subsections 250R(4) to (10)
1524 Application of Division 9 of Part 2G.2
1525 Application of amendments of section 300A
Part 10.18--Transitional and application provisions relating to the Future of Financial Advice Measures
Division 1--Provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Further Future of Financial Advice Measures) Act 2012
1526 Definitions
1527 Application of best interests obligations
1528 Application of ban on conflicted remuneration
1529 Application of ban on other remuneration--volume - based shelf - space fees
1530 Section 1350 does not apply to regulations made for the purposes of subsection 1528(2) or 1529(2)
1531 Application of ban on other remuneration--asset - based fees on borrowed amounts
Division 2--Provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Financial Advice Measures) Act 2016
1531A Definitions
1531B Best interests obligation
1531C Renewal notices (opt - in requirement)
1531D Disclosure statements
1531E Conflicted remuneration
Part 10.19--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Phoenixing and Other Measures) Act 2012
1532 Definition
1533 Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act (winding up by ASIC)
1534 Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act (publication requirements)
1535 Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act (miscellaneous amendments)
Part 10.20--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Audit Enhancement) Act 2012
1536 Definitions
1537 Application of amendments relating to annual transparency reports
Part 10.21--Transitional provision relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial Reporting Panel) Act 2012
1538 Courts etc. may have regard to Financial Reporting Panel report
Part 10.21A--Transitional provisions relating to the Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Service Providers and Other Governance Measures) Act 2013
1538A Application of amendments relating to contributions to a fund or scheme
1538B Application of amendments relating to Statements of Advice
Part 10.22--Transitional provisions relating to the Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Further MySuper and Transparency Measures) Act 2012
1539 Application of section 1017BA (Obligation to make product dashboard publicly available)
1540 Application of subsection 1017BB(1) (Obligation to make information relating to investment of assets of superannuation entities publicly available)
Part 10.22A--Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving Accountability and Member Outcomes in Superannuation Measures No. 1) Act 2019
1541A Application of amendments relating to portfolio holdings disclosure
Part 10.23--Transitional provisions relating to the Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Act 2014
1542 Definition
1543 Transitional--carbon units issued before the designated carbon unit day
1544 Transitional--variation of conditions on Australian financial services licences
1545 Transitional--immediate cancellation of Australian financial services licences
1546 Transitional--statements of reasons for cancellation of Australian financial services licences
Part 10.23A--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Professional Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017
Division 1--Definitions
1546A Definitions
Division 2--Application and transitional provisions
1546C Application of limitation on authorisation to provide personal advice and offence
1546D Application of requirements relating to provisional relevant providers
1546E Application of continuing professional development standard for relevant providers
1546F Application of Code of Ethics to relevant providers
1546G Application of obligations in relation to compliance schemes
1546H Application of obligation for standards body to publish annual report
1546J Application of obligation to notify ASIC about a person who becomes a relevant provider
1546K Application of requirements relating to information about relevant provider's principal place of business
1546L Application of requirements relating to information about membership of professional associations where relevant provider is licensee
1546M Application of requirements relating to information about membership of professional associations where relevant provider is not licensee
1546N Application of requirements relating to information about provisional relevant provider's work and training
1546P Application of ongoing obligation to notify ASIC when there is a change in a matter for a relevant provider
1546Q Application of obligation to notify ASIC about a person who starts to have control of a body corporate licensee
1546R Application of obligation to notify ASIC about a person who ceases to have control of a body corporate licensee
1546S Application of obligation for relevant providers to provide information to financial services licensees
1546T Application of requirements relating to Register of Relevant Providers
1546U Relevant provider numbers given before commencement
1546V Continuation of Register of Relevant Providers
Division 3--Transitional notices
1546W Obligation to notify ASIC of certain information
1546X Obligation to notify ASIC of CPD year
1546ZA Offence for failing to lodge transitional notices
Part 10.24--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Deregulatory and Other Measures) Act 2014
1547 Definitions
1548 Application of amendments relating to calling of general meetings
1549 Application of amendments relating to directors' reports for listed companies
Part 10.24A--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Life Insurance Remuneration Arrangements) Act 2017
1549A Definitions
1549B Applications of amendments relating to life risk insurance products
Part 10.25--Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)
Division 1--Introduction
1550 Simplified outline of this Part
1551 Definitions
Division 2--Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related consequential amendments
Subdivision A--Registering liquidators
1552 Applications for registration under the old Act
1553 Persons registered under the old Act continue to be registered under the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)
1554 Old Act registrant's details
1555 Period of old Act registrant's registration under the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)
1556 Conditions for old Act registrants--conditions under the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)
1557 Current conditions for old Act registrants--undertakings under the old Act
1558 Current conditions for old Act registrants--undertakings under the ASIC Act
1559 Old Act registrant registered as liquidator of a specified body corporate
1560 Old Act registrant chooses not to renew
Subdivision B--Annual returns and statements
1561 Application of obligation to lodge annual liquidator returns
Subdivision C--Notice requirements
1562 Notice of significant events
Subdivision D--Cancellation by ASIC under the old Act
1563 Request for cancellation made before the commencement day
1564 Decision to cancel registration made before the commencement day
Subdivision E--Disciplinary proceedings before the Board
1565 Matters not dealt with by the Board before the commencement day
1566 Matters dealt with by the Board before the commencement day
1567 Matters which the Board refuses to deal with before the commencement day
1568 Board considering terminating suspension before the commencement day
1569 Sharing information between the Board and committees
Subdivision F--Suspension, cancellation and disciplinary action under the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)
1570 Direction to comply with requirement to lodge documents etc.
1571 Suspension by ASIC under the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)
1572 Cancellation by ASIC under the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)
1573 Show - cause notice under the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)
1574 Lifting or shortening suspension under the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)
1575 Action initiated by industry bodies
Subdivision G--Powers of the Court and other bodies
1576 Application of court powers under section 45 - 1 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)
1577 Powers to deal with registration under the old Act on or after the commencement day
Division 3--Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related consequential amendments
