(1) The Electoral Commission shall, as soon as practicable after an augmented Electoral Commission for a State has determined under subsection 73(1) the names and boundaries of the Electoral Divisions into which the State is to be distributed, forward to the Minister a copy of:
(a) the suggestions relating to the redistribution of the State lodged with the Redistribution Committee for the State in pursuance of paragraph 64(1)(a);
(b) the comments lodged with the Redistribution Committee in pursuance of paragraph 64(1)(b);
(c) the proposed redistribution made by the Redistribution Committee and its reasons for the proposed redistribution;
(d) if a member of the Redistribution Committee has stated in writing the reasons for his or her disagreement with the proposed redistribution--those reasons;
(e) the objections and comments lodged with the Electoral Commission under section 69;
(ea) the written record (if any) of the proceedings at any inquiry held under subsection 72(3);
(f) the determination of the augmented Electoral Commission under subsection 73(1) and its reasons for the determination; and
(g) if a member of the augmented Electoral Commission has stated in writing the reasons for his or her disagreement with the determination made by the augmented Electoral Commission--those reasons.
(2) The Minister shall cause copies of the suggestions, comments, proposed redistribution, reasons, objections, written record and determination referred to in subsection (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 5 sitting days of that House after receiving a copy of them.