(1) A film is taken to have been classified by the Board under this Act if:
(a) the film has been classified under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 , the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 or the Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991 at R18+ or a lower classification; and
(b) the film has not previously been classified under this Act; and
(c) after the film has been classified under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 , the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 or the Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991 , a person (the post - classification publisher ) proposes to publish the film.
Note 1: This Act does not apply to the broadcasting of the film: see section 92.
Note 2: The deemed classification by the Board is reviewable under Part 5. The post - classification publisher may also seek to have the film reclassified under Part 2: see section 6HB.
(2) The film is taken to have the same classification as the classification under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 , the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 or the Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991 that occurred most recently before the post - classification publisher proposes to publish the film.
(3) The classification under this Act takes effect:
(a) if the post - classification publisher is an entity that is licenced to provide broadcasting services under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992-- at the time the post - classification publisher proposes to publish the film; or
(aa) if the post - classification publisher is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation or the Special Broadcasting Service Corporation--at the time the post - classification publisher proposes to publish the film; or
(b) otherwise--at the time the post - classification publisher provides a notice of the classification under subsection (4).
Notice of classification
(4) A notice for the purposes of paragraph (3)(b) must:
(a) include details of the classification and the post - classification publisher; and
(b) be in a form approved by the Secretary of the Department.
(5) Subsection (1) does not apply to a film if:
(a) the film is a modified version of the film classified under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 , the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 or the Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991 (other than a film that only has modifications of a kind referred to subsection 21(2) or (3)); or
(b) the film contains an advertisement that has been refused approval under this Act.