Subdivision A--Introduction
1578 Simplified outline of this Division
Subdivision B--General rules for Part 3
1579 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)--general rules
Subdivision C--Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators
1580 Application of Division 60 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)--general rule
1581 Old Act continues to apply in relation to remuneration for administrators already appointed
1582 Duties of administrators relating to remuneration and other benefits
1583 Old Act continues to apply in relation to any right of indemnity
1584 Application of new provisions about vacancies of court - appointed liquidator
1585 Application of new provisions about exercise of powers while company under external administration
Subdivision D--Funds handling
1586 Application of Division 65 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)--general rule
1587 Administration account
1588 Paying money into administration account
1589 Paying money out of administration account
1590 Handling securities
Subdivision E--Information
1591 Application of Division 70 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)--general rule
1592 Accounts and administration returns
1593 Administration books
1594 Audit of administration books
1595 Transfer of administration books
1596 Retention and destruction of administration books
1597 Giving information to creditors etc.
1598 Commonwealth may request information
1599 Reporting to ASIC
1600 Old Act continues to apply in relation to notices to remedy default
Subdivision F--Meetings
1601 Application of Division 75 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)--general rule
1602 External administrator must convene meetings in certain circumstances
1603 Old Act continues to apply in relation to reporting for first year of administration
1604 Old Act continues to apply to the deregistration of companies
1605 Old Act continues to apply for certain meetings convened etc. before commencement day
1606 Outcome of voting at creditors' meeting determined by related entity or on casting vote--Court powers
Subdivision G--Committees of inspection
1607 Application of Division 80 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)--general rules
1608 Appointing committees of inspection
1609 Old Act continues to apply to certain reports by administrator
1610 Membership of continued committees
1611 Validity of appointment under section 548 of the old Act not affected by lack of separate meeting of contributories
1612 Continued application of directions by creditors or committees under the old Act
1613 Committee of inspection may request information
1614 Duties of members of committee of inspection and creditors relating to profits and advantages etc.
Subdivision H--Review of the external administration of a company
1615 Application of Division 90 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)--general rule
1616 Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) provisions that conflict with old Act Court orders--general rule
1617 Old Act continues to apply in relation to ongoing proceedings before a court--general rule
1618 Court powers to inquire into and make orders
1619 Review by another registered liquidator
1620 Removal by creditors
Division 4--Administrative review
1621 Administrative Appeals Tribunal or Administrative Review Tribunal proceedings
Division 5--Application of other consequential amendments
1622 Outcome of voting at creditors' meeting determined by related entity or on casting vote--Court powers
1623 Returns and accounts by controllers
1624 Transfer of books by a controller to a new controller or ASIC
1625 Officers reporting to controller about corporation's affairs
1626 Lodging notice of execution of a deed of company arrangement
1627 Office of liquidator appointed by the Court
1628 Report as to company's affairs to be submitted to liquidator
1629 Orders for release or deregistration
1630 Meeting relating to the voluntary winding up of a company
1632 Electronic methods of giving or sending certain notices
1633 Deregistration following winding up
Division 6--Regulations
1634 Regulations
Part 10.26--Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 3 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016
1635 Application of amendments made by Schedule 3 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016
Part 10.28--Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2016 Measures No. 1) Act 2017
1636A Application of subsections 981D(2) and 984B(3)
1637 Application of subparagraph 1274(2)(a)(iva) and subsections 1274(2AA) and (2AB)
Part 10.30--Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measures No. 5) Act 2018
1639 Definitions
1640 Application--obligation to comply with rules about financial benchmarks
