(1) This section applies if the Electoral Commission accepts, in whole or in part, a final claim made by the agent of a registered political party, candidate or group in relation to an election or elections.
(2) Within 20 days of the Electoral Commission receiving the claim, the Electoral Commission must pay the amount:
(a) payable in relation to the party, candidate or group under subsection 293(2), 294(2) or 295(2); and
(b) reduced by any amount that has been paid in relation to the party, candidate or group in accordance with section 296 or 298D.
The amount must be paid in accordance with paragraphs 298A(c) and (d).
Note 1: Under paragraphs 298A(c) and (d), a claim may specify the person or persons to whom, and percentages in which, election funding is payable.
Note 2: See also section 299A if the amount is payable to the agent of a registered political party.