(1) In the case of a Senate election, an elector shall only be admitted to vote for the election of Senators for the State or Territory for which he or she is enrolled.
(2) In the case of a House of Representatives election, an elector shall only be admitted to vote for the election of a member for the Division for which he or she is enrolled.
(3) For the purposes of this section, the electoral Rolls in force at the time of the election are conclusive evidence of the right of each person enrolled on the Rolls, other than:
(a) a person whose name has been placed on a Roll because of a claim made under section 100 and who will be under 18 on the date fixed for the polling in the election; or
(b) a person who is covered by subsection 93(8AA) (sentences of imprisonment);
to vote as an elector, unless a person shows by his or her answers to the questions under section 200DI or 229 that he or she is not entitled to vote.