1641 Application--offences relating to manipulation of financial benchmarks
1642 Application--extended meaning of financial products and Division 3 financial products for Part 7.10
Part 10.31--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Crowd - sourced Funding for Proprietary Companies) Act 2018
1643 Application of amendments
Part 10.32--Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) Act 2019
1644 Application of amendments
1644A Application of amendments relating to penalties
Part 10.33--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Asia Region Funds Passport) Act 2018
1645 Saving delegations
1646 Decisions to give, withdraw or not withdraw a notice under subsection 1313(1)
Part 10.34--Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Strengthening Protections for Employee Entitlements) Act 2019
1647 Application--protection of employee entitlements
1648 Application--contribution orders
1649 Application--director disqualification
Part 10.35--Application and transitional provisions relating to registries modernisation amendments
1650 Definitions
1650A Validation of acts or things done during interim period
1650B Application of amendments
1650C Things started but not finished by ASIC
1650D Register of Liquidators
Part 10.35A--Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 2 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Registries Modernisation and Other Measures) Act 2020
1653 Director identification numbers
Part 10.36--Application and transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Strengthening Corporate and Financial Sector Penalties) Act 2019
1655 Definitions
1656 Application--offences
1657 Application--civil penalty provisions
1658 Application--offence provisions repealed and substituted with conduct rules with multiple consequences
1659 Application--infringement notices
1660 Application--definition of dishonesty
Part 10.37--Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Combating Illegal Phoenixing) Act 2020
1661 Application of amendments
Part 10.38--Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Mutual Reforms) Act 2019
1662 Application of amendments made by Schedule 1 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Mutual Reforms) Act 2019
Part 10.39--Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 3 to the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response--Stronger Regulators (2019 Measures)) Act 2020
1663 Definitions
1664 Application--existing financial services licensee
1665 Application--applications made before commencement
Part 10.40--Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 4 to the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response--Stronger Regulators (2019 Measures)) Act 2020
1666 Application--conduct etc. relevant to new banning and disqualification orders
1667 Transitional--existing banning and disqualification orders
Part 10.41--Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2019 Measures No. 3) Act 2020
1668 Transitional--delegations
Part 10.42--Transitional provisions relating to the Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus Act 2020
1669 Application of amendments made by Schedule 12 to the Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus Act 2020
Part 10.43--Application provisions relating to Schedule 10 to the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Act 2020
1670 Application of Reference Checking and Information Sharing Protocol
Part 10.44--Application and transitional provisions relating to Schedule 11 to the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Act 2020
1671 Definitions
1671A Continued application of paragraph 601FC(1)(l) and section 912D
1671B Application of sections 912DAA and 912DAB
1671C Application of section 912DAC
1671D Application of ASIC's obligations to publish information under section 912DAD
1671E Application of provisions dealing with notifying and compensating a person affected by a reportable situation
Part 10.45--Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Act 2020
1672 Transitional--Banking Code of Practice
Part 10.46--Application and transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response No. 2) Act 2021
Division 1--Introduction
1673 Definitions
Division 2--New ongoing fee arrangements
1673A Application provision for new ongoing fee arrangements
Division 3--Existing ongoing fee arrangements
1673B Application of this Division
1673C Application--annual requirement to give fee disclosure statement
1673D Transitional--existing obligation to give a fee disclosure statement under section 962G
1673E Transitional--existing obligation to give a renewal notice and fee disclosure statement under section 962K
1673F Application--consent requirements for deductions of ongoing fees
1673G Application--compliance records
