(1) If the Registrar makes an assessment of an annual rate of child support payable by a parent for a day in a child support period under section 65A:
(a) the parent may apply to the Registrar for the section not to apply; or
(b) the parent is taken to have applied to the Registrar for the section not to apply if, immediately before the end of the previous child support period, the section did not apply because of a determination under this section.
(2) The parent making the application must provide evidence to the Registrar concerning the parent's income (within the meaning of subsection 66A(4)) to demonstrate that his or her current income is:
(a) less than the pension PP (single) maximum basic amount; and
(b) that it would be unjust and inequitable to expect him or her to pay the amount assessed under this section.
(3) An assessment issued by the Commissioner of Taxation for the last relevant year of income shall not be sufficient evidence of the income of the parent for the purposes of this section.
(4) If the parent makes an application, the Registrar may determine in writing that the section not apply to the parent if the parent's current income (within the meaning of subsection 66A(4)) is less than the pension PP (single) maximum basic amount and it would be unjust and inequitable to expect him or her to pay the amount assessed under this section.
Note: If the Registrar refuses to grant an application under this section, the Registrar must serve a notice on the applicant under section 66C.
(5) The Registrar must specify the day in the child support period on which the section ceases to apply to the parent. The day may be any day from the first day of the child support period on which an annual rate of child support under section 65A became payable by the parent.