Part 10.47--Application and transitional provisions relating to Schedule 2 to the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response No. 2) Act 2021
1674 Application of disclosure of lack of independence reforms
1674A Obligation to give updated Financial Services Guide
Part 10.48--Application and transitional provisions relating to Schedule 7 to the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Act 2020
1675 Definitions
1675A Application of claims handling and settling services reforms
1675B Transition periods
1675C Application during transition period
Part 10.49--Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 9 to the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Act 2020
1676 Definitions
1676A Automatic extension of licence conditions on the commencement day--licensees who are authorised to deal
1676B Automatic extension of licence conditions--licence applications pending just before commencement day
1676C Automatic extension of licence conditions--variation applications pending just before commencement day
1676D Automatic licence conditions may be varied etc.
Part 10.51--Transitional provisions relating to the Territories Legislation Amendment Act 2020
1678 Definitions
1678A Registration of Norfolk Island companies--general
1678B Registration of Norfolk Island companies--registration process and other matters
1678C Registration of Norfolk Island companies--provision of information
1678E Saving of rules in relation to particular corporations
1678F Director identification numbers--Norfolk Island company directors
Part 10.52--Application and transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 1) Act 2021
1679 Definitions
1679A Application--virtual meetings and electronic communications
1679C Application--recording and keeping of minute books
1679D Application--execution of documents
Part 10.53--Application and transitional provisions relating to meetings and communications under the Corporations Amendment (Corporate Insolvency Reforms) Act 2020
1680 Definitions
1680A Application of COVID - 19 instrument
1680B Validation of things done under COVID - 19 instruments
Part 10.54--Application provisions relating to simplified liquidation process under the Corporations Amendment (Corporate Insolvency Reforms) Act 2020
1681 Application of amendments relating to the simplified liquidation process
Part 10.55--Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Your Future, Your Super) Act 2021
1682 Application of amendment relating to portfolio holdings disclosure
Part 10.56--Application and transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 1) Act 2021
1683 Definitions
1683A Application
1683B Review of operation of laws
1683C Amendments made by Schedule 2 to the amending Act cease to have effect if review of operation of laws is not conducted
Part 10.57--Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response--Better Advice) Act 2021 and related measures
Division 1--Definitions
1684 Definitions
Division 2--Transitional provisions for existing providers
1684AA Experienced provider pathway
1684A Application--qualifications for existing providers
1684B Application--exam for existing providers
1684C Application--existing providers who meet certain education and training standards exempt from work and training requirement
1684D Application--limitation on authorisation of existing providers to provide personal advice
1684E Transitional--Minister may determine courses for certain purposes
Division 3--Other transitional provisions relating to the amending Act
1684F Transitional--exams
1684G Application--continuing professional development
1684H Application--action against relevant providers
1684J Application--recommendations to ASIC in relation to restricted civil penalty provisions
1684K Application--warnings and reprimands
1684M Saving--determinations made for education and training standards
1684N Saving--word or expression to refer to a provisional relevant provider
1684P Saving--Code of Ethics
1684Q Transitional--approvals of foreign qualifications
1684R Saving--approvals of foreign qualifications that are in force
1684S Transitional--approvals of foreign qualifications that are not yet in force
1684T Transitional--orders under section 30 - 20 of the old Tax Agent Services Act
1684U Transitional--deemed registration of certain relevant providers
1684V Transitional--transfer of documents
Division 3A--Transitional provisions relating to the second amending Act
1684VA Application of amendment--approval of domestic qualifications
1684VB Transitional--determination approving degrees and qualifications
1684VC Certain requirements for registered tax agents
Part 10.58--Application and transitional provisions relating to Schedule 6 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 4) Act 2023
1685 Financial reporting and auditing requirements for registrable superannuation entities
Part 10.59--Application provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 5) Act 2021
1686 Definitions
1686A Qualified privilege for restructuring practitioners
1686B Protection of persons dealing with restructuring practitioner
1686C Eligibility criteria for simplified liquidation
1686D Powers and duties of liquidator
1686E Withdrawal of market bids
Part 10.60--Application and transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Act 2022
1687 Definitions
1687A Application--Signing and execution of documents
1687B Application--meetings
1687C Application--sending documents
1687D Transitional--elections to be sent documents in hard copy made under section 253RB or 253RC
1687E Transitional--elections to receive annual reports in particular form
1687F Transitional--elections not to be sent annual reports
1687G Transitional--requests for full reports
1687H Transitional--other elections to be sent documents in particular form
1687J Review of operation of laws
1687K Provisions relating to holding virtual - only meetings cease to have effect if report of review of operation of laws is not tabled within certain period
Part 10.62--Application provisions relating to Schedule 8 to the Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle Framework and Other Measures Act 2022
1689 Definitions
1690 Application of paragraph 912D(3)(e)
1691 Application of subsection 912D(6)
1692 Saving of regulation 7.6.04A of the Corporations Regulations 2001
Part 10.63--Application provisions relating to Part 7 of Schedule 4 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 1) Act 2022
1693 Definitions
1693A Application provision
1693B Instruments that provide relief from requirements of this Act--Lodgement of annual reports by large proprietary companies
Part 10.64--Application and transitional provisions relating to Schedules 1 and 4 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Modernising Business Communications and Other Measures) Act 2023
Division 1--Modernising Business Communications
1694 Definitions
1694A Application--signing documents
1694B Application--sending documents
1694C Application--uncontactable members
1694D Application--directors' meetings
1694E Transitional--elections by Australian members of notified foreign passport funds to receive annual reports in particular form etc.
1694F Transitional--elections by members of companies limited by guarantee to receive reports etc.
Division 2--Miscellaneous and Technical Amendments
1694G Application of amendments made by Division 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 4 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Modernising Business Communications and Other Measures) Act 2023
1694H Application of amendments made by Division 16 of Part 1 of Schedule 4 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Modernising Business Communications and Other Measures) Act 2023
1694J Transitional--Reference Checking and Information Sharing Protocol
Part 10.66--Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 4 of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Cost of Living Support and Other Measures) Act 2022
1696 Employee share schemes--recognised foreign markets
Part 10.67--Application provisions relating to Schedule 4 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 1) Act 2022
1697 Application of amendment to obligation to make product dashboard publicly available
Part 10.68--Application and transitional provisions relating to the ALRC Financial Services Interim Reports
Division 1--Schedule 2 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Modernising Business Communications and Other Measures) Act 2023
1698 Definitions
1698A Translation of references in instruments
Division 2--Schedules 1 and 2 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Law Improvement Package No. 1) Act 2023
1698B Definitions
1698C Translation of references in instruments
1698D Calculation of time
1698E Saving of Part 5D.6 authorisations
1698F Saving of existing prescribed forms
1689G Saving of existing regulations that are not to be remade
1698H Saving of declarations that a specified facility etc. is not a financial product
1698J Saving of appointments and delegations under Part 7.5
1698K Amendments of Division 5 of Part 7.8A do not affect the continuity of instruments made under section 994L
1698L Amendments of Part 9.12 do not affect the continuity of the regulations
Part 10.69--Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Act 2023
1699 Definitions
1699A Transitional--registration of relevant providers
1699B Transitional--relevant providers who are financial services licensees applying to be registered
1699C Transitional--financial services licensees applying to register relevant providers
1699D Transitional--registration suspension orders
1699E Transitional--registration prohibition orders
1699F Transitional--action by Financial Services and Credit Panels against relevant providers
1699G Application of amendment--requirement for relevant providers to be registered
1699H Application of amendment--deemed registration of certain relevant providers
Part 10.70--Application provisions relating to Schedule 5 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Law Improvement Package No. 1) Act 2023
1700 Exemptions from requirement to give Financial Services Guide
Part 10.71--Application provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No. 3) Act 2023
1701 Schemes for avoiding certain product intervention orders
Part 10.72--Application provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Making Multinationals Pay Their Fair Share--Integrity and Transparency) Act 2024
1702 Application of amendments
Part 10.73--Application provisions relating to Schedule 8 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Support for Small Business and Charities and Other Measures) Act 2024
1703 Application provision
Part 10.75--Application and transitional provisions relating to Schedule 2 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Act 2024
Division 1--Definitions
1705 Definitions
Division 2--Granting of Australian CS facility licences
1705A Application of amendments--applications for Australian CS facility licences
1705B Transitional--Australian CS facility licences in force before the commencement time
1705C Transitional--Australian CS facility licences in force before the commencement time for operating overseas clearing and settlement facilities
1705D Transitional--applications for an Australian CS facility licence undecided before the commencement time
Division 3--Dealing with licences that are not being used etc.
1705E Application of amendments--suspension or cancellation of licences
Division 4--Declared financial markets and widely held market bodies
Subdivision A--Declared financial markets
1705F Transitional--prescribed financial markets to be declared financial markets
1705G Translation of references to prescribed financial markets in instruments
Subdivision B--Widely held market bodies
1705H Transitional--widely held market bodies
1705J Application of amendments--preservation of voting power
1705K Transitional--pre - commencement approvals granted for preservation of voting power
Division 5--Approval for control of certain Australian licensees
1705L Transitional--preservation of voting power in controlled Australian financial bodies
1705M Application of amendments--market licensees and CS facility licensees
Division 6--Limits on certain market licences and CS facility licences
1705N Transitional--exemptions (Part 7.2)
1705P Transitional--exemptions (Part 7.3)
Division 7--Rule - making
1705Q Application of amendments
Division 8--Streamlining some of ASIC's existing directions powers
1705R Application of amendments
Division 9--Enhancing regulator powers for CS facility licensees
1705S Transitional--directions power to reduce systemic risk
Part 10.76--Application and transitional provisions relating to Schedule 3 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Act 2024
1706 Definitions
1706A Transitional--Ministerial instruments
1706B Application of amendments--special reports and audit reports
1706C Transitional--reports in relation to market licensees
1706D Transitional--reports in relation to CS facility licensees
Part 10.77--Application and transitional provisions relating to Schedule 4 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Act 2024
Division 1--Preliminary
1707 Definitions
Division 2--Sustainability reporting
1707A Application of amendments--place where sustainability records are kept
1707B Application of amendments--sustainability reporting
1707C Application of amendments--directors' declaration
1707D Limited immunity for statements in new sustainability reporting
Division 3--Audit and review
1707E Accounting standards must deal with audit and review of sustainability reports before 1 July 2030
1707F Review of sustainability report before 1 July 2030
Division 4--Review of operation of laws
1707G Review of operation of laws
Part 10.78--Provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Act 2024
Division 1--Ongoing fee arrangements
1708 Definitions
1708A Application--new ongoing fee arrangements
1708B Application--existing ongoing fee arrangements
Division 2--Conflicted remuneration
1708C Benefits given by a retail client
1708D Benefits for employees of ADIs
Part 10.79--Application provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Fairer for Families and Farmers and Other Measures) Act 2024
1709 Application provision
1710 Declaration of relevant